How the Mueller report can still threaten Trump’s legitimacy

29% believe the Mueller report clears President Trump, according to a brand news NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll

40 percent say it does not clear him

Because he’s a vile corrupt bully criminal. Anyone with half a brain knows this.

It's okay to talk to yourself until you start answering yourself, Sybil.
Barr took two days to clear the president but needs weeks to turn the report over to congress probably in a highly redacted form. Fish do not smell this fishy.

We've said 1000 fucking times you fucking moron the report contains classified information and CANNOT BE RELEASED IN ITS ENTIRETY.

Congress most certainly reviews the most sensitive classified information all the time. Since they are an equal branch, the DOJ cannot withhold it. The WH can try to withhold it, but in the end the information will come out.
Wrong. Barr is the sole owner of his report. If they are equal branches then one can't overrule the other.
Wrong. Barr is the sole owner of his report. If they are equal branches then one can't overrule the other.

Take it up with the Courts.

If AG Lynch had lifted the few sentences from Comey's statement in the summer of 2016 that seemingly exonerated Sec. Clinton with out releasing any thing else of Comey's statement, just simply declare she was not being charged and that's the end of it. Oh, and we'll release a heavily censored version, soon, really really soon. The GOP would have flipped out too.
Wrong. Barr is the sole owner of his report. If they are equal branches then one can't overrule the other.
The Mueller report can't be covered by exec privilege because it was not done to further Trump deciding on policy and it was a criminal investigation.

Congress gets all of it unless there's some argument that disclosure will hurt natl security, and even then there's still select committees on intelligence.

But the dems need to run on issues. The only issue Trump has is scaring people that the Mexicans are going to rape and kill us all
The left will never accept the Mueller Report if it does not support their desire to impeach Trump.

Pelosi already knows it will not justify impeachment but alas the TDS crowd does not care...
You fail to remember, Nixon was guilty of the crime of breaking into the DNC, first.
Trump is not guilty of any crime, thus he can’t be charged with obstructing a non existent crime.

The crime would be obstructing the investigation, dope.

What do you imagine obstruction of justice is?
The left will never accept the Mueller Report if it does not support their desire to impeach Trump.

Pelosi already knows it will not justify impeachment but alas the TDS crowd does not care...
I think Pelosi's been saying no on impeachment since the last election. But you are right that the dems need enough of the report to tell those who have already concluded that Trump is dirty is that there is evidence that could show he is indeed dirty. LOL
Since we have not seen the Mueller report all this premature orgasms from the right might be unwise. And since WE are going to get the greatest redacted version of a report in history, questions will remain.

"All we can do right now is speculate about a report that only a few people have seen, at least until the redacted version comes out in April. But even based on what little we know — Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary, the indictments and court filings that came from Mueller’s team — it’s premature to write off its 400-page findings . Mueller’s office may have properly drafted a detailed and damning account of Trump’s obstruction of justice and simply cast it as a set of facts, a road map for the analysts who must decide what to do about it: members of Congress.

If Mueller believed it was inappropriate to pronounce on the president’s guilt — after all, the Justice Department has a long-standing policy against indicting a sitting president — he could still be following the example of Leon Jaworski, the Watergate independent counsel who decided against indicting President Richard Nixon, but instead submitted to Congress an extensive accounting of all the facts surrounding his efforts to shut down the investigation. Jaworski’s testimony skipped all the adjectives and adverbs. It simply told the story and allowed the branch of government tasked with oversight to do the rest."
First off let me congratulate you on the first post I have ever seen you do that is not racist.

That being said let us look at your idea. Nixon authorized the watergate break in. So he was a criminal. He tried to cover that up which was obstruction. If you have no criminal act you can not have obstruction when you fire someone that you are allowed by law to fire.

Barr and Rosenstine both are responsible for the summary that was released. They will both be part of the team red acting the final report. So of course they are both covering for Trump.

Mueller and the 19 lawyers all but Mueller being registered democrats are going to remain silent on the findings because they are covering for Trump.

The democrats have already stated that they will be continuing to investigate and will be calling Mueller, Barr and anyone else that had anything to do with the report. So of course they will be covering for Trump.

Yeah right. Great thought process there. Barr and Rosenstine would absolutely put themselves in legal jeopardy in the hopes that everyone will cover for them.

I've posted no racism ever. Just because you don't like me pointing out continuing white racism doesn't make what I say racist. And we are not going to shut up about it because you whites don't want to hear. Oh if life was just that fucking easy for us. We ask you to stop being racists and it stops. Instead we have to live with it.

So grow the fuck up, bow your neck, batten the hatches, put on your big boy pants, whatever. Because there has never been a motherfucking solution to anything by people who just shut up and took it. And whites have had almost 250 years to stop your bullshit and haven't.

This article was written by a law professor at Duke. And since we have not seen the Mueller report, you cannot accurately state there was no crime. You can obstruct justice if you are obstructing the investigation of whether or not a crime was committed.
So sorry do you like bigot better?

Just perhaps if you tried to not find the bad in everyone and everything. If you tried not to color every little nuance of life with your hate. But no you are just sure that without you posting hate all the time things will get better and that can not be allowed to happen. Because without hate you have nothing.

Still anyone can allow their opinion to be clouded by feelings. Considering right off the bat I would say that he is a Trump hater he probably is letting his emotions cloud his judgement.

Your retarded claims of bigotry and hate have no substance when compared to the facts I have presented. Posting the facts as borne out by documented evidence is not posting hate or seeing the bad in everyone. Your consistent ignoring of what white racist say, repeating the same belief then telling me how I should say nothing is proof of your hate.

We have not seen the Mueller report. That is a fact. Wm Barr wrote an unwanted letter to congress dissing the investigation. That is a fact. Barr was not unbiased and should have recused himself. That is a fact. So until congress gets all the information, not what Barr decides to give with redactions, this situation smells like bullshit.

And the law professor is not the one letting his emotions cloud his judgement. You are.
You are acting like a silly child but have fun with your hate.

The fact remains that according to all reports both Barr and Rosenstine were involved in the report. You nice again your hope that something or someone you want to hate seems not to be born out.

The whole problem is the Democratic Party realizes that they are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they do not investigate until they find something to hang on Trump their rabid base will revolt plus they fear not being able to beat him. If they continue to investigate and berate Trump and still find nothing they create sympathy for him and any petty thing they find will make them look petty.
Since we have not seen the Mueller report all this premature orgasms from the right might be unwise. And since WE are going to get the greatest redacted version of a report in history, questions will remain.

"All we can do right now is speculate about a report that only a few people have seen, at least until the redacted version comes out in April. But even based on what little we know — Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary, the indictments and court filings that came from Mueller’s team — it’s premature to write off its 400-page findings . Mueller’s office may have properly drafted a detailed and damning account of Trump’s obstruction of justice and simply cast it as a set of facts, a road map for the analysts who must decide what to do about it: members of Congress.

If Mueller believed it was inappropriate to pronounce on the president’s guilt — after all, the Justice Department has a long-standing policy against indicting a sitting president — he could still be following the example of Leon Jaworski, the Watergate independent counsel who decided against indicting President Richard Nixon, but instead submitted to Congress an extensive accounting of all the facts surrounding his efforts to shut down the investigation. Jaworski’s testimony skipped all the adjectives and adverbs. It simply told the story and allowed the branch of government tasked with oversight to do the rest."
Never give up hope. There is still hope!!!


Any day now!....

What's really funny is the law that is preventing Barr from releasing the full report was put in place by the dems after the Janet Reno controversy. That makes it even sweeter.
The left will never accept the Mueller Report if it does not support their desire to impeach Trump.

Pelosi already knows it will not justify impeachment but alas the TDS crowd does not care...
I think Pelosi's been saying no on impeachment since the last election. But you are right that the dems need enough of the report to tell those who have already concluded that Trump is dirty is that there is evidence that could show he is indeed dirty. LOL

Trump is dirty!?!

Seeing the Sun rises in the east mean that nothing has changed!
Snowflakes continue to insist that 3 years of investigations resulting in no evidence of a crime being committed just means the Democrats could not find any evidence of the crime that was committed (according to them)....

What's really funny is the law that is preventing Barr from releasing the full report was put in place by the dems after the Janet Reno controversy. That makes it even sweeter.
The dems always act out of politics and not principal and it always bites them in the ass....Like everything they do against Trump, he just shits on them over and over....they just never learn
What's really funny is the law that is preventing Barr from releasing the full report was put in place by the dems after the Janet Reno controversy. That makes it even sweeter.
The dems always act out of politics and not principal and it always bites them in the ass....Like everything they do against Trump, he just shits on them over and over....they just never learn
Lock her up!
Snowflakes continue to insist that 3 years of investigations resulting in no evidence of a crime being committed just means the Democrats could not find any evidence of the crime that was committed (according to them)....


Sure pal, what makes you think there is no evidence?
Since we have not seen the Mueller report all this premature orgasms from the right might be unwise. And since WE are going to get the greatest redacted version of a report in history, questions will remain.

"All we can do right now is speculate about a report that only a few people have seen, at least until the redacted version comes out in April. But even based on what little we know — Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary, the indictments and court filings that came from Mueller’s team — it’s premature to write off its 400-page findings . Mueller’s office may have properly drafted a detailed and damning account of Trump’s obstruction of justice and simply cast it as a set of facts, a road map for the analysts who must decide what to do about it: members of Congress.

If Mueller believed it was inappropriate to pronounce on the president’s guilt — after all, the Justice Department has a long-standing policy against indicting a sitting president — he could still be following the example of Leon Jaworski, the Watergate independent counsel who decided against indicting President Richard Nixon, but instead submitted to Congress an extensive accounting of all the facts surrounding his efforts to shut down the investigation. Jaworski’s testimony skipped all the adjectives and adverbs. It simply told the story and allowed the branch of government tasked with oversight to do the rest."

Only a complete moron would be hoping there is something to be found at this point. The only thing that is to be found now is a failed attempt at a coup and cause to string up a few democommie assholes for treason.

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