"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

I guess you are too young to remember Bill Clinton.
I remember him perfectly. I suppose you are referring to the impeachment hearings that were held after he was found guilty of a crime. Of course, President Trump has not been found guilty of any crime, as much as that might disappoint you, so there is no parallel.

Yes, he was found guilty of lying about a blowjob after 4 years of non stop investigations into every aspect of his life...sound familiar?

Investigate someone long enough you will find something they did wrong...it was the tactic the Repubs used on Clinton and it is the tactic the Dems are using on Trump.

This is the bed that the Repubs made, so quit whining like a 3 year old about it
He was also guilty of obstruction of justice, but that idiot Lindsey Graham talked the Republicans out of charging him with that. That charge was far more serious, and it was easily provable.

Using your own standards, if he was not indicted for it, he is not guilty of it.
We can spend all day listing crimes that Democrats haven't been indicted for.

We didn't bring up Clinton. You did.

No indictment no crime...that is your own standard....now you have to live with it.
What crimes, you fucking piece of shit?
Fraud, treason, money laundering, etc. Let’s do an exercise; was it wrong of Trump to defraud people out of millions of dollars with Trump University?
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.

Trump has been indicted for the exact same number of crimes that Hillary has...:113:
Comey listed the crimes Hillary committed when he testified before Congress. Then he lied when he said no prosecutor would indict her.

How many crimes has she been indicted for? if the answer is zero then by your own standards she is not guilty of any of them.
That's your standard, not mine. Not only has Trump not been indicted, but you can't list any evidence that shows he has committed a crime. The evidence against Hillary, on the other hand, is massive and irrefutable.

BTW, you're taking the Dim side again, but you still insist that you're a libertarian.
A lot of people think El Chapo did a lot of good for Mexico; doesn’t mean he doesn’t belong behind bars. Republicans falling on their knees for him doesn’t excuse Trump’s crimes.
What crimes, you fucking piece of shit?
Fraud, treason, money laundering, etc. Let’s do an exercise; was it wrong of Trump to defraud people out of millions of dollars with Trump University?
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.
Thank you for completing the exercise. Zero issue with Trump defrauding people out of millions of dollars.
Was he indicted for fraud, shit for brains?

You can call it fraud all day, but that doesn't make it fraud.

He had a contractual dispute with some of his customers, and only some of them. Plenty of them were perfectly satisfied with what they received.
Say “it was wrong that Trump did that.”
So you are saying you fully support Democrats campaigning against the President at taxpayer expense.

I am saying it is funny as hell to watch the sheep on the right whine about it when they were cheering it happen to a different POTUS.

But, the more time they spend spinning their wheels on dumb shit like this, the less time they have to fuck up the country.

Gridlock in DC is the best thing that can happen to the country.

The GOP added 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in CY18 and you are going to bitch about this "wasting money"...that is fucking funny.
When did Congress hold hearings on another POTUS?

I guess you are too young to remember Bill Clinton.
I remember him perfectly. I suppose you are referring to the impeachment hearings that were held after he was found guilty of a crime. Of course, President Trump has not been found guilty of any crime, as much as that might disappoint you, so there is no parallel.

Yes, he was found guilty of lying about a blowjob after 4 years of non stop investigations into every aspect of his life...sound familiar?

Investigate someone long enough you will find something they did wrong...it was the tactic the Repubs used on Clinton and it is the tactic the Dems are using on Trump.

This is the bed that the Repubs made, so quit whining like a 3 year old about it
Apparently you don't remember Clinton very well. Thirty some people went to prison for the Whitewater fraud and the Clintons were connected to every one of them. A few of these people who went to prison, committed their crimes immediately after meeting with Clinton. Hillary was the lawyer for the Whitewater project and hid her paper from both the investigations in DC and Arkansas. Were the Clintons guilty of a crime connected to Whitewater or was it just their bad luck to be surrounded by so many criminals and not know anything about it?

During the course of the WW investigation, Clinton was sued by a woman for sexually harassing her, and he lied during an affidavit hearing about sexually harassing a young WH intern into giving him blowjobs in the Oval Office and was found guilty of perjury. It was for the crime of perjury and not for the sexual harassment of a young intern or the blowjobs in the Oval Office that he was impeached.

Stop trying to move the goal posts. Congress did not investigate Clinton the way this Congress is investigating President Trump. By any reasonable standard, this hearing today is highly unethical and any reasonable person should condemn it as such. A responsible Congress would be investigating his actions as president, since that is what effects the country, and not his sex life before becoming president.
Fraud, treason, money laundering, etc. Let’s do an exercise; was it wrong of Trump to defraud people out of millions of dollars with Trump University?
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.

Trump has been indicted for the exact same number of crimes that Hillary has...:113:
Comey listed the crimes Hillary committed when he testified before Congress. Then he lied when he said no prosecutor would indict her.

How many crimes has she been indicted for? if the answer is zero then by your own standards she is not guilty of any of them.
That's your standard, not mine. Not only has Trump not been indicted, but you can't list any evidence that shows he has. The evidence against Hillary, on the other hand, is massive and irrefutable.

Nope, that is your standard...here is your quote...

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

So, by this standard, if you cannot name a crime that they were indicted for, you are just a giant bag of horseshit.
What crimes, you fucking piece of shit?
Fraud, treason, money laundering, etc. Let’s do an exercise; was it wrong of Trump to defraud people out of millions of dollars with Trump University?
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.
Thank you for completing the exercise. Zero issue with Trump defrauding people out of millions of dollars.
Was he indicted for fraud, shit for brains?

You can call it fraud all day, but that doesn't make it fraud.

He had a contractual dispute with some of his customers, and only some of them. Plenty of them were perfectly satisfied with what they received.
Say “it was wrong that Trump did that.”
We're talking about crimes here. You admit that Hillary should be in prison.
I am saying it is funny as hell to watch the sheep on the right whine about it when they were cheering it happen to a different POTUS.

But, the more time they spend spinning their wheels on dumb shit like this, the less time they have to fuck up the country.

Gridlock in DC is the best thing that can happen to the country.

The GOP added 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in CY18 and you are going to bitch about this "wasting money"...that is fucking funny.
When did Congress hold hearings on another POTUS?

I guess you are too young to remember Bill Clinton.
I remember him perfectly. I suppose you are referring to the impeachment hearings that were held after he was found guilty of a crime. Of course, President Trump has not been found guilty of any crime, as much as that might disappoint you, so there is no parallel.

Yes, he was found guilty of lying about a blowjob after 4 years of non stop investigations into every aspect of his life...sound familiar?

Investigate someone long enough you will find something they did wrong...it was the tactic the Repubs used on Clinton and it is the tactic the Dems are using on Trump.

This is the bed that the Repubs made, so quit whining like a 3 year old about it
Apparently you don't remember Clinton very well. Thirty some people went to prison for the Whitewater fraud and the Clintons were connected to every one of them. A few of these people who went to prison, committed their crimes immediately after meeting with Clinton. Hillary was the lawyer for the Whitewater project and hid her paper from both the investigations in DC and Arkansas. Were the Clintons guilty of a crime connected to Whitewater or was it just their bad luck to be surrounded by so many criminals and not know anything about it?

During the course of the WW investigation, Clinton was sued by a woman for sexually harassing her, and he lied during an affidavit hearing about sexually harassing a young WH intern into giving him blowjobs in the Oval Office and was found guilty of perjury. It was for the crime of perjury and not for the sexual harassment of a young intern or the blowjobs in the Oval Office that he was impeached.

Stop trying to move the goal posts. Congress did not investigate Clinton the way this Congress is investigating President Trump. By any reasonable standard, this hearing today is highly unethical and any reasonable person should condemn it as such. A responsible Congress would be investigating his actions as president, since that is what effects the country, and not his sex life before becoming president.

So, what you are a saying is that it was ok for Bill to be investigated for things that happened before he was the POTUS, but not ok for Trump.

You partisan sheep are not very consistent...that I will give you
That's a lawsuit, moron. Not a crime.

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

You turds keep trying to turn everything Trump does into a crime.

Only dumbass like you are fooled.

Trump has been indicted for the exact same number of crimes that Hillary has...:113:
Comey listed the crimes Hillary committed when he testified before Congress. Then he lied when he said no prosecutor would indict her.

How many crimes has she been indicted for? if the answer is zero then by your own standards she is not guilty of any of them.
That's your standard, not mine. Not only has Trump not been indicted, but you can't list any evidence that shows he has. The evidence against Hillary, on the other hand, is massive and irrefutable.

Nope, that is your standard...here is your quote...

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

So, by this standard, if you cannot name a crime that they were indicted for, you are just a giant bag of horseshit.
Nope. That's the standard in Trump's case. On the other hand, Hillary's minions have obstructed justice and prevented her from being indicted. The same clowns have been trying to destroy Trump, but there is no evidence against him. None.
Trump has been indicted for the exact same number of crimes that Hillary has...:113:
Comey listed the crimes Hillary committed when he testified before Congress. Then he lied when he said no prosecutor would indict her.

How many crimes has she been indicted for? if the answer is zero then by your own standards she is not guilty of any of them.
That's your standard, not mine. Not only has Trump not been indicted, but you can't list any evidence that shows he has. The evidence against Hillary, on the other hand, is massive and irrefutable.

Nope, that is your standard...here is your quote...

Name one "crime" Trump has been indicted for. Unless you can do that, you're just a giant bag of horseshit.

So, by this standard, if you cannot name a crime that they were indicted for, you are just a giant bag of horseshit.
Nope. That's the standard in Trump's case. On the other hand, Hillary's minions have obstructed justice and prevented her from being indicted. The same clowns have been trying to destroy Trump, but there is no evidence against him. None.

Oh, so people have different standards based upon what party they belong to in your world.

At least you are man enough to admit that party trumps all, including integrity.
When did Congress hold hearings on another POTUS?

I guess you are too young to remember Bill Clinton.
I remember him perfectly. I suppose you are referring to the impeachment hearings that were held after he was found guilty of a crime. Of course, President Trump has not been found guilty of any crime, as much as that might disappoint you, so there is no parallel.

Yes, he was found guilty of lying about a blowjob after 4 years of non stop investigations into every aspect of his life...sound familiar?

Investigate someone long enough you will find something they did wrong...it was the tactic the Repubs used on Clinton and it is the tactic the Dems are using on Trump.

This is the bed that the Repubs made, so quit whining like a 3 year old about it
Apparently you don't remember Clinton very well. Thirty some people went to prison for the Whitewater fraud and the Clintons were connected to every one of them. A few of these people who went to prison, committed their crimes immediately after meeting with Clinton. Hillary was the lawyer for the Whitewater project and hid her paper from both the investigations in DC and Arkansas. Were the Clintons guilty of a crime connected to Whitewater or was it just their bad luck to be surrounded by so many criminals and not know anything about it?

During the course of the WW investigation, Clinton was sued by a woman for sexually harassing her, and he lied during an affidavit hearing about sexually harassing a young WH intern into giving him blowjobs in the Oval Office and was found guilty of perjury. It was for the crime of perjury and not for the sexual harassment of a young intern or the blowjobs in the Oval Office that he was impeached.

Stop trying to move the goal posts. Congress did not investigate Clinton the way this Congress is investigating President Trump. By any reasonable standard, this hearing today is highly unethical and any reasonable person should condemn it as such. A responsible Congress would be investigating his actions as president, since that is what effects the country, and not his sex life before becoming president.

So, what you are a saying is that it was ok for Bill to be investigated for things that happened before he was the POTUS, but not ok for Trump.

You partisan sheep are not very consistent...that I will give you
Are you trying to sound stupid? Clinton was investigated on suspicion of committing a serious crime while he was governor of Arkansas, but these hearings today had nothing to do with any crime President Trump is alleged to have committed. They had one purpose only, to repeat on TV unsubstantiated allegations which involve no crime.
In case you forgot what happened in 2016, please watch this video, we won't need candles or cults in 2020

Lots of "poorly educated" and naive people voted for Trump in 2016.......NOW, after 2 fucking years of screw-ups some......except for those who have joined the Trump Cult, like you.......realized what a MISTAKE they made........Check out how "well" your orange clown is doing in MI, PA, WI, etc....
Trump is a cheating dirty rotten politician that will sleep with any hot piece of tail, so much like his buddy Bill Clinton...
After Bill and Hillary's corruption and crimes, it really doesn't matter anymore. I'll just be ignoring the left's faux rage over Trump.
Okay, the choices from today.

Michael Cohen - convicted liar on the road to grifter recovery

roger stone - indicted liar not on road to grifter recovery

grifter don - proven liar on road to election defeat and possible charges thereafter.
No what we learned today is that the Democrats in Congress have no interest in the serious business of government. They won the House and all they can think of to do with it is campaign at taxpayer expense against Trump.



From a tool in the republic shed....
The Moon Bats didn't think that Slick Willy being a sexual molester and all around scumbag was a problem. The Moon Bats didn't think that Obama being a worthless incompetent lying piece of shit was a problem. The Moon Bats didn't think that Crooked Hillary being a world class crook and liar was a problem.

Why should the people that voted for Trump hold him to any higher standard than the Democrats hold their filthy leaders to?

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