I am Totally Disgusted With The GOP; I am Voting for Sanders

Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.
Bernie Sanders is the only one the media hasn't attacked......because he's not a threat to Hillary.
Your vote will be wasted.

No it will not be wasted.

It is sickening that so many believe you either have to vote for the GOP or Democratic candidate and if you do not then it is a wasted vote, but what the reality is people should vote for the candidate they feel best fit them and be damn what those like you write because it is ignorant and really anti-American!

Dude, he said he's voting for Bernie :laugh:
Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.

I sure wouldn't be sending Bernie Sanders any more money. He had a recent run on several smaller caucus states which typically produce less than 1% of either party that bothers to show up on a Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Typically the underdog supporters will put up with that pain, and the underdog candidate wins. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed with mail-in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won all of those.

Bernie may win Wisconsin tomorrow by a couple of points. It's an open primary where Independents are allowed to vote. But there is also a lot of Operation Bernie voting going on by Republicans in an effort to get the candidate they know they can cream in the general election.

We're headed into several closed primaries, the biggest prize New York with 585 delegates, and Hillary Clinton is going to slaughter him there. She is leading by 32 points. She is also way ahead in Pennsylvania.

There is just no way that Bernie Sanders is going to be able to close this gap. Democrat Super Delegates are going to stay with the Democrat in this race, not some candidate that just changed his party status to run on the ticket.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.

You're a lunatic. After all this nonsense supporting Trump, you're suddenly on a Sanders bandwagon? Because that makes perfect sense, eh?
Your vote will be wasted.
I do not believe that any vote is ever wasted.
No such thing as a wasted vote.

No one's one vote has any more influence than that of someone else.

Voting your conscience is better than voting obediently.

My family was discussing the election yesterday around the kitchen island, and my dear daughter shocked us with her intention to vote for Sanders. The rest of the family has been Trump supporters, though I was only recently moved to Trump from Cruz, and my daughter has been prolife since the day she could talk, at 3 months old IIRC, or it seems that way anyway. I asked my wife and son to let off of their grilling questions that erupted so I could hear her explanation. I have always had a soft spot for Sanders, though much of what he said struck me as just ridiculous, or even cowardly and I appreciated his position on gun rights and his manly honesty about his socialism. Iwanted to hear my daughters explanation from her own mouth without interuption.

So I asked my daughter why she supported Sanders over Trump, and she said "Dad, I am not going to argue with you on the details, but just think about how Trump and Cruz have gone after each other the past two weeks. Do you want men like that running the country? In the White House?".

I was dumbstruck. I threw out a, 'Oh, they're all the same.' filler response, but she got me. The thought of men behaving as Trump and Cruz and Kasich and the Republican eltie controlling the White House of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and running this country founded by men like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and I just had this hard rock pit in my stomach that grew stronger the more I thought of it..

This morning I turned on FOX as I ate my breakfast and they had some more coverage of the election, and FOX was doing its neocon tactic of showcasing the Trump-Cruz feud and I just got sick. I couldnt finish my breakfast.

I tossed it in the trash and stood there looking out the back kitchen sink window at this house being constructed behind mine. I was lost in thought and then I heard the TV going on more about Trump's plan to cut the national deficit, and the feeling of nausea grew stronger, not at Trump, but at the FOX reporter who was inserting his ignorant ass opinion to ridicule Trump. At that piint I knew that this was not a problem that one man can fix alone. He had to have his party behind him and Trump has lost his own party. Even if elected, Trump will spend 4 years fighting his own party behind his back and wont get anything accomplished.

Sanders is the only one who will have a realistic chance of winning this fight because the Democrats always back their own once in office, and this dirty foul skanky ass job of rooting out the lobbyists and returning our government to the People of the United States is something that is beyond Herculean in scale. Trump cant do it fighting his back, and Sanders doesnt have that problem.

While I vehemently disagree, I respect your decision and I respect your reasoning.

Fortunately I think you'll end up voting for Trump because hiLIARy is most likely going to be the DEM nominee.

Jim snap out of it goddamnit! :lol: :lol:

Trump will hit 1237 and then we can all laugh at your moment of fucking insanity :lol: :lol:

He'll get there--plus Cruz's sex scandal is about to be blown wide open this week.

I hope you are right. I would like to see Cruz out of the running for many reasons, and a choice of Trump would be great, but I truly think that Sanders has displayed much better character, and he will have the support of his own party in breaking down the Corporate Crony Network that radiates from the Wall Street banks. I am not sure Trump understands this, though he should. He just rarely ever talks about it.

And the GOP establishment will undermine Trump at every turn.

Sanders just seems better positioned as well to begat this change in our national economic power elites.
[GASP!] And guess what else these countries have in common besides a healthy economy and quality of life superior to ours! [HORRORS!] Socialist, evil, satanic government health care!
http://nowbase.org/~/media/Projekt sites/Nowbase/Publikationer/Andre/Financing.ashx

How do these countries thrive when they are occupied by blood suckers! People who think health care is a right? Shocked, I tell you...I'm just shocked.

So you really dont have a high gear at all, do you? You're stuck in Lowbrow Gear permanently it would seem. Everything to you is 'We Win! You Suck!'

Now go on outside and play with your dolls now, mmmk?
While I vehemently disagree, I respect your decision and I respect your reasoning.

Fortunately I think you'll end up voting for Trump because hiLIARy is most likely going to be the DEM nominee.


Thank you I really respect your attitude, which we could contrast with, say NTP, and you look like a legendary champion of tolerance and Solomonic Wisdom.

It is important that we start to regain respect for the other side of the aisle without abandoning our own working principles. Mine are different from yours, but the difference is what makes the democratic electoral system work and is its greatest strength.
Bernie Sanders is the only one the media hasn't attacked......because he's not a threat to Hillary.

Well, define 'attacked'. They have gone much easier on Hillary, except for FOX News and the obvious coverage.

Sanders is just low calorie for the scandal seeking press.
Bad move Jim, bad move.

It's not a move; this isnt chess or a game of any kind. I dont make my living by taking sides with political parties. I love my country and I want what is best for her.

From that starting point, I think Sanders is the better choice, with Trump a close second. I gain nothing by expressing my opinion on this matter, other than maybe getting some conservatives ehre to be a little more tolerant (in the nice sort of way) of Sanders Socialism, which is democratic socialism not communism or even Fabian socialism

Conservatives need to adapt to the coming changes in the electorate if they are to survive, as the Third Industrial Revolution is going to kill jobs, even part time jobs, over the next thirty years and if the GOP persists in opposing common sense reforms they will go extinct like the Whigs.
There is just no way that Bernie Sanders is going to be able to close this gap. Democrat Super Delegates are going to stay with the Democrat in this race, not some candidate that just changed his party status to run on the ticket.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

From your article: "Sanders trails Clinton by 228 pledged delegates and will need 988 more — a bit under 57 percent of those available — to finish with the majority."

The northern states seem to be preloaded for Sanders.

The national numbers look good for Sanders. Your article was saying that, essentially Sanders needs to average about 13% above Clinton, he is doing much better than that nationally.

2016 Presidential Election Poll Results

This map is for the Democratic primaries and shows Sanders much more popular than Hillary in NEw York and most of the country.

2016 Presidential Election: Support for Bernie Sanders

But Sanders supporters are mostly young people who mostly dont show up to vote.

And then there is the strong establishment support for Hillary, so yo could be right.

But I got this feeling that Bernie will continue to surprise Hillary in the next few months and may take the nomination.

If not, maybe I can vote Trump, if not, then I'll vote Constitutionalist again.
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You must be bi-polar. You call me every name in the book when I posted that the SCOTUS affirmed the "one-man, one-vote" law and now you're going to vote for someone who supports it even more than I do. Check your meds. Or at least learn more about Bernie.

It was a rather long post, especially for a libtard like yourself, but had you read it all, you might have taken note of the part where I point out that I still dont agree with Sanders on many issues, especially social issues. I consider them irrelevant because it is no loss for my perspective on these things since the GOP is feckless, unproductive and a bunch of posturing liars anyway.

So have a good day, dude.

Trump is hated by everyone in Washington DC and he supports constitutional governing. He sounds like the perfect President to pick our next 4 Supreme Court Justices. You really want Bernie doing that?
Trump is hated by everyone in Washington DC and he supports constitutional governing. He sounds like the perfect President to pick our next 4 Supreme Court Justices. You really want Bernie doing that?

On that particular issue, I would say my preference would be for Trump to make those appointments, but if not Trump, then Sanders as I am sure they will be well qualified would back the 2nd amendment as he does and could not be worse than half the GOP appointees we have had in this past four decades.

But breaking up the corporate crony network that has a deathlock on Washington DC politics is far more important than SCOTUS justices who always turn out a surprise no matter who picks them anyway.
Trump is hated by everyone in Washington DC and he supports constitutional governing. He sounds like the perfect President to pick our next 4 Supreme Court Justices. You really want Bernie doing that?

On that particular issue, I would say my preference would be for Trump to make those appointments, but if not Trump, then Sanders as I am sure they will be well qualified would back the 2nd amendment as he does and could not be worse than half the GOP appointees we have had in this past four decades.

But breaking up the corporate crony network that has a deathlock on Washington DC politics is far more important than SCOTUS justices who always turn out a surprise no matter who picks them anyway.
Good grief Jim. Sander's is a whore when it comes to the gun lobby. Vermont residents by percentage has gun ownership of 42% to Texas's 36%. That's the only reason he's pro-gun. As President he will choose an anti-gun Justice. Count on it, he won't need Vermont.
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Breaking the corporate network by eliminating capitalism. Yes, doctor, you did cure the disease, but in doing that you killed the patient. I don't think you're getting into any medical journals for this ...

Is capitalism dead in Iceland, Sweden or Denmark?


No, take a look at the facts, please.

Economy of Iceland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iceland has a mixed economy with high levels of free trade and government intervention. However, government consumption is less than other Nordic countries. Geothermal power is the primary source of home and industrial energy in Iceland.[12]

In the 1990s Iceland undertook extensive free market reforms, which initially produced strong economic growth. As a result, Iceland was rated as having one of the world's highest levels of economic freedom[13] as well as civil freedoms. In 2007, Iceland topped the list of nations ranked by Human Development Index[14] and was one of the most egalitarian, according to the calculation provided by the Gini coefficient.[15]...

Iceland has fixed its banking problem by letting the banks responsible go bankrupt, and they have the 9th GDP/capita in the world, and a low national debt.

Economy of Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy featuring a modern distribution system, excellent internal and external communications, and a skilled labor force. Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade. Sweden's engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports. Telecommunications, the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industries are also of great importance. Agriculture accounts for 2 percent of GDP and employment.

The 20 largest Sweden-registered companies by turnover in 2013 were Volvo, Ericsson, Vattenfall, Skanska, Hennes & Mauritz, Electrolux,Volvo Personvagnar, Preem, TeliaSonera, Sandvik, ICA, Atlas Copco, Nordea, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, Scania, Securitas,Nordstjernan, SKF, ABB Norden Holding and Sony Mobile Communications AB, .[30] Sweden's industry is overwhelmingly in private control; unlike some other industrialized Western countries, such as Austria, Italy or Finland, state owned enterprises were always of minor importance. One important exception to this rule is LKAB, which is a state-owned mining company, mostly active in the northern part of the country.

Some 4.5 million residents are working, out of which around a third with tertiary education. GDP per hour worked is the world's 9th highest at 31 USD in 2006, compared to 22 USD in Spain and 35 USD in United States.

Sweden has again a low national debt and has the 11th highest GDP/capita in the world.

Without going into more detail, Norway has the 4th highest GDP/capita, Denmark is 8th, and Finland 17th, all ahead of Germany who has a reputedly strong economy but whose GDP/capita is 18th in the world.

While the US is 5th in GDP/capita it is mostly due to the federalis having spent around $800 billion in deficit spending in the early 2010's.

Even so, Norways GDP/capita is about 27% higher than the USA's.

The Nordic economic system is quite appealing in this period of econmic suckage.

Let's say there are 10 things you want to do. I decide I'll let you do five your way, and tell you which five you can do, then you're going to do five my way.

I actually decided all ten, you weren't free for any of them because I chose not only the five that you had to do my way, but I chose the ones I allowed you to do yours.

They are socialist countries because government decides what the people are free to do, and that which they can give, they can take away
Breaking the corporate network by eliminating capitalism. Yes, doctor, you did cure the disease, but in doing that you killed the patient. I don't think you're getting into any medical journals for this ...

Is capitalism dead in Iceland, Sweden or Denmark?


No, take a look at the facts, please.

Economy of Iceland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iceland has a mixed economy with high levels of free trade and government intervention. However, government consumption is less than other Nordic countries. Geothermal power is the primary source of home and industrial energy in Iceland.[12]

In the 1990s Iceland undertook extensive free market reforms, which initially produced strong economic growth. As a result, Iceland was rated as having one of the world's highest levels of economic freedom[13] as well as civil freedoms. In 2007, Iceland topped the list of nations ranked by Human Development Index[14] and was one of the most egalitarian, according to the calculation provided by the Gini coefficient.[15]...

Iceland has fixed its banking problem by letting the banks responsible go bankrupt, and they have the 9th GDP/capita in the world, and a low national debt.

Economy of Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy featuring a modern distribution system, excellent internal and external communications, and a skilled labor force. Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade. Sweden's engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports. Telecommunications, the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industries are also of great importance. Agriculture accounts for 2 percent of GDP and employment.

The 20 largest Sweden-registered companies by turnover in 2013 were Volvo, Ericsson, Vattenfall, Skanska, Hennes & Mauritz, Electrolux,Volvo Personvagnar, Preem, TeliaSonera, Sandvik, ICA, Atlas Copco, Nordea, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, Scania, Securitas,Nordstjernan, SKF, ABB Norden Holding and Sony Mobile Communications AB, .[30] Sweden's industry is overwhelmingly in private control; unlike some other industrialized Western countries, such as Austria, Italy or Finland, state owned enterprises were always of minor importance. One important exception to this rule is LKAB, which is a state-owned mining company, mostly active in the northern part of the country.

Some 4.5 million residents are working, out of which around a third with tertiary education. GDP per hour worked is the world's 9th highest at 31 USD in 2006, compared to 22 USD in Spain and 35 USD in United States.

Sweden has again a low national debt and has the 11th highest GDP/capita in the world.

Without going into more detail, Norway has the 4th highest GDP/capita, Denmark is 8th, and Finland 17th, all ahead of Germany who has a reputedly strong economy but whose GDP/capita is 18th in the world.

While the US is 5th in GDP/capita it is mostly due to the federalis having spent around $800 billion in deficit spending in the early 2010's.

Even so, Norways GDP/capita is about 27% higher than the USA's.

The Nordic economic system is quite appealing in this period of econmic suckage.

[GASP!] And guess what else these countries have in common besides a healthy economy and quality of life superior to ours! [HORRORS!] Socialist, evil, satanic government health care!

http://nowbase.org/~/media/Projekt sites/Nowbase/Publikationer/Andre/Financing.ashx

How do these countries thrive when they are occupied by blood suckers! People who think health care is a right? Shocked, I tell you...I'm just shocked.

It is better over there. Have a great trip. Write when you find work
Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.

To each his own.
But I like you obviously want to shake up the establishment,I just prefer we do it with the Donald.
Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.
Is this a late April fools prank?

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