I am Totally Disgusted With The GOP; I am Voting for Sanders

Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

Fair trade is beneficial to an economy, but no one can explain how Free unregulated trade is good for anyone except profiteering corporations who arbitrage the system.

These treaties all have provisions to punish those in the treaty who cheat by manipulating their currency and engage in product dumping.

Idiot Talk Radio Conservatives think that not punishing cheaters and allowing jobs to be exported while allowing products to be dumped here is a good thing somehow for America.

And no one can assplain that one either.
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Craven greed is what you have when you won't give Jim your property

Lol, no, craven greed is what you have when an industry demands their bought and paid for politicians give them policies that increase their own profits for the quarter, but which they know will undermine their profits in the future on a much larger scale.

Take for example over harvesting, a thing corporations do all the time. They will over fish ares for instance till the fish go extinct there, then move on to another fishing grounds. They do this with lumber in many areas and with buffalo in the 1800s, and the casinos did it too with cheating their own customers during that same time frame.

The corporations also did it with screwing over inventors, Edison's hounding of Tesla being an infamous example that he much regretted later in life, RCA screwing over Farnsworth being the other.

Today we have software engineering companies that are fucking over American software engineers in order to increase their short term profits all the time knowing that they are seeding their foreign competition for the oncoming decades and are discouraging STEM graduates here in the US with these short sighted policies.

Greed that is to the point of making people short sighted and closed minded to the harmful effects of pursuing their greed is Craven Greed.

Hope that helps bubba.
Its no wonder the millenials are lining up behind bernie. They're leeches who want everything for free and they don't want free speech anymore. Just look at the students in the universities and how they're offended at their own shadows. They hate free speech. The founders would have sent them back to england.
Its no wonder the millenials are lining up behind bernie. They're leeches who want everything for free and they don't want free speech anymore. Just look at the students in the universities and how they're offended at their own shadows. They hate free speech. The founders would have sent them back to england.

Most millennials are as outraged by the safe zone seekers as anyone else.

What is also outrageous though is that these kids are the first generations of Americans that are being given a nation that is WORSE than their parents got from their grandparents, with fewer job opportunities, more graft, more corruption and foreign workers flooding the country in open violation of its laws.

And all shit4brains dickheads like you can do is just piss on them.
Craven greed is what you have when you won't give Jim your property

Lol, no, craven greed is what you have when an industry demands their bought and paid for politicians give them policies that increase their own profits for the quarter, but which they know will undermine their profits in the future on a much larger scale.

Take for example over harvesting, a thing corporations do all the time. They will over fish ares for instance till the fish go extinct there, then move on to another fishing grounds. They do this with lumber in many areas and with buffalo in the 1800s, and the casinos did it too with cheating their own customers during that same time frame.

The corporations also did it with screwing over inventors, Edison's hounding of Tesla being an infamous example that he much regretted later in life, RCA screwing over Farnsworth being the other.

Today we have software engineering companies that are fucking over American software engineers in order to increase their short term profits all the time knowing that they are seeding their foreign competition for the oncoming decades and are discouraging STEM graduates here in the US with these short sighted policies.

Greed that is to the point of making people short sighted and closed minded to the harmful effects of pursuing their greed is Craven Greed.

Hope that helps bubba.
All subjective and, therefore, quite meaningless.
Its no wonder the millenials are lining up behind bernie. They're leeches who want everything for free and they don't want free speech anymore. Just look at the students in the universities and how they're offended at their own shadows. They hate free speech. The founders would have sent them back to england.

Most millennials are as outraged by the safe zone seekers as anyone else.

What is also outrageous though is that these kids are the first generations of Americans that are being given a nation that is WORSE than their parents got from their grandparents, with fewer job opportunities, more graft, more corruption and foreign workers flooding the country in open violation of its laws.

And all shit4brains dickheads like you can do is just piss on them.

Considering how many millions have died under communism and the same thing bernie is professing, is what is outrageous, despicable, abhorrent, and appalling. You can think the baby boomers for giving us this mess.
Its no wonder the millenials are lining up behind bernie. They're leeches who want everything for free and they don't want free speech anymore. Just look at the students in the universities and how they're offended at their own shadows. They hate free speech. The founders would have sent them back to england.

Most millennials are as outraged by the safe zone seekers as anyone else.

What is also outrageous though is that these kids are the first generations of Americans that are being given a nation that is WORSE than their parents got from their grandparents, with fewer job opportunities, more graft, more corruption and foreign workers flooding the country in open violation of its laws.

And all shit4brains dickheads like you can do is just piss on them.

No, shitheads like me have worked 80 plus hours a week, built companies, paid taxes into a govt that blows everything on more worthless govt, and dont care about having a communist come in and turn this into cuba.
I trust the federal government to STOP corporations from exporting jobs, to stop them from corrupting our political system, and to regulate them to not cheat and lie tot he customers

OMG, you've been Berned. Feel behind your ears, it's actually still wet, isn't it? Logic with a socialist is pointless. And I don't know how you realized you and Bernie know that you're right and the field of economics is wrong about free trade, but obviously you do so hey, I concede. You believe your dream world over empirical data, it is what it is

So now you h ave retreated to sarcasm and lame humor.

Thanks for playing.

Information wasn't getting me anywhere. You know better than the field of economics, how do I refute that blind belief?
Do you think economics had been right about free trade?

Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

We have a lot of free trade now. The results aren't that great. Who is fighting free trade currently?
Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

Fair trade is beneficial to an economy, but no one can explain how Free unregulated trade is good for anyone except profiteering corporations who arbitrage the system.

These treaties all have provisions to punish those in the treaty who cheat by manipulating their currency and engage in product dumping.

Idiot Talk Radio Conservatives think that not punishing cheaters and allowing jobs to be exported while allowing products to be dumped here is a good thing somehow for America.

And no one can assplain that one either.

That's so adorably naive. Politicians: Hey, give us dictatorial power to negotiate with other governments and we'll make trade ... FAIR!!!

One word I associate with government and what they do for me not at all in any way ever is "fair"
Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

Fair trade is beneficial to an economy, but no one can explain how Free unregulated trade is good for anyone except profiteering corporations who arbitrage the system.

These treaties all have provisions to punish those in the treaty who cheat by manipulating their currency and engage in product dumping.

Idiot Talk Radio Conservatives think that not punishing cheaters and allowing jobs to be exported while allowing products to be dumped here is a good thing somehow for America.

And no one can assplain that one either.

That's so adorably naive. Politicians: Hey, give us dictatorial power to negotiate with other governments and we'll make trade ... FAIR!!!

One word I associate with government and what they do for me not at all in any way ever is "fair"

Have you brought these arguments to the trump people?
Lol, no, craven greed is what you have when an industry demands their bought and paid for politicians give them policies that increase their own profits for the quarter, but which they know will undermine their profits in the future on a much larger scale


Yet these "bought and paid for politicians" are going to make trade "fair" for you. You are making my point, thank you

Take for example over harvesting, a thing corporations do all the time. They will over fish ares for instance till the fish go extinct there, then move on to another fishing grounds. They do this with lumber in many areas and with buffalo in the 1800s, and the casinos did it too with cheating their own customers during that same time frame.

The corporations also did it with screwing over inventors, Edison's hounding of Tesla being an infamous example that he much regretted later in life, RCA screwing over Farnsworth being the other.

Today we have software engineering companies that are fucking over American software engineers in order to increase their short term profits all the time knowing that they are seeding their foreign competition for the oncoming decades and are discouraging STEM graduates here in the US with these short sighted policies.

Greed that is to the point of making people short sighted and closed minded to the harmful effects of pursuing their greed is Craven Greed.

Hope that helps bubba.

Yet, according to you, we can trust "bought and paid for politicians" to fix that. You see any flaw in your strategy?

BTW, I am Corporate. MBA and career in Management and Management Consulting. I've also owned my own business the last seven years and I also do management consulting projects. The last 9 months working for a Dutch subsidiary of an American Energy company in the Netherlands.

Sure, there are bad companies, but most are good. Punishing us all is like punishing all Priests because of the small percent that are pedophiles. Actually for you it's worse, it harms the economy
OMG, you've been Berned. Feel behind your ears, it's actually still wet, isn't it? Logic with a socialist is pointless. And I don't know how you realized you and Bernie know that you're right and the field of economics is wrong about free trade, but obviously you do so hey, I concede. You believe your dream world over empirical data, it is what it is

So now you h ave retreated to sarcasm and lame humor.

Thanks for playing.

Information wasn't getting me anywhere. You know better than the field of economics, how do I refute that blind belief?
Do you think economics had been right about free trade?

Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

We have a lot of free trade now. The results aren't that great. Who is fighting free trade currently?

There are a lot of ways to fight free trade. Our government is punishing companies who stay with heavy regulations and costs (Obamacare, high taxes on repatriation of money, unemployment taxes, minimum wage ...) then attacking companies that leave because of it. Our tax code also punishes domestic production by taxing income rather than revenue. I support free markets, and free trade is at the heart of free markets, you can't have the former without the latter. But it all ties together, you can't separate them
Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

Fair trade is beneficial to an economy, but no one can explain how Free unregulated trade is good for anyone except profiteering corporations who arbitrage the system.

These treaties all have provisions to punish those in the treaty who cheat by manipulating their currency and engage in product dumping.

Idiot Talk Radio Conservatives think that not punishing cheaters and allowing jobs to be exported while allowing products to be dumped here is a good thing somehow for America.

And no one can assplain that one either.

That's so adorably naive. Politicians: Hey, give us dictatorial power to negotiate with other governments and we'll make trade ... FAIR!!!

One word I associate with government and what they do for me not at all in any way ever is "fair"

Have you brought these arguments to the trump people?

Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump
So now you h ave retreated to sarcasm and lame humor.

Thanks for playing.

Information wasn't getting me anywhere. You know better than the field of economics, how do I refute that blind belief?
Do you think economics had been right about free trade?

Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

We have a lot of free trade now. The results aren't that great. Who is fighting free trade currently?

There are a lot of ways to fight free trade. Our government is punishing companies who stay with heavy regulations and costs (Obamacare, high taxes on repatriation of money, unemployment taxes, minimum wage ...) then attacking companies that leave because of it. Our tax code also punishes domestic production by taxing income rather than revenue. I support free markets, and free trade is at the heart of free markets, you can't have the former without the latter. But it all ties together, you can't separate them

Yet corps are making lots.
Considering how many millions have died under communism and the same thing bernie is professing, is what is outrageous, despicable, abhorrent, and appalling. You can think the baby boomers for giving us this mess.

Lol, prove Sanders is a communist., I doubt you even know what communism is if you think Sanders is a commie.

Information wasn't getting me anywhere. You know better than the field of economics, how do I refute that blind belief?
Do you think economics had been right about free trade?

Damned straight it is. It's fighting free trade and free markets that has caused the damage. The more your fight against free markets causes harm to the economy, the more you're convinced you're not doing enough to restrict them. Apparently you believe there's a boomerang effect where if you do enough of what you are doing to destroy our economy, all of a sudden it'll start working and fix it. yeah

We have a lot of free trade now. The results aren't that great. Who is fighting free trade currently?

There are a lot of ways to fight free trade. Our government is punishing companies who stay with heavy regulations and costs (Obamacare, high taxes on repatriation of money, unemployment taxes, minimum wage ...) then attacking companies that leave because of it. Our tax code also punishes domestic production by taxing income rather than revenue. I support free markets, and free trade is at the heart of free markets, you can't have the former without the latter. But it all ties together, you can't separate them

Yet corps are making lots.

Oh, how awful, that has to be stopped. You realize if we didn't, you wouldn't have so much to plunder for more government ...
Oh, how awful, that has to be stopped. You realize if we didn't, you wouldn't have so much to plunder for more government ...

When corporations are making profits by selling out the USA, you are damned right that has to be stopped.
Oh, how awful, that has to be stopped. You realize if we didn't, you wouldn't have so much to plunder for more government ...

When corporations are making profits by selling out the USA, you are damned right that has to be stopped.

Begging the question. And again, you trust "bought and paid for politicians" to make that determination. Classic

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