I Confess

I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.

This illustrates a society that has it's priorities perverted and wrong on all levels.

There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

Abortion should be illegal except for the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, Infanticide, the deliberate destroying of a living thing not just a collection of cells.

Every woman has a choice to either become pregnant or not, if a woman and a man have sex and a baby isn't wanted as a result, then one of them chooses to use contraception, we have a variety of contraceptions available to us at the moment men only have the one means of contraception.

There was a March For Life yesterday in Washington DC.

Kellyanne Conway and Vice-President Michael Pence were amongst those who addressed the crowd, they both pledged that the Trump Administration is going to defund Planned Parenthood, a macabre organisation that rips apart murdered babies limb by limb, tissue by tissue and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.




Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does.

"Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does."

Do everyone a favour and fuck off.

I'm fully educated on what Planned Parenthood does.
I am against abortion, but one fact makes it kinda desirable. Just think if abortion was legal when Obama's mom was pregnant with him. We probably wouldn't of had obama as a president.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

and I want all the idiots who supported the lying, cheating, corrupt criminal hildebeast to suffer for their stupidity. But it wont happen because Trump's policies will help these idiots along with the rest of us.

As to your pro-abortion stance--------------------your momma was pro life. Aren't you sad about that?
Stop posting like an AH Many choice people don't believe in abortion . They just believe others choices are not their business.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

Abortion should be illegal except for the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, Infanticide, the deliberate destroying of a living thing not just a collection of cells.

Every woman has a choice to either become pregnant or not, if a woman and a man have sex and a baby isn't wanted as a result, then one of them chooses to use contraception, we have a variety of contraceptions available to us at the moment men only have the one means of contraception.

There was a March For Life yesterday in Washington DC.

Kellyanne Conway and Vice-President Michael Pence were amongst those who addressed the crowd, they both pledged that the Trump Administration is going to defund Planned Parenthood, a macabre organisation that rips apart murdered babies limb by limb, tissue by tissue and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.




Do yourself a favor and find out what PP really does.

that would be a good assignment for you.

But let me save you the trouble

mammograms NO
pre natal care NO
contraceptives a few
abortion YES

Now do a little research on the founder of PP. Margaret Sanger who said "colored people are human weeds that must be exterminated" The vast majority of PP abortions are of black and Hispanic babies. Why no cries of racism from the left?
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

and I want all the idiots who supported the lying, cheating, corrupt criminal hildebeast to suffer for their stupidity. But it wont happen because Trump's policies will help these idiots along with the rest of us.

As to your pro-abortion stance--------------------your momma was pro life. Aren't you sad about that?
Stop posting like an AH Many choice people don't believe in abortion . They just believe others choices are not their business.

Does the unborn child have a "choice" ?
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

When another person's choice is to harm, violate or to kill another human being (especially a child) I will not be quiet. I will make it MY business whether the violators like it or not.
OK when your 14 year old daughter gets pregnant you let her give birth,,,,,,,but keep your gd mouth to itself when it's my families business

Murder is everyone's business

As adults it's our prime objective to protect ALL children and that includes the most innocent of all the unborn.

No woman has a RIGHT to murder her unborn child, if a woman murdered her already born child, then she'd be arrested and charged with murder, put on trial and given the severest punishment.

Why is murdering the unborn legal, yet murdering the already born is a crime?
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

We are debating how the pill should be over the counter, like Cialis will be...
but you all fight that as well...

These crazy people think the man should be the controller over a woman, be barefoot and pregnant

There are Pro-life democrats too..I know many many myself..
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

Exactly and exactly, see my post # 30.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

As a leftist, my wallet sure seems to be your business though. Invading it is just fine, in your mind.

Therefore, we get to invade your daughter's vagina. Have better values next time.
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

Can you find a link ( True link of an abortion at 7 months pregnant unless if it is the life of a mother) most babies can live outside of the womb now at 7 months..
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

Can you find a link ( True link of an abortion at 7 months pregnant unless if it is the life of a mother) most babies can live outside of the womb now at 7 months..

OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.
Pregnant mother killed, killer facing 2 murder charges. One for unborn fetus. This happens frequently where there is a charge for the murder of an unborn child. I guess it depends on who is holding the knife before we decide to extend "rights" to the unborn.
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.

There are also women who have babies to stay on welfare...a woman who uses abortion as a contraception is a scumbag..
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.

There are also women who have babies to stay on welfare...a woman who uses abortion as a contraception is a scumbag..

If there wasn't any contraception available to anyone, ie. if contraception didn't exist at all, then on some level at least it would be a bit understandable.

However as contraception is readily available and is inexpensive, then using abortion as a means of contraception is inexcusable and heinous and is straight-up coldblooded murder.

How anyone can defend the indefensible is mind-blowing.
question for our pro-abortion posters:

If its OK to kill the child two months before birth, why isn't it OK to kill it two months after birth? What if the kid just becomes too much of an inconvenience and is too much of a burden on the mother? Why not just do away with him or her, say up to two years of age?

Can you find a link ( True link of an abortion at 7 months pregnant unless if it is the life of a mother) most babies can live outside of the womb now at 7 months..

OK, change my comment to read "4 months before birth". Doesn't matter, the principle is the issue.
There is a whole thread on abortion going in this link ....with some of the same people who left the thread when truly debated ... They don't want to raise the baby or give free contraception ..but are the 1st to judge if a woman is in trouble..

I never left it because I was "truly debated"...I got tired of reading assholes trying to justify the murder of the most innocent of all.

Here's a thought, learn some responsibility and stop murdering babies that have done nothing wrong.

Anyone supporting it is just as damn guilty as the ones doing it

They'll be judged also

Any woman who's used abortion as a means of birth control, unless they repent of this sin, they will burn in Hell for Eternity, anyone who supports the murder of babies as they slumber in the womb, unless they repent of this sin, they also will burn in Hell for Eternity.

There are also women who have babies to stay on welfare...a woman who uses abortion as a contraception is a scumbag..

If there wasn't any contraception available to anyone, ie. if contraception didn't exist at all, then on some level at least it would be a bit understandable.

However as contraception is readily available and is inexpensive, then using abortion as a means of contraception is inexcusable and heinous and is straight-up coldblooded murder.

How anyone can defend the indefensible is mind-blowing.

ok..a few case scenarios ...where we need free birth control pills..

A woman is raped

A contraception fails

A woman is being abused and doesn't want another baby

A woman is addicted and sells her body fro drugs , why would she pay for contraception ( morally she is taken over by the drugs )..if it was free she might.

A woman who is mentally ill , who doesn't know how to take care of herself...

So many more.
I confess I want all Traitors who supported this Russian STOOGE to SUFFER!‬
‪I mourn all good & loyal Americans who will suffer as well.‬

and I want all the idiots who supported the lying, cheating, corrupt criminal hildebeast to suffer for their stupidity. But it wont happen because Trump's policies will help these idiots along with the rest of us.

As to your pro-abortion stance--------------------your momma was pro life. Aren't you sad about that?
Stop posting like an AH Many choice people don't believe in abortion . They just believe others choices are not their business.
That's because those people don't equate abortion to murder. If a mother kills her newborn because she realizes that being a mother is difficult, most people would not say that's no one else's business. So obviously, "choice people" do believe it is acceptable to have an abortion even if they would not chose one for themselves. A pro life person tends to see killing a newborn in the same light as killing a fetus because either is the killing of a unique humam being.

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