How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

Natalie here being a typical anti-American progressive. More concerned about pacifying other nations than she is concerned about the welfare of the U.S

NO, be ANTI Trump, is NOT being anti-American....
You see, I've chosen to not join the Trump Cult like 1/3 of Americans have.

As a former NYer, I long knew what a scum bucket and charlatan Trump will always be....

Hope the above clarifies the obvious for you and your dwindling ilk......LOL
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Who's a Kook?
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., blasted the press for attempting to label Trump as “some kind of kook not fit to be president.”

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Graham responded to a question about whether he was concerned about reports of Trump dabbling in conspiracy theories by saying his real issue was with the media questioning the president’s mental stability.

“You know what concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president. He did win, by the way. He beat me and 16 others.”

Perhaps the media got the idea from something Graham said on Fox News in February 2016, when the two were squaring off in the 2016 Republican primary.

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Republican senators who were on the fence about the GOP tax bill

“I’m not going to try and get into the mind of Donald Trump because I don’t think there’s a whole of space there,” said Graham. “I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”

One would think that someone like Graham would be smart enough to NOT flip-flop like a fucking flounder....

You don't think that.

You know exactly what is going on.

IN the heat of the election, he said shit that he hoped would work for him. Now, he has no reason to say such stupid shit, and he can see how stupid it is.

That you pretend to not see that, is you being a liar.
And by you Trump is an honest man a good if not great president??? Tells me an awful lot about you To me he and most of your congress are low life scum liars,, Politics before country

His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.
Red let me explain ,,IF the ah doesn't start a war if we can be even handed with our enemies to avoid conflict, IF our employment soars , if unemployment goes lower than it is now ,if our stock markets soar and he makes no enemies of what once were our friends I'LL vote for him in 2020 What do you think the chances of that happening?
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His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?

because a successful conservative republican business-oriented president means that liberalism is over, that it has been rejected as a failure, that the people have chosen to return to the constitution and enforcement of our laws. That PC has been outted as stupidity. That dems will never control the government again in the foreseeable future. That's what you fear-----------admit it.
Maybe red when the world tells us to go FK ourselves you might agree with me that Trump is the biggest AH ever to enter our WH

and when the world once again respects the USA, will you admit that Obama was an incompetent and a laughing stock and that Trump turned that around?

There is nothing wrong with playing hardball on trade and international relations. Its about putting the USA first. Why do you want the USA to be a third world power?

Yep Trump is making sure the US is getting more respect.

Donald Trump was "wrong" to retweet Britain first, says PM

Labour's Diane Abbott powerful response to Donald Trump re-posting Britain first tweets

Natalie here being a typical anti-American progressive. More concerned about pacifying other nations than she is concerned about the welfare of the U.S

NO, be ANTI Trump, is NOT being anti-American....
You see, I've chosen to not join the Trump Cult like 1/3 of Americans have.

As a former NYer, I long knew what a scum bucket and charlatan Trump will always be....

Hope the above clarifies the obvious for you and your dwindling ilk......LOL
The people who know Trump best ,NYers , know he's a low life POS
Trump and competent
His record speaks for itself. Wildly successful businessman (billionaire). Wildly successful entertainer (hit tv show). Wildly successful politician (the first time the man runs for public office he’s voted President of the United States). top it all off...the U.S. is flourishing under his leadership. Over one million jobs created in his first 7 months. Record levels on the stock exchange. Paid off almost $70 billion of U.S. debt. Secured the border. Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S. The list goes on and on and on.

And 6 very wildly successful bankruptcies!
I am POSITIVE that Trump's legal team would like to shove that Tweeter account of trump way up his fat ass........Trump is basically doing this......

View attachment 164149

His tweets are his only way of communicating directly with the American people without the filters and lies of the media. Sure, he talks like a real person and sometimes says things that he shouldn't say. He is not a slick politician who can talk all day and say nothing, he is a real person. Far from perfect like all of us. But the best president in my lifetime.
It has been evident that Trump needs filters from someone who is remotely competent

Nope, it is very refreshing to see a real person as president, rather than a polished politician who panders to whoever he is talking do and then does nothing.
All of our worst nightmares about what could happen if a "real person" (think really incompetent) became president have come to fruition

He has destroyed our global alliances, environment and worker protections
All while embroiled in corruption and controversy

Is NATO still there? Are our troops still in South Korea?

Name the biggest alliance he has "destroyed" or admit that you just spew shit that you know is shit.

That fact that you can't back up your first complain, removes all credibility from your other complains, btw.
Crooked Donnie has destabilized NATO and the UN
Putin is celebrating his newfound influence
And by you Trump is an honest man a good if not great president??? Tells me an awful lot about you To me he and most of your congress are low life scum liars,, Politics before country

His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?

because a successful conservative republican business-oriented president means that liberalism is over, that it has been rejected as a failure, that the people have chosen to return to the constitution and enforcement of our laws. That PC has been outted as stupidity. That dems will never control the government again in the foreseeable future. That's what you fear-----------admit it.

That would mean nothing of the sort. Personally if a republican was capable of making things better, then I'm fine with it. But what we see here is the same failed economic policy that created record deficits, deregulations that created the recession and almost depression we had beginning in 2007 and a punk ass racist son of a bitch in the office of the president. So I don't see anything really to fear, because Trump is going to fail. he might not make it to full term and his failure will be put on Pence.
And then Republicans will blame Dems for not fixing it fast enough
lol this board is inundated with Baghdad Bobs .So many that can't read how miserable a person and president trump is Once more politics before country Imagine Obama doing what trump has done? Repubs would be tearing their hair out

If Obama had done what Trump is doing (creating jobs, improving the economy, fixing bad trade deals, working with our allies, stopping illegal immigration, enforcing our law, etc) we would have praised him for doing his job. But he didn't, Obama hated the USA and was determined to bring it down to the level of a third world banana republic.
Not gonna waste your time answering all of what you said BUT 78 straight months of 6 figure employment gains wasn't good enough for you and having iran and NK under control was a bad thing?

if true, those would be good stats, but they are not true. Under Obama the unemployment was the highest since the 1930s, the numbers of americans in poverty and on welfare and foodstamps were at all time highs. The USA was the laughing stock of the world with the incompetent America-hating muslim in charge. NK has nukes today because of the incompetence of Bush and Obama. Iran will soon have them due to Obama and Kerry's terrible deal that gave them millions and allowed them to build nukes.
OK lets get something straight between us IF you don't know that unemployment went down from almost 10 % under bush to 4+ under obama you haven't been reading, if you can't believe that ,then how do you believe trump saying he brought it down a couple of tenths to 4+?? Once more it's shown without a doubt Repubs fk things up and blame dems for not fixing it fast enough

the UE rate was not 10% when Obama took over. Shortly after he took over they changed the way it was calculated by removing those no longer looking for jobs from the unemployed. Figures don't lie, but liars figure. The fooled you, they lied to you, and you bought it. What does that say about you?
What figures is the liar in chief using now?
Where has Donnie Dealmaker gotten us a better deal?
Trade Agreement with China...(why are you always so uninformed?)

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT
Small concessions that do little to impact trade shortfalls

China understands Trump is easily satisfied with a parade, a trophy or two and a meaningless trade deal

I wonder why they are so determined to keep their massive trade surpluses.

Don't they agree with you that trade deficits are just as good?
And by you Trump is an honest man a good if not great president??? Tells me an awful lot about you To me he and most of your congress are low life scum liars,, Politics before country

His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?
What we really need to fear mostly is that morons big blundering blabbering mouth and tweets He can't step foot in Great Britain our greatest ally??

don't be foolish. the queen and the PM would welcome Trump whenever he chooses to visit the UK. A few radical left wing idiots have deceived you.
He was supposed to go in Jan ,,,lets see what excuse is used to not go There wouldn't be enough security is my guess That whole once great ally hates the simps guts
His tweets are his only way of communicating directly with the American people without the filters and lies of the media. Sure, he talks like a real person and sometimes says things that he shouldn't say. He is not a slick politician who can talk all day and say nothing, he is a real person. Far from perfect like all of us. But the best president in my lifetime.
It has been evident that Trump needs filters from someone who is remotely competent

Nope, it is very refreshing to see a real person as president, rather than a polished politician who panders to whoever he is talking do and then does nothing.
All of our worst nightmares about what could happen if a "real person" (think really incompetent) became president have come to fruition

He has destroyed our global alliances, environment and worker protections
All while embroiled in corruption and controversy

Is NATO still there? Are our troops still in South Korea?

Name the biggest alliance he has "destroyed" or admit that you just spew shit that you know is shit.

That fact that you can't back up your first complain, removes all credibility from your other complains, btw.
Crooked Donnie has destabilized NATO and the UN
Putin is celebrating his newfound influence

So, Nato is still there. If any outside force was to militarily threaten Europe, there would be no hesitation to work together to face it.

Thus your claim that he has "Destroyed" alliances is revealed to be bullshit.

Also, the UN? is not an alliance and destabilizing that would be a good thing, but he has not done that either.
His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?

because a successful conservative republican business-oriented president means that liberalism is over, that it has been rejected as a failure, that the people have chosen to return to the constitution and enforcement of our laws. That PC has been outted as stupidity. That dems will never control the government again in the foreseeable future. That's what you fear-----------admit it.

That would mean nothing of the sort. Personally if a republican was capable of making things better, then I'm fine with it. But what we see here is the same failed economic policy that created record deficits, deregulations that created the recession and almost depression we had beginning in 2007 and a punk ass racist son of a bitch in the office of the president. So I don't see anything really to fear, because Trump is going to fail. he might not make it to full term and his failure will be put on Pence.
And then Republicans will blame Dems for not fixing it fast enough

His policies, on Trade and Immigration, if enacted, would imo, be the best available for this nation.

He challenge of Political Correctness is very important also.

If he achieves a fifth of his goals, he will be a great president.

that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?
What we really need to fear mostly is that morons big blundering blabbering mouth and tweets He can't step foot in Great Britain our greatest ally??

don't be foolish. the queen and the PM would welcome Trump whenever he chooses to visit the UK. A few radical left wing idiots have deceived you.
He was supposed to go in Jan ,,,lets see what excuse is used to not go There wouldn't be enough security is my guess That whole once great ally hates the simps guts

Yet, they depend on US for their defense.

Whiny ungrateful children.
Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.
Natalie here being a typical anti-American progressive. More concerned about pacifying other nations than she is concerned about the welfare of the U.S. :eusa_doh:

THIS nation gives him 37 percent approval

fake news, fake poll. the same polls that said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. they are lying to you winger, wake up.
that is what the dem/libs fear most.

Why would we fear this?
What we really need to fear mostly is that morons big blundering blabbering mouth and tweets He can't step foot in Great Britain our greatest ally??

don't be foolish. the queen and the PM would welcome Trump whenever he chooses to visit the UK. A few radical left wing idiots have deceived you.
He was supposed to go in Jan ,,,lets see what excuse is used to not go There wouldn't be enough security is my guess That whole once great ally hates the simps guts

Yet, they depend on US for their defense.

Whiny ungrateful children.

This is more silly season bullshit. So since you think they depend on us our president has the right to support s group that destabilizes their country.
Trump and competent
His record speaks for itself. Wildly successful businessman (billionaire). Wildly successful entertainer (hit tv show). Wildly successful politician (the first time the man runs for public office he’s voted President of the United States). top it all off...the U.S. is flourishing under his leadership. Over one million jobs created in his first 7 months. Record levels on the stock exchange. Paid off almost $70 billion of U.S. debt. Secured the border. Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S. The list goes on and on and on.

And 6 very wildly successful bankruptcies!

he was never personally bankrupt, those were failing businesses that he had ownership in. Bankruptcy is the legal means for taking care of creditors, employees, and customers. It is a very common practice. nice try, but FAIL
Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.
Natalie here being a typical anti-American progressive. More concerned about pacifying other nations than she is concerned about the welfare of the U.S. :eusa_doh:

THIS nation gives him 37 percent approval

fake news, fake poll. the same polls that said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. they are lying to you winger, wake up.

Well the fact is that every poll shows pretty much the same numbers. Nobody sane likes Trump.

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