How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

Well...President Trump was a life-long progressive in New York so it doesn’t surprise me in the least that he’s a life-long dirt-bag. I just find it hysterical how you love dirt-bags who “identify” as liberals and lose your shit when those same people engage in those same behaviors as Republicans. :laugh:
Nobody loves dirt bags It's just that even when Republicans know they are they still vote for them
This is textbook “projection”. Dumbocrats knowingly vote exclusively for dirtbags (Bill Clinton, Hitlery Clinton, Barack Insane Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Anthony Weiner, etc.)
Any pussy grabbers there pedophiles Bill was a womenizer but did 16 women tell the tale on him And this obvious racist scumbag from Alabama??? go for it patriot
Uh...yes....snowflake. :lmao:

You would make a terrible lawyer. Never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to. Bill Clinton was accused by many women of sexual assault.
EVEN IF TRUE You still want a pervert in the WH because he's YOUR PERVERT? Patriot there are other names for people like you but I don't want trouble from the mods
Clinton never became unglued Trump is a sick man
Trump filed bankruptcy a record number of times and it was not for paying employees, creditors or customers.
So let me get this’re upset that President Trump successfully leveraged the failed system created by liberals? :laugh:

You’re the people who believe it’s ok to not pay back what you owe. You’re the people who insist on college loan “forgiveness”. But when Donald Trump acts like a liberal, you lose your shit.

It's funny how you conservatives are. You talk about a failed system created by liberals. yet your side created a depression. in 2007,

I'm not upset abut anything, I am saying that Trump was not a good businessman, that he was handed a 500 million dollar business that he bankrupted, that he lost 900 million in one year and I don't give a damn what the system was nobody had more bankruptcies than Trump. You would not hire anyone to manage your business if he had a record of losing 900 milion in one year, but you elected a president that did and then you talk stupid about some liberal system.
He was supposed to go in Jan ,,,lets see what excuse is used to not go There wouldn't be enough security is my guess That whole once great ally hates the simps guts

Yet, they depend on US for their defense.

Whiny ungrateful children.

This is more silly season bullshit. So since you think they depend on us our president has the right to support s group that destabilizes their country.

The people destabilizing their country is the current political class, with their support of massive Third World immigration.

Trump is right to spread information that reveals the damage being done.

Not so. I think the British PM is more capable of saying what's right for her country than you are.

After the Rotherham (and others) rape ring?

Their position is indefensible.

Then you go over to Britain and tell them that.
don't be foolish. the queen and the PM would welcome Trump whenever he chooses to visit the UK. A few radical left wing idiots have deceived you.
He was supposed to go in Jan ,,,lets see what excuse is used to not go There wouldn't be enough security is my guess That whole once great ally hates the simps guts

Yet, they depend on US for their defense.

Whiny ungrateful children.

This is more silly season bullshit. So since you think they depend on us our president has the right to support s group that destabilizes their country.

he has the right to call out liberal hypocrisy whenever and wherever he sees it. You and I have that same right, its called freedom of speech. But in some countries (and some states) you can be jailed for violating the permissible speech guidelines. Do you want the government telling what you can say, think, see, and do?
Certainly not red but for a leader of our country calling every item about him as a lie ,false news and having you believe it, is a gd shame He's in deep shit and he's terrified

Please Please go after Hillary ,dishonest Hillary and leave me alone ""Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaahaha
He will go down as the worst, do nothing president in our history when his time is done.
Presidents aren’t supposed to be dictators (a reality that ignorant progressives never understood). It’s the ultimate compliment for the left to call a president a “do nothing” President.
He will go down as the worst, do nothing president in our history when his time is done.
Presidents aren’t supposed to be dictators (a reality that ignorant progressives never understood). It’s the ultimate compliment for the left to call a president a “do nothing” President.

That's the dumbest thing posted all day, thank you for that though. And I must admit I was wrong, bone spur does golf, a lot! Nice job bone spur!
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
from "Russia" with love. Couple of words from leader of Muscovite fascists


He will go down as the worst, do nothing president in our history when his time is done.
Presidents aren’t supposed to be dictators (a reality that ignorant progressives never understood). It’s the ultimate compliment for the left to call a president a “do nothing” President.

But this president is trying to be a dictator and when he's called do nothing it's because he had got no legislation passed until the other day and that was done crooked so he's not doing his job
Well...President Trump was a life-long progressive in New York so it doesn’t surprise me in the least that he’s a life-long dirt-bag. I just find it hysterical how you love dirt-bags who “identify” as liberals and lose your shit when those same people engage in those same behaviors as Republican

As always, you're wrong.......Trump may have hung out with the "progressives," but virtually NO ONE liked the slime that he emitted from his every pore after a few minutes around him bragging and being obnoxious.

I well remember when this clown would call in to radio talk shows.....pretending that he was someone else.....and lauding the orange moron.....

Do you remember that psychosis, Patsy??? That sure hell was no "progressive" bullshit.
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Presidents aren’t supposed to be dictators (a reality that ignorant progressives never understood)

Do you know how many presidents set up a mock meeting asking for his cabinet to praise him AND asked for a "loyalty oath"....just like Mussolini used to do.
Here's one other notable achievement to "credit" Trump with.........

Trump may have hung out with the "progressives,"...
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.
Do you know how many presidents set up a mock meeting asking for his cabinet to praise him AND asked for a "loyalty oath"....just like Mussolini used to do.
Who cares what he does with his own cabinet? Barack Insane Obama was circumventing the entire U.S. Constitution so he could wield supreme power but now you want to feign “outrage” because President Trump expects his own cabinet to be loyal? Please.
Here's one other notable achievement to "credit" Trump with.........

Yeah - the left always engages in this type of propaganda tactic. They attempt to connect themselves to the right in hopes that it will make the right look bad. This particular one is comical though coming from the party that founded the KKK (and continues to support it to this day).
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.

NO,moron (here I'll type really s l o w)

Trump was a NYer.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always been run by democrats.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always elected democrat mayors, senators and congressmen....
Yes or No?

Trump wanted to rub elbows with NY's elites because of his cravings to be somebody rather than a real estate douche bag, shyster......Yes or No?

Ergo, Trump hung out with democrats.......LOL

(YES, Trump should have moved to Alabama instead of infesting NY....I agree.)
Here's one other notable achievement to "credit" Trump with.........

Yeah - the left always engages in this type of propaganda tactic. They attempt to connect themselves to the right in hopes that it will make the right look bad. This particular one is comical though coming from the party that founded the KKK (and continues to support it to this day).

Well, one can fix right wing stupidity on this type of forum....
Stay Dumb....see who give a flying f**k........LOL
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.
NO,moron (here I'll type really s l o w)

Trump was a NYer.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always been run by democrats.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always elected democrat mayors, senators and congressmen....
Yes or No?

Trump wanted to rub elbows with NY's elites because of his cravings to be somebody rather than a real estate douche bag, shyster......Yes or No?

Ergo, Trump hung out with democrats.......LOL

(YES, Trump should have moved to Alabama instead of infesting NY....I agree.)
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.
NO,moron (here I'll type really s l o w)

Trump was a NYer.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always been run by democrats.....Yes or No?
NY has almost always elected democrat mayors, senators and congressmen....
Yes or No?

Trump wanted to rub elbows with NY's elites because of his cravings to be somebody rather than a real estate douche bag, shyster......Yes or No?

Ergo, Trump hung out with democrats.......LOL

(YES, Trump should have moved to Alabama instead of infesting NY....I agree.)
LOL! Progressive propaganda is hilarious. He didn’t “hang out with” progressives - he was a progressive. He voted Dumbocrat. He donated to Dumbocrats. He said that Hitlery would make a “great” president. Nice try.

Well he's a republican now.

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