"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

"I firmly believe Congress can basically do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, but their performance today, with a high-stakes nuclear negotiation going on elsewhere, is really discrediting to themselves (and the media enabling it). Demo of what Trump derangement does to you." - The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway
Cohen: “Unfortunately, this topic is actually something that’s being investigated right now by the Southern District of New York and I’ve been asked by them not to discuss and not to talk about these issues.”

STONE TOLD TRUMP ABOUT WIKILEAKS: Cohen claimed Roger Stone told Trump about WikiLeaks’ planned release of hacked DNC emails, and suggested that the special counsel’s office might have corroborating evidence.
"It's very disorienting that Michael Cohen is smarter and more likable than anyone in the House GOP caucus"
Fraud, treason, money laundering, etc. Let’s do an exercise; was it wrong of Trump to defraud people out of millions of dollars with Trump University?
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.
Thank you for completing the exercise. Zero issue with Trump defrauding people out of millions of dollars.
Was he indicted for fraud, shit for brains?

You can call it fraud all day, but that doesn't make it fraud.

He had a contractual dispute with some of his customers, and only some of them. Plenty of them were perfectly satisfied with what they received.
Say “it was wrong that Trump did that.”
We're talking about crimes here. You admit that Hillary should be in prison.
I don’t care about Hillary. But you have now proven to be comparable to an El Chapo supporter.
AOC: Would you agree that someone could deny rental units to African Americans, lead the birther movement, refer to the diaspora as “sh*thole countries” and refer to white supremacists as “fine people,” have a black friend and still be racist? Michael Cohen: Yes.
Rep. Wasserman Schultz: “Stone says he never spoke with Mr. Trump about WikiLeaks. How can we corroborate what you are saying?” Cohen: “I don’t know, but I suspect that the special counsel’s office and other government agencies have the information that you’re seeking.”
The best thing that could happen is for them to keep it up for 2 years and not a single bill get passed.

The less DC does, the better off the rest of the country is.

Anything to keep them from passing more stupid laws is ok with me
You are a very strange person.

Thanks! I have not sold my soul to either party, so people like you do not know what to make of me.

Your soul is for sale?

you could not afford it! I have very expensive taste!

So it is for sale! Wow

you going to make an offer or what? :19:
You hate President Trump so much that your view on North Korea is even at odds with President Obama. Way to show your anti-American side.

NO you eternal MORON........to be anti-Trump is NOT to be anti-American......

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran are much more of a danger to us.....niot to mention Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Keep drinking your orange kool-aid.........you deserve the pestilence that is Trump.
In case you forgot what happened in 2016, please watch this video, we won't need candles or cults in 2020

Lots of "poorly educated" and naive people voted for Trump in 2016.......NOW, after 2 2fucking years of screw-ups some......except for those who have joined the Trump Cult, like you.......realized what a MISTAKE they made........Check out how "well" your orange clown is doing in MI, PA, WI, etc....

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high

Yeah, big mistake.

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high


Trump cult members will bestow upon their cult leader all of the good economic news.......Yet, such morons fail to see how our economy was improving since 2011-2012.........Besides, if your ONLY gauge of "happiness" is "consumer confidence" you're a fucking idiot.
They just don't get that it doesn't fucking matter. The dems are going to be apoplectic in 2020 when Trump wins again.
It was priceless today watching the look on Jim Shorts Jordan's puss after being owned by Cohen.

Did Jimmy Boy ever straighten out that wrestling thingy?
You are a very strange person.

Thanks! I have not sold my soul to either party, so people like you do not know what to make of me.

Your soul is for sale?

you could not afford it! I have very expensive taste!

So it is for sale! Wow

you going to make an offer or what? :19:

Ever see trading places? $1
Wow. Michael Cohen is delivering a dire warning to Republicans: Do NOT defend Donald Trump. Everything Trump touches dies. Blind loyalty is disastrous. At your feet one moment, at your throat the next. Never trust him. Never let him close to you.
Wow. Michael Cohen is delivering a dire warning to Republicans: Do NOT defend Donald Trump. Everything Trump touches dies. Blind loyalty is disastrous. At your feet one moment, at your throat the next. Never trust him. Never let him close to you.
So what you seem to be saying is don't have a love affair with Trump, but he is doing a helluva good job at running the country, right?
Wow. Michael Cohen is delivering a dire warning to Republicans: Do NOT defend Donald Trump. Everything Trump touches dies. Blind loyalty is disastrous. At your feet one moment, at your throat the next. Never trust him. Never let him close to you.
So what you seem to be saying is don't have a love affair with Trump, but he is doing a helluva good job at running the country, right?
"Incredible to see all the hubris drained from Cohen. I've been personally screamed at by Cohen on the phone before and know how much bravado he once had. This is a man with nothing left, with no reason to lie or obfuscate at all. Humbling, in its way." - Garrett Graff
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that today did not go very well for Trump
Not so bad. The Democrats just repeated the unsubstantiated allegations against Trump they have been saying for the last two years. Don't the Democrats in Congress have something more important to do than talk about Trump's sex life before he was President? Apparently not.
"Incredible to see all the hubris drained from Cohen. I've been personally screamed at by Cohen on the phone before and know how much bravado he once had. This is a man with nothing left, with no reason to lie or obfuscate at all. Humbling, in its way." - Garrett Graff
lol Such nonsense. If Cohen gives the Democrats what they want, he hopes to get out of prison early and make millions in a tell all (lies) book.
Your link:

"'The Democrats will do anything to hurt this president,' Utah Senator Orrin Hatch told CNN when asked if he was concerned about the allegations.

"When reporter Manu Raju reminded Hatch that it is not the Democrats, but the Southern District of New York, making the allegations, Hatch said, 'I don’t care, all I can say is he’s doing a good job as president.'

"That’s quite an evolution for Hatch, as the Post notes:

"Earlier in his congressional career, during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial in 1999, Hatch voted to convict the president, saying in a statement at the time that 'committing crimes of moral turpitude such as perjury and obstruction of justice go to the heart of qualification for public office.'"

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