How Trump Happened

Bernie or bust crowd stayed home.

Not really...the corrupt and criminal DNC establishment fucked Bernie over.

Bernie.... lol
That rumpled old marxist was sent off packing to whatever communal cult in Vermont he crawled out of. And the clueless, adolescents weep....

Why is he a Marxist? Because he wants free healthcare and free higher education? Seems like he's just trying to put us on par with other developed nations.

Actually you are a marxist by thinking all of this stuff is "free".
Bernie or bust crowd stayed home.

Not really...the corrupt and criminal DNC establishment fucked Bernie over.

Bernie.... lol
That rumpled old marxist was sent off packing to whatever communal cult in Vermont he crawled out of. And the clueless, adolescents weep....

Why is he a Marxist? Because he wants free healthcare and free higher education? Seems like he's just trying to put us on par with other developed nations.

Why is he a Marxist? Because he wants free healthcare and free higher education?

He wants teachers and doctors to work for free? Cool!
Trump happen because of the absolute distrust of the career politician, Clinton represented the career politician.
What is wrong with people.

Watch the fucking video or don't. If you dont, fuck off.
Liberals told me I have to take a seat at the back of the bus behind black people, terrorists, fags, rapists, child molesters, and sexually/gender confused people. Hence, Trump.
I don't need a fucking video, I know exactly how.

The primary reasons:

1. Our disgust for liberal PC and fabricated narratives dumbing us down, insulting nature herself and spreading decay & corruption.

2. A reaction to progressive goal of American weakness for sake of one-world order and socialism, if not communism.

3. Progressives are very hateful and irrational. It's natural to fight back.

4. A DC outsider was hard to resist considering the state of our government.

5. Trump campaigned to win and had the energy, brains ,and bronze to do so. He outsmarted & out-worked those he ran against.

Pretty simple.
What is wrong with people.

Watch the fucking video or don't. If you dont, fuck off.
It was terrible and anti-intellectual at best.

Blaming Rush for creating a climate that had been started decades before he went on the air, and neglecting to mention "comedians" who hide behind "comedy" to push ever more extreme views against average Americans and westerners at the behest of the Democratic Party. Not to mention the extremism in universities at the behest of the Democrats.

Trump is just the beginning of the right realizing that this is a fight, not a friendly sibling rivalry. The right has a LONG way to go before it catches up to the extreme levels of the contemporary left's rhetoric and actions.

Idiots like Flake, McCain and Graham etc aren't going to be replaced because the O'Neils never were replaced.
Liberals told regular Americans they were idiots.
Regular Americans told liberals to fuck off.

If you voted for Trump, you are an idiot.


Says the person who voted for Hillary. JoeB you are a communist, advocating for a system we all know that doesn't work. Not only are you criminally stupid, by Einstein's definition you are also insane.
Forty five minutes of Michael Smerconish?


Trump GOT the nomination because Republicans realized that the GOP has been screwing them for decades. Trump was the "answer" to that.

Clinton lost partly because of the damage Bernie did to her. He stubbornly held on when it was clear he had lost. There was no cheating. Nothing was stolen from him. He just didn't have the votes. His ego drove him.

There had been years of nonsensical partisan "investigations" designed to condition the American public to mistrust Clinton. Prior to that she had a better than 60% approval.
There is no doubt that the Russian misinformation campaign had a large effect on her campaign. BUT

She was surviving that.

The kicker....was the Comey letter days before the election which was the nail in the coffin. Full stop.

Comey had ended the FBI investigation into her "e-mail issues" months before in a completely unprecedented way...but she survived even that. The "opening of the investigation" just days before the election was ultimate "October surprise" and you can thank Rudy Ghouliani for that. Comey was pressured into doing that by the NYC FBI office...and Rudy has huge influence with those folks.

Had the American people known about the FBI investigation that was ongoing regarding Russian help to the Trump's almost impossible to think that the election would not have been different. The FBI would not normally make that public...but they DID make every nuance of what was going on with Clinton public...against established policy.

Did Clinton make mistakes? Every campaign does. But there was almost a perfect storm of "events" in the run up to the 2016 election that lead to Trump winning
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Says the person who voted for Hillary. JoeB you are a communist, advocating for a system we all know that doesn't work. Not only are you criminally stupid, by Einstein's definition you are also insane.

Hey, the system we had in the 1960's worked just fine. The rich paid their fair share, people belonged to unions and got good wages. Let's go back to that.

Says the person who voted for Hillary. JoeB you are a communist, advocating for a system we all know that doesn't work. Not only are you criminally stupid, by Einstein's definition you are also insane.

Hey, the system we had in the 1960's worked just fine. The rich paid their fair share, people belonged to unions and got good wages. Let's go back to that.

View attachment 245107

Let's go back all the way to 1900 and eliminate almost all taxes. Fuck communists while at it.

Says the person who voted for Hillary. JoeB you are a communist, advocating for a system we all know that doesn't work. Not only are you criminally stupid, by Einstein's definition you are also insane.

Hey, the system we had in the 1960's worked just fine. The rich paid their fair share, people belonged to unions and got good wages. Let's go back to that.

View attachment 245107

Let's go back all the way to 1900 and eliminate almost all taxes. Fuck communists while at it.



Our economy was much stronger and more dynamic in the 60s than in 1900
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

WOW...yea...they both breathe air and age...that's about the extent of their similariities
Bernie or bust crowd stayed home.

Not really...the corrupt and criminal DNC establishment fucked Bernie over.

Like I said, Bernie or bust. Many people were disgusted by what the DNC did. They wanted Bernie and just stayed home because they didn't want to vote for Hilary and they definitely weren't going to vote for Trump.

I thought about staying home but I didn't want King Orange ruling. Unfortunately, my vote wasn't enough.
I remember working in the inner city and 3 years old recognizing you and saying hi and by the time they were 6 or 7 calling you honky, white mutha ph uka and such. Someone had to teach them those lies. like your athiest visage.
It would be cool if some people watched the video and then commented.

We don't need to watch no stinking video to know what happened.

obozo happened……

obozo had the opportunity with the exception of George Washington

to be our greatest President.

He could have went a long way in healing our race issues.

Instead of choosing to try and heal old wounds, he came into

office with a chip on his shoulder and the idea that it’s

payback time for America.

obozo was by no means our first racist President.

But he was our first overtly racist President….

All you have to do is look at the facts and have the courage to face the truth.

Look at what he said about White people in his books….

Look at the hateful church he went to for 20 years.

Look at the racist that were his close friends and in his inner circle…..

I could go on and on and we all know if any White man had the

same history, he would have never been elected President.
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….


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