How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist

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How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist
One question:

Do you support dOnald tRump?

If the answer is yes, he's most likely a racist.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat? lol

When he claimed to be a Democrat (he wasn't a democrat either, he's a John Birch Society in drag) Democrats AND Republicans steered clear of him equally.
Dude stop smoking crack you don't give as much money as he did to democrats and not be a democrat
Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

Trump is NOT unquestionably racist. What polices has he proposed that are racist?

It's all been covered over and over. Denying it doesn't change a thing. And repeating it over and over doesn't change a thing. You and your criminally insane denying it over and over doesn't change a thing. Sorry, cupcake, no more free rides.

Those who believe it are insane if their opinion is based on his tweets and taking what he has said out of context. You idiots have been crying racism for years when your intellect is challenged...thus quite frequently.
How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist
One question:

Do you support dOnald tRump?

If the answer is yes, he's most likely a racist.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat? lol

When he claimed to be a Democrat (he wasn't a democrat either, he's a John Birch Society in drag) Democrats AND Republicans steered clear of him equally.
Dude stop smoking crack you don't give as much money as he did to democrats and not be a democrat

Democrats ran the cities where he made most of his money. It has nothing to do with being a republican or democrat. It has to do with money.

How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist
One question:

Do you support dOnald tRump?

If the answer is yes, he's most likely a racist.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat? lol

When he claimed to be a Democrat (he wasn't a democrat either, he's a John Birch Society in drag) Democrats AND Republicans steered clear of him equally.
Dude stop smoking crack you don't give as much money as he did to democrats and not be a democrat

Democrats ran the cities where he made most of his money. It has nothing to do with being a republican or democrat. It has to do with money.

smoking crack is wack you should stop it.
One question:

Do you support dOnald tRump?

If the answer is yes, he's most likely a racist.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat? lol

When he claimed to be a Democrat (he wasn't a democrat either, he's a John Birch Society in drag) Democrats AND Republicans steered clear of him equally.
Dude stop smoking crack you don't give as much money as he did to democrats and not be a democrat

Democrats ran the cities where he made most of his money. It has nothing to do with being a republican or democrat. It has to do with money.

smoking crack is wack you should stop it.

Sorry, no more free rides. And there seems to be more Republicans that are no longer up to giving free rides anymore as well. Even if Trump wins another 4 years, the Republican Party is toast. And that isn't something I want to see. But you helped to kill it. We just don't know when to schedule the viewing of the body.
What? I'm comfortable with anyone. Obviously I wouldn't talk politics much with someone who is a left-winger, but that doesn't mean I'll be uncomfortable. I just would not talk politics with them. There are a million topics in this world, and I'm going to pick the one I know will cause friction between me and someone else? Why?

Must not have many leftist friends. Because you can't get thru the hors d'ouvres before they bring up political stickiness. After living in Cali for many years -- I KNOW this to be true...Then you learn that you don't "pick the million topics" that are not political...

Just tossing your plastic in the "other recyclables" bin can get you a lecture...

And god forbid you should ASK for a plastic bag at the store or drive an SUV or own a gun...

Well, I have a friend at work right now that is left-wing, and we get along great. Wonderful girl. She's Wiccan too.

She knows I'm hard core right-wing, and I know she's hard-core left-wing.

In fact, I had two of them sitting there saying "Yeah things are terrible now in Trump's America." I just asked "So tell me, what specifically in your life is worse, than it was two years ago?".

I got this "You don't understand because you are a white male", and I said "Ok, explain it to me, because last I checked the stop light still turned green eventually, and my utility bills are not any different, and honestly my income is up at this job... so explain it to me. Tell me what is different".

And they eventually just said nothing was any worse. And we moved on.

I think it's a bit hard to be confrontational, when you simply ask them to explain their position. Then eventually they realize you are just asking a question.

Now some people are rabid emotionalists..... just let them vent, and move on to a new topic.

But my favorite de-programming, was when they were screaming about the tax cuts on the corporate tax, and how we should raise taxes. I just asked them "What do you think about Apple creating hundreds of jobs in Ireland?" well that's bad "Well why do you think they did that?" well um maybe because of the tax rates are lower there "Well what do you think companies will do if we jack tax rates back up?"


Next topic. Just let them think about it, and move on to that new lunch place down the street.

But I get what you are saying. Some of these left-wingers are disgusting slobs like Antifa, and they have no intention of talking, they just want to yell like toddlers. Ok... just talk about sports, or the weather or something. That's what I do.

I thought I had a lot of patience with leftist friends. But you win hands down.. You must be doing some weed to get that kind of patience... :auiqs.jpg:
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