I am American, and I respect Christianity.

Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.

No cockbite, I don't want to nuke anyone, but your lily-livered reply to logical4u makes it clear that you're willing to live on your knees rather than stand up.
Steelplate said:
But at the same time, you have to do it in a way that preserves their culture and their religion. You aren't going to change thousands of years of indoctrination and belief with pamphlets, pictures and Radios. The last thing we want to do is to make information look like propaganda.

If Muslims want to "preserve their culture and their religion", they should really think twice about their Goddamned violent behavior.

What the fuck would YOU suggest if these PEACEFUL means of education are discarded out of hand?

Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

I read about a North Korean that was in prison. He turned his mother over to the authorities and she was killed. It was not until he saw pictures of "feasts" (meals) that he decided to escape. He was starving in North Korea. He had no idea that food was plentiful in other parts of the world.
Shortly after that, I was listening to a radio show about the Soviet Block. The guest was saying that Radio Free Europe gave them the curiosity and thirst for "more" (music, life, religions, etc).

I am not saying to lower defenses, by all means smack back when smacked. But if you want to deal with "billions" it will take competing "ideas" to overcome that system of deceit, destruction and death. Ideas like: freedom of speech/private ownership of land/property rights/self defense rights for all, not just the elite, not just men.

If you want to try and kill all the muslims, it will take a really, really long time, and the end, you will be, what you sought to defeat.....

I agree with you, I went off on Steelplate-in-the-head's outright rejection of your suggestion.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

Obviously the only way is to kill all of them.

Who cares if nobody knows how many exist or where they are?
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.

No cockbite, I don't want to nuke anyone, but your lily-livered reply to logical4u makes it clear that you're willing to live on your knees rather than stand up.
Steelplate said:
But at the same time, you have to do it in a way that preserves their culture and their religion. You aren't going to change thousands of years of indoctrination and belief with pamphlets, pictures and Radios. The last thing we want to do is to make information look like propaganda.

If Muslims want to "preserve their culture and their religion", they should really think twice about their Goddamned violent behavior.

What the fuck would YOU suggest if these PEACEFUL means of education are discarded out of hand?


If Muslims want to preserve? There ya go fuckwit. Your war is against the religion....Conversation over.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

I read about a North Korean that was in prison. He turned his mother over to the authorities and she was killed. It was not until he saw pictures of "feasts" (meals) that he decided to escape. He was starving in North Korea. He had no idea that food was plentiful in other parts of the world.
Shortly after that, I was listening to a radio show about the Soviet Block. The guest was saying that Radio Free Europe gave them the curiosity and thirst for "more" (music, life, religions, etc).

I am not saying to lower defenses, by all means smack back when smacked. But if you want to deal with "billions" it will take competing "ideas" to overcome that system of deceit, destruction and death. Ideas like: freedom of speech/private ownership of land/property rights/self defense rights for all, not just the elite, not just men.

If you want to try and kill all the muslims, it will take a really, really long time, and the end, you will be, what you sought to defeat.....

I agree with you, I went off on Steelplate-in-the-head's outright rejection of your suggestion.

WTF? I agreed with him! Go fuck yourself, you illiterate piece of shit.
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Fuel containers inside the building? I'm not saying they did, I'm not saying they didn't. I don't pretend to know based on partisanship. They did kill 4 ATF agents though.

You really only know what Janet Reno told you? You've never watched the HOURS of video showing the ATF pumping highly flammable teargas into the building via tank? You've never watched the FLIR footage showing the ATF agents firing into the building and setting off the gas? You've never listened to the HOURS of tape-recorded conversations from Koresh & Co. while they were under siege?

You're fucking CLUELESS!!

And the ATF agents were killed AFTER Koresh & Co. were fired upon by those selfsame agents.

Oh.....and the fucking three month standoff had nothing to do with it? The Child molestation had nothing to do with it? The hoarding of an arsenal of illegal weapons had nothing to do with it?

Lastly...where's your proof that it was done on purpose? That they weren't just trying to smoke them out and things went bad?

Sorry dude....you don't get to fuck little kids and hoard a damned arsenal illegally in this country....no matter if you think your Jesus Christ or not.

My God, you really ARE that stupid! You know only what the media has fed you, and very little of it even resembles fact, let alone can pass as it.

You say there was child molestation going on? Where's your fucking PROOF? Or is Koresh guilty simply because Janet Reno said so?

You say they were "hoarding an arsenal of illegal weapons"? PROVE IT!! The man had a BATF firearms dealer's license, and not a single "illegal weapon" was recovered from the rubble.

Fucking gullible, swill-swallowing government stooge!!
So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.
Sooo...you don't have any ideas, huh?

Not at all surprising, really.

Fuck you douchebag....There were Ideas....you just don't like them unless it involves killing 'Da Mud People!
I'll thank you not to project your dumbassery on me.

You offered no proposals to educate any information-starved Muslims.

You offered a lot of strawman bullshit and emotional blather. That's it.

Look, if you don't have anything to offer, just say so.
I got Dave to do the dance of his people. :lmao:

*shrug* If you don't mind being a hypocrite and coward, I don't mind pointing it out.

Dave, I have to hit the sack, some of us have to work.

Here's what I'll do...you try to find the answer that's in around 3 or 4 posts in this thread, in the area of my first posts, and if you don't find it by tomorrow afternoon I'll help you locate one. Maybe someone else on the board could show you the search function. I know your incessant daving will lead you to what you seek. :thup:
If it's so easy, why don't you do it?

Oh, yeah -- prolly because it's not there.

Go to bed, pussy.
So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.

No cockbite, I don't want to nuke anyone, but your lily-livered reply to logical4u makes it clear that you're willing to live on your knees rather than stand up.
Steelplate said:
But at the same time, you have to do it in a way that preserves their culture and their religion. You aren't going to change thousands of years of indoctrination and belief with pamphlets, pictures and Radios. The last thing we want to do is to make information look like propaganda.

If Muslims want to "preserve their culture and their religion", they should really think twice about their Goddamned violent behavior.

What the fuck would YOU suggest if these PEACEFUL means of education are discarded out of hand?


If Muslims want to preserve? There ya go fuckwit. Your war is against the religion....Conversation over.

Listen douche-nozzle, I have no war against ANY religion. I couldn't care less about the religion of Islam one way or the other, it's not up to me to "preserve it". It's up to the people that CARE about it, you dumbass. I'm just tired of the millions of Muslims that want to wipe America AND Israel off the face of the Earth.

I didn't start this fucking fight, but I'm damned sure willing to END it before it costs even MORE American lives.

You just want to kneel down and suck some Muslim dick, hoping they'll let you keep a few scraps of your 'dignity'.

Like you ever had any of THAT to preserve.
No cockbite, I don't want to nuke anyone, but your lily-livered reply to logical4u makes it clear that you're willing to live on your knees rather than stand up.

If Muslims want to "preserve their culture and their religion", they should really think twice about their Goddamned violent behavior.

What the fuck would YOU suggest if these PEACEFUL means of education are discarded out of hand?


If Muslims want to preserve? There ya go fuckwit. Your war is against the religion....Conversation over.

Listen douche-nozzle, I have no war against ANY religion. I couldn't care less about the religion of Islam one way or the other, it's not up to me to "preserve it". It's up to the people that CARE about it, you dumbass. I'm just tired of the millions of Muslims that want to wipe America AND Israel off the face of the Earth.

I didn't start this fucking fight, but I'm damned sure willing to END it before it costs even MORE American lives.

You just want to kneel down and suck some Muslim dick, hoping they'll let you keep a few scraps of your 'dignity'.

Like you ever had any of THAT to preserve.

Wow....a gay reference....You and Warrior102 need to hook up. You'd make such a cute right wing Nazi queer couple.

You say you have "no war" but then the rest of your post is a single minded personal declaration. So, either you're bi-polar, or just a fucking psychopathic.
If Muslims want to preserve? There ya go fuckwit. Your war is against the religion....Conversation over.

Listen douche-nozzle, I have no war against ANY religion. I couldn't care less about the religion of Islam one way or the other, it's not up to me to "preserve it". It's up to the people that CARE about it, you dumbass. I'm just tired of the millions of Muslims that want to wipe America AND Israel off the face of the Earth.

I didn't start this fucking fight, but I'm damned sure willing to END it before it costs even MORE American lives.

You just want to kneel down and suck some Muslim dick, hoping they'll let you keep a few scraps of your 'dignity'.

Like you ever had any of THAT to preserve.

Wow....a gay reference....You and Warrior102 need to hook up. You'd make such a cute right wing Nazi queer couple.

You say you have "no war" but then the rest of your post is a single minded personal declaration. So, either you're bi-polar, or just a fucking psychopathic.

Look at it this way, I'll try to keep it simple for you. Muslims want peace and coexistence? GREAT! I'm all for it! You don't bother me and mine, I won't bother you and yours.
Come around looking to hurt me or mine? You're going to get shot. Several times. Self defense. Have a nice afterlife, and I hope all 72 of your virgins are named Abdullah.
Fuel containers inside the building? I'm not saying they did, I'm not saying they didn't. I don't pretend to know based on partisanship. They did kill 4 ATF agents though.

You really only know what Janet Reno told you? You've never watched the HOURS of video showing the ATF pumping highly flammable teargas into the building via tank? You've never watched the FLIR footage showing the ATF agents firing into the building and setting off the gas? You've never listened to the HOURS of tape-recorded conversations from Koresh & Co. while they were under siege?

You're fucking CLUELESS!!

And the ATF agents were killed AFTER Koresh & Co. were fired upon by those selfsame agents.

Oh.....and the fucking three month standoff had nothing to do with it? The Child molestation had nothing to do with it? The hoarding of an arsenal of illegal weapons had nothing to do with it?

Lastly...where's your proof that it was done on purpose? That they weren't just trying to smoke them out and things went bad?

Sorry dude....you don't get to fuck little kids and hoard a damned arsenal illegally in this country....no matter if you think your Jesus Christ or not.

WACO was a Federal Government clusterfuck. YOU should educate yourself before making an ass of yourself accusing others of not knowing facts.

Child Abuse at Waco
Koresh was a nutter...mot a Christian and not a child molester either.

keyboard ranger

That's well-armed, highly proficient keyboard ranger, asshole.



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