How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist

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Because they’re libtards and hate anyone who is conservative and likes what President Trump is doing. They are the racist.

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Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

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Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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No more free rides.

Your a moron

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Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

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Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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No more free rides.

Your a moron

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My goodness. Does that bother you?
why do libs white or black hate black conservatives? Why do they call them uncle toms?

Because they’re libtards and hate anyone who is conservative and likes what President Trump is doing. They are the racist.

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Trump is not, has never been and never will be a conservative. He's a Bunko artist. And you bought the snake oil. Take a good hard look him for a change and you won't like what you see. Conservatives will retake the Republican Party but it's going to take years. The Party is broken right now.

In case you haven't noticed, Trumps Father was a card carrying John Birch Society (one step off a KKK open member). And that would explain some of Trumps actions. The Conservatives warned us all back in the 70s and early 80s about allowing the JBCs into the Republican party and where it would lead. Well, here we are today. And you fell for it. I want my Conservatives back again.

The Republicans own the Senate, the Presidency and in ways the Supreme Court...and WE are the "broken party". Meanwhile Nancy P has allowed four total morons to derail the House's terms, the Russian Investigation blew up in all your faces....and again, WE are the broken party....

Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

In other news, right now I'm a Trump voter.

Call me racist again and I will donate and work for his campaign.

Try me.

Of course you will. You make those type decisions based on whether you think you are winning a discussion with an anonymous poster on the internet. That's how Trump makes most of his decisions too.
Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

In other news, right now I'm a Trump voter.

Call me racist again and I will donate and work for his campaign.

Try me.

Of course you will. You make those type decisions based on whether you think you are winning a discussion with an anonymous poster on the internet. That's how Trump makes most of his decisions too.

Oh not just you sweetheart, a bunch of numbskulls on Twitter on their fainting couches too. "If they don't denounce they're all racists too!!"

The absolute lack of individual thinking should scare you, but doesn't. I'm glad you gave up the "free thinkers" label a few years ago at least. I guess even Leftists have too much shame for THAT
why do libs white or black hate black conservatives? Why do they call them uncle toms?

Because they’re libtards and hate anyone who is conservative and likes what President Trump is doing. They are the racist.

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Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

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Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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I understand. You can't show that Trump is a conservative instead of just for himself. I'm not surprised.
The left has changed the definition of racism. That definition fits me. So therefor I’m a racist. I don’t hate people of color, nor do I thing any one race is superior to another, but that is no longer the definition. The new definition no longer has any shame connected to it.
Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

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Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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No more free rides.

Your a moron

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Shouldn't you be out planting drugs on someone about now?
Because they’re libtards and hate anyone who is conservative and likes what President Trump is doing. They are the racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

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Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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I understand. You can't show that Trump is a conservative instead of just for himself. I'm not surprised.

On the verse side...

Can you show Trump is for himself?

IDGAF if he's a conservative - it's obvious he's not.
Trump is not conservative. He's nuts.

Coming from a liberal asshole. Typical. You bring nothing of value to any forums, just your ignorant low life bullshit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please show that Trump is conservative instead of just for himself.

Liberals always say the same shit. Especially you. You spout the same bullshit all the time. Typical liberal scumbag.

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I understand. You can't show that Trump is a conservative instead of just for himself. I'm not surprised.

On the verse side...

Can you show Trump is for himself?

IDGAF if he's a conservative - it's obvious he's not.

That was my point.
Clearly the fact that Trump is a racist has hit a nerve among his supporters – far too many of whom are likewise racists.
You have to believe it to be true. The problem is that you are satanic as you follow those principles. Which is much worse then being racist because you have no principles. You care nothing about human life but your own ways. You are so numb to your human sacrifices to satan that you believe your angelic. Many people do not care about deaths. But you promote it for agendas. Would you please invent a gasoline engine that gets 100 miles per gallon and stop the social justice spewing. I mean you are so educated.
why do libs white or black hate black conservatives? Why do they call them uncle toms?

Because they’re libtards and hate anyone who is conservative and likes what President Trump is doing. They are the racist.

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Trump is not, has never been and never will be a conservative. He's a Bunko artist. And you bought the snake oil. Take a good hard look him for a change and you won't like what you see. Conservatives will retake the Republican Party but it's going to take years. The Party is broken right now.

In case you haven't noticed, Trumps Father was a card carrying John Birch Society (one step off a KKK open member). And that would explain some of Trumps actions. The Conservatives warned us all back in the 70s and early 80s about allowing the JBCs into the Republican party and where it would lead. Well, here we are today. And you fell for it. I want my Conservatives back again.

The Republicans own the Senate, the Presidency and in ways the Supreme Court...and WE are the "broken party". Meanwhile Nancy P has allowed four total morons to derail the House's terms, the Russian Investigation blew up in all your faces....and again, WE are the broken party....


6 more republicans are leaving the house on their own out of the house. The ability to have a red house is gone. 5 of those are in heavily contested areas that they almost didn't make it mid term. How many in the senate will go that route between now and 2020? You aren't paying attention I can see. The major reason? They are fed up with Trump.

I know of two Red Senators that are goners. Gardner and Moscow Mitch. You only have 3 seats to play with. But with those two being replaced by Dems that leaves only a margin of 1. The major reason isn't Trump. It's Moscow Mitch. Look for a couple of other Republican Senators to leave on their own accord due to no longer being able to hold their noses. Between Moscow Mitch and Trump, getting rather difficult to even hang onto the Senate.

Careful now, the last laugh may be on you and your band of criminally insane.

I grew up in LA in the 40s and 50s.
Normal bigotry was against Mexicans. I lived in a mix-flavored neighborhood and racism was never a question. I played with 2nd generation Japanese, Philippinos, Jews, Blacks, and anyone else I didn't even know they were different than me.
I spent 23 years in the Army and nobody cared anything but how you did your job and if you would have their backs if it got down to the nitty-gritty. My first assignment was a small platoon on 32, mixed blacks and whites, all but 2 of us from the Deep South. There were no barriers and we all lived in harmony.
I've worked in an assortment of service jobs dealing with the public. I found jerks and racists from all across the spectrum. When driving the city bus, my favorite route was through The Alphabet Streets. For anyone who knows Vegas, that will surprise them. The riders were honest, hard-working people who wanted no more than to get to work on time.
Am I bigoted?
Depends on what you mean by that?
I despise ignorant, self-inflated people who are going to judge me for my beliefs and not my actions. I cannot stand the current brand of Leftist snobs who live one way and demand you live another. I find most politicians to be despicable and have little regard for the vast majority of bureaucrats in both government and public life.
As to what you think of me?
I could care less.
When I look in the mirror, I see someone I like.
My wife loves me and her kids respect me.
Anything else is extraneous.
Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

Trump is NOT unquestionably racist. What polices has he proposed that are racist?
Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

Trump is NOT unquestionably racist. What polices has he proposed that are racist?

It's all been covered over and over. Denying it doesn't change a thing. And repeating it over and over doesn't change a thing. You and your criminally insane denying it over and over doesn't change a thing. Sorry, cupcake, no more free rides.
Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

I answered "black conservative" to every single one of these. But here on USMB make no mistake: the white supremacists come out to play, cause they can't in real life.

My parents and my in-laws are also Trump supports and not bigots. I wish folks could know that honestly, most Trump supporters are not like the small but vocal faction here. But what are you gonna do.

You don't have to have your own custom fitted white robe and hood to be a racist. If you support an unquestionably racist president, and his unquestionably racist programs and plans, you are a racist.

Trump is NOT unquestionably racist. What polices has he proposed that are racist?

It's all been covered over and over. Denying it doesn't change a thing. And repeating it over and over doesn't change a thing. You and your criminally insane denying it over and over doesn't change a thing. Sorry, cupcake, no more free rides.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat?
How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist
One question:

Do you support dOnald tRump?

If the answer is yes, he's most likely a racist.
trump being accused of being a racist when he was a democrat. why did democrats love him then but now call him out for being a racist while he was a democrat? lol

When he claimed to be a Democrat (he wasn't a democrat either, he's a John Birch Society in drag) Democrats AND Republicans steered clear of him equally.
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