How Republicans policies make us less safe.

A free society is unable to protect itself from terrorism, and that is why we have only seen the opening salvos of the attacks we will see in the future.

Terrorists have free movement, access to the necessary materials, and access to the targets, and there is little we can do about it without destroying our freedom in the process.

Take your pick. Do you wish in a police state where your every move is monitored by government, or do you wish to suffer terrorist attacks while living in a free society?
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

Scientists often hedge about saying whether their findings prove or disprove anything. That's because the scientific method proceeds by constantly modifying theories rather than accumulating "proofs.

But those who take issue with the scientific consensus that vaccines have very little to do with autism focus on research that seems to support their opinions. In particular, they point to the work done by Mark Geier, MD, PhD, a former researcher at the National Institutes of Health, and his son, David Geier, whose studies did show a strong link between autism and vaccines.

Just depends on who you read and what you believe!!
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

You can fine references in my other writings where I talk about purposely writing below my level, if the only way to defend what I am saying is to try and make me look unintelligent by playing grammer nazi, then I have already won my side of the argument.

I don't see any of those links to debunked articles, at least I sourced mine!!
Go spread your bull shit some where else, when you get ready to put up some verifiable facts that have URL links come back and play with the adults!!

I'm sorry you are not aware of what is common knowledge about the myth about vaccines and autism being debunked. Perhaps if you stopped reading pseudoscience web sites you would have known.

It was literally in all the papers. The peer reviewed medical journal retracted his bullshit.

RETRACTED: Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children : The Lancet

The MMR vaccine and autism: Sensation, refutation, retraction, and fraud

Journal Retracts 1998 Paper Linking Autism to Vaccines | The New York Times

Lancet retracts 'utterly false' MMR paper | The Guardian

Wakefield?s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent | The BMJ

British Doctor Faked Data Linking Vaccines to Autism, and Aimed to Profit From It

Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' British journal finds -

Journal says doctor faked data linking autism to vaccines

Antivaccine hero Andrew Wakefield: Scientific fraud? « Science-Based Medicine
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What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

Scientists often hedge about saying whether their findings prove or disprove anything. That's because the scientific method proceeds by constantly modifying theories rather than accumulating "proofs.

But those who take issue with the scientific consensus that vaccines have very little to do with autism focus on research that seems to support their opinions. In particular, they point to the work done by Mark Geier, MD, PhD, a former researcher at the National Institutes of Health, and his son, David Geier, whose studies did show a strong link between autism and vaccines.

Just depends on who you read and what you believe!!

Just depends how credulous you are, actually. You are drinking the piss of yet another quack.

Dr. Mark Geier loses license in Illinois, Missouri over Lupron treatment for autism - Chicago Tribune

A doctor who has promoted the use of a hormone-suppressing drug to treat children with autism was disciplined last week by medical boards in Illinois and Missouri, following similar actions taken in a number of other states.

Dr. Mark Geier, a Maryland geneticist, was featured in a 2009 Tribune investigation into dubious treatments for autism. Experts said Geier's "Lupron protocol," which involves injecting children with high doses of a drug sometimes used to chemically castrate sex offenders, was risky and based on junk science.

Why the latest Geier & Geier paper is not evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism « Science-Based Medicine

Dr. Mark Geier Severely Criticized

In 2011, the Maryland State Board of Physicians summarily suspended Geier's medical license. The emergency suspension order stated that he misrepresented his credentials, operated an institutional review board that did not meet state and federal regulations, and rendered substandard care to nine autistic patients. In six of the patients, the board charged, he inappropriately diagnosed precocious puberty (a rare condition) and administered Lupron, a drug that reduces the body's production of the male hormone testosteroneand is used to castrate sex offenders. In three of the patients, he administered inappropriate chelation therapy.

Maryland charges David Geier, son of doc accused of endangering autistic children, with practicing medicine without a license

When Geier’s suspension was announced, there was speculation that there was still another shoe to drop–specifically, one belonging to David, who does not have an MD (or any advanced degree).

You dumbasses are drinking the piss of someone who doesn't even know medicine!!!
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That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?
Let's see: Over the last 20 years, 1994-2014 Democrats have occuped the White House the majority of that time. The Senate has been evenly split between GOP and Dem control. The House has been under Dem control for 3 terms.
So there are no "Republican policies" that were in force. Democrats controlled or had major input into all of them.
Another RDean fail.

Except for 6 years during Bush when the Republicans held both houses and used reconciliation three times to create a massive deficit. Do you remember what reconciliation was used for? Do you want a list of their very destructive policies from during those 6 terrible years? You can't run from the truth. It's recent history.
Dimwit policies are always about our 'safety' and our 'children'....

that's why they are bringing into our country contagious, diseased and/or gang member illegal children....:rolleyes:

Disease Threat From Immigrant Children Wildly Overstated | The Texas Observer

The Central American kids arriving in Texas are likely to be better-vaccinated than children in Texas.


How can these ignorant twits be so confident when they don't know anything? Can someone explain that to me?
What do you believe, do you see a cause and affect relationship, can we at least discuss the possibility of these vaccines being harmful to our off spring??

It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

You can fine references in my other writings where I talk about purposely writing below my level, if the only way to defend what I am saying is to try and make me look unintelligent by playing grammer nazi, then I have already won my side of the argument.

I don't see any of those links to debunked articles, at least I sourced mine!!
Go spread your bull shit some where else, when you get ready to put up some verifiable facts that have URL links come back and play with the adults!!

G5 is just a dick. Pay him no attention
The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?
Let's see: Over the last 20 years, 1994-2014 Democrats have occuped the White House the majority of that time. The Senate has been evenly split between GOP and Dem control. The House has been under Dem control for 3 terms.
So there are no "Republican policies" that were in force. Democrats controlled or had major input into all of them.
Another RDean fail.

Except for 6 years during Bush when the Republicans held both houses and used reconciliation three times to create a massive deficit. Do you remember what reconciliation was used for? Do you want a list of their very destructive policies from during those 6 terrible years? You can't run from the truth. It's recent history.
Ah so its now its not quantity but quality. Move those goalposts.
And Congress under Obama with a filibuster proof majority was totally unable to reverse any of those policies, even though evertyone knows they have led to disaster.
You get stupider with every post in any debate, RDunce.
It is cause and effect, not cause and affect. And it is offspring, not off spring. This does not speak well of your level of intelligence.

You really need to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

If a kid was hit by a car a month after getting an MMR vaccine, does that mean MMR's cause kids to get hit by cars? That is basically what you are arguing.

The mythical link between vaccines and autism has been completely debunked. The quack who started the whole anti-vax movement was a crooked dipshit who deliberately falsified his data, but the rube herd continues to roll along.

The thing is, though, is that the children of these rubes are the ones who are paying the price. There have been several outbreaks of diseases in children which could easily have been avoided if their parents were not such retards.

You can fine references in my other writings where I talk about purposely writing below my level, if the only way to defend what I am saying is to try and make me look unintelligent by playing grammer nazi, then I have already won my side of the argument.

I don't see any of those links to debunked articles, at least I sourced mine!!
Go spread your bull shit some where else, when you get ready to put up some verifiable facts that have URL links come back and play with the adults!!

G5 is just a dick. Pay him no attention
G5000 is for sure a dick. But on this issue he is correct. Saying that because some quack stil believes in some discredit theory means that it has equal weight with any other theory is just stupid. There are doctors out there who will tell you smoking doesnt cause cancer. And that was a viewpoint held through the 40s, 50s, etc. But anyone who believes that is a nudnik.
Dimwit policies are always about our 'safety' and our 'children'....

that's why they are bringing into our country contagious, diseased and/or gang member illegal children....:rolleyes:

You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I keep hearing about.
Looking at this Ebola outbreak, with a 60 to 90% death rate, I was thinking how easy it would be for suicide terrorists to attack the US.

Say one deliberately infected himself and then blew himself up at a crowded train station. You could infect hundreds, perhaps thousands of people and it would be days before anyone would even know about it.

Republicans want government so limited, it would be overwhelmed by such an attack.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism, so do they prefer death?

Republicans want to waste our resources building up an enormous military that would be completely incapable of helping in this kind of attack.

That's the first one that comes to mind, but GOP defense policies are leading to an even bigger disaster than their economic and domestic policies.

That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?

For 12 of the last 20 years, Democrat policies have governed this nation.

So you might want to reevaluate your outlook
You can fine references in my other writings where I talk about purposely writing below my level, if the only way to defend what I am saying is to try and make me look unintelligent by playing grammer nazi, then I have already won my side of the argument.

I don't see any of those links to debunked articles, at least I sourced mine!!
Go spread your bull shit some where else, when you get ready to put up some verifiable facts that have URL links come back and play with the adults!!

G5 is just a dick. Pay him no attention
G5000 is for sure a dick. But on this issue he is correct. Saying that because some quack stil believes in some discredit theory means that it has equal weight with any other theory is just stupid. There are doctors out there who will tell you smoking doesnt cause cancer. And that was a viewpoint held through the 40s, 50s, etc. But anyone who believes that is a nudnik.

He is often right but he is always a dick
Saying something doesnt make it true. Facts and evidence make it true.
And the fact is that you are a lying cocksucker, based on evidence.

Another sexual reference of the homosexual kind. Methinks you've got a problem, one which must bother you on some level. Seriously, get into therapy, you need it desperately.

Actually you might want to take your own advice, Rabbi is just doing the community a service by enlightening us about you. It really wasn't necessary though as it is pretty much self evident!!
Therapy will definitely help- with that urge to put tubular objects in your mouth.

Welcome aboard, it's always nice to see the echo chamber claim one more idiot as their own. I look forward to reading more of your nonsense - posts by Rabbi are usually vulgar as well a vapid - a club it seems in which you belong .
Another sexual reference of the homosexual kind. Methinks you've got a problem, one which must bother you on some level. Seriously, get into therapy, you need it desperately.

Actually you might want to take your own advice, Rabbi is just doing the community a service by enlightening us about you. It really wasn't necessary though as it is pretty much self evident!!
Therapy will definitely help- with that urge to put tubular objects in your mouth.

Welcome aboard, it's always nice to see the echo chamber claim one more idiot as their own. I look forward to reading more of your nonsense - posts by Rabbi are usually vulgar as well a vapid - a club it seems in which you belong .

I have seen representatives from both sides of the isle around here......
I know I have chosen wisely, I would rather go down in defeat with the likes of them than rejoice in hollow, short lived victories with rabble such as you!!

But thank you for noticing and despite your attitude, God loves you and I care about your poor confused soul!!
That isnt the stupidest thiing you ever wrote, only because competition is keen.

Democrats are the weapons of mass destruction in America that terrorists could only dream about.

The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?

For 12 of the last 20 years, Democrat policies have governed this nation.

So you might want to reevaluate your outlook
I pointed that out.
His response is that Republicans enacted so much evil in their short time in power that Democrats simply couldnt undo all of it in the time they had.
If that isnt rationalizing, I dont know what is.

do you ever give up on your fucking rhetoric ?

It wouldn't be USMB without a daily dose of rdean and his stupidity. Seriously, he's one of the most ignorant people I've ever encountered.
The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?

For 12 of the last 20 years, Democrat policies have governed this nation.

So you might want to reevaluate your outlook
I pointed that out.
His response is that Republicans enacted so much evil in their short time in power that Democrats simply couldnt undo all of it in the time they had.
If that isnt rationalizing, I dont know what is.

Short time?

In six short years, Republicans used reconciliation three times and created many trillions in debt. They created trillions more debt with Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They fought two wars they paid for with credit cards. They helped move millions of jobs to China and did nothing as over 40,000 factories were closed down. They deregulated Wall Street leading to economic disaster. They did nothing as Enron ruined who knows how many retirement accounts. They brought in Christian college graduates to replace seasoned professionals at the Justice Dept undermining the entire US Legal System. They chased scientists out of the government by threatening them. They did nothing after Katrina except try to supply carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything. The destabilized the Middle East. They did nothing to help Christians in Iraq who were being attacked and chased from their home country. They put an extremist Islamic government in place in Iraq. Black mold in VA Hospitals. Bringing felons into the military.

Come on. What didn't they do? What could Democrats do to stop them? Remember when US soldiers were being electrocuted in Iraq in substandard Halliburton housing? Where was the investigation? What about the billions in cash that disappeared in Iraq? Where was that investigation. All squashed by the GOP.

It's all recent history. On any one of these, you can do a Google Search and find out all you need to know. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? How can you forget such recent history?
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Actually you might want to take your own advice, Rabbi is just doing the community a service by enlightening us about you. It really wasn't necessary though as it is pretty much self evident!!
Therapy will definitely help- with that urge to put tubular objects in your mouth.

Welcome aboard, it's always nice to see the echo chamber claim one more idiot as their own. I look forward to reading more of your nonsense - posts by Rabbi are usually vulgar as well a vapid - a club it seems in which you belong .

I have seen representatives from both sides of the isle around here......
I know I have chosen wisely, I would rather go down in defeat with the likes of them than rejoice in hollow, short lived victories with rabble such as you!!

But thank you for noticing and despite your attitude, God loves you and I care about your poor confused soul!!

I look forward to reading your sagacious solutions to common problems discussed, but rarely debated on this forum. Thus far it seems readily apparent you lack the skills to make panoptic decisions on people, much less on problems for the ages. But time will tell.

In Rabbi's case, time has judged him a vulgar and dishonest dimwit. It that's what attracts you, maybe he'll introduce you to Warrior - he and Rabbi are very close.
For 12 of the last 20 years, Democrat policies have governed this nation.

So you might want to reevaluate your outlook
I pointed that out.
His response is that Republicans enacted so much evil in their short time in power that Democrats simply couldnt undo all of it in the time they had.
If that isnt rationalizing, I dont know what is.

Short time?

In six short years, Republicans used reconciliation three times and created many trillions in debt. They created trillions more debt with Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They fought two wars they paid for with credit cards. They helped move millions of jobs to China and did nothing as over 40,000 factories were closed down. They deregulated Wall Street leading to economic disaster. They did nothing as Enron ruined who knows how many retirement accounts. They brought in Christian college graduates to replace seasoned professionals at the Justice Dept undermining the entire US Legal System. They chased scientists out of the government by threatening them. They did nothing after Katrina except try to supply carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything. The destabilized the Middle East. They did nothing to help Christians in Iraq who were being attacked and chased from their home country. They put an extremist Islamic government in place in Iraq. Black mold in VA Hospitals. Bringing felons into the military.

Come on. What didn't they do? What could Democrats do to stop them? Remember when US soldiers were being electrocuted in Iraq in substandard Halliburton housing? Where was the investigation? What about the billions in cash that disappeared in Iraq? Where was that investigation. All squashed by the GOP.

It's all recent history. On any one of these, you can do a Google Search and find out all you need to know. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? How can you forget such recent history?

Democrats controlled some branch of government far longer than that, and all of it for some time.
I guess you're saying Democrats are too incompetent to govern. I'd agree.

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