I Confess

Can you find a link ( True link of an abortion at 7 months pregnant unless if it is the life of a mother) most babies can live outside of the womb now at 7 months..

OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.

Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

a ball of cells is not a human being, stop being so dramatic.
It's legal in many states to abort at 9 months. Quit being a goddamn retard.

The baby can survive at 7 months out of the womb... nah ...
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Then what's your problem? Let the One who is SUPPOSED to judge do the judging. Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

Pro-Life supporters would do better to keep doing what they do, helping women find alternatives and supporting adoption services than trying to meddle in others' business and screaming names at people. Abortion is not murder; it is the extinguishing of a possibility. No one celebrates that. It is better done safely and legally and you all need to get it through your thick skulls that it is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood is preventing more abortions than you can possibly realize. Wait until they are defunded and you will see the results. I feel for those poor unwanted babies born into this world. I don't know exactly what it is you folks actually care about, but it isn't life.
OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.

Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

The pill? Or a IUD...

I was raised in rural Indiana, bumfuck Egypt, no major city close by and every girl I went to school with knew they could go to the public health dept and get the pill or condoms for absolutely no charge. Every guy knew there was a condom vending machine in the local gas stations restrooms.

Bumfuck Egypt...haaaa

Yes I was born in Minnesota and never saw a taco until I cam to California when I was 10...lol

But , being under 18 they need a parents signature legally...right?

Nope, any girl could go in and get the pill or condoms w/o anyone knowing she did
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬
Wonder how many against abortions have adopted children unwanted by others. Seems to me the care they give is all lost after the child is born

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

Abortion should be illegal except for the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, Infanticide, the deliberate destroying of a living thing not just a collection of cells.

Every woman has a choice to either become pregnant or not, if a woman and a man have sex and a baby isn't wanted as a result, then one of them chooses to use contraception, we have a variety of contraceptions available to us at the moment men only have the one means of contraception.

There was a March For Life yesterday in Washington DC.

Kellyanne Conway and Vice-President Michael Pence were amongst those who addressed the crowd, they both pledged that the Trump Administration is going to defund Planned Parenthood, a macabre organisation that rips apart murdered babies limb by limb, tissue by tissue and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.




Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does.

"Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does."

Do everyone a favour and fuck off.

I'm fully educated on what Planned Parenthood does.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

Abortion should be illegal except for the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, Infanticide, the deliberate destroying of a living thing not just a collection of cells.

Every woman has a choice to either become pregnant or not, if a woman and a man have sex and a baby isn't wanted as a result, then one of them chooses to use contraception, we have a variety of contraceptions available to us at the moment men only have the one means of contraception.

There was a March For Life yesterday in Washington DC.

Kellyanne Conway and Vice-President Michael Pence were amongst those who addressed the crowd, they both pledged that the Trump Administration is going to defund Planned Parenthood, a macabre organisation that rips apart murdered babies limb by limb, tissue by tissue and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.




Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does.

"Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does."

Do everyone a favour and fuck off.

I'm fully educated on what Planned Parenthood does.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

Abortion should be illegal except for the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, Infanticide, the deliberate destroying of a living thing not just a collection of cells.

Every woman has a choice to either become pregnant or not, if a woman and a man have sex and a baby isn't wanted as a result, then one of them chooses to use contraception, we have a variety of contraceptions available to us at the moment men only have the one means of contraception.

There was a March For Life yesterday in Washington DC.

Kellyanne Conway and Vice-President Michael Pence were amongst those who addressed the crowd, they both pledged that the Trump Administration is going to defund Planned Parenthood, a macabre organisation that rips apart murdered babies limb by limb, tissue by tissue and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.




Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does.

"Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does."

Do everyone a favour and fuck off.

I'm fully educated on what Planned Parenthood does.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.
OK when your 14 year old daughter gets pregnant you let her give birth,,,,,,,but keep your gd mouth to itself when it's my families business

Murder is everyone's business

As adults it's our prime objective to protect ALL children and that includes the most innocent of all the unborn.

No woman has a RIGHT to murder her unborn child, if a woman murdered her already born child, then she'd be arrested and charged with murder, put on trial and given the severest punishment.

Why is murdering the unborn legal, yet murdering the already born is a crime?
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.
OK when your 14 year old daughter gets pregnant you let her give birth,,,,,,,but keep your gd mouth to itself when it's my families business

When lots of 14-year-old girls get knocked up all over the country, not to mention women of all ages everywhere who can't afford to start or add to her family, Chuz gets to pay and pay and pay for an expanded welfare system to cover those kids for 15-17 years and not complain.

You need to take off all of the quotes before putting in your comment..
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

a ball of cells is not a human being, stop being so dramatic.
It's legal in many states to abort at 9 months. Quit being a goddamn retard.

The baby can survive at 7 months out of the womb... nah ...

According to studies between 2003 and 2005, 20 to 35 percent of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive, while 50 to 70 percent of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks, and more than 90 percent born at 26 to 27 weeks, survive. It is rare for a baby weighing less than 500 g (17.6 ounces) to survive.
hazlnut why do you hate Whitey? If you are so proud to be an Afro-American why not go back to African and become an Afro-African. Give us an update after you are there a few weeks assuming you can find wifi from your home tribe area. :p
OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.

Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

Hey, back in the 1970's and 80's we hitch hiked anywhere, and everywhere..
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

The Trump Administration has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, the monsters who operate Planned Parenthood have committed a US Federal Felony, they should be arrested, put on trial and given the severest punishment.







OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.

Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

Your nonsense and middle school antics is why nobody takes you serious....our 13 y/o twins have more game than you
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

a ball of cells is not a human being, stop being so dramatic.
It's legal in many states to abort at 9 months. Quit being a goddamn retard.

The baby can survive at 7 months out of the womb... nah ...

According to studies between 2003 and 2005, 20 to 35 percent of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive, while 50 to 70 percent of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks, and more than 90 percent born at 26 to 27 weeks, survive. It is rare for a baby weighing less than 500 g (17.6 ounces) to survive.

That was 15 years ago though...

Premature babies born at 22 weeks are more likely to survive outside the womb than previously thought, according to new research. The study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, looked at nearly 5,000 babies born before27 weeks of gestation.May 7, 2015
Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children.

Report: Federal Education Funding Cut by 5 Times More Than All ...
Jun 24, 2015 - Over the last five years, Congress has cut federal funding for K-12 education by nearly 20 percent, about five times more than overall spending ...
Why the GOP's Education Funding Bill Gets an F | Knowledge Bank ...
Jun 25, 2015 - I have a pop quiz for you: What is the best investment thefederal ... In fact, House Republicans' cuts to education programs are so ... The Trump administration undermines the public's trust by dismissing the media – and truth.
Trump's Plan to Eliminate the Department of Education is Yet Another ...
Sep 1, 2016 - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign ... is so much waste” at the department that he plans to cut it—along with the ... could be eliminated—14 percent of K-12 public schoolteachers nationwide. ... Using official budget figures from the Department ofEducation, CAPAF's full ...
Education Budget Cuts - The Huffington Post
North Carolina GOP Dubs Millions in Education Cuts as 'Opportunity Scholarships' ... Amid Cuts, Philadelphia To Close 37 Public Schools .... that under Paul Ryan's budget proposal to cut federal spending by 20 percent, 77 percent of the 1,5.
New Data Show House Republican Bill Would Allow Billions in Cuts ...
Feb 24, 2015 - The cuts in education spending would be the result of locking funding ... than $1.3 billion in federal funding: Baltimore City Public Schools (MD), ...
FACT SHEET: Republican Budget Cuts Education | House Budget ...
May 14, 2015 - Education in the Republican budget conference.pdf » TheRepublican ... Over ten years, the budget cuts non-defense funding by $496 billion below ... working full time in public service and making 10 years of on-time payments. ... Federal student aid by state – The table on the next page shows the number ...
NEA - Impact of Sequestration on Federal Education Programs - State ...
www.nea.org › Issues And Action › Education Funding
Great Public Schools for Every Student ... These cuts – nearly $3 billion for education alone -- would result in: ... See how services to students would be diminished, and how many education jobs will be lost in your state if Congress doesn't act.
House, Senate Bills Would Cut Ed. Dept. Funding - Education Week
Jul 7, 2015 - Despite a veto threat from the president, Republicans in both ... of Education and eliminate a slew of federal education programs. ... "House GOP Aims to Cut Education Funding, Including Obama .... All comments are public.
Do Republicans always cut education in their budgets? If so, why ...
A lot of this has to do with how state budgets are classified. Budgets are categorized into ... Are Republican governors trying to dismantle public education by crippling it so ... Understand that there was really no where else in the state budget to cut, as most other major expenditures are mandated by the federal government.
Donald Trump bashes Education Department, following in the ... - Slate
Jan 12, 2016 - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants tocut the ... for hating on the federal Department of Education has long been a favorite ... our education department becomes, the worse our public education becomes.

Then there's this fucking idiot:

"When asked if guns should be allowed in schools, Trump's education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos cited the need for firearms to protect from "potential grizzlies" in certain areas."""
Janitor at our elementary school had to shoot a coyote on the playground a few years back. It happens.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

a ball of cells is not a human being, stop being so dramatic.
It's legal in many states to abort at 9 months. Quit being a goddamn retard.

The baby can survive at 7 months out of the womb... nah ...

According to studies between 2003 and 2005, 20 to 35 percent of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive, while 50 to 70 percent of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks, and more than 90 percent born at 26 to 27 weeks, survive. It is rare for a baby weighing less than 500 g (17.6 ounces) to survive.

Yes, if their parents have really good HEALTH INSURANCE, then these preemies will survive in a NICU. But under the new GOP repeal of Obamacare, all those babies are gonna' die. See how you fuckers keep fucking things up?
Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

Your nonsense and middle school antics is why nobody takes you serious....our 13 y/o twins have more game than you

Only if I lived in a cheap, run-down trailer park, too.
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Then what's your problem? Let the One who is SUPPOSED to judge do the judging. Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

Pro-Life supporters would do better to keep doing what they do, helping women find alternatives and supporting adoption services than trying to meddle in others' business and screaming names at people. Abortion is not murder; it is the extinguishing of a possibility. No one celebrates that. It is better done safely and legally and you all need to get it through your thick skulls that it is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood is preventing more abortions than you can possibly realize. Wait until they are defunded and you will see the results. I feel for those poor unwanted babies born into this world. I don't know exactly what it is you folks actually care about, but it isn't life.

"Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

WTF?! You consider rape to just be "naughty"?

I support abortion in the case of rape because you have to think of the woman. Rape in itself would be traumatising enough, but the physical trauma they would recover from, the psychological trauma wouldn't be as simple.

So I think it's bad enough the woman has been raped, without adding to the psychological trauma of her having to carry a rapists baby for nine months and 24/7 her knowing this, it could even lead to suicidal tendencies or actual suicide.


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