I am Totally Disgusted With The GOP; I am Voting for Sanders

Yeah, thats a great move. Lenin was also disguising his communistic tendencies, from his mentor, marx, in the form of socialist progressive moves in order to fool the people.

Sanders isn't trying to fool anyone, he tells it like it is. Admitting he is a Democratic socialist took balls. I think a lot of Americans can appreciate that kind of honesty and courage. And that admission doesn't frighten me in the least because, if he is elected ,the power of governance will still be shared by two other branches. Frankly, I think Sanders has a shot if the young folks come out and vote.
It's not hard to see the attraction. He's been the same guy for decades, and he's also the most sincere person in the race.

I'd guess even the people who attack him agree with that, even if it's only to themselves.
Let's say there are 10 things you want to do. I decide I'll let you do five your way, and tell you which five you can do, then you're going to do five my way.

I actually decided all ten, you weren't free for any of them because I chose not only the five that you had to do my way, but I chose the ones I allowed you to do yours.

They are socialist countries because government decides what the people are free to do, and that which they can give, they can take away

However you chose to describe their system, it WORKS and the people in those countries are not seeing the jobs exported, nor do they have to train their immigrant labor that is taking their jobs.

I'll tell you a far worse form of government than socialism; Corporate Crony Oligarchy. They fuck their own people day in and day out and the corporate owned media just ignores it all. And the wealthiest 1% blow all the statistics out fo the water, with the top 20% owning far more than the statistically average 80%. The top 1% alone owns that.

The Middle Class, that is me BTW, are getting reamed, robbed and lied to about it all.

It's going to be time to water the Tree of Liberty if things dont get fixed soon.

It works if liberty's not important to you and you are good with just being a subject of government, sure.

But let's say for a minute liberty doesn't matter to you and you like their system. To conclude that what would work in a country a tiny fraction the number of people and size of their economy with highly homogeneous people with common ethnic, cultural and moral values would work in a country so many times larger and more diverse is just butt ridiculous
How about the government not forcing me to buy health insurance in the first place? That will save me the most money.
You really think that this new government obligation can be simply shirked off?

It can happen, but it needs to be transitioned in a careful way.

But it is not as important as ending control of our government by corporations and their lobbying firms.
Come on now, were you really ever gonna vote GOP? Be honest. Cause i have my doubts.
It works if liberty's not important to you and you are good with just being a subject of government, sure.

Sure PERSONAL liberty is very important to me, but not the liberty of Microsoft to import tens of thousands of H1-Bs and kick a bunch of American software engineers to the curb. The liberty of corporations to hide almost all of their profits in off shore accounts and evade paying taxes on them. I am not for the liberty of Wall Street banks to use their inside connections with the Federal Reserve to steal $4 TRILLION from the net value of the US dollar which is what all my savings are stored in right now.

I am not for the liberty of corporations to dump hundreds of millions of dollars into our election system to buy politicians to sing and dance for the corporations when they are supposed to represent the people.

But let's say for a minute liberty doesn't matter to you and you like their system. To conclude that what would work in a country a tiny fraction the number of people and size of their economy with highly homogeneous people with common ethnic, cultural and moral values would work in a country so many times larger and more diverse is just butt ridiculous

And there is no reason to suppose it cannot work either. We are already one of the more regulated countries on the planet with huge federal obligations.

Why cant we learn from the Norwegians, the Swedes and the Icelanders to more effectively run our economy?
Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.
I am writing in Elmer Fudd
Let's say there are 10 things you want to do. I decide I'll let you do five your way, and tell you which five you can do, then you're going to do five my way.

I actually decided all ten, you weren't free for any of them because I chose not only the five that you had to do my way, but I chose the ones I allowed you to do yours.

They are socialist countries because government decides what the people are free to do, and that which they can give, they can take away

However you chose to describe their system, it WORKS and the people in those countries are not seeing the jobs exported, nor do they have to train their immigrant labor that is taking their jobs.

I'll tell you a far worse form of government than socialism; Corporate Crony Oligarchy. They fuck their own people day in and day out and the corporate owned media just ignores it all. And the wealthiest 1% blow all the statistics out fo the water, with the top 20% owning far more than the statistically average 80%. The top 1% alone owns that.

The Middle Class, that is me BTW, are getting reamed, robbed and lied to about it all.

It's going to be time to water the Tree of Liberty if things dont get fixed soon.

It works if liberty's not important to you and you are good with just being a subject of government, sure.

But let's say for a minute liberty doesn't matter to you and you like their system. To conclude that what would work in a country a tiny fraction the number of people and size of their economy with highly homogeneous people with common ethnic, cultural and moral values would work in a country so many times larger and more diverse is just butt ridiculous

Good point. I like the Nordic model, but am unsure if it would work on a large scale. It is possible it could work better on a large scale, but don't think anyone knows.
Sanders sure would shake things up. I think it would be fascinating watching him take on the Corporate Slumlords. But can he win, is the question. Obviously, the Global Banker-Elites are with Hillary Clinton. Can he overcome that? I have serious doubts he can.
Sure PERSONAL liberty is very important to me, but not the liberty of Microsoft to import tens of thousands of H1-Bs and kick a bunch of American software engineers to the curb

What a load of crap. You trust government to fuck business and help the people at the same time!!!!!

What a sap. You do feel the Bern. Good luck to you, he's the right guy for you. You're a socialist. You don't trust companies that have to compete in markets for customers, you trust government to remove their competition and then with the ubiquitous power of guns, act in YOUR interest.


Yeah, you go ahead and believe that ...
Sanders sure would shake things up. I think it would be fascinating watching him take on the Corporate Slumlords. But can he win, is the question. Obviously, the Global Banker-Elites are with Hillary Clinton. Can he overcome that? I have serious doubts he can.
Him being a clueless socialist... Ya that will help. Lol
What a load of crap. You trust government to fuck business and help the people at the same time!!!!!

What a sap. You do feel the Bern. Good luck to you, he's the right guy for you. You're a socialist. You don't trust companies that have to compete in markets for customers, you trust government to remove their competition and then with the ubiquitous power of guns, act in YOUR interest.


Yeah, you go ahead and believe that ...

I trust the federal government to STOP corporations from exporting jobs, to stop them from corrupting our political system, and to regulate them to not cheat and lie tot he customers.

Every country on the fucking planet refuses to let foreigners come into their country and STEAL their local jobs from the local citizens EXCEPT the USA.

You think I am a sap? Since when did you sacrificing YOUR interests in order to benefit corporations you dont even know make you the sly guy?

Get real, the corporations are fucking you, just like they did Farnsworth who invented the TV and got nothing for it, and the guy that invented the variable speed wiper and the guy that invented the telephone and countless others.

You say that liberals bend over for the government? How is that any worse than bending over for corporations like so many Talk Radio Conservatives do?
What a load of crap. You trust government to fuck business and help the people at the same time!!!!!

What a sap. You do feel the Bern. Good luck to you, he's the right guy for you. You're a socialist. You don't trust companies that have to compete in markets for customers, you trust government to remove their competition and then with the ubiquitous power of guns, act in YOUR interest.


Yeah, you go ahead and believe that ...

I trust the federal government to STOP corporations from exporting jobs, to stop them from corrupting our political system, and to regulate them to not cheat and lie tot he customers.

Every country on the fucking planet refuses to let foreigners come into their country and STEAL their local jobs from the local citizens EXCEPT the USA.

You think I am a sap? Since when did you sacrificing YOUR interests in order to benefit corporations you dont even know make you the sly guy?

Get real, the corporations are fucking you, just like they did Farnsworth who invented the TV and got nothing for it, and the guy that invented the variable speed wiper and the guy that invented the telephone and countless others.

You say that liberals bend over for the government? How is that any worse than bending over for corporations like so many Talk Radio Conservatives do?

Corporations are great, but need to be regulated.
Sanders sure would shake things up. I think it would be fascinating watching him take on the Corporate Slumlords. But can he win, is the question. Obviously, the Global Banker-Elites are with Hillary Clinton. Can he overcome that? I have serious doubts he can.
Him being a clueless socialist... Ya that will help. Lol

Balance. We clearly don't have that anymore. The Corporate Fatcats are completely out of control. They own our Government, and they don't care about our country. I think Sanders could provide some balance. It really would be fascinating watching him take em on.
Let's say there are 10 things you want to do. I decide I'll let you do five your way, and tell you which five you can do, then you're going to do five my way.

I actually decided all ten, you weren't free for any of them because I chose not only the five that you had to do my way, but I chose the ones I allowed you to do yours.

They are socialist countries because government decides what the people are free to do, and that which they can give, they can take away

However you chose to describe their system, it WORKS and the people in those countries are not seeing the jobs exported, nor do they have to train their immigrant labor that is taking their jobs.

I'll tell you a far worse form of government than socialism; Corporate Crony Oligarchy. They fuck their own people day in and day out and the corporate owned media just ignores it all. And the wealthiest 1% blow all the statistics out fo the water, with the top 20% owning far more than the statistically average 80%. The top 1% alone owns that.

The Middle Class, that is me BTW, are getting reamed, robbed and lied to about it all.

It's going to be time to water the Tree of Liberty if things dont get fixed soon.

It works if liberty's not important to you and you are good with just being a subject of government, sure.

But let's say for a minute liberty doesn't matter to you and you like their system. To conclude that what would work in a country a tiny fraction the number of people and size of their economy with highly homogeneous people with common ethnic, cultural and moral values would work in a country so many times larger and more diverse is just butt ridiculous

Good point. I like the Nordic model, but am unsure if it would work on a large scale. It is possible it could work better on a large scale, but don't think anyone knows.

Scale is certainly a big part of it as we agreed. But the part of the homogeneous people is probably a much larger issue. I work with a lot of Europeans both here and in Europe and I know a lot of Scandinavians, particularly Swedes. And yes, they love their healthcare system. But they share a background, ethnicity, values, attitudes. It's small and they are all behind it in the same way. Look at our campaign now for President, this is a huge, diverse, splintered country. Most people opposed Obamacare, Democrats forced it through by pure guile after Kennedy died.

Scandinavians are virtually universally behind their system, we're completely divided. And government running all that is so absolute. It's ridiculous to conclude what works there would work here or even to believe there is any chance it would. It would just be blunt force one half the country compelling it on the other. Tyranny of the majority, and a tiny majority

Once the Third Industrial Revolution truly swings into high gear with new products rolling off the shelf with 100% application support and robotic maintenance, and full time jobs become a rarity, people in the USA will be happy to vote in political leaders who will implement a Nordic Socialism.

American Conservatives simply are not willing to consider the matter and so American Conservatism will break apart and go extinct.
What a load of crap. You trust government to fuck business and help the people at the same time!!!!!

What a sap. You do feel the Bern. Good luck to you, he's the right guy for you. You're a socialist. You don't trust companies that have to compete in markets for customers, you trust government to remove their competition and then with the ubiquitous power of guns, act in YOUR interest.


Yeah, you go ahead and believe that ...

I trust the federal government to STOP corporations from exporting jobs, to stop them from corrupting our political system, and to regulate them to not cheat and lie tot he customers.

Every country on the fucking planet refuses to let foreigners come into their country and STEAL their local jobs from the local citizens EXCEPT the USA.

You think I am a sap? Since when did you sacrificing YOUR interests in order to benefit corporations you dont even know make you the sly guy?

Get real, the corporations are fucking you, just like they did Farnsworth who invented the TV and got nothing for it, and the guy that invented the variable speed wiper and the guy that invented the telephone and countless others.

You say that liberals bend over for the government? How is that any worse than bending over for corporations like so many Talk Radio Conservatives do?

Corporations are great, but need to be regulated.

Regulated in terms of held responsible for harming customers (civil court) or directly stealing from them (criminal courts) sure. Regulated in terms of controlled in advance, no
Let's say there are 10 things you want to do. I decide I'll let you do five your way, and tell you which five you can do, then you're going to do five my way.

I actually decided all ten, you weren't free for any of them because I chose not only the five that you had to do my way, but I chose the ones I allowed you to do yours.

They are socialist countries because government decides what the people are free to do, and that which they can give, they can take away

However you chose to describe their system, it WORKS and the people in those countries are not seeing the jobs exported, nor do they have to train their immigrant labor that is taking their jobs.

I'll tell you a far worse form of government than socialism; Corporate Crony Oligarchy. They fuck their own people day in and day out and the corporate owned media just ignores it all. And the wealthiest 1% blow all the statistics out fo the water, with the top 20% owning far more than the statistically average 80%. The top 1% alone owns that.

The Middle Class, that is me BTW, are getting reamed, robbed and lied to about it all.

It's going to be time to water the Tree of Liberty if things dont get fixed soon.

It works if liberty's not important to you and you are good with just being a subject of government, sure.

But let's say for a minute liberty doesn't matter to you and you like their system. To conclude that what would work in a country a tiny fraction the number of people and size of their economy with highly homogeneous people with common ethnic, cultural and moral values would work in a country so many times larger and more diverse is just butt ridiculous

Good point. I like the Nordic model, but am unsure if it would work on a large scale. It is possible it could work better on a large scale, but don't think anyone knows.

Scale is certainly a big part of it as we agreed. But the part of the homogeneous people is probably a much larger issue. I work with a lot of Europeans both here and in Europe and I know a lot of Scandinavians, particularly Swedes. And yes, they love their healthcare system. But they share a background, ethnicity, values, attitudes. It's small and they are all behind it in the same way. Look at our campaign now for President, this is a huge, diverse, splintered country. Most people opposed Obamacare, Democrats forced it through by pure guile after Kennedy died.

Scandinavians are virtually universally behind their system, we're completely divided. And government running all that is so absolute. It's ridiculous to conclude what works there would work here or even to believe there is any chance it would. It would just be blunt force one half the country compelling it on the other. Tyranny of the majority, and a tiny majority

That makes it a political problem, not a financial problem.

We can do it and as jobs evaporate we will do what it takes to get there.

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