How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

How about you explaining just how Hillary plans on paying for her $2 Trillion dollars in new spending instead of just continuing to bash and smear the opposition party's candidate? How about showing a minute degree of class for once?

I probably agree with you on that.

But spending is not the issue in this thread.

It's about the GOP and the Hispanic vote.
These people take these generic ideas as the OP did, and all of the sudden they become gospel.

1. The Hispanic vote DOESN'T matter! You got that OP. All that matters is the electoral college. EXAMPLE: If every Hispanic votes for the Democrat, but all the Hispanics reside in California, are the Democrats going to win? Answer, NO!

2. Now to the meat an potatoes----------> Republicans will carry Florida this time because of lefty deal with Castro. Florida goes GOP by 4 points.

3. If Kasich has any pull in Ohio, even though he is a rino, if the GOP nominee takes him as his VP, the Democratic party falls off the map, since they no longer control ANYTHING!

That is the truth of it OP, you can talk divisive politics all you want, but that is what will happen. Now go count your electoral votes and what is left with Florida and Ohio in the GOP column, then get back to me about that Hispanic vote again-)

Apparently, you didn't read the link, so I'll post the important parts for you.

The GOP won't win back the White House in 2016 without garnering substantially more support from Hispanic voters than it received three years ago. That's especially true in Colorado, Nevada and Florida, three swing states that are crucial to the party's presidential prospects and include Hispanic voting blocs that are influential, sizable and growing larger with every election cycle.

Experienced political strategists estimate that the eventual Republican nominee needs to earn at least approximately 35 percent of the Hispanic vote in both Colorado and Nevada to compete for their Electoral College votes and at least 40 percent, if not 45 percent, of Hispanics in Florida. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney failed to hit these numbers, and lost all three states.

It's not just that the summer front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, Donald Trump, sports a miserable 15 percent favorable, 82 percent unfavorable image with Hispanics nationally. It's that his support for ending birthright citizenship and forcibly rounding up and deporting the 11-12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States has been dominating the campaign. This is a recipe for political disaster in the general election. ...

The same analysis was offered by multiple political strategists, of both parties, who are toiling in Colorado, Florida and Nevada and are veterans of several campaigns. These three states matter so much for Republicans because their party has a narrow path to 270 Electoral College votes, according to established regional political divisions that are expected to hold in 2016. There are paths that might exclude Colorado and Nevada, albeit unlikely paths, but none that exclude Florida. ...​

As for your explanation why Republicans will win Florida, perhaps you hadn't noticed but the Democrats won this state in 2008 and 2012. It's not 1985 anymore.

Florida. The Sunshine State is perhaps the most complicated of the three.

The Cuban vote has long been reliably Republican, but the younger generation has been more willing to vote Democrat. There has been an influx of Puerto Ricans, who are dependable Democratic voters. The population of immigrants from Latin and South America has diversified the Hispanic population further, and is another factor behind Florida becoming more competitive for Democrats in presidential contests.

Illegal immigration isn't necessarily a problem here. But that doesn't mean Florida Hispanics, most of whom are legal immigrants or decedents of legal immigrants, don't interpret strident language directed at illegal immigrants as a shot at their communities. In 2012, Romney said that his policy for dealing with illegal immigrants was that they should "self deport" from the U.S.

Republican operatives in Florida who were focused on Hispanic outreach for Romney in 2012 said that comment caused Hispanics to tune Romney out on every other issue such that he only won 39 percent of their vote — low for the GOP by Sunshine State Standards. Obama won 60 percent of their vote, up from 57 percent four years earlier. Hispanics comprised 17 percent of the Florida electorate in 2012, up from 14 percent in 2008.

Dave Beattie, a Democratic pollster who specializes in Florida, described the impact of hardline immigration rhetoric on Sunshine State Hispanics this way: "Even though it's not affecting their immigrant status, it's a sense of, 'You don't like people like me.'"
Good luck thinking Hispanics are unimportant. It's a sure-fire winner.

Here is the REAL assessment of your link by those who know politics. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

You El Toro the phony baloney, can think you....El Toro, are as important as you want to pretend.

Reality is................ You are in a few states....California, Illinois, Colorado, Texas, and a few more. Guess what El PHONY BALONEY, lololo!! You can't help carry any state that may change hands this time around, except for Colorado, and we don't even count that in our column! So you go ahead and think HOW IMPORTANT YOUR ETHNINTICITY IS.

You see El Phony Baloney, we always hear how hard it is for the Republicans to win the electoral college. Now you go on the map, put Florida and Ohio with the GOP, and watch how fast it is all reversed, knowing the red states are going red.

We don't care about California, or New York, lol. After we win, their power will be taken away after we break up California anyhow, lol.
Donald "Hispanic Rapist " Trump has prevented a chance of the GOP even getting close.
Here is the REAL assessment of your link by those who know politics. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

You El Toro the phony baloney, can think you....El Toro, are as important as you want to pretend.

Reality is................ You are in a few states....California, Illinois, Colorado, Texas, and a few more. Guess what El PHONY BALONEY, lololo!! You can't help carry any state that may change hands this time around, except for Colorado, and we don't even count that in our column! So you go ahead and think HOW IMPORTANT YOUR ETHNINTICITY IS.

You see El Phony Baloney, we always hear how hard it is for the Republicans to win the electoral college. Now you go on the map, put Florida and Ohio with the GOP, and watch how fast it is all reversed, knowing the red states are going red.

We don't care about California, or New York, lol. After we win, their power will be taken away after we break up California anyhow, lol.

Had Romney won Florida and Ohio, he would have won 253 EVs and still would have lost the election.

Here is a link that might help you.

Basic mathematics
Republicancs decision to repel the Hispanic vote will cost them the White House for a generation

So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.
Republicancs decision to repel the Hispanic vote will cost them the White House for a generation

So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.
Actually Hispanics care about respect and an understanding of their culture
Republicancs decision to repel the Hispanic vote will cost them the White House for a generation

So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.
Actually Hispanics care about respect and an understanding of their culture

That's not is what at issue for the most part.
Hispanics think Republicans are racist

That is an issue
Republicancs decision to repel the Hispanic vote will cost them the White House for a generation

So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.
Actually Hispanics care about respect and an understanding of their culture

That's not is what at issue for the most part.
Hispanics think Republicans are racist

That is an issue

That's the Democrat/left wing bs spewing. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio among others would take issue with that.
Republicancs decision to repel the Hispanic vote will cost them the White House for a generation

So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.
Actually Hispanics care about respect and an understanding of their culture

That's not is what at issue for the most part.
Hispanics think Republicans are racist

That is an issue

That's the Democrat/left wing bs spewing. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio among others would take issue with that.

Trump will be your nominee....or else.
Republicans doubled down on Hispanic hatred

It will cost them the presidency for a generation
So Hispanics are one trick ponies, they only care about keeping borders open and mostly unsecured? They don't give a damn about anything else is what you are saying.

No. That's why Republicans are fucking this up big time.

There's no reason for Hispanics to not vote Republican. But the xenophobic sounds coming out from the party is making it difficult.

From the link in the OP.

Hispanics are no different than other voters; they care about the economy first, and then issues like education and healthcare. They might even prefer Republican proposals on these topics over those offered by the Democrats. But if Hispanics think Republicans are hostile toward their community, which to many encompasses both legal and illegal immigrants, as well as their descendants, then they won't grant them a hearing on anything else.​

Republicans don't even need to win Hispanics. They just can't get utterly hammered amongst them in a Warriors v 76ers sort of way.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.
Here is the REAL assessment of your link by those who know politics. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

You El Toro the phony baloney, can think you....El Toro, are as important as you want to pretend.

Reality is................ You are in a few states....California, Illinois, Colorado, Texas, and a few more. Guess what El PHONY BALONEY, lololo!! You can't help carry any state that may change hands this time around, except for Colorado, and we don't even count that in our column! So you go ahead and think HOW IMPORTANT YOUR ETHNINTICITY IS.

You see El Phony Baloney, we always hear how hard it is for the Republicans to win the electoral college. Now you go on the map, put Florida and Ohio with the GOP, and watch how fast it is all reversed, knowing the red states are going red.

We don't care about California, or New York, lol. After we win, their power will be taken away after we break up California anyhow, lol.

Had Romney won Florida and Ohio, he would have won 253 EVs and still would have lost the election.

Here is a link that might help you.

Basic mathematics

You are correct Toro, but check your math, it wasn't because of the Hispanic vote. Those were cast in California, Illinois, Texas, and a few other states. Those votes meant little on the grand scheme of things. Is the GOP going to win California or Illinois? No! Is the GOP going to lose Texas? No? Is the GOP going to win Florida easily this time around? Yes!

Ok Toro, there was just accounted for 90% of the Hispanic vote. Run that math one more time!

Win or lose, because of the way the Hispanic vote is throughout the country pooled in certain areas, it is not as relevant as you think it is. In the over all count? Maybe. But in the electoral college; especially this time around, you are a barker who can't really bite.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.
Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote in 2012.....expect less in 2016
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.

And that is why Romney only got 27% of the Hispanic vote. And that was before Stump called them rapist.
Here is the REAL assessment of your link by those who know politics. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

You El Toro the phony baloney, can think you....El Toro, are as important as you want to pretend.

Reality is................ You are in a few states....California, Illinois, Colorado, Texas, and a few more. Guess what El PHONY BALONEY, lololo!! You can't help carry any state that may change hands this time around, except for Colorado, and we don't even count that in our column! So you go ahead and think HOW IMPORTANT YOUR ETHNINTICITY IS.

You see El Phony Baloney, we always hear how hard it is for the Republicans to win the electoral college. Now you go on the map, put Florida and Ohio with the GOP, and watch how fast it is all reversed, knowing the red states are going red.

We don't care about California, or New York, lol. After we win, their power will be taken away after we break up California anyhow, lol.

Had Romney won Florida and Ohio, he would have won 253 EVs and still would have lost the election.

Here is a link that might help you.

Basic mathematics

You are correct Toro, but check your math, it wasn't because of the Hispanic vote. Those were cast in California, Illinois, Texas, and a few other states. Those votes meant little on the grand scheme of things. Is the GOP going to win California or Illinois? No! Is the GOP going to lose Texas? No? Is the GOP going to win Florida easily this time around? Yes!

Ok Toro, there was just accounted for 90% of the Hispanic vote. Run that math one more time!

Win or lose, because of the way the Hispanic vote is throughout the country pooled in certain areas, it is not as relevant as you think it is. In the over all count? Maybe. But in the electoral college; especially this time around, you are a barker who can't really bite.

Swing States - Electoral Votes - Hispanic population as a percent of the state - Obama's margin of victory in that state

Colorado - 9 - 21% - 4%
Florida - 29 - 23% - 1%
Nevada - 6 - 27% - 6%
Ohio - 18 - 3% - 2%
Pennsylvania - 20 - 6% - 5%
Virginia - 13 - 3% - 3%

List of U.S. states by Hispanic and Latino population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

The Hispanic vote influences 95 electoral votes.

This is why the RNC wrote a report dissecting the loss in 2012 and concluded that they had to be more open to Hispanics and minorities.

Republicans who think the Hispanic vote doesn't matter a whole lot have their heads up their asses.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.
Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote in 2012.....expect less in 2016

If Rubio or Cruz (or Bush for that matter) is the nominee? I don't think so.

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