How Republicans policies make us less safe.

Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Yet democrats want to have open borders?
Now tell me who makes the US less safe?
Dimwit policies are always about our 'safety' and our 'children'....

that's why they are bringing into our country contagious, diseased and/or gang member illegal children....:rolleyes:
Yep. The NRA. Their policy of no gun controls of any kind are responsible for the deaths of thousands.

^ Moron.

Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.
Why no, most agencies are competent enough to cover all the bases, no matter what political affilliation.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.
So this monstrous big government you are wanting, just exactly what makes it more prepared to deal with this type of attack??

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?
Are those the only two choices??
Vaccine Linked to Autism?
Link dismissed between MMR vaccine and autism.

WebMD Feature
WebMD Archive

Eric Gallup was a normally developing 15-month-old toddler living in Parsippany, New Jersey, when his parents took him for his first measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination in 1986. Shortly after he was vaccinated, they noticed changes in his behavior and ability to communicate. In 1989 he was diagnosed with autism.

Unlike the vast majority of MMR-vaccinated children, Eric had a serious reaction to the vaccine, his parents say. The Gallups are not alone in their belief that the MMR vaccine led to their child's autism. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, parents are pushing for research into a possible link between autism and childhood vaccination.

Autism, a developmental disability, is characterized by problems in social interaction and communication and by the need for sameness or repetition in behavior. It is usually identified in toddlers and is diagnosed more frequently in boys than in girls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The cause of autism remains a mystery, with most scientists believing that it may be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Barbara Loe Fisher, the parent of an autistic child and co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, believes that some cases of what she terms the "regressive" form of autism may be linked to the MMR vaccine. She says regressive autism is characterized by a sudden developmental downturn in a child who had previously been developing normally. The National Vaccine Information Center is a nonprofit educational organization in Vienna, Virginia, established by parents whose children were injured or died following vaccination.

Fisher's belief is based on the research of Paul Shattock, OBE, a biochemist-pharmacist who is founder of the Autism Research Unit at the University of Sunderland, England, and is also a parent of an autistic child. It is also based on the research of a few other scientists who believe there may be a correlation between autism and MMR vaccination.

What Does the Medical Establishment Believe?

The CDC, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Working Party on MMR Vaccine of the United Kingdom's Committee on the Safety of Medicines have dismissed any correlation of MMR vaccination to autism as baseless. However, the CDC is currently conducting a study in metropolitan Atlanta to evaluate any possible association between the vaccination and autism. Results are expected some time this year.
Parents Point to Research

Many parents, such as Fisher and Shattock, who maintain that they witnessed sudden, unmistakable physical and emotional deterioration in their children following MMR vaccination, point to a small body of research showing certain immunological and neurological irregularities in many autistic children that may be linked to MMR.
Vaccine Linked to Autism?

What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??
I know it does not fit your talking points but there does appear to be a cause and affect relationship here, care to comment on that link??

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.
That would be a military trained in chemical warfare and taught not only how to safely handle these contaminants but how to operate while remaining safe and decontaminating their environmental surroundings. These folks would have massive stock piles of anti toxins and troops trained in using the equipment they had available.
You on the other hand by implying we need to dismantle our military is the same as some moron coach saying he doesn't need his A string to play the Super bowl, he will just get some local amateur touch football players and kick ass!!

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

You my friend are the biggest moron of all, it is the current administrations policies that have hurt us not only financially and domestically but emotionally as well. For one who claimed he would unite the country, he has done just exactly the opposite, pushing this country to the brink of civil war!!
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Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

Wait, wait, wait. That scene is not good enough for Golan and Globus. You wanna get into pictures, you gotta do better than that.

Let's make a terrorist who is infected with Ebola, AND has some radioactive dirty bomb material in his backpack, AND is carrying an assault rifle, AND is a Tea Partier.

He coughs on a bunch of people, then guns down some nuns, and then blows himself up using a Gadsden Flag as a fuse!


Now who can we get to direct this picture?

What's that? You were being SERIOUS!?!?

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In OP's defense- Republicans primary cash cow are defense contractors. Thats why > 50% of the discretionary budget is spent enriching them. Thats why calling themselves "deficit hawks" is laughable :laugh:
Obama calls Hammas "irresponsible"

Has there ever been a responsible terrorist organization?

Yep. The NRA. Their policy of no gun controls of any kind are responsible for the deaths of thousands.

Xan you quote where the NRA advocates no gun controls?

Of course not. You are a lying ignorant cock sucker.

I lie not. I have areas of ignorance, but they are not willful nor congenital as are yours. I don't suck cock, never have and have no desire too. I doubt you can honestly say the same (those who often reference homosexual acts are at least gay curious; some people are saying you satisfied your curiosity with Warrior some time back).

Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.

Another sexual reference of the homosexual kind. Methinks you've got a problem, one which must bother you on some level. Seriously, get into therapy, you need it desperately.
In OP's defense- Republicans primary cash cow are defense contractors. Thats why > 50% of the discretionary budget is spent enriching them. Thats why calling themselves "deficit hawks" is laughable :laugh:

It is so easy to make liars out of all of you!!

Home / Politicians & Elections / 2014 Overview / Top Overall Donors

To Candidates and Parties
Rank Contributor Total Contribs Total Dem% Repub%
1 ActBlue $29,729,849 $29,729,849 100% 0%
2 National Assn of Realtors $3,604,635 $3,604,635 49% 51%
3 Comcast Corp $3,484,251 $3,484,251 54% 46%
4 Northrop Grumman $3,451,684 $3,451,684 41% 59%
5 AT&T Inc $3,449,604 $3,449,604 34% 66%
6 Honeywell International $3,420,919 $3,420,919 41% 59%
7 Lockheed Martin $3,370,697 $3,370,697 39% 61%
8 Blue Cross/Blue Shield $3,362,489 $3,362,489 40% 60%
9 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $3,110,905 $3,110,905 97% 3%
10 General Electric $2,976,572 $2,976,572 42% 58%
11 National Beer Wholesalers Assn $2,918,150 $2,918,150 41% 59%
12 Goldman Sachs $2,765,976 $2,765,976 35% 65%
13 Credit Union National Assn $2,689,250 $2,689,250 48% 52%
14 Raytheon Co $2,634,693 $2,634,693 34% 66%
15 Koch Industries $2,571,860 $2,571,860 2% 98%
16 American Bankers Assn $2,552,100 $2,552,100 28% 72%
17 Deloitte LLP $2,537,160 $2,537,160 41% 59%
18 United Parcel Service $2,410,894 $2,410,894 33% 67%
19 American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $2,371,655 $2,371,655 99% 1%
20 Verizon Communications $2,370,799 $2,370,799 39% 61%
21 Berkshire Hathaway $2,367,193 $2,367,193 35% 65%
22 Bank of America $2,349,267 $2,349,267 36% 64%
23 Boeing Co $2,338,625 $2,338,625 41% 59%
24 National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn $2,336,547 $2,336,547 31% 69%
25 Home Depot $2,326,851 $2,326,851 22% 78%

You do know act Blue is a democratic organization right?
Northrop Grumman is #4, Lockheed Martin #7, but look at the other donors....
Just not quite the list you would have us believe!!
The other day dean and his buddies called us weak because we were concerned about Ebola. Now he says we don't care. Dean your a freaking idiot and so are your buddies.
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.
When is the radical left going to stop using the lame argument that a smaller government equals dirty water, disease, environmental disaster and a breakdown in public safety. Look at Detroit. A dynasty of democrat party crooked politics and unrestricted growth of redundant and competing government bureaucracies caused a complete breakdown in society, likewise Chicago and most of the people's republic of California. The gigantic Homeland Security bureaucracy combined with the gigantic "Justice" dept. bureaucracy and the CIA couldn't even find two Russian terrorists before they killed and injured people in a bombing even after Russia passed on the information. The gigantic bureaucracy of the CDC couldn't even figure out how to run the exhaust fans in a research facility and exposed the whole building to anthrax.
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

It is largely the anti corporatist idiots of both right and left that continue to push this "vaccines cause autism" crap.
Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.

Another sexual reference of the homosexual kind. Methinks you've got a problem, one which must bother you on some level. Seriously, get into therapy, you need it desperately.

Actually you might want to take your own advice, Rabbi is just doing the community a service by enlightening us about you. It really wasn't necessary though as it is pretty much self evident!!
Therapy will definitely help- with that urge to put tubular objects in your mouth.
When is the radical left going to stop using the lame argument that a smaller government equals dirty water, disease, environmental disaster and a breakdown in public safety. Look at Detroit. A dynasty of democrat party crooked politics and unrestricted growth of redundant and competing government bureaucracies caused a complete breakdown in society, likewise Chicago and most of the people's republic of California. The gigantic Homeland Security bureaucracy combined with the gigantic "Justice" dept. bureaucracy and the CIA couldn't even find two Russian terrorists before they killed and injured people in a bombing even after Russia passed on the information. The gigantic bureaucracy of the CDC couldn't even figure out how to run the exhaust fans in a research facility and exposed the whole building to anthrax.

It's part of their rhetoric of lies.
So advocating for smaller government means you want to turn this country in Somalia
Opposing useless regulatons means you want every lake, river and stream to carry toxic poisons
Opposing useless public education means you want every child to be illiterate.
Anything that government does now will simply not be done if government stops doing it. That's their honest belief.

Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.

You forget being a cock sucker is like wearing a badge of honor to them. Now call him a pussy licker and he we be very offended.
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

And yet it is the Democrats who want to open our borders to every Tom, Dick, or terrorist who wants to come in and do exactly that.

How do you reconcile that with your hatred of all things Repub there derpy? The Repubs don't want Big Government, and you guys want the terrorists to have the easiest access to this country there is.... Hmmmm, I wonder which philosophy is more destructive:eusa_whistle:
Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.

Another sexual reference of the homosexual kind. Methinks you've got a problem, one which must bother you on some level. Seriously, get into therapy, you need it desperately.

Actually you might want to take your own advice, Rabbi is just doing the community a service by enlightening us about you. It really wasn't necessary though as it is pretty much self evident!!
Therapy will definitely help- with that urge to put tubular objects in your mouth.

His insane desire for manflesh accounts for his career. Being in LE meant he could get on his knees in front of scummy criminals and get them off. It's just a thing.
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

You can fine references in my other writings where I talk about purposely writing below my level, if the only way to defend what I am saying is to try and make me look unintelligent by playing grammer nazi, then I have already won my side of the argument.

I don't see any of those links to debunked articles, at least I sourced mine!!
Go spread your bull shit some where else, when you get ready to put up some verifiable facts that have URL links come back and play with the adults!!

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