How Trump Happened

I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….


That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….


That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…
What John F. Kennedy was to a generation of young liberals, Donald J. Trump is to a generation of young conservatives.

The party of Reagan has been fundamentally transformed. It’s now Donald Trump’s party, through and through.
Let's go back all the way to 1900 and eliminate almost all taxes. Fuck communists while at it.

Okay, you see, the thing in 1900 was that most people died before 50 and worked themselves to death.

Small children got mangled in industrial machinary...

You do realize why there was a progressive movement, right? Or did they not cover that in your Home Skule?
Forty five minutes of Michael Smerconish?


Trump GOT the nomination because Republicans realized that the GOP has been screwing them for decades. Trump was the "answer" to that.

Clinton lost partly because of the damage Bernie did to her. He stubbornly held on when it was clear he had lost. There was no cheating. Nothing was stolen from him. He just didn't have the votes. His ego drove him.

There had been years of nonsensical partisan "investigations" designed to condition the American public to mistrust Clinton. Prior to that she had a better than 60% approval.
There is no doubt that the Russian misinformation campaign had a large effect on her campaign. BUT

She was surviving that.

The kicker....was the Comey letter days before the election which was the nail in the coffin. Full stop.

Comey had ended the FBI investigation into her "e-mail issues" months before in a completely unprecedented way...but she survived even that. The "opening of the investigation" just days before the election was ultimate "October surprise" and you can thank Rudy Ghouliani for that. Comey was pressured into doing that by the NYC FBI office...and Rudy has huge influence with those folks.

Had the American people known about the FBI investigation that was ongoing regarding Russian help to the Trump's almost impossible to think that the election would not have been different. The FBI would not normally make that public...but they DID make every nuance of what was going on with Clinton public...against established policy.

Did Clinton make mistakes? Every campaign does. But there was almost a perfect storm of "events" in the run up to the 2016 election that lead to Trump winning
Hillary Clinton is not well health wise. That should have disqualified her from the get go. Her not showing up at the election night campaign headquarters tells you all you want to know about what she is. All of that nice talk with the women who adored her and the adulation she used to run a lazy campaign with 95% of the media and entertainers building her up as the greatest potential leader in world history. And with that all the Progressive Socialists had to do is keep their egos in check and stop with the defamation of people who were Not Conservatives but Not Progressive Socialists. You see them everyday on TV laughing and insulting and you think nothing of it. There are people I will never trust again. And it would be funny if not so serious. And yet you continue to remove the rights of people who are not progressive socialists. Hillary was given the script by the globalists and the help guaranteed by the shills who promoted her. And blew it.
What John F. Kennedy was to a generation of young liberals, Donald J. Trump is to a generation of young conservatives.

The party of Reagan has been fundamentally transformed. It’s now Donald Trump’s party, through and through.

Actually, Trump will end up being like the Bushes and Nixon, someone Republicans will kind of try to pretend didn't happen.
Let's go back all the way to 1900 and eliminate almost all taxes. Fuck communists while at it.

Okay, you see, the thing in 1900 was that most people died before 50 and worked themselves to death.

Small children got mangled in industrial machinary...

You do realize why there was a progressive movement, right? Or did they not cover that in your Home Skule?
You do realize we live off of people from East Asia that do the same thing. Only they are not our buddies in the power game.
Still sour grapes after two years.
Screw the video, Trump will get my vote again.
Been over the reasons on many other threads, and seems many posters have covered them again right here.
Instead of focusing on those who vote for Trump, Dems should try to focus on their own voters and candidates.
Time is ticking and running out...
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….


That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics
. How many Clinton and Bush's can one country take
One party rejected a dynasty.
One party couldn't .
Was my most motivating factor to be sure neither Bush or a Clinton held office again.
We did that crap already.
There would be no trump if there was no obama... fact

There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….

That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post article is a setup to blame the Republicans for Obama’s inadequacy in dealing with Political opponents. What opposing Party DOESN’T have it in for a newly elected President from the other party? Better yet, show us how Democrats have not had it in for Trump since day 1? It was Obama who told Republicans on day 1 to get to the back of the bus. It was Obama who felt that Republicans were enemies that needed to. E punished.

Obama could not get along with people in his own Party.
There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump:

- Both are narcissistic
- Both willing to go to shutdowns to get their legacy legislation.
- Both fight with people in their party
- Neither is effective at working across the aisle.
- Both are quick to get into pissing matches with their critics

I say this in comparison to other back-to-back Presidents.

Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….

That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post article is a setup to blame the Republicans for Obama’s inadequacy in dealing with Political opponents. What opposing Party DOESN’T have it in for a newly elected President from the other party? Better yet, show us how Democrats have not had it in for Trump since day 1? It was Obama who told Republicans on day 1 to get to the back of the bus. It was Obama who felt that Republicans were enemies that needed to. E punished.

Obama could not get along with people in his own Party.

The Republicans had a meeting on the eve of Obama’s inauguration in which they said they would not support any of his agenda, period. That Obama was able to continually get at least one Republican on most of his legislation shows his outreach to Republicans.
Trump is a successful businessman, a patriot and an articulate politician. The big question is how the hell Barry Hussein Sotoro, the son of a hippie and an African communist, happened.
Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….

That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post article is a setup to blame the Republicans for Obama’s inadequacy in dealing with Political opponents. What opposing Party DOESN’T have it in for a newly elected President from the other party? Better yet, show us how Democrats have not had it in for Trump since day 1? It was Obama who told Republicans on day 1 to get to the back of the bus. It was Obama who felt that Republicans were enemies that needed to. E punished.

Obama could not get along with people in his own Party.

The Republicans had a meeting on the eve of Obama’s inauguration in which they said they would not support any of his agenda, period. That Obama was able to continually get at least one Republican on most of his legislation shows his outreach to Republicans.

obozo told the Republicans to go to the back of the bus

along with elections have consequences.

He locked the Republicans out of the healthcare debate....

nancy told us we would have to vote for it to see what's in it....

You are so very full of SHIT...…..
Trump has reached across the aisle....

obozo shut the Republicans out...….

That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post article is a setup to blame the Republicans for Obama’s inadequacy in dealing with Political opponents. What opposing Party DOESN’T have it in for a newly elected President from the other party? Better yet, show us how Democrats have not had it in for Trump since day 1? It was Obama who told Republicans on day 1 to get to the back of the bus. It was Obama who felt that Republicans were enemies that needed to. E punished.

Obama could not get along with people in his own Party.

The Republicans had a meeting on the eve of Obama’s inauguration in which they said they would not support any of his agenda, period. That Obama was able to continually get at least one Republican on most of his legislation shows his outreach to Republicans.

Show us where and how Democrats planned to support any part of Trump’s agenda? Republicans showed Obama a lot more support in confirmation of his Judicial nominees vs. Democrats have shown Trump.
That is not a fact on any planet in the multiverse, not even Earth X.

Your retort is a perfect display of your ignorance…

Nope. It's a belief in actual facts, not Trump sucking "alternative facts".

Were you even aware this happened?:

No, of course you weren't.

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post article is a setup to blame the Republicans for Obama’s inadequacy in dealing with Political opponents. What opposing Party DOESN’T have it in for a newly elected President from the other party? Better yet, show us how Democrats have not had it in for Trump since day 1? It was Obama who told Republicans on day 1 to get to the back of the bus. It was Obama who felt that Republicans were enemies that needed to. E punished.

Obama could not get along with people in his own Party.

The Republicans had a meeting on the eve of Obama’s inauguration in which they said they would not support any of his agenda, period. That Obama was able to continually get at least one Republican on most of his legislation shows his outreach to Republicans.

obozo told the Republicans to go to the back of the bus

along with elections have consequences.

He locked the Republicans out of the healthcare debate....

nancy told us we would have to vote for it to see what's in it....

You are so very full of SHIT...…..

That as well as wearing blinders while swimming in Denial.
Turning a blind eye to the problems in your own party, focus only on the problems of the other party,so the average America working person will continue to get the short end of the stick.
Here's how Trump happened.

1) 50 years of the GOP playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears of working white class people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. Trump just gave them the undiluted version of validating their bigotry.

1a) The GOP being unwilling to stand up to this guy and rally behind one of the 10 or so qualified guys they DID have.

2) The Media deciding that it was more important to entertain people than inform them. Trump got a lot of unchallenged free airtime because he was entertaining and they never thought we'd be stupid enough to elect them.

3) The Democrats running the most unlikable person they could find, and shoving her down the throats of their own voters.

4) The Russians. Sorry, they played a role.

5) Our dumbed down, short attention span electorate that equates celebrity with merit. Trump has been self-promoting for 40 years.

I think that about covers it.
Here's how Trump happened.

1) 50 years of the GOP playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears of working white class people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. Trump just gave them the undiluted version of validating their bigotry.

1a) The GOP being unwilling to stand up to this guy and rally behind one of the 10 or so qualified guys they DID have.

2) The Media deciding that it was more important to entertain people than inform them. Trump got a lot of unchallenged free airtime because he was entertaining and they never thought we'd be stupid enough to elect them.

3) The Democrats running the most unlikable person they could find, and shoving her down the throats of their own voters.

4) The Russians. Sorry, they played a role.

5) Our dumbed down, short attention span electorate that equates celebrity with merit. Trump has been self-promoting for 40 years.

I think that about covers it.
So how many people voted for Trump because of Russia's influence?
Here's how Trump happened.

1) 50 years of the GOP playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears of working white class people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. Trump just gave them the undiluted version of validating their bigotry.

1a) The GOP being unwilling to stand up to this guy and rally behind one of the 10 or so qualified guys they DID have.

2) The Media deciding that it was more important to entertain people than inform them. Trump got a lot of unchallenged free airtime because he was entertaining and they never thought we'd be stupid enough to elect them.

3) The Democrats running the most unlikable person they could find, and shoving her down the throats of their own voters.

4) The Russians. Sorry, they played a role.

5) Our dumbed down, short attention span electorate that equates celebrity with merit. Trump has been self-promoting for 40 years.

I think that about covers it.

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