Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study

A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
Just another fuckup in a long, everlasting list of fuckups by this pathetic fuckup in the white house.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
There are already a couple of jubilant threads on the questionable trial done at the VA. There is much that is not known about the subjects of the study, their underlying conditions, who was in the control group etc. But of course you being a Liberal leap onto a headline and know all the answers.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
Nobody dies from hydroxychloroquine.
Well, if it was a choice between definite death and taking hydroxychloriquine as the last best hope, I'd give it a shot.

I do appreciate Trump inspiring various possible solutions rather than the absolute no hope scenarios so popular with Democrat Party sad sacks and death mongers.

What other solutions has Trump offered up other than the malaria drug? I've never heard him say ANYTHING about plasma transfusions (shows definite promise), nor has he mentioned any of the other drugs like Restovir, which has also been showing promise for a treatment.

Interestingly enough, some doctors are turning towards death penalty drugs as possible treatment.

I suspect that your getting your information from a bias source (Democrat fake news seems likely), perhaps you should have listened to his daily briefings yourself..
i know that it is hard for you mouth breathing talk radio morons to properly use your alleged mother tongue, but here is a tip. it is called a "biased" source. something about adjectives and nouns and stuff.

When you assume, you sure make an ass of yourself but yup, I could have used either biased or bias..

A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
Both groups had underlying conditions. Your question is therefore silly.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
Nobody dies from hydroxychloroquine.
Conservatives If a patient takes hydro and survives (conservatives; this one drug saved him!)
Conservatives f he dies (Who wants to talk about turtles? I love turtles!)
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
Both groups had underlying conditions. Your question is therefore silly.
The underlying conditions belie the inevitable results.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
Both groups had underlying conditions. Your question is therefore silly.
The underlying conditions belie the inevitable results.
Didnt Drumpf say hydroxychloroquine was a miracle cure?
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
Both groups had underlying conditions. Your question is therefore silly.
The underlying conditions belie the inevitable results.
Didnt Drumpf say hydroxychloroquine was a miracle cure?
No. It helps when a fever kicks in.
It has helped Lots of people I know.
If you have an underlying condition, nothing helps.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
They died of the virus or an underlying medical condition?
Both groups had underlying conditions. Your question is therefore silly.
The underlying conditions belie the inevitable results.
Didnt Drumpf say hydroxychloroquine was a miracle cure?
No. It helps when a fever kicks in.
It has helped Lots of people I know.
If you have an underlying condition, nothing helps.
"Lots of people" huh? OK. I'll believe you over the scientific study.
A new study finds that you're more likely to die of coronavirus if you take hydroxychloroquine.
This and other evidence against the drug may be why Trump is talking about it less and less lately:
Nobody dies from hydroxychloroquine.

Not impossible to die from hydroxychloroquine.
First of all, if you take enough it is known to cause heart attacks.
Over a very long time it can cause blindness.
But in the short term, it inhibits the immune system, so can make a viral infection worse.

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