How you can tell "Global Warming" (aka: Climate Change, Climate Disruption) is a scam

What? Couldn't find time to answer ONE of those "settled issues"??

What a hooting waste of neurons..

Not my job to answer your questions about climate science. I'm not qualified because I'm not a climate scientist. Here's another surprise for you. You aren't either. It comes down to who you believe, and most of the world has decided that the legitimate scientists are right.

I may not be a climatologist but an expert on temperature reading equipment and only idiots like you would believe the hype.... We didn't even put temperature reading bouys in the oceans till 2004 you think 11 Years is enough data ?

Do you think reading hurricane winds from the past 65 years when we first measured them is enough data?

Do you think the warmest day on record, when we only started keeping records a 100 or so years a go is enough data?

God damn fool the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

That's not even a blip....

Just because you know how to calibrate a thermometer doesn't make you a climate scientist. I'll still go by the experts opinion.

That's blind faith/a religion .... A lack of common sense and don't comprehend the fall back or really you do.

Lets see. I can either believe the right wing political party with a history of lying about virtually everything, whose owners have a financial interest in the outcome, or the majority of scientists in the field.

The majority of those scientists are PAID large sums of cash to continue their propaganda. How about this. Instead of worrying who gets what money, how about looking at the raw data? Oh right...the "experts" won't release it.

How does that reconcile with the scientific method again?
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

You mean the 'scientists' who won't post up their papers any more because they were being destroyed too fast? Those guys!:laugh::laugh:
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Heck -- you even took a dump on my topical POLITICAL question of when a Fed Agency ought to be allowed to withhold (or even mangle) REQUIRED records from Congress. NOT a partisan issue. Not apparently at your grade level..

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.
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Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Is that what you believe has convinced the majority of the world's scientists (you know, PhDs, professional researchers, people that know what the fuck they're talking about) that the CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere is warming the planet and that that this represents a real and significant threat? Blind faith? A lack of common sense?

Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.
Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

If you say so.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences
Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Too funny:

You guys keep falling back on that lie despite it being shown false and a blatant lie.. Its truly laughable how you guys stick you head in the sand and ignore actual science..

Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

Straw dog.. Tell me how hot it's GONNA be in 2050 -- and I'll play your game.
The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

Wow.. Quite a list there.. Did any of those POLL their memberships about the question? Or did they just issue a front office memo.. Because I know for a FACT -- that when these groups have put the question to their working members ---- you get NOWHERE NEAR a fucking consensus.

Now since you think only CLIMATE SCIENTISTS should be involved --- Please go prune the list of Medical societies and Zoological societies and Botanists and Foresters and ANY country with a GDP of less than what I make in a year. THEN show us what's left.
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

AUSTRALIA’S peak body of earth scientists has declared itself unable to publish a position statement on climate change due to the deep divisions within its membership on the issue.

After more than five years of debate and two false starts, Geological Society of Australia president Laurie Hutton said a statement on climate change was too difficult to achieve.

Mr Hutton said the issue “had the potential to be too divisive and would not serve the best interests of the society as a whole.”

The backdown, published in the GSA quarterly newsletter, is the culmination of two rejected position statements and years of furious correspondence among members. Some members believe the failure to make a strong statement on climate change is an embarrassment that puts Australian earth scientists at odds with their international peers.

It undermines the often cited stance that there is near unanimity among climate scientists on the issue.

GSA represents more than 2000 Australian earth scientists from academe, industry, government and research organisations.

So -- WHATEVER ya do -- DONT ASK THE MEMBERSHIP about that statement that their political lobby front office puts out. Because you WON'T like the answers.. Wanna do the Amer. Meteorology Society next? I've got a poll of THEIR MEMBERS.. You interested in that??

Or you can go me ANY poll of those memberships that YOU THINK was ever taken..

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The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

Ah yes! The logical fallacy of the appeal to authority... (which is anti-science at its very core)

"(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)"

And yet they cannot quantify what it has done or how it was done... Their models fail 100% of the time, and have no predictive powers, indicating they still do not know how or why the climate is changing.. or if what we are seeing is normal cyclical variation.

Funny how we have so many with blind faith and no science to back them up..

And yet the empirical observed evidence tells us that it is all a sham... Please explain how we have had 18 years and 8 months of no warming yet the CO2 has increased by 24ppm.
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The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

The last time so many people were wrong at the same time was the Flat Earth Society
The majority of those scientists are PAID large sums of cash to continue their propaganda. How about this. Instead of worrying who gets what money, how about looking at the raw data? Oh right...the "experts" won't release it.

How does that reconcile with the scientific method again?

on the 1st page of the thread :thup:
You do realize the only documents being withheld are internal communications between scientists. If Smith believes Karl's study is flawed, why doesn't he just deal with Karl's study? Is it not falsifiable? Does it not identify all of its sources and references? Why does Smith think he needs to overhear the conversations of the scientists involved? Is that how science is done in this country? Is that how American justice works? Does he have evidence of some sort of conspiracy? If this were an issue with the police and private citizens, law enforcement would have to convince a judge that they had damn good reason to believe there were culpable material in those communications before they would be allowed to subpoena them. Who is doing the check and balance on the Head Dick, Smith?

Agency won’t give GOP internal docs on climate research
NOAA spokeswoman Ciaran Clayton said the internal communications are confidential and not related to what Smith is trying to find out.

“We have provided data, all of which is publicly available online, supporting scientific research, and multiple in-person briefings,” she said.
The majority of those scientists are PAID large sums of cash to continue their propaganda. How about this. Instead of worrying who gets what money, how about looking at the raw data? Oh right...the "experts" won't release it.

How does that reconcile with the scientific method again?

on the 1st page of the thread :thup:
You do realize the only documents being withheld are internal communications between scientists. If Smith believes Karl's study is flawed, why doesn't he just deal with Karl's study? Is it not falsifiable? Does it not identify all of its sources and references? Why does Smith think he needs to overhear the conversations of the scientists involved? Is that how science is done in this country? Is that how American justice works? Does he have evidence of some sort of conspiracy? If this were an issue with the police and private citizens, law enforcement would have to convince a judge that they had damn good reason to believe there were culpable material in those communications before they would be allowed to subpoena them. Who is doing the check and balance on the Head Dick, Smith?

Agency won’t give GOP internal docs on climate research
NOAA spokeswoman Ciaran Clayton said the internal communications are confidential and not related to what Smith is trying to find out.

“We have provided data, all of which is publicly available online, supporting scientific research, and multiple in-person briefings,” she said.

Actually they want both the communications and raw data so that they can see what changes are being made. Funny how they do not want to make the raw data available for review. And NO, NOAA does not keep the raw data in public access Again Dot.FAIL has failed to understand what it is she is defending.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.
Right. Not believing another right wing conspiracy theory is the same as sticking your head in the it.

The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

Straw dog.. Tell me how hot it's GONNA be in 2050 -- and I'll play your game.

Why do you think I should know that? I already told you I'm not a climate scientist, and I doubt they would be able to be that specific..
You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

Wow.. Quite a list there.. Did any of those POLL their memberships about the question? Or did they just issue a front office memo.. Because I know for a FACT -- that when these groups have put the question to their working members ---- you get NOWHERE NEAR a fucking consensus.

Now since you think only CLIMATE SCIENTISTS should be involved --- Please go prune the list of Medical societies and Zoological societies and Botanists and Foresters and ANY country with a GDP of less than what I make in a year. THEN show us what's left.

Got a better idea. Give me a valid reason to believe your conspiracy theory.
You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

The last time so many people were wrong at the same time was the Flat Earth Society

Well, either that, or when the right thought anybody could beat Obama.
The moment you start spouting off about right wing conspiracy and believing in the fairy dust of "consensus" --- there's NO science involved. So I'm not interested. Go find someone who doesn't think and doesn't care on the playground.

Sad part is -- you've already slept thru some of fastest scientific revisions in history and missed so much UNsettled science.. But ya can't put that on a protest sign or a bumper sticker.. So you're doomed to ignorance.

You're certainly free to believe any silly thing you want, but like I said before. This issue has reached the same point other wrong headed right wing goals did. The country, as a whole has come to the decision that the scientists are right, and you lost. You don't know that yet, and will continue to whine for a while longer, but you lost again.

It's the other way round bucko. I dare you to look in the comments section of any global warming story on the net. Prior to CLIMATEGATE the sceptic vs true believer ratio was about 60/40 against global warming alarmism. Now it is over 90 percent against you. The only peole who push this crap are those who either make money directly off of it. The politicians who want to use it to concentrate their power or those who wish to benefit from the regulations to come from the legislation.

Your entire line of argument is one giant appeal to authority and that is the ultimate logic fail there is.

Sure. The right sees what they want to see. Man made global climate change is fake, another 50 votes will end healthcare, and gay marriage can be stopped. You're batting 1000.

It has nothing to do with the "right" you silly person. The PEOPLE know that the warmists are full of shit. Your claim is wrong. The science of climatology is rapidly descending into the realm of pseudo science and you ignorant twits have no clue because you really have no clue how science works.

List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)

  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  101. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  102. InterAcademy Council
  103. International Alliance of Research Universities
  104. International Arctic Science Committee
  105. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  106. International Council for Science
  107. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  108. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  109. International Union for Quaternary Research
  110. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  111. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  112. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  113. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  114. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  115. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  116. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  117. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  118. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  119. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  120. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  121. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  122. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  123. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  124. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  125. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  126. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  127. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  128. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  129. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  130. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  131. National Association of State Foresters
  132. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  133. National Council of Engineers Australia
  134. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  135. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  136. National Research Council
  137. National Science Foundation
  138. Natural England
  139. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  140. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  141. Network of African Science Academies
  142. New York Academy of Sciences
  143. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  144. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  145. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  146. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  147. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  148. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  149. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  150. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  151. Polish Academy of Sciences
  152. Romanian Academy
  153. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  154. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  155. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  156. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  157. Royal Irish Academy
  158. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  159. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  160. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  161. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  162. Royal Society of Canada
  163. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  164. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  165. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  166. Russian Academy of Sciences
  167. Science and Technology, Australia
  168. Science Council of Japan
  169. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  170. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  171. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  172. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  173. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  174. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  175. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  176. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  177. Society of American Foresters
  178. Society of Biology (UK)
  179. Society of Systematic Biologists
  180. Soil Science Society of America
  181. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  182. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  183. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  184. The Wildlife Society (international)
  185. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  186. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  187. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  188. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  189. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  190. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  191. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  192. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  193. World Forestry Congress
  194. World Health Organization
  195. World Meteorological Organization
  196. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  197. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

Like I said junior. One giant APPEAL TO AUTHORITY.

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

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