How Republicans policies make us less safe.

It is impossible to control gigantic redundant, ineffective and often competing bureaucracies. The freaking CIA was guilty of spying on it's own government and the CIA chief says he wasn't aware but he is sorry his agency committed a felony. The IRS requires Americans to keep financial records but they "accidentally" destroy their own records and nobody seems to know why or how because the bureaucracy is out of control and still growing. Homeland security spends it's time feeling up little old ladies at airports and ignores the flood of illegal aliens because it's some other bureaucracy's problem. A branch of the federal police is guilty of shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels which killed hundreds of Mexican citizens and at least two American border Patrol officers and nobody seems to know what to do about it. The FBI couldn't find two Russian born Terrorists in Boston before they used a bomb to kill Americans. Clearly the bureaucracies are too big to control and the low information left doesn't have a clue.
G5 is just a dick. Pay him no attention
G5000 is for sure a dick. But on this issue he is correct. Saying that because some quack stil believes in some discredit theory means that it has equal weight with any other theory is just stupid. There are doctors out there who will tell you smoking doesnt cause cancer. And that was a viewpoint held through the 40s, 50s, etc. But anyone who believes that is a nudnik.

He is often right but he is always a dick

I will accept that! :D
Dimwit policies are always about our 'safety' and our 'children'....

that's why they are bringing into our country contagious, diseased and/or gang member illegal children....:rolleyes:

Amazing. As soon as a democrat's in the white house, here come the illegals. They were absent eight long years of the gw bush disaster.
Yep. The NRA. Their policy of no gun controls of any kind are responsible for the deaths of thousands.

^ Moron.

Thank you CF, one of your better posts, concise yet still an idiot-gram. I noticed Wildman thanked you and Stephanie for your posts on this thread. I'd suggest Moron is more fitting for him, and anyone who considers a post by you and Stephanie as anything substantive.

We know Wry, you're smart not like everybodt says, like dumb, you're smart and and you want respect
The last 20 years of Republican policies damaged the country in ways al Qaeda could only dream about. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Shall we list them? Again?

For 12 of the last 20 years, Democrat policies have governed this nation.

So you might want to reevaluate your outlook
I pointed that out.
His response is that Republicans enacted so much evil in their short time in power that Democrats simply couldnt undo all of it in the time they had.
If that isnt rationalizing, I dont know what is.

He will just ignore it anyway
He must have dream's of Republicans coming to eat his brains out while he's sleeping
I pointed that out.
His response is that Republicans enacted so much evil in their short time in power that Democrats simply couldnt undo all of it in the time they had.
If that isnt rationalizing, I dont know what is.

Short time?

In six short years, Republicans used reconciliation three times and created many trillions in debt. They created trillions more debt with Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They fought two wars they paid for with credit cards. They helped move millions of jobs to China and did nothing as over 40,000 factories were closed down. They deregulated Wall Street leading to economic disaster. They did nothing as Enron ruined who knows how many retirement accounts. They brought in Christian college graduates to replace seasoned professionals at the Justice Dept undermining the entire US Legal System. They chased scientists out of the government by threatening them. They did nothing after Katrina except try to supply carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything. The destabilized the Middle East. They did nothing to help Christians in Iraq who were being attacked and chased from their home country. They put an extremist Islamic government in place in Iraq. Black mold in VA Hospitals. Bringing felons into the military.

Come on. What didn't they do? What could Democrats do to stop them? Remember when US soldiers were being electrocuted in Iraq in substandard Halliburton housing? Where was the investigation? What about the billions in cash that disappeared in Iraq? Where was that investigation. All squashed by the GOP.

It's all recent history. On any one of these, you can do a Google Search and find out all you need to know. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? How can you forget such recent history?

Democrats controlled some branch of government far longer than that, and all of it for some time.
I guess you're saying Democrats are too incompetent to govern. I'd agree.

And created nowhere near the disasters of the GOP during the last 20 years. We both know it. Look at the do nothing GOP controlled house. They should be sued by Obama.
Let's see: Over the last 20 years, 1994-2014 Democrats have occuped the White House the majority of that time. The Senate has been evenly split between GOP and Dem control. The House has been under Dem control for 3 terms.
So there are no "Republican policies" that were in force. Democrats controlled or had major input into all of them.
Another RDean fail.

Except for 6 years during Bush when the Republicans held both houses and used reconciliation three times to create a massive deficit. Do you remember what reconciliation was used for? Do you want a list of their very destructive policies from during those 6 terrible years? You can't run from the truth. It's recent history.
Ah so its now its not quantity but quality. Move those goalposts.
And Congress under Obama with a filibuster proof majority was totally unable to reverse any of those policies, even though evertyone knows they have led to disaster.
You get stupider with every post in any debate, RDunce.

You can't really reverse years of damage in just a couple of months. Duh! At least you stopped denying the terrible damage to this country by Republicans. It's a start.
Except for 6 years during Bush when the Republicans held both houses and used reconciliation three times to create a massive deficit. Do you remember what reconciliation was used for? Do you want a list of their very destructive policies from during those 6 terrible years? You can't run from the truth. It's recent history.
Ah so its now its not quantity but quality. Move those goalposts.
And Congress under Obama with a filibuster proof majority was totally unable to reverse any of those policies, even though evertyone knows they have led to disaster.
You get stupider with every post in any debate, RDunce.

You can't really reverse years of damage in just a couple of months. Duh! At least you stopped denying the terrible damage to this country by Republicans. It's a start.
But according to you they didnt do anything and that's why the economy sucks and the rich are soaking up all the money.
So which is it, Sparky? Are the Democrats incompetent or are the culpable for the current mess?
Short time?

In six short years, Republicans used reconciliation three times and created many trillions in debt. They created trillions more debt with Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They fought two wars they paid for with credit cards. They helped move millions of jobs to China and did nothing as over 40,000 factories were closed down. They deregulated Wall Street leading to economic disaster. They did nothing as Enron ruined who knows how many retirement accounts. They brought in Christian college graduates to replace seasoned professionals at the Justice Dept undermining the entire US Legal System. They chased scientists out of the government by threatening them. They did nothing after Katrina except try to supply carcinogenic trailers to people who lost everything. The destabilized the Middle East. They did nothing to help Christians in Iraq who were being attacked and chased from their home country. They put an extremist Islamic government in place in Iraq. Black mold in VA Hospitals. Bringing felons into the military.

Come on. What didn't they do? What could Democrats do to stop them? Remember when US soldiers were being electrocuted in Iraq in substandard Halliburton housing? Where was the investigation? What about the billions in cash that disappeared in Iraq? Where was that investigation. All squashed by the GOP.

It's all recent history. On any one of these, you can do a Google Search and find out all you need to know. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? How can you forget such recent history?

Democrats controlled some branch of government far longer than that, and all of it for some time.
I guess you're saying Democrats are too incompetent to govern. I'd agree.

And created nowhere near the disasters of the GOP during the last 20 years. We both know it. Look at the do nothing GOP controlled house. They should be sued by Obama.

Is wealth inequality better or worse today than when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006?
I rest my case.
Democrats controlled some branch of government far longer than that, and all of it for some time.
I guess you're saying Democrats are too incompetent to govern. I'd agree.

And created nowhere near the disasters of the GOP during the last 20 years. We both know it. Look at the do nothing GOP controlled house. They should be sued by Obama.

Is wealth inequality better or worse today than when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006?
I rest my case.

What "case". Republicans created a terrible mess and then spent the last 6 years refusing to do anything to help clean up their mess. And they are pissed the country hasn't gone down the drain. It seems there is some slight recovery, not because of Republicans, but in spite of Republicans. Even you know that. Right? You do know the mess the GOP created? Right?
And created nowhere near the disasters of the GOP during the last 20 years. We both know it. Look at the do nothing GOP controlled house. They should be sued by Obama.

Is wealth inequality better or worse today than when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006?
I rest my case.

What "case". Republicans created a terrible mess and then spent the last 6 years refusing to do anything to help clean up their mess. And they are pissed the country hasn't gone down the drain. It seems there is some slight recovery, not because of Republicans, but in spite of Republicans. Even you know that. Right? You do know the mess the GOP created? Right?

Way to dodge the question.
Is wealth inequality better or worse today after 5+ years of Democrat rule?

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