I am American, and I respect Christianity.

Okay, if you have tens, hundreds or even thousands "brain washed" that is one thing. When you have billions "brain washed", that is absolutely a clear and present danger to every person that is not "brain washed". In the case of islam, one percent (that is the "accepted" number of extremists), that is 15,000,000 EXTREMISTS. That is a problem. If you (and people like you) do not want to admit that, then we will go another World War, where some piss ant wantabe dictator convinces the "less fortunate" to rise up and slaughter the piss ant's enemies. You will either be in his army, or you will be one of the "slaughtered" because you cannot see it coming.

So....kill them, right? Let me ask you something..... What do you think happens when you do that? You said it yourself.....BILLIONS.....with 15M extremists. What do you think happens when you bump off an extremist? You don't think that the rest of the extremists goes to those undereducated,impoverished masses without access to accurate information and says.....

"Look what they did to our brother! This is what they want to do you!"

They don't have to win them all over.....all they have to do is win over two or three everytime it happens. It's like a hydra....you cut off one head and two more grow in it's place.

What's next? Nukes? I'm telling you right now, if we do that? Not only will we be the biggest mass murderers in the history of the world, but we will also draw the ire of Russia, China, and the rest of the nuclear armed world.....and we may well be involved in a global thermonuclear war....all of that death....all of that destruction is NOT worth a series of small attacks from a bunch of extremists.

And I'm sorry....if it ever came to that? Then we'd be on the wrong side of the biblical battle of Armageddon.

No, the answer to this violence is not more violence. It's to get the NON-Extremists to fight the extremists....it's BILLIONS to Tens of Millions.

Where did "I" say "kill them"?

I said, ignore them at your own peril.

I believe that we should call evil, evil.

If you want to defeat the "extremists", educate, educate, educate. Use radio free ME. Drop pamplets that show alternative lives. Drop pictures of other places. Make it so people have a "choice". Extremism isn't the only profitable way to live.

Oh....hell yeah. I hear you and I agree. But at the same time, you have to do it in a way that preserves their culture and their religion. You aren't going to change thousands of years of indoctrination and belief with pamphlets, pictures and Radios. The last thing we want to do is to make information look like propaganda.
The balls are on your chin Dave, you've already shown me what you consider honest discussion and frankly, I'm not impressed.

If you'd like to readdress something we've already discussed than fine, if not...:dunno:
So that's how it is, huh? You whine and bitch and moan that other people aren't answering your oh-so-important question...then you refuse to answer one of mine.

What a coward you are.

Dave, you keep forgetting we're no longer at square one of this conversation.

I won't seriously engage with someone that refuses to give me the same courtesy. You had the opportunity, but you chose to act like an idiot. Live and learn...or don't, I'm not losing sleep over it.
I answered your question. You refuse to answer mine.

You're a hypocrite AND a coward.
I actually got TheInfidel to give me a half-ass admission that he wants to kill all the Muslims that hate to this degree. Of course I had to withstand his verbal assault for questioning his reasoning, but now that it's all out there and I've asked him to explain how it's logistically possible, his thread has gone quiet.

But hey, he's got bigger stones than KG, she still thinks the coyness is fooling everyone.
There you go again, acting all entitled to having your questions answered.

But you won't answer them yourself.

What a pussy.
Uh, ok.

So they didn't kill anyone. Got it.

Guess you didn't see the standoff and the end result.....or is it a case like Bripat in the thread involving mental retardation? So fucking biased that you just deny the truth

You mean when the ATF roasted the Branch Davidians?

Are you saying that the BDavidians were the ones who..offed themselves?

Fuel containers inside the building? I'm not saying they did, I'm not saying they didn't. I don't pretend to know based on partisanship. They did kill 4 ATF agents though.
I actually got TheInfidel to give me a half-ass admission that he wants to kill all the Muslims that hate to this degree. Of course I had to withstand his verbal assault for questioning his reasoning, but now that it's all out there and I've asked him to explain how it's logistically possible, his thread has gone quiet.

But hey, he's got bigger stones than KG, she still thinks the coyness is fooling everyone.

It's not possible. The best we can do is show the non-extremists that we DON'T want to kill them and get them turned against the extremists.

It happened in Libya after the embassy attack....going in there with our cocks hanging out is going to nothing for our long term prospects.

We've got to back off on the testosterone a little.
I actually got TheInfidel to give me a half-ass admission that he wants to kill all the Muslims that hate to this degree. Of course I had to withstand his verbal assault for questioning his reasoning, but now that it's all out there and I've asked him to explain how it's logistically possible, his thread has gone quiet.

But hey, he's got bigger stones than KG, she still thinks the coyness is fooling everyone.

It's not possible. The best we can do is show the non-extremists that we DON'T want to kill them and get them turned against the extremists.

It happened in Libya after the embassy attack....going in there with our cocks hanging out is going to nothing for our long term prospects.

We've got to back off on the testosterone a little.

Of course, I know that.

I also know that's what people like KG are angling at, but she doesn't have the conviction to say it, she has to pussyfoot.
More hypocrisy. You claim to know what everyone else is thinking, but whine like a little bitch when I interpret something you say.

Then you refuse to clarify.

Yup. Hypocrite AND coward.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?
I actually got TheInfidel to give me a half-ass admission that he wants to kill all the Muslims that hate to this degree. Of course I had to withstand his verbal assault for questioning his reasoning, but now that it's all out there and I've asked him to explain how it's logistically possible, his thread has gone quiet.

But hey, he's got bigger stones than KG, she still thinks the coyness is fooling everyone.

It's not possible. The best we can do is show the non-extremists that we DON'T want to kill them and get them turned against the extremists.

It happened in Libya after the embassy attack....going in there with our cocks hanging out is going to nothing for our long term prospects.

We've got to back off on the testosterone a little.

Not too much of a hack are you?

BTW.... What did Reagan do after the Beirut bombings? Oh yeah.....nothing.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

shouldn't you be straining glenn beck's semen, tough guy?
It's not possible. The best we can do is show the non-extremists that we DON'T want to kill them and get them turned against the extremists.

It happened in Libya after the embassy attack....going in there with our cocks hanging out is going to nothing for our long term prospects.

We've got to back off on the testosterone a little.

Not too much of a hack are you?
Obama showed weakness. It emboldened the terrorists.
BTW.... What did Reagan do after the Beirut bombings? Oh yeah.....nothing.
What did Obama do after the Libyan embassy attack? Oh yeah.....nothing.
Guess you didn't see the standoff and the end result.....or is it a case like Bripat in the thread involving mental retardation? So fucking biased that you just deny the truth

You mean when the ATF roasted the Branch Davidians?

Are you saying that the BDavidians were the ones who..offed themselves?

Fuel containers inside the building? I'm not saying they did, I'm not saying they didn't. I don't pretend to know based on partisanship. They did kill 4 ATF agents though.

You really only know what Janet Reno told you? You've never watched the HOURS of video showing the ATF pumping highly flammable teargas into the building via tank? You've never watched the FLIR footage showing the ATF agents firing into the building and setting off the gas? You've never listened to the HOURS of tape-recorded conversations from Koresh & Co. while they were under siege?

You're fucking CLUELESS!!

And the ATF agents were killed AFTER Koresh & Co. were fired upon by those selfsame agents.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

shouldn't you be straining glenn beck's semen, tough guy?

Shouldn't you be reporting back to your halfway house, halfwit?
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

I read about a North Korean that was in prison. He turned his mother over to the authorities and she was killed. It was not until he saw pictures of "feasts" (meals) that he decided to escape. He was starving in North Korea. He had no idea that food was plentiful in other parts of the world.
Shortly after that, I was listening to a radio show about the Soviet Block. The guest was saying that Radio Free Europe gave them the curiosity and thirst for "more" (music, life, religions, etc).

I am not saying to lower defenses, by all means smack back when smacked. But if you want to deal with "billions" it will take competing "ideas" to overcome that system of deceit, destruction and death. Ideas like: freedom of speech/private ownership of land/property rights/self defense rights for all, not just the elite, not just men.

If you want to try and kill all the muslims, it will take a really, really long time, and the end, you will be, what you sought to defeat.....
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.
Sooo...you don't have any ideas, huh?

Not at all surprising, really.
You mean when the ATF roasted the Branch Davidians?

Are you saying that the BDavidians were the ones who..offed themselves?

Fuel containers inside the building? I'm not saying they did, I'm not saying they didn't. I don't pretend to know based on partisanship. They did kill 4 ATF agents though.

You really only know what Janet Reno told you? You've never watched the HOURS of video showing the ATF pumping highly flammable teargas into the building via tank? You've never watched the FLIR footage showing the ATF agents firing into the building and setting off the gas? You've never listened to the HOURS of tape-recorded conversations from Koresh & Co. while they were under siege?

You're fucking CLUELESS!!

And the ATF agents were killed AFTER Koresh & Co. were fired upon by those selfsame agents.

Oh.....and the fucking three month standoff had nothing to do with it? The Child molestation had nothing to do with it? The hoarding of an arsenal of illegal weapons had nothing to do with it?

Lastly...where's your proof that it was done on purpose? That they weren't just trying to smoke them out and things went bad?

Sorry dude....you don't get to fuck little kids and hoard a damned arsenal illegally in this country....no matter if you think your Jesus Christ or not.
Jesus H. Christ, how many Neville Chamberlains are on this fucking board, anyway??

How do you pantywaisted pussies propose to 'educate' all these information-starved 'peaceful' Muslims BEFORE we wind up with a major US city in irradiated ruins?

I'd really like to know. BobCollum? Steelplate? Dot Com? Care to give it a go?

So let's fucking nuke them before do us, right? You want to kill 'em?....grab your guns....I'll even pitch in for your fucking plane ticket. Take the rest of your moronic Chickenhawk brethren with you.

We don't have the personnel or the funds to go to war against a billion person religion you fucking DOLT.

You fuckers are so worried about some dude in the ghetto getting something for nothing or outraged that grandma doesn't have to eat dog food to pay for the pills that keeps her ass alive....But you have ZERO fucking problem with pissing away trillions of dollars and our kids' lives in the sand pit that we've been stuck in for longer than any engagement we've ever been in before.

People like you are why you Tea Party Assholes should NEVER be elected to office. I'm sure there are some reasonable ones....But Fuck....the ones like you destroy any credibility they could have.
Sooo...you don't have any ideas, huh?

Not at all surprising, really.

Fuck you douchebag....There were Ideas....you just don't like them unless it involves killing 'Da Mud People!
I got Dave to do the dance of his people. :lmao:

*shrug* If you don't mind being a hypocrite and coward, I don't mind pointing it out.

Dave, I have to hit the sack, some of us have to work.

Here's what I'll do...you try to find the answer that's in around 3 or 4 posts in this thread, in the area of my first posts, and if you don't find it by tomorrow afternoon I'll help you locate one. Maybe someone else on the board could show you the search function. I know your incessant daving will lead you to what you seek. :thup:
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