"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Cohen is just the patsy for this news cycle. An enormous nothing-burger like all the rest, he flings insults rather than testimony. But here's the telling factor: This is all the Dems have left. He's their star, their best shot. They have no platform, no leaders, and literally nothing left but Trump-bashing and obstruction. The death of a Party, and it's glorious.

R.I.P DNC - you won't be missed.
Okay, the choices from today.

Michael Cohen - convicted liar on the road to grifter recovery

roger stone - indicted liar not on road to grifter recovery

grifter don - proven liar on road to election defeat and possible charges thereafter.
No what we learned today is that the Democrats in Congress have no interest in the serious business of government. They won the House and all they can think of to do with it is campaign at taxpayer expense against Trump.



From a tool in the republic shed....
lol You don't think government is a serious business?
Stormy Statement!

We knew about the other paintings. But I never heard about the $60,000 paining of Trump that was charged to the Trump foundation. A foundation that was supposed to give money to charity.

To me stealing money from a charity is really awful. For some reason Republicans don’t really see it is a terrible thing. That’s why we see things in a different way.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.
"Shame on you, Mr. Jordan," Michael Cohen says in a heated exchange with Rep. Jordan about Cohen's finances and his honesty: “I plead guilty, and I take responsibility for my actions.”
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.
I think we knew that before, didn't we?

That's not to say it's not a crime, just that we already knew that.
GOP Senators are more concerned with North Korea and preventing war then playing games with butt-hurt Democrats.

Sure, Trump Cultist..........Now you are stating that we are in imminent war with NK and Trump.....the orange hero.....is there to save our lives........LOL
Michael Cohen to Republican lawmaker: "I just find it interesting, sir, that between yourself and your colleagues, that not one question so far...has been asked about President Trump. That's actually why I thought I was coming today."

Michael Cohen: “I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your fixer, Mr. Trump.”
GOP Senators are more concerned with North Korea and preventing war then playing games with butt-hurt Democrats.

Sure, Trump Cultist..........Now you are stating that we are in imminent war with NK and Trump.....the orange hero.....is there to save our lives........LOL

Perfect timing. I just posted this on another thread:

"North Korea is an example of a country that is so far out of the international norms and so disconnected with the rest of the world, North Korea is a real threat."

- Barack Obama

You hate President Trump so much that your view on North Korea is even at odds with President Obama. Way to show your anti-American side.
Which campaign actually used campaign funds to purchase Russian intelligence? Hillary Clinton!
Michael Cohen to Republican lawmaker: "I just find it interesting, sir, that between yourself and your colleagues, that not one question so far...has been asked about President Trump. That's actually why I thought I was coming today."

Michael Cohen: “I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your fixer, Mr. Trump.”
He was Trump's liar when all this supposedly took place. That means he's violating attorney-client privilege. That's one big reason it will never be used against Trump. It also further proves that Cohen is a dishonorable douchebag.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!
In case you forgot what happened in 2016, please watch this video, we won't need candles or cults in 2020

Lots of "poorly educated" and naive people voted for Trump in 2016.......NOW, after 2 2fucking years of screw-ups some......except for those who have joined the Trump Cult, like you.......realized what a MISTAKE they made........Check out how "well" your orange clown is doing in MI, PA, WI, etc....

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high

Yeah, big mistake.

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high

No what we learned today is that the Democrats in Congress have no interest in the serious business of government. They won the House and all they can think of to do with it is campaign at taxpayer expense against Trump.

The best thing that could happen is for them to keep it up for 2 years and not a single bill get passed.

The less DC does, the better off the rest of the country is.

Anything to keep them from passing more stupid laws is ok with me
You are a very strange person.

Thanks! I have not sold my soul to either party, so people like you do not know what to make of me.

Your soul is for sale?

you could not afford it! I have very expensive taste!

So it is for sale! Wow

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