i am a true liberal

A true liberal focuses on the free market. They focus on individual freedom.
They focus on private property.
They focus on non intervention.
Liberals built this country. Not totalitarians that think the govt should wipe everyone's ass.

So much anger. Imagine if you directed that energy into actually making positive change. This country could actually fix some of its issues. But nah, it's easier to hate on "the other team" and blame them for everything that is fucked up in your life.
Fixing you totalitarian fucks IS the answer.

You need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Fox News and the internet are literally rotting your brain.

No one is advocating for a totalitarian government, despite what you're told to believe.
You asswipes binge on totalitarianism. Stop LYING.

Simply not true. Define it and provide examples. You won't be able to.
Sure you do! NGD, healthcare all owned by the elites in DC. Even looking at changing the electoral college. You want total control! You’re just lying
Hmmm....I didn't call myself anything but an Independent before I came on here, and I have been branded a liberal by the posters here.
I'd be very happy to just be called an Independent again.
naw, you're as left as any left I've ever met.

define your definition of independent, I'll give you the benefit of at least where you align.
Well, I don't know who you've met, so I can't really argue, but I'm no progressive.
define your definition of independent, I'll give you the benefit of at least seeing where you align.
Not a member of any party. I vote for who I like.
What is your policy view?
Who cares?
A true liberal focuses on the free market. They focus on individual freedom.
They focus on private property.
They focus on non intervention.
Liberals built this country. Not totalitarians that think the govt should wipe everyone's ass.

So much anger. Imagine if you directed that energy into actually making positive change. This country could actually fix some of its issues. But nah, it's easier to hate on "the other team" and blame them for everything that is fucked up in your life.
Fixing you totalitarian fucks IS the answer.

You need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Fox News and the internet are literally rotting your brain.

No one is advocating for a totalitarian government, despite what you're told to believe.
You asswipes binge on totalitarianism. Stop LYING.

Simply not true. Define it and provide examples. You won't be able to.
All over this thread.
naw, you're as left as any left I've ever met.

define your definition of independent, I'll give you the benefit of at least where you align.
Well, I don't know who you've met, so I can't really argue, but I'm no progressive.
define your definition of independent, I'll give you the benefit of at least seeing where you align.
Not a member of any party. I vote for who I like.
What is your policy view?
Who cares?
I would think a true independent
Again…why not just name who they are….
Off the top of my head:

Bootney Lee Farnsworth
Natural Citizen
JWBooth (I think that's his name)

There are a few more. I apologize if I am forgetting anyone.

Libertarians are gentle anarchists. They can't organize a party platform that anyone can understand because no one in the party believes the same things. They're all heading off in their own individual directions, with different ideas about how the government will work under their auspices.

I have nothing against them, but seeing them try to organize themselves is a riot.
Yea. We have officially entered the Upside Down
He's going with that 300 year old definition of liberal.
Which is the correct definition and not the modern one where so called liberty loving liberals want to tell you what to eat what to drink what to put your groceries in what to drive and what to think
Hmmm....I didn't call myself anything but an Independent before I came on here, and I have been branded a liberal by the posters here.
I'd be very happy to just be called an Independent again.

I vote for who I like.

If it helps any, OldLady, I would never brand you as a liberal.

I would, I do what I want. :funnyface:
He's going with that 300 year old definition of liberal.
Yes, the actual definition. Not your raped version.

liberal definition;
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

that describes trump all right....

and every other thrice married conservative....

how many wives has limbaugh had? 4? 10?.....

Could you possibly be more banal?

It's a talent I have.

It must be a great comfort to you to have such a meager talent in place of actual talent.

Is this an insult?

or a joke?

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