How Trump Happened

None of which has anything to do with the fact that you lolberals are as loathsome and detestable a bunch of goons that has ever existed.

What that rant failed to mention is that you are also the least self-aware and introspective people on the planet....Everything that you've fucked up is everyone else's fault.

Not at all.... Its you dumb white trash that have voted against your own best interests.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the dumb white people.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"
None of which has anything to do with the fact that you lolberals are as loathsome and detestable a bunch of goons that has ever existed.

What that rant failed to mention is that you are also the least self-aware and introspective people on the planet....Everything that you've fucked up is everyone else's fault.

Not at all.... Its you dumb white trash that have voted against your own best interests.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the dumb white people.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should.

What is your definition (percentile) of these wealthy?
When was this mythical "once upon a time"?
What was the healthy share?
None of which has anything to do with the fact that you lolberals are as loathsome and detestable a bunch of goons that has ever existed.

What that rant failed to mention is that you are also the least self-aware and introspective people on the planet....Everything that you've fucked up is everyone else's fault.

Not at all.... Its you dumb white trash that have voted against your own best interests.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the dumb white people.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

Not at all.... Its you dumb white trash that have voted against your own best interests.

Didn't need to read any farther than this....Who the fuck are you to try to determine what is in the best interests of people whom you don't even know?

This is exactly the haughty, arrogant, presumptuous, know-it-all attitude that makes you lolberals the most loathsome and contemptible peckerheads on the planet.

Fuck you very much.
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Multiple reasons Trump won. First is "fly over America" got tired of being subjects to a few coast liberal cities running America through their puppets in DC. Second is we were fed up with Republicans that act like Democrats. Third is we wanted someone who could and would stand up against the machine that was systematically running this country into the ground to enrich themselves. Last but not least is democrats ran a crazy old women who only won the dnc primary by cheating and couldn't even walk up stairs without help or get into her wheel chair van without falling down in a coughing fit.
None of which has anything to do with the fact that you lolberals are as loathsome and detestable a bunch of goons that has ever existed.

What that rant failed to mention is that you are also the least self-aware and introspective people on the planet....Everything that you've fucked up is everyone else's fault.

Not at all.... Its you dumb white trash that have voted against your own best interests.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the dumb white people.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"
Let me tell you something. The sweetheart unions held the nation by the throat. The steel industry and the auto industry just two of them. They destroyed themselves. But many retirees got paid and still do. Today government unions are sweetheart unions and they have an endless amounts of taxpayer resources to pay them off. Then we have the teamsters, trades, port workers and more who are privileged compared to many who are not. I am not anti union. I am anti sucker.
Let me tell you something. The sweetheart unions held the nation by the throat. The steel industry and the auto industry just two of them. They destroyed themselves. But many retirees got paid and still do. Today government unions are sweetheart unions and they have an endless amounts of taxpayer resources to pay them off. Then we have the teamsters, trades, port workers and more who are privileged compared to many who are not. I am not anti union. I am anti sucker.

If you've bought the corporate propaganda against unions, you are a sucker.

Your argument would hold water if the Steel and Auto industries lost out to non-union competitors. They didn't. They lost out to competitors in Germany and Japan that had unions with even stronger powers than ours. Japanese and German unions have just as generous as deals as our unions have, and they even have a say in who runs the company. CEO's in those countries don't make 8 figure salaries.

The reason why those industries failed was lack of innovation. While the bosses just made their profits, the Japanese were engaging in continuous improvement, to the point where Americans came to associate German and Japanese with quality and luxury.
Bernie or bust crowd stayed home.

Not really...the corrupt and criminal DNC establishment fucked Bernie over.

Like I said, Bernie or bust. Many people were disgusted by what the DNC did. They wanted Bernie and just stayed home because they didn't want to vote for Hilary and they definitely weren't going to vote for Trump.

I thought about staying home but I didn't want King Orange ruling. Unfortunately, my vote wasn't enough.
Well we can all thank God Hillary didn’t win. As bad as Trump is, she would have been a thousand times worse. We might all be dead from a full nuclear exchange with Russia, had she won.
Didn't need to read any farther than this....Who the fuck are you to try to determine what is in the best interests of people whom you don't even know?

So you like working harder for less money?

The thing is, if you had a choice between a 50% increase in your paycheck and a ban on abortion, most sensible people would take the 50% increase in their paycheck.

You dumb shits took a 50 cut in your paycheck on the promise that they might ban abortion some day.

This is what makes you dumb white trash.
Didn't need to read any farther than this....Who the fuck are you to try to determine what is in the best interests of people whom you don't even know?

So you like working harder for less money?

The thing is, if you had a choice between a 50% increase in your paycheck and a ban on abortion, most sensible people would take the 50% increase in their paycheck.

You dumb shits took a 50 cut in your paycheck on the promise that they might ban abortion some day.

This is what makes you dumb white trash.
There you have it...Doubling down on your snobbish cocksuckery.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, you elitist peckerhead.
The man the most responsible for Trump being POTUS is Mark Burnett.

Without Mark Burnett, there is no President Trump.
He did more than rehab it, he created it.

I wouldn't go that far.

Trump has been promoting himself since the 1980's.

I think you give Trump too much credit. The only thing Trump did was give the racist, homophobic, angry white males red meat while the rest of the gang of 16 was feeding them tofu. The GOP has been creating this since Nixon's Southern Strategy, getting working class whites upset about affirmative action, crime, abortion, gays, guns, etc. in order to sell them the Plutocratic policies that benefit the rich.

How do you get a dog to swallow a pill? Wrap it in bacon.

All Trump did was double the amount of bacon.
I listen to this guy a lot. He has a take on how Trump came to be POTUS. Enjoy.

Here is a link to a far better video on that very subject...

( albeit quite profane, much briefer and funnier, easier to digest, and more accurate than Smerconish's dissertation-like offering )

Courtesy of British comic and commentator and host "Jonathon Pie"...

A shattering op-ed piece by a self-confessed Leftist...

Served-up in emotional-rant format, hard on the heels of the election itself...

More "F-Bombs" than you can shake a stick at, but, nevertheless... spot-on...

Lest we forget...
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