Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Hunter didn't and won't pay any "heavy fines"....He'll have his benefactors pick those up, like all the shit storms he has blundered into over the years.

You really think you're something I haven't seen, don't you?

I encountered scores of poseurs like you at all kinds of libertarian rallies and confabs in the early 2000s, who believed that all they needed to establish their libertarian bona fides was to hate on Bush....Didn't matter that democrats demanded another floor vote to get into the Iraq debacle....Didn't matter that only one of them voted against the idiotic Patriot Act....All that mattered to them was their hatred for Bush.

Assclowns like you are the reason I left the party and the movement, and haven't looked back.


Bush fan huh? That explains a lot.

He didn't pay for anything either.

$2 Trillion in tax cuts for his oil buddies, and two wars on the county's credit card.

Do you deadbeats ever pay for anything?

And now Trump has taken a page right of the "ol W playbook. The RNC, and the minions paying his legal bills.
Bush fan huh? That explains a lot.

He didn't pay for anything either.

$2 Trillion in tax cuts for his oil buddies, and two wars on the county's credit card.

Do you deadbeats ever pay for anything?

And now Trump has taken a page right of the "ol W playbook. The RNC, and the minions paying his legal bills.
Not in the least...I detested the Bushes before it was cool.

I think it's just terrible the way people are dumping on Hunter...not paying his taxes..not wanting to pay child support...taking millions for simply selling political's really mean and nasty to treat him like this.....HAHAHAHA.,just kidding.
Bush fan huh? That explains a lot.

He didn't pay for anything either.

$2 Trillion in tax cuts for his oil buddies, and two wars on the county's credit card.

Do you deadbeats ever pay for anything?

And now Trump has taken a page right of the "ol W playbook. The RNC, and the minions paying his legal bills.
Holy shit! Did you just post that in a thread about Crackhead Biden getting busted for not paying taxes, and having one of Daddy’s big donors pay the bill for him?
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
The question is right there in my statement?
I really can’t help that you have reading comprehension problems
Poor Simp.
Nope. There was no question in your post I quoted. Being the moron you are, you put a question mark after a statement, much like you did in this post I just quoted.

If your iQ tripled it would still be in single digits, Gomer.
Wrong. The case should have never been brought. In fact they rarely ever are.

WOW!!!!! :eek:

Is Hunted gonna skate on molesting his 14-year old niece?

I know, I know..... he admitted it, (through the discovery of photographic evidence on his laptop).....

So, he's good to go?

View attachment 797029
WHy is everyone ignoring this story?
Because it isn't true. Even the NY Post, which just can't stop talking about the Fake Russian Laptop three years later, isn't running this.

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