I Confess

Planned Parenthood and similar education and outreach efforts are working. You will defeat your own wishes to continue on this course.
How does pro-life translate into no birth control in your mind?

Most Pro-Life people are 100% Pro-Birth Control, this is because we know this is the only way to prevent a pregnancy that's not convenient.

Very few Pro-Life people support Abstinence, this is just a ludicrous suggestion that adults must abstain from sex, sex is a purely natural happening for adults to indulge in.

We're NOT The fucking Taliban, despite what the Leftist Pro-Baby Murdering crowd says, nor do we wish to FORCE women who have been raped or victims of incest to carry a baby full-term and give birth to it, we do possess compassion and understanding for the psychological problems such women and girls would face if they were to be denied access to an abortion.

The Leftists just want women and girls to go out, have completely unprotected sex, become pregnant and then go to an abortion clinic and say "well, I had a drunken one night stand and I'm pregnant, so can you just kill this thing now and then I can carry on with my life because a baby is just too inconvenient for me to deal with"
If that is what the Left believed, we wouldn't be fighting so hard for Planned Parenthood and sex education in the schools. Most women who have abortions are already mothers. Think about that. How enormously hard it must be to make that decision and how tough things must be in order to make it. There may be a small percentage of sociopaths who think the way you describe, but you are using a very soiled brush to paint that picture, Lucy.
Here, Lucy. I saw your "i". There's some other stuff here you might find interesting.
Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money
Why should I pay for your kids' food? You can't send them to school with a decent sandwich? Hell, I do it these days. I almost never eat out, I bring a lunch if I'm out on calls. Many a man has had sack lunches and put in full days. How times change!
I know plenty of people that adopted children and raised them. Go to almost any church and you'll find them. They feed their kids so I don't know where you are going with school lunches.

I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

It became popular again when Mooch rolled out her ill fated school lunch menu

Two different things..Michelle fought for healthier choices..Not just french fries that make kids fat..
Women’s health advocates balked on Thursday, arguing that the proposed legislation would force women to pay out of pocket for birth control and effectively limit their options. Birth control can cost women up to $600 a year, according to Planned Parenthood.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a non-profit organization of women’s health doctors, said it opposes the Republicans’ birth control bill.

GOP Senators Push For Birth Control Access, But Check The Small Print | The Huffington Post

Well personally in an ideal world birth control would be completely free to all and everyone. Unfortunately like with everything else, it's a business, the manufacturers need to make a profit to stay in business, so they're not going to give their stuff away for nothing.

I support completely free contraceptives for the under-18s, there's no use pretending that 16 year-old's don't have sex, because they do and the rates of teenage pregnancy illustrate that they do.

I understand that someone needs to be medically monitored while on the pill or IUD but they are talking about paying full price for it..These are the Knuckle Heads women are angry about..

basic birth control-------------------------keep your legs together. simple and free.

Yes, wouldn't that be nice if it would be that simple..

Education is the key..

It really is that simple, and yes, education is the key.

"Ok kids listen carefully, if you screw you could get pregnant" education 101

There was a program that taught 5th graders about drugs and making good choices..that was cut.
I forgot the name, but policemen came to the schools to teach..
I know plenty of people that adopted children and raised them. Go to almost any church and you'll find them. They feed their kids so I don't know where you are going with school lunches.

I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money

I myself use oral contraception, I make this choice myself, I personally hate condoms, so because of this contraception is purely left to me as men only have the choice of condoms as contraception.

I'm contemplating switching from oral contraception to Norplant (also called Jadelle)

Also Norplant would be a good option for women who cannot afford repeat prescriptions of the oral contraception, because Norplant is a one-off happening that lasts effectively for five years, so those women wouldn't have to pay for contraception for a full five years and after the five years they can just get the Norplant process repeated.

I just noticed that as of 2015 Norplant has been approved in the United States but isn't yet available in the United States.

Levonorgestrel-releasing implant - Wikipedia
I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

It became popular again when Mooch rolled out her ill fated school lunch menu

Two different things..Michelle fought for healthier choices..Not just french fries that make kids fat..

She failed on an epic level. No kid was going to eat that garbage
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money
Why should I pay for your kids' food? You can't send them to school with a decent sandwich? Hell, I do it these days. I almost never eat out, I bring a lunch if I'm out on calls. Many a man has had sack lunches and put in full days. How times change!

Low income kids didn't ask to be poor, it is not their fault... Some could be the babies saved from a woman getting an abortion. Why would you not want to feed them until they can fend for themselves?..This is sort of going way off track, but it shows you that ...the republicans don't want to raise the babies..
Many pro-life democrats ( I am actually independent left leaning who want to fight for the baby out of the womb too..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

It became popular again when Mooch rolled out her ill fated school lunch menu

Two different things..Michelle fought for healthier choices..Not just french fries that make kids fat..

She failed on an epic level. No kid was going to eat that garbage

You are right...lol ..Many years ago I volunteered for my boys school lunch to supervise the kids sometimes...and all of the good for you food went into the garbage...lol
Unborn is exactly that.

The words "birth" and "born" have multiple meanings that can apply to a child in the womb.

Some of the definitions are "origin, comes into being, begins, to start" - all of which are synonyms of the word "Conception"

The other meaning of the words "birth" and "born" is "parturition" - which is simply and already living child's "emergence from the womb."

Definition of born - adjective
  1. 1a : brought forth by or as if by birth <The baby was born prematurely.> <She was born in Germany.> <a mentality born in the computer age>b : native —usually used in combination <American-born>c : deriving or resulting from <a partnership born of necessity> —usually used in combination <poverty-born crime>

  2. 2a : having from birth specified qualities <was born blind> <Mark Twain was born Samuel Clemens.> <a born leader>
    b : being in specified circumstances from birth <nobly born> <born poor> <born into wealth>

  3. 3: destined from or as if from birth <born to succeed>
Definition of birth - noun
  1. 1a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parentb : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb

  2. 2: a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place <a Southerner by birth>

  3. 3a : lineage, extraction
    3b : high or noble birth

  4. 4a archaic : one that is born
    b : beginning, start

Definition of birth -- Verb
transitive verb
  1. 1 chiefly dialectal : to bring forth
  2. 2a : to give rise to : originate
    2b : to give birth to
intransitive verb
  1. : to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young
Medical Definition of birth -- Noun
  1. 1: the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent
  2. 2: the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb
Medical Definition of birth -- Verb
  1. : to give birth to <allowed to birth her child in her own way—Nancy Robinson>
intransitive verb
: to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young <contend that birthing is a natural process, rather than a medical procedure—Kit Miniclier> <the baby birthed breech—Jayne Anne Phillips>

I'm sure you and your pro-life buddies would like to use the "originate" definition noted above. That would be okay but for the fact that in medicine we have a very specific term for that event and "birth" isn't it. "Conceive" is the term for that. Since the matter of when conception and birth occur is determined by biology, the medical definition of is the relevant and rationally applicable one.

And just in case it's not obvious, the pro-life argument is not bolstered by the equivocally semantic word play. It is, on the contrary, weakened by such hijinks for everyone with half a brain can see right through that foolishness better left tendered to five year olds.

How ironic.

YOU are the one trying to play semantics to deny the biological facts here. Not me.

Have you never heard of the book "A Child is Born?"

“…but the whole story does not begin with delivery. The baby has existed for months before – at first signaling its presence only with small outer signs, later on as a somewhat foreign little being which has been growing and gradually affecting the lives of those close by…” Lennart Nilsson

41 Quotes From Medical Textbooks Prove Human Life Begins at Conception

People who play semantics with the word "born" do so in order to justify the termination of pregnancy any time before such. In doing so, all they reveal is their own lack of thoughtfulness and maturity. These people are at the most extreme and callous end of the debate on abortion, just as those who are virulently against contraception might be at the other.

It is all but impossible to discuss the moral implications inherent in abortion when the most extreme hold sway.
Last edited:
I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money

I myself use oral contraception, I make this choice myself, I personally hate condoms, so because of this contraception is purely left to me as men only have the choice of condoms as contraception.

I'm contemplating switching from oral contraception to Norplant (also called Jadelle)

Also Norplant would be a good option for women who cannot afford repeat prescriptions of the oral contraception, because Norplant is a one-off happening that lasts effectively for five years, so those women wouldn't have to pay for contraception for a full five years and after the five years they can just get the Norplant process repeated.

I just noticed that as of 2015 Norplant has been approved in the United States but isn't yet available in the United States.

Levonorgestrel-releasing implant - Wikipedia

What about an IUD? You are still a youngin Lucy...when you get to my age you don't have to worry about contraception :banana: but then you get hot flashes...

Make sure that you are not getting estrogen in anyway, it gives you cancer.
Unborn is exactly that.

The words "birth" and "born" have multiple meanings that can apply to a child in the womb.

Some of the definitions are "origin, comes into being, begins, to start" - all of which are synonyms of the word "Conception"

The other meaning of the words "birth" and "born" is "parturition" - which is simply and already living child's "emergence from the womb."

Definition of born - adjective
  1. 1a : brought forth by or as if by birth <The baby was born prematurely.> <She was born in Germany.> <a mentality born in the computer age>b : native —usually used in combination <American-born>c : deriving or resulting from <a partnership born of necessity> —usually used in combination <poverty-born crime>

  2. 2a : having from birth specified qualities <was born blind> <Mark Twain was born Samuel Clemens.> <a born leader>
    b : being in specified circumstances from birth <nobly born> <born poor> <born into wealth>

  3. 3: destined from or as if from birth <born to succeed>
Definition of birth - noun
  1. 1a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parentb : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb

  2. 2: a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place <a Southerner by birth>

  3. 3a : lineage, extraction
    3b : high or noble birth

  4. 4a archaic : one that is born
    b : beginning, start

Definition of birth -- Verb
transitive verb
  1. 1 chiefly dialectal : to bring forth
  2. 2a : to give rise to : originate
    2b : to give birth to
intransitive verb
  1. : to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young
Medical Definition of birth -- Noun
  1. 1: the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent
  2. 2: the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb
Medical Definition of birth -- Verb
  1. : to give birth to <allowed to birth her child in her own way—Nancy Robinson>
intransitive verb
: to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young <contend that birthing is a natural process, rather than a medical procedure—Kit Miniclier> <the baby birthed breech—Jayne Anne Phillips>

I'm sure you and your pro-life buddies would like to use the "originate" definition noted above. That would be okay but for the fact that in medicine we have a very specific term for that event and "birth" isn't it. "Conceive" is the term for that. Since the matter of when conception and birth occur is determined by biology, the medical definition of is the relevant and rationally applicable one.

And just in case it's not obvious, the pro-life argument is not bolstered by the equivocally semantic word play. It is, on the contrary, weakened by such hijinks for everyone with half a brain can see right through that foolishness better left tendered to five year olds.

How ironic.

YOU are the one trying to play semantics to deny the biological facts here. Not me.

Have you never heard of the book "A Child is Born?"

“…but the whole story does not begin with delivery. The baby has existed for months before – at first signaling its presence only with small outer signs, later on as a somewhat foreign little being which has been growing and gradually affecting the lives of those close by…” Lennart Nilsson

41 Quotes From Medical Textbooks Prove Human Life Begins at Conception

People who play semantics with the word "born" do so in order to justify the termination of pregnancy any time before such. In doing so, all they reveal is their own lack of thoughtfulness and maturity. These people are at the most extreme and callous end of the debate on abortion, just as would be those who are virulently against contraception might be at the other.

It is all but impossible to discuss the moral implications inherent in abortion when the most extreme hold sway.

Those are the extreme people, most democrats do not believe in abortion..
I know plenty of people that adopted children and raised them. Go to almost any church and you'll find them. They feed their kids so I don't know where you are going with school lunches.

I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money
Up here (Maine) it's been breakfast and lunch at school for twenty years, at least. I worked at one school that also gave a 10 a.m. snack. Recently, so many kids in many districts are eligible for free or reduced prices that schools are finding it cheaper to give it to everyone free rather than take the time to keep the books and collect it from those who can afford it. And the Republican Governor has just proposed a 12.1 million cut in welfare. That won't affect school kids' lunch, but it shows the attitude. Are my constituents really poor? Let's make 'em poorer!
Well personally in an ideal world birth control would be completely free to all and everyone. Unfortunately like with everything else, it's a business, the manufacturers need to make a profit to stay in business, so they're not going to give their stuff away for nothing.

I support completely free contraceptives for the under-18s, there's no use pretending that 16 year-old's don't have sex, because they do and the rates of teenage pregnancy illustrate that they do.

I understand that someone needs to be medically monitored while on the pill or IUD but they are talking about paying full price for it..These are the Knuckle Heads women are angry about..

basic birth control-------------------------keep your legs together. simple and free.

Yes, wouldn't that be nice if it would be that simple..

Education is the key..

It really is that simple, and yes, education is the key.

"Ok kids listen carefully, if you screw you could get pregnant" education 101

There was a program that taught 5th graders about drugs and making good choices..that was cut.
I forgot the name, but policemen came to the schools to teach..
D.A.R.E. It was a great program. Helped local cops establish relationships with kids at an age when it mattered. My kid was part of that small generation of kids that got saturated with the message that drugs weren't cool. That wasn't all that kept him clean, but it was an effective part of it. That, too, got cut.
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money

I myself use oral contraception, I make this choice myself, I personally hate condoms, so because of this contraception is purely left to me as men only have the choice of condoms as contraception.

I'm contemplating switching from oral contraception to Norplant (also called Jadelle)

Also Norplant would be a good option for women who cannot afford repeat prescriptions of the oral contraception, because Norplant is a one-off happening that lasts effectively for five years, so those women wouldn't have to pay for contraception for a full five years and after the five years they can just get the Norplant process repeated.

I just noticed that as of 2015 Norplant has been approved in the United States but isn't yet available in the United States.

Levonorgestrel-releasing implant - Wikipedia

What about an IUD? You are still a youngin Lucy...when you get to my age you don't have to worry about contraception :banana: but then you get hot flashes...

Make sure that you are not getting estrogen in anyway, it gives you cancer.

IUD seems too complicated. My doctor and I will discuss the pro's and con's of Norplant next week during our next Poker Game.

Yes this is the cross that we women have to bear, once we get to a certain age we don't have to worry about contraception but then it's the hot flashes.
Unborn is exactly that.

The words "birth" and "born" have multiple meanings that can apply to a child in the womb.

Some of the definitions are "origin, comes into being, begins, to start" - all of which are synonyms of the word "Conception"

The other meaning of the words "birth" and "born" is "parturition" - which is simply and already living child's "emergence from the womb."

Definition of born - adjective
  1. 1a : brought forth by or as if by birth <The baby was born prematurely.> <She was born in Germany.> <a mentality born in the computer age>b : native —usually used in combination <American-born>c : deriving or resulting from <a partnership born of necessity> —usually used in combination <poverty-born crime>

  2. 2a : having from birth specified qualities <was born blind> <Mark Twain was born Samuel Clemens.> <a born leader>
    b : being in specified circumstances from birth <nobly born> <born poor> <born into wealth>

  3. 3: destined from or as if from birth <born to succeed>
Definition of birth - noun
  1. 1a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parentb : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb

  2. 2: a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place <a Southerner by birth>

  3. 3a : lineage, extraction
    3b : high or noble birth

  4. 4a archaic : one that is born
    b : beginning, start

Definition of birth -- Verb
transitive verb
  1. 1 chiefly dialectal : to bring forth
  2. 2a : to give rise to : originate
    2b : to give birth to
intransitive verb
  1. : to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young
Medical Definition of birth -- Noun
  1. 1: the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent
  2. 2: the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb
Medical Definition of birth -- Verb
  1. : to give birth to <allowed to birth her child in her own way—Nancy Robinson>
intransitive verb
: to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young <contend that birthing is a natural process, rather than a medical procedure—Kit Miniclier> <the baby birthed breech—Jayne Anne Phillips>

I'm sure you and your pro-life buddies would like to use the "originate" definition noted above. That would be okay but for the fact that in medicine we have a very specific term for that event and "birth" isn't it. "Conceive" is the term for that. Since the matter of when conception and birth occur is determined by biology, the medical definition of is the relevant and rationally applicable one.

And just in case it's not obvious, the pro-life argument is not bolstered by the equivocally semantic word play. It is, on the contrary, weakened by such hijinks for everyone with half a brain can see right through that foolishness better left tendered to five year olds.

How ironic.

YOU are the one trying to play semantics to deny the biological facts here. Not me.

Have you never heard of the book "A Child is Born?"

“…but the whole story does not begin with delivery. The baby has existed for months before – at first signaling its presence only with small outer signs, later on as a somewhat foreign little being which has been growing and gradually affecting the lives of those close by…” Lennart Nilsson

41 Quotes From Medical Textbooks Prove Human Life Begins at Conception

People who play semantics with the word "born" do so in order to justify the termination of pregnancy any time before such. In doing so, all they reveal is their own lack of thoughtfulness and maturity. These people are at the most extreme and callous end of the debate on abortion, just as would be those who are virulently against contraception might be at the other.

It is all but impossible to discuss the moral implications inherent in abortion when the most extreme hold sway.

Those are the extreme people, most democrats do not believe in abortion..

If this were true, why are there never any democrats on boards like this who give the callous idiots a good thrashing?

Justifying the termination of a pregnancy only weeks or days before delivery is absolutely savage, yet there is nothing but silence on the subject by those generally supportive of abortion.
I help a family who's kids do not eat unless they are at school...

I also volunteered at a christian foster care support group where they umbrella the foster families..

Many Many crack addicted babies, or handicapped

Many older children , when most families want a young one.

Some kids go from home to home..
If people can't afford to feed their kid, or choose to spend the resources on other things, like drugs, then they should be taken for adoption. Not killed in the womb just in case it doesn't work out.

I am saying that the free school lunches helped so many hungry kids...Why would you support to cut that?
What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money

I myself use oral contraception, I make this choice myself, I personally hate condoms, so because of this contraception is purely left to me as men only have the choice of condoms as contraception.

I'm contemplating switching from oral contraception to Norplant (also called Jadelle)

Also Norplant would be a good option for women who cannot afford repeat prescriptions of the oral contraception, because Norplant is a one-off happening that lasts effectively for five years, so those women wouldn't have to pay for contraception for a full five years and after the five years they can just get the Norplant process repeated.

I just noticed that as of 2015 Norplant has been approved in the United States but isn't yet available in the United States.

Levonorgestrel-releasing implant - Wikipedia

I should add, that oral contraception, Norplant, IUD's etc are only advisable as the sole contraception to use if a woman is in a regular relationship with one man.

If a woman has multiple partners, then she should insist the man wears a condom, regardless of what contraception she herself is on as at the moment condoms are the only contraception that protect against STD's including HIV AID's.
The words "birth" and "born" have multiple meanings that can apply to a child in the womb.

Some of the definitions are "origin, comes into being, begins, to start" - all of which are synonyms of the word "Conception"

The other meaning of the words "birth" and "born" is "parturition" - which is simply and already living child's "emergence from the womb."

Definition of born - adjective
  1. 1a : brought forth by or as if by birth <The baby was born prematurely.> <She was born in Germany.> <a mentality born in the computer age>b : native —usually used in combination <American-born>c : deriving or resulting from <a partnership born of necessity> —usually used in combination <poverty-born crime>

  2. 2a : having from birth specified qualities <was born blind> <Mark Twain was born Samuel Clemens.> <a born leader>
    b : being in specified circumstances from birth <nobly born> <born poor> <born into wealth>

  3. 3: destined from or as if from birth <born to succeed>
Definition of birth - noun
  1. 1a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parentb : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb

  2. 2: a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place <a Southerner by birth>

  3. 3a : lineage, extraction
    3b : high or noble birth

  4. 4a archaic : one that is born
    b : beginning, start

Definition of birth -- Verb
transitive verb
  1. 1 chiefly dialectal : to bring forth
  2. 2a : to give rise to : originate
    2b : to give birth to
intransitive verb
  1. : to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young
Medical Definition of birth -- Noun
  1. 1: the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent
  2. 2: the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb
Medical Definition of birth -- Verb
  1. : to give birth to <allowed to birth her child in her own way—Nancy Robinson>
intransitive verb
: to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young <contend that birthing is a natural process, rather than a medical procedure—Kit Miniclier> <the baby birthed breech—Jayne Anne Phillips>

I'm sure you and your pro-life buddies would like to use the "originate" definition noted above. That would be okay but for the fact that in medicine we have a very specific term for that event and "birth" isn't it. "Conceive" is the term for that. Since the matter of when conception and birth occur is determined by biology, the medical definition of is the relevant and rationally applicable one.

And just in case it's not obvious, the pro-life argument is not bolstered by the equivocally semantic word play. It is, on the contrary, weakened by such hijinks for everyone with half a brain can see right through that foolishness better left tendered to five year olds.

How ironic.

YOU are the one trying to play semantics to deny the biological facts here. Not me.

Have you never heard of the book "A Child is Born?"

“…but the whole story does not begin with delivery. The baby has existed for months before – at first signaling its presence only with small outer signs, later on as a somewhat foreign little being which has been growing and gradually affecting the lives of those close by…” Lennart Nilsson

41 Quotes From Medical Textbooks Prove Human Life Begins at Conception

People who play semantics with the word "born" do so in order to justify the termination of pregnancy any time before such. In doing so, all they reveal is their own lack of thoughtfulness and maturity. These people are at the most extreme and callous end of the debate on abortion, just as would be those who are virulently against contraception might be at the other.

It is all but impossible to discuss the moral implications inherent in abortion when the most extreme hold sway.

Those are the extreme people, most democrats do not believe in abortion..

If this were true, why are there never any democrats on boards like this who give the callous idiots a good thrashing?

Justifying the termination of a pregnancy only weeks or days before delivery is absolutely savage, yet there is nothing but silence on the subject by those generally supportive of abortion.

Well we have a similar silence when there's an Islamic Terrorist attack, when a Kebab either goes on a shooting rampage, or mows people down with a truck, or blows themselves up etc.

We have a curious mixture of complete silence and being apologist, we never have, or rarely have a full, unadulterated condemnation there's always an added "but...."
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

Pro Choice is murder.
Mike Pence makes history today as the first sitting VP to speak at March for Life. Pence will take the podium to signal the support of the Trump administration for the pro-life cause.

To those people marching "for life" today. If you don't want to have an abortion, then don't fucking have one. You already have your religious freedom, it's in the 1st Amendment... but remember that same amendment also protects others who don't happen to share YOUR beliefs.

Don't try to shove your religious beliefs down everyone else's throat and don't try to mess with the 14th Amendment (Roe v Wade).

What is my opinion on school lunches? I don't recall saying anything about it. For the record I never had it provided, the folks couldn't afford it so I brought my own. Is that illegal now?

I always paid for mine as well, but my mom could afford it. Like I said so many depend on it..

This is just a small portion of which the Democrats are fighting for these children..

Fight erupts in Congress over school lunch money
Why should I pay for your kids' food? You can't send them to school with a decent sandwich? Hell, I do it these days. I almost never eat out, I bring a lunch if I'm out on calls. Many a man has had sack lunches and put in full days. How times change!

Low income kids didn't ask to be poor, it is not their fault... Some could be the babies saved from a woman getting an abortion. Why would you not want to feed them until they can fend for themselves?..This is sort of going way off track, but it shows you that ...the republicans don't want to raise the babies..
Many pro-life democrats ( I am actually independent left leaning who want to fight for the baby out of the womb too..
I'm not a party member and not Republicans share the same brain. You keep missing what I said, you have some kind of mental block. I said I was one of those low income kids. We went to school with a pack lunch. And if parents cannot or will not buy food for the kids they need to lose them.

Now read that over and over until you can finally absorb it.

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