I Confess

Good point Chuz Life. All discussion of Obama's parents is speculation. The theory his mother was a black whore his supposed mother's father impregnated is a possibility. We just don't have all the facts.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

This illustrates a society that has it's priorities perverted and wrong on all levels.


You can legitimately sing that line when human beings become an endangered species.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

a ball of cells is not a human being, stop being so dramatic.
The Unborn victims of violence act says and proves otherwise.

Your denials have been defeated.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

Your nonsense and middle school antics is why nobody takes you serious....our 13 y/o twins have more game than you

Only if I lived in a cheap, run-down trailer park, too.

She doesn't live in a trailer park, her husband is an attorney..
Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

Your nonsense and middle school antics is why nobody takes you serious....our 13 y/o twins have more game than you

Only if I lived in a cheap, run-down trailer park, too.

She doesn't live in a trailer park, her husband is an attorney..

The troll is trying to use insults that wore out long ago
OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.

Personally, I feel that adoption should be easier.. I do find it very sad what goes on..

but my argument is on free contraception..

Free contraception has been available for decades...that's just a pro abortion weak argument

Yeah, it's called Planned Parenthood. And as usual, the right wing idiots are voting AGAINST their own interests with Trump and Pence who will defund it.

You don't have the first clue...or the second or even the third. There was no PP anywhere close to where I was raised...in fact you'll find most of them in the black neighborhoods. Why do you think that is?

You were raised in the woods under a rock, so I'm sure there were none close by.

It illustrates that you have lost an argument you never had in the first place when you resort to personal attacks, this raised in the woods one of yours and the trailer park one of yours.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

This illustrates a society that has it's priorities perverted and wrong on all levels.


You can legitimately sing that line when human beings become an endangered species.

Like we give a crap what someone like you thinks, you support the coldblooded murder of the most innocent of human beings, you have no moral high ground sugar pants.

Does the baby get a Choice, is the baby included in the Choice for it to be murdered?
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

The Trump Administration has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, the monsters who operate Planned Parenthood have committed a US Federal Felony, they should be arrested, put on trial and given the severest punishment.








You are soooooo yesterday. This video was debunked last year.

No, Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Aborted Fetal Body Parts
Jul 14, 2015 - No, Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Aborted Fetal Body Parts .... According to Snopes, the man currently being credited as the “leader” of the ...
The Planned Parenthood video in context | PolitiFact
Jul 17, 2015 - ... that they say proves Planned Parenthood "sells the body parts of aborted fetuses. ... about performing partial-birth abortions to keepbody parts intact in order to "sell" them, an ... Snopes, "Baby parts for sale," July 14, 2015 ...
Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video - FactCheck.org
Jul 21, 2015 - Rick Perry, July 14: The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of ...
snopes.com (@snopes) | Twitter
Twitter. It's what's happening.snopes?lang=en
9272 tweets • 3362 photos/videos • 171K followers. Check out the latest Tweets from snopes.com (@snopes)
Snopes Doubts That Planned Parenthood Black-Market-Baby-Parts ...
Jul 14, 2015 - Snopes also states that although it's illegal to sell human fetal tissue, it's legal to ... No, Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Body Parts (And The ...
Planned Parenthood Doesn't Sell Fetuses: The Real Story Behind ...
Jul 14, 2015 - A pro-life group's viral video would have you believe an abortion doctor is hawking body parts.
Media Calls Out Deceptively Edited Video Claiming To Show Planned ...
Jul 15, 2015 - ... Planned Parenthood "Sells The Body Parts Of Aborted Fetuses" .... notes Snopes, a website that debunks Internet rumors and hoaxes.
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..
Judge? How so? Saving a life is how you define judge? No, I don't want to pay for your responsibility. It's part of being a grownup. It you cannot be a responsible adult it isn't somebody else's fault.

Yes, in a perfect world everyone would be responsible. But in reality young kids fending for themselves are on the streets thinking sex is love.. Their brains are not fully developed until 24 years of age...The consequence of our actions is part of that. Remember feeling invincible when we were young.., that is why..
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Then what's your problem? Let the One who is SUPPOSED to judge do the judging. Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

Pro-Life supporters would do better to keep doing what they do, helping women find alternatives and supporting adoption services than trying to meddle in others' business and screaming names at people. Abortion is not murder; it is the extinguishing of a possibility. No one celebrates that. It is better done safely and legally and you all need to get it through your thick skulls that it is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood is preventing more abortions than you can possibly realize. Wait until they are defunded and you will see the results. I feel for those poor unwanted babies born into this world. I don't know exactly what it is you folks actually care about, but it isn't life.

Rape is 'naughty'? You say a lot of stupid things, but this is just sick. SMH.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.
That's like caring someone removed a cost or boil from their body
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Then what's your problem? Let the One who is SUPPOSED to judge do the judging. Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

Pro-Life supporters would do better to keep doing what they do, helping women find alternatives and supporting adoption services than trying to meddle in others' business and screaming names at people. Abortion is not murder; it is the extinguishing of a possibility. No one celebrates that. It is better done safely and legally and you all need to get it through your thick skulls that it is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood is preventing more abortions than you can possibly realize. Wait until they are defunded and you will see the results. I feel for those poor unwanted babies born into this world. I don't know exactly what it is you folks actually care about, but it isn't life.

"Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

WTF?! You consider rape to just be "naughty"?

I support abortion in the case of rape because you have to think of the woman. Rape in itself would be traumatising enough, but the physical trauma they would recover from, the psychological trauma wouldn't be as simple.

So I think it's bad enough the woman has been raped, without adding to the psychological trauma of her having to carry a rapists baby for nine months and 24/7 her knowing this, it could even lead to suicidal tendencies or actual suicide.

If only you could extend that compassion to all women in such a tough situation that they choose abortion. Contraception is the best answer and we should do everything we can to support adoption services, making them simpler and less expensive for couples wanting to adopt. Abortion rates are down to pre-Roe v. Wade levels. Teenaged pregnancies have fallen. Planned Parenthood and similar education and outreach efforts are working. You will defeat your own wishes to continue on this course.
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Then what's your problem? Let the One who is SUPPOSED to judge do the judging. Your stance that an unborn child conceived by rape or incest is worthy of death is also a moral judgment. Why is that life any less worthy? Just because it's parents' coupling was "naughty?"

Pro-Life supporters would do better to keep doing what they do, helping women find alternatives and supporting adoption services than trying to meddle in others' business and screaming names at people. Abortion is not murder; it is the extinguishing of a possibility. No one celebrates that. It is better done safely and legally and you all need to get it through your thick skulls that it is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood is preventing more abortions than you can possibly realize. Wait until they are defunded and you will see the results. I feel for those poor unwanted babies born into this world. I don't know exactly what it is you folks actually care about, but it isn't life.

Rape is 'naughty'? You say a lot of stupid things, but this is just sick. SMH.
Yea! Why murder a child because you were raped?
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.
That's like caring someone removed a cost or boil from their body

You're just commenting for effect

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