How to repeal aca!


VIP Member
Feb 29, 2012
There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:
1) Stop turning every voting bloc in America against the republicans. To date the republicans have manage to lose the women's vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, the poor vote, and the middle class vote. YOU CAN NOT WIN ELECTIONS WITH JUST THE ALL WHITE MALE VOTE.
2) Start proposing legislation that will help ALL Americans and not just rich and powerful. A jobs bill would have gone a long way toward improving your image. Voting to repeal the ACA 41 times while knowing it would never be signed into law may cause tears of joy to flow down the legs of members of the tea party but it does not impress the rest of America.
3) Stop being the stupid party. One of the bills that the House recently voted on was a bill to defund ACORN. ACORN has been shut down since 2010. How can anyone represent a governing body who votes down giving funding to an organization that has been out of existance for 3 years.
4) Stop throwing the smartest people in your party under the bus. Case in point: Jon Huntsman was probably the best candidate you had in the 2012 election. He had been a governor and he had foreign policy experience. Yet he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus. The party threw out Huntsman to retain such intelligent candidates like Bachmann, Gingrich, Cain, romney, and Perry. Huntsman would have given Obama a fight but he was thrown out because he was too intelligent for members of the tea party.
5) And while we are mentioning tea party, now would be a good time for moderate republicans to take back their party. The crazies have been in charge of the party for to long. People will vote for republicans if the republicans work toward making America a better place. The tea party wants to take America back to the 50's.
6) Stop telling lies to the American people. You can get away with it for awhile but eventually people come to see the truth and start to distrust those who lied to them.. Lincoln had it right when he said "You can fool some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."
7) Stop spreading hatred that works to divide this country. Lincoln had this right also, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:
1) Stop turning every voting bloc in America against the republicans. To date the republicans have manage to lose the women's vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, the poor vote, and the middle class vote. YOU CAN NOT WIN ELECTIONS WITH JUST THE ALL WHITE MALE VOTE.
2) Start proposing legislation that will help ALL Americans and not just rich and powerful. A jobs bill would have gone a long way toward improving your image. Voting to repeal the ACA 41 times while knowing it would never be signed into law may cause tears of joy to flow down the legs of members of the tea party but it does not impress the rest of America.
3) Stop being the stupid party. One of the bills that the House recently voted on was a bill to defund ACORN. ACORN has been shut down since 2010. How can anyone represent a governing body who votes down giving funding to an organization that has been out of existance for 3 years.
4) Stop throwing the smartest people in your party under the bus. Case in point: Jon Huntsman was probably the best candidate you had in the 2012 election. He had been a governor and he had foreign policy experience. Yet he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus. The party threw out Huntsman to retain such intelligent candidates like Bachmann, Gingrich, Cain, romney, and Perry. Huntsman would have given Obama a fight but he was thrown out because he was too intelligent for members of the tea party.
5) And while we are mentioning tea party, now would be a good time for moderate republicans to take back their party. The crazies have been in charge of the party for to long. People will vote for republicans if the republicans work toward making America a better place. The tea party wants to take America back to the 50's.
6) Stop telling lies to the American people. You can get away with it for awhile but eventually people come to see the truth and start to distrust those who lied to them.. Lincoln had it right when he said "You can fool some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."
7) Stop spreading hatred that works to divide this country. Lincoln had this right also, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Jake, is that you?
I've got a better idea!

Why don't they offer us something better?
We have never offered anything better on healthcare is why, rw.

The majority of Americans do not want to go back to no health care for tens of millions of American.
There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:
1) Stop turning every voting bloc in America against the republicans. To date the republicans have manage to lose the women's vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, the poor vote, and the middle class vote. YOU CAN NOT WIN ELECTIONS WITH JUST THE ALL WHITE MALE VOTE.
2) Start proposing legislation that will help ALL Americans and not just rich and powerful. A jobs bill would have gone a long way toward improving your image. Voting to repeal the ACA 41 times while knowing it would never be signed into law may cause tears of joy to flow down the legs of members of the tea party but it does not impress the rest of America.
3) Stop being the stupid party. One of the bills that the House recently voted on was a bill to defund ACORN. ACORN has been shut down since 2010. How can anyone represent a governing body who votes down giving funding to an organization that has been out of existance for 3 years.
4) Stop throwing the smartest people in your party under the bus. Case in point: Jon Huntsman was probably the best candidate you had in the 2012 election. He had been a governor and he had foreign policy experience. Yet he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus. The party threw out Huntsman to retain such intelligent candidates like Bachmann, Gingrich, Cain, romney, and Perry. Huntsman would have given Obama a fight but he was thrown out because he was too intelligent for members of the tea party.
5) And while we are mentioning tea party, now would be a good time for moderate republicans to take back their party. The crazies have been in charge of the party for to long. People will vote for republicans if the republicans work toward making America a better place. The tea party wants to take America back to the 50's.
6) Stop telling lies to the American people. You can get away with it for awhile but eventually people come to see the truth and start to distrust those who lied to them.. Lincoln had it right when he said "You can fool some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."
7) Stop spreading hatred that works to divide this country. Lincoln had this right also, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Are you aware that you have listed 7 points of pure spin?

Do you not know how to weed through the spin and understand the sentiments of the other side?

For example.....

Intentions of the democrats:
To ensure a safe and healthy life with an opportunity for prosperity for all Americans
(I know that is the real intention...although I disagree that their ideas will work))

Spin of the intentions of the democrats:
To enslave all Americans in a government run lifestyle; getting them addicted to it and ensuring a triple win in every election

Now...that being said.....and as I already listed 7 points of spin as it pertains to the intentions of the GOP ideas.

Maybe if our elected officials on both sides of the aisle stopped with the childish spin, we can learn to understand the other side and come up with ideas that will work.
Health care and health insurance are not the same thing.


Insurance is something you buy "just in case" you need it....and always hoping you don't.

Once you eliminate "pre existing conditions" clauses, it is no longer insurance.

You only need to buy it when you need it.
Of course there are alternatives. The one I posted is being looked at by the GOP now.

And who the hell says it has to be a Republican plan? If the plan worked and kept Govt the hell out of it then it would be a good one in my book.
There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:

Prevent members of the parasitic faction from voting - they are presently in the majority, and they vote early and often.

There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:

Prevent members of the parasitic faction from voting - they are presently in the majority, and they vote early and often.

Read contumacious carefully. This is what the right has turned into. They have no intention of changing and trying to encourage people to vote republican. In other words, they do not want this country to remain a democracy. What they do want is to take the vote away from Americans who won't vote for them. They want the minority to control the majority. This is what they call a democracy.
My OP stands. When a ship sinks it is usually the rats who leave first. As America sinks it is the reasonable and intelligent republicans who are leaving the party. IT IS THE RATS WHO ARE REMAINING BEHIND.
There is an easy and sure fire way for the republicans to repeal the ACA. All they would have to do is to win both houses of Congress and the Presidency. To do that would require the following:

Prevent members of the parasitic faction from voting - they are presently in the majority, and they vote early and often.

Read contumacious carefully. This is what the right has turned into. They have no intention of changing and trying to encourage people to vote republican. In other words, they do not want this country to remain a democracy. What they do want is to take the vote away from Americans who won't vote for them. They want the minority to control the majority. This is what they call a democracy.
My OP stands. When a ship sinks it is usually the rats who leave first. As America sinks it is the reasonable and intelligent republicans who are leaving the party. IT IS THE RATS WHO ARE REMAINING BEHIND.

Remarkably incorrect.

The US is NOT supposed to be a democracy.

The US has NO AUTHORITY to force "A" to support "B".

The only thing you guys are doing is inciting violence.


1. Create a clear alternative
2. Run on it
3. Win some elections
4. Repeal & replace via legislation

Is this supposed to be a mystery?


The problem with running on a clear alternative is that by offering an alternative, you have to admit that health care is a public service everyone is owed, and not a commodity afforded to you based on your wealth and status.

You see, this really isn't a discussion about the program itself, which is flawed.

It's a discussion of the philosophy behind it.

Should health care only be compensation handed out to those who serve the monied class well?

or should it be a public service (I don't want to say "right") that every citizen should be able to access?

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