How to get righties to wear masks

Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:

Every store I go to that requires mask to be worn, will give you a free one.
Why is it teabaggers have issues with wearing a mask, when 98% of stores, restaurants and malls, require shoes and shirts, they never had issues with that, until, the orange, blob said , “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘Nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then, they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?”

Trump ego rally in NC.
Would you use a condom that has a failure rate of 85%?
I bet it has a 99% failure rate.................................if you wear it on your thumb.
You are dodging the question, jackass.

Why are you dodging the question?
Your a moron, as well as your dear leader, Dotard is FOS, as usual.
"85% of people WEARING a mask catch covid-19"?
Thanks, Dr. Trump.
Thanks Dr. Carlson.

Running through a series of data points listed in the CDC’s report, Tucker Carlson said during his Oct. 13 show: "Almost everyone — 85% — who got the coronavirus in July was wearing a mask, and they were infected anyway. So clearly this doesn't work the way they tell us it works."

The CDC study wasn’t measuring the impact of masks. "Participants were asked about mask use as an individual behavior," CDC spokesperson Jason McDonald told PolitiFact. "However, the aim of the study was to assess possible situations for community exposure, not mask use."

More commie propaganda, stop trying to deflect form the fact that the vast majority of people who got the virus were wearing masks. The fact is masks don't protect the wearer, they supposedly protect others from the wearer.

If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
Obviously conservatives’ unwarranted hostility toward wearing a mask is that doing so protects others from infection.

The idea of respecting others and protecting one’s fellow citizens from infection is repugnant to conservatives because there’s nothing in it for them.

Such is the selfish, self-centered right.

Such is FREEDOM, remember that?

If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
When I see someone without a mask I go near them and start coughing.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

That's the problem with trying to use lies to control people. You can't have transparency, because transparency would expose the lies, and undermine the control that one seeks to gain from them.

Attempted censorship of one side of a discussion is prima facie proof that the other side knows that it's full of shit, and that its positions cannot be supported through honest, transparent discussion.
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
We will make sure you wear your mask and tell you when it comes off

Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:

Every store I go to that requires mask to be worn, will give you a free one.
Why is it teabaggers have issues with wearing a mask, when 98% of stores, restaurants and malls, require shoes and shirts, they never had issues with that, until, the orange, blob said , “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘Nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then, they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?”

Trump ego rally in NC.
Would you use a condom that has a failure rate of 85%?
I bet it has a 99% failure rate.................................if you wear it on your thumb.
You are dodging the question, jackass.

Why are you dodging the question?
Your a moron, as well as your dear leader, Dotard is FOS, as usual.
"85% of people WEARING a mask catch covid-19"?
Thanks, Dr. Trump.
Thanks Dr. Carlson.

Running through a series of data points listed in the CDC’s report, Tucker Carlson said during his Oct. 13 show: "Almost everyone — 85% — who got the coronavirus in July was wearing a mask, and they were infected anyway. So clearly this doesn't work the way they tell us it works."

The CDC study wasn’t measuring the impact of masks. "Participants were asked about mask use as an individual behavior," CDC spokesperson Jason McDonald told PolitiFact. "However, the aim of the study was to assess possible situations for community exposure, not mask use."

More commie propaganda, stop trying to deflect form the fact that the vast majority of people who got the virus were wearing masks. The fact is masks don't protect the wearer, they supposedly protect others from the wearer.

They got it while not wearing a mask most likely. Like when their grandkids who went to a trump rally came over and kissed them.
Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
Now that's a joke. All data will be dismissed out of hand, like the data in this link.
There is a study that looked at the protective effect of a simple cloth mask for speech droplet source control, that found that approximately 99% of the forward-facing droplets visible in a laser chamber were blocked. The cloth mask in the study was moist, in order to avoid dust contamination of the equipment; a followup experiment from the same group, pictured here (but not published yet), found that a dry paper towel had the same results.
LOL, another laboratory "study."

From your link.....

" We did not assess the relative roles of droplets generated during speech, droplet nuclei,2 and aerosols in the transmission of viruses. "

No need to dismiss your "proof;" the study's authors did it for us.
Exactly, you tell em....FWEE-DUMB!

It tells us all that anyone ever needs to know about you, that you see the concept of freedom, and the human desire for it, as something to be mocked.
Freedom to do what? Be racist? Discriminate? Break laws? Cheat? Kill cops while rioting? Try to get a foreign leader to lie about your political opponent? Try to get a Georgia governor to find 200,000 votes?
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

Trump mentioned how much he enjoys talking about "this stuff." He attributes his previously unknown interest in epidemiological research to his uncle, Dr. John Trump, who used to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The president, who considers himself a genius, raised the scale even higher for his uncle, who he described as a "super genius."

Trump said doctors he's come across as the administration tries to get a handle on the outbreak have been surprised about how much he knows about COVID-19. "Maybe I have a natural ability," he said. "Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."
You were the ones that have been at war with half the population for years. Destroying men and women every day. Now we want to see your cities nuked. And if you dream enough, these things can happen.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
from what I've seen in real life its not a right left divide,, thats just what leftys say to keep the country divided,,

in fact I see more lefty blacks absolutely refuse to wear them hear in KC,,

its more of a coward verses logic thats the divide,,,
Two people I work with who wear the mask way more than I do have both gotten covid they made a full recovery and are fine now I wear the mask only where I'm required to and have not gotten covid make of that what you will. My take mask might help to some degree but you can still get covid even if you wear one.
If you believe that wearing a mask increases the chance of not giving or getting the virus continue on. if your not going to wear a mask Please stay 6 feet away from those who do. its just plain old respect for those who choose to follow the 80% of virus educated doctors view that masks help. show me any hospital not requiring masks.
But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning.
We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax
Typical lying commie. Trump said media coverage of the virus was a hoax, not the virus. Buy hey, you commies never let fats get in the way of your propaganda, RIGHT?

What would the Left be without their lies? And you know, no one gets things wrong 100% of the time by ACCIDENT. They built their entire attack on Trump last year on his handling of Covid blaming him for a hundred thousand deaths and now we see Biden hasn't anything better or different! And their fellow democrat Cuomo is the head mass killer!
  • They couldn't beat Trump with the truth so they always misrepresented him.
  • They couldn't win an election with honesty, so they always spin a fiction about what they intend to do!
  • And at that, they still have to massively cheat at elections!
  • Whatever they are guilty of, they accuse the other side of doing!
And that is why they hate people like Trump or Rush: they can't scare off or control Trump and they have absolutely no defense for the facts.

I've even asked over 20 libs here to defend their charge that the election fraud charges are baseless in structured debate, and NOT ONE of them is willing to do it.
Why are you dodging the question?
Your a moron, as well as your dear leader, Dotard is FOS, as usual.
More commie propaganda

The actual figure is closer to 75%. 3 out of 4 people who got very sick or died were mask wearers. There is no correlation between not wearing masks and getting Covid---- in fact, FEWER no-mask wearers get it than do! So there is no correlation to not wearing masks and super-spreader events, in fact, there are no super-spreader events! There never was. That is just another faux term made up by the Left to trigger TDS in libs at any time Trump got together with a lot of people and most wore no particular protection.

THE LEFT: their entire philosophical modality is a giant fiction-fantasy.
Why is it liberals always wants people to do stuff?

Hey control freaks, you do it and leave us alone.

Mainly to protect people.
You know, like stopping for red lights.
I would say it's feelings are hurt more than a 13 year old girl who just lost her 1st boyfriend, by a long shot.

13-year-olds should NOT be dating. It's too young.
Never said date, which is true BTW.
I had a girlfriend at 13, all our "dates" were with one parent or another or we just hung out together.
Wouldn't consider that dating at all.
Driving is not a right
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

Trump mentioned how much he enjoys talking about "this stuff." He attributes his previously unknown interest in epidemiological research to his uncle, Dr. John Trump, who used to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The president, who considers himself a genius, raised the scale even higher for his uncle, who he described as a "super genius."

Trump said doctors he's come across as the administration tries to get a handle on the outbreak have been surprised about how much he knows about COVID-19. "Maybe I have a natural ability," he said. "Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."

Typical lying commie. Trump said media coverage of the virus was a hoax, not the virus. Buy hey, you commies never let fats get in the way of your propaganda, RIGHT?


You lie, just like your dear leader.
Dotard called the virus a hoax, why would he tell everyone it will disappear?

The only one praising communist was your dear leader and his cult.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Dotard's cult tried.....................and failed, usual for the lying, loser.
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:

Every store I go to that requires mask to be worn, will give you a free one.
Why is it teabaggers have issues with wearing a mask, when 98% of stores, restaurants and malls, require shoes and shirts, they never had issues with that, until, the orange, blob said , “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘Nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then, they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?”

Trump ego rally in NC.
Would you use a condom that has a failure rate of 85%?
I bet it has a 99% failure rate.................................if you wear it on your thumb.
You are dodging the question, jackass.

Why are you dodging the question?
Your a moron, as well as your dear leader, Dotard is FOS, as usual.
"85% of people WEARING a mask catch covid-19"?
Thanks, Dr. Trump.
Thanks Dr. Carlson.

Running through a series of data points listed in the CDC’s report, Tucker Carlson said during his Oct. 13 show: "Almost everyone — 85% — who got the coronavirus in July was wearing a mask, and they were infected anyway. So clearly this doesn't work the way they tell us it works."

The CDC study wasn’t measuring the impact of masks. "Participants were asked about mask use as an individual behavior," CDC spokesperson Jason McDonald told PolitiFact. "However, the aim of the study was to assess possible situations for community exposure, not mask use."

More commie propaganda, stop trying to deflect form the fact that the vast majority of people who got the virus were wearing masks. The fact is masks don't protect the wearer, they supposedly protect others from the wearer.


Got taken, just like your orange, dear leader by the Huckster on Dotard's TV channel.
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:

Every store I go to that requires mask to be worn, will give you a free one.
Why is it teabaggers have issues with wearing a mask, when 98% of stores, restaurants and malls, require shoes and shirts, they never had issues with that, until, the orange, blob said , “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘Nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then, they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?”

Trump ego rally in NC.
Perhaps it's because the SCIENCE gives clear directions; advised to wear a mask if unable to social know; THE SCIENCE, teabagged!!!!!


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