I don't give an F### about your rights!

No, this is not a thread about Arnold Schwarzenegger saying he does not give a F### about the rights of the unvaccinated to not get the vaccine or those not wanting to wear a mask. We hear this time an again from the Left. They don't care about the rights of those they don't agree with.

But how about conservatives not giving a F#### about abortion rights? After all, why should I care about your right to kill an innocent life?

Moreover, look at the myriad of sadistic and sick ways the Left fights on those rare occasion that things don't go their way, like with the Texas law against abortion.

1. They cancel anyone who does not agree with them. like the CEO of this gaming company

2. Satanists come out and say they demand their religious rights to murder innocent life

3. Portland bans all trade with Texas

4. The DOJ launches an offensive to overturn the law

5. Bette Midler says women should without sex from their men

6. Hollywood actors refuse to film in movies shot in Texas

And the list goes on and on. This is just a quick taste as the list probably never ends. In fact, there is nothing the Left will not do in order to get their way. Nothing. They care nothing about the voters in Texas who voted for those passing the abortion law, including women. To hell with democracy. All that matters is smashing any opposition with all means possible no matter how unethical and perverse.

Because of this, I no longer care about the Left or what they think. They have no morals and have grown accustomed to getting their way, much like a spoiled 3 year old to the point that they can't fathom not ever getting their way.

If the GOP backs down from this then to hell with them, all of them. Either stand up for what is right and what you believe or wind up in hell with the Left
Roseanna Arquette? Who GAF. That no-talent bitch couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. As for Hollywood or Oregon--there hasn't been anything come out of either place that has been worth having or seeing. Oregon's best--Homer Simpson? C'mon man.
Is it? An innocent person is an innocent person. That is apples and apples.
How about some statistics, over 50 million murders have been committed under the guise of abortion since Roe v Wade. An estimated 62 million abortions have occurred since Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 How many innocent people have been put to death during that time? Please provide the stat and the accompanying link. You support legalized murder of the nations most helpless while standing on the premise that you have compassion--you wouldn't know compassion if it bit you in your ample ass.
Are you this dense?

This is not just about people shouting at you. This is about people who have taken over the media, so that conservatives are censored on social media and the Left is not.

This is about people who have taken over the education system, so that children can be dragged out of class to protest guns or climate change. Does it really motivate people when they see a 7 year old child told to protest guns when they should be in science class learning something? Or how about children being taught gender identity with gender confusion increasing some 4000% since it started being taught in schools. Or maybe you like children being taught in schools all across the country that they are a perpetual victim because they have dark skin or teaching children they are a perpetual villain because they have white skin.

I bet you really like schools teaching children like Gretta that they only have 12 more years to live and their lives are over as they get in front of the UN to cry and have a nervous breakdown. Any sane person would see this as child abuse because the Left has taken over the system, but not you.

Get bent.

Oh FFS. Nobody is even talking about that little twit Greta anymore. She’s yesterday’s news. Like that Gold Star Mom that chased Bush all over the place. Nobody thinks of her anymore either.

But oh Lord. You need revenge. You need everyone to agree with you.

What pisses you off is the MSM is not pushing the insane and disproven conspiracy theory nonsense. Take the issue de jour. The people in jail over the Capital Riot. The Blaze likes to claim they haven’t been charged. But every time I look up a name I find lots of stories listing charges. But hey. That is propaganda because it doesn’t come from the Blaze.

Look. Let’s be honest. Both the extreme left and right are so full of shit they could fertilize the Sahara Desert and make it fertile again. Both of the idiots point at the other side and scream they are terrible and that is why we have to do this.

It’s bullshit. Your side and theirs are both full of shit. Now you can claim that you are doing the right thing for the future. But they are claiming it too. And again. You are both full of shit.
Oh FFS. Nobody is even talking about that little twit Greta anymore. She’s yesterday’s news. Like that Gold Star Mom that chased Bush all over the place. Nobody thinks of her anymore either.

But oh Lord. You need revenge. You need everyone to agree with you.

What pisses you off is the MSM is not pushing the insane and disproven conspiracy theory nonsense. Take the issue de jour. The people in jail over the Capital Riot. The Blaze likes to claim they haven’t been charged. But every time I look up a name I find lots of stories listing charges. But hey. That is propaganda because it doesn’t come from the Blaze.

Look. Let’s be honest. Both the extreme left and right are so full of shit they could fertilize the Sahara Desert and make it fertile again. Both of the idiots point at the other side and scream they are terrible and that is why we have to do this.

It’s bullshit. Your side and theirs are both full of shit. Now you can claim that you are doing the right thing for the future. But they are claiming it too. And again. You are both full of shit.
That's right, just ignore what I posted and then glibly say everyone if full of crap so who cares.

Who cares about that Gold star mother? You don't and the press certainly does not, just like they don't care about the four Gold Star Families that said Joe Biden showed disrespect to them after having their sons killed because of his stupidity. Yep, no one cares.

Feel better?
I think the liberals are upset because the SCOTUS has finally ruled on when life begins. A Heartbeat.
They had never ruled on that before, and that makes it a game changer.

If life begins with a heartbeat...then the baby is entitled to Due Process.

It is out of Mama's hands and the Doctor's hands. Now to get an abortion, a judge is going to have to rule
to allow it. Mama may not survive. Incest...rape. The Gals cannot fuck for sport.
what crime did the baby commit
I think the OP makes fair points.

The two ends of the spectrum can be very similar.

Is it? An innocent person is an innocent person. That is apples and apples.
Well….apparently some think some innocent clearly do not count. Are they just goo or collateral damage that is acceptable?
The Conservative Collective is coming for your Pus......um Baby Factory ladies. They don't care about your rights.

They just don't care about your rights.
44 Democrats, to include every Congressional Democrat Party Presidential candidate, voted to withhold life-saving medical care to living, breathing babies with a heartbeat, outside the womb, fighting to live after surviving an attempt by some liberal with a hard-on gor killing babies...

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 passed Congress unanimously. Nobody voted to repeal that national law.

Typical of the Nazi liars.
No, this is not a thread about Arnold Schwarzenegger saying he does not give a F### about the rights of the unvaccinated to not get the vaccine or those not wanting to wear a mask. We hear this time an again from the Left. They don't care about the rights of those they don't agree with.

But how about conservatives not giving a F#### about abortion rights? After all, why should I care about your right to kill an innocent life?

Moreover, look at the myriad of sadistic and sick ways the Left fights on those rare occasion that things don't go their way, like with the Texas law against abortion.

1. They cancel anyone who does not agree with them. like the CEO of this gaming company

2. Satanists come out and say they demand their religious rights to murder innocent life

3. Portland bans all trade with Texas

4. The DOJ launches an offensive to overturn the law

5. Bette Midler says women should without sex from their men

6. Hollywood actors refuse to film in movies shot in Texas

And the list goes on and on. This is just a quick taste as the list probably never ends. In fact, there is nothing the Left will not do in order to get their way. Nothing. They care nothing about the voters in Texas who voted for those passing the abortion law, including women. To hell with democracy. All that matters is smashing any opposition with all means possible no matter how unethical and perverse.

Because of this, I no longer care about the Left or what they think. They have no morals and have grown accustomed to getting their way, much like a spoiled 3 year old to the point that they can't fathom not ever getting their way.

If the GOP backs down from this then to hell with them, all of them. Either stand up for what is right and what you believe or wind up in hell with the Left
It's unconstitutional. Because you hate liberals and anyone that differs with you that voices their free speech opinions, you support breaking the law and constitution? Is that what you are saying?
44 Democrats, to include every Congressional Democrat Party Presidential candidate, voted to withhold life-saving medical care to living, breathing babies with a heartbeat, outside the womb, fighting to live after surviving an attempt by some liberal with a hard-on gor killing babies...

And they and you pro-baby-kilkers, on top of wanting to murder babies outside the womb, want to deny / strip American citizens of their rights as well?!


F* you Marxist, Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Constitutional and Civil rights oppressing / violating death cult members ...

....whose hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

'My body, my choices- remember that liberal mantra excuse for their professed right to kill babies?

Funny how they don't want anyone using that when Democrats talk about wanting to mandate COVID-19 vaccines .

What's the matter, C4A? After all you've seen from the leaders of the Left-Wing Death Cult you still don't believe they would vote to withhold life-saving medical care for a baby outside the womb fighting for their life?


'Born-alive' amendment fails again in the Senate

Tough Republican-backed abortion restriction, 'born-alive' bills fail to advance in US Senate

BTW, why is it that Democrats and snowflakes want to make it where an illegal walks 3 feet into the US, delivers a baby, and that child instantly is entitled to every right the Constitution and law affords yet the same Democrats and snowflakes want to deny that American baby out of the womb after surviving a failed abortion those same rights AND wants to have the right to KILL it?
No, this is not a thread about Arnold Schwarzenegger saying he does not give a F### about the rights of the unvaccinated to not get the vaccine or those not wanting to wear a mask. We hear this time an again from the Left. They don't care about the rights of those they don't agree with.

But how about conservatives not giving a F#### about abortion rights? After all, why should I care about your right to kill an innocent life?

Moreover, look at the myriad of sadistic and sick ways the Left fights on those rare occasion that things don't go their way, like with the Texas law against abortion.

1. They cancel anyone who does not agree with them. like the CEO of this gaming company

2. Satanists come out and say they demand their religious rights to murder innocent life

3. Portland bans all trade with Texas

4. The DOJ launches an offensive to overturn the law

5. Bette Midler says women should without sex from their men

6. Hollywood actors refuse to film in movies shot in Texas

And the list goes on and on. This is just a quick taste as the list probably never ends. In fact, there is nothing the Left will not do in order to get their way. Nothing. They care nothing about the voters in Texas who voted for those passing the abortion law, including women. To hell with democracy. All that matters is smashing any opposition with all means possible no matter how unethical and perverse.

Because of this, I no longer care about the Left or what they think. They have no morals and have grown accustomed to getting their way, much like a spoiled 3 year old to the point that they can't fathom not ever getting their way.

If the GOP backs down from this then to hell with them, all of them. Either stand up for what is right and what you believe or wind up in hell with the Left

1. Like you use the force of government to create laws that cancel those who disagree with you?

2. Is that like when you use ”religious freedom” to pass laws where people can be denied emergency care or prescriptions because because they are gay?

3. Like vowing to overturn an election when things don’t go your way?

4. Good for Bette Midler that is a hell of a lot nicer than…


6. Not sure why this is an issue…boycotts are as American as apply pie…here is one of yours…
What's the matter, C4A? After all you've seen from the leaders of the Left-Wing Death Cult you still don't believe they would vote to withhold life-saving medical care for a baby outside the womb fighting for their life?


'Born-alive' amendment fails again in the Senate

Tough Republican-backed abortion restriction, 'born-alive' bills fail to advance in US Senate

BTW, why is it that Democrats and snowflakes want to make it where an illegal walks 3 feet into the US, delivers a baby, and that child instantly is entitled to every right the Constitution and law affords yet the same Democrats and snowflakes want to deny that American baby out of the womb after surviving a failed abortion those same rights AND wants to have the right to KILL it?
Why did you omit the bit that there is already a law in place for this?
Nope, what I'm saying is that we need to murder all neglected, raped, and whatever kind of children since that is more humane.

Sound good to you?

No system is perfect but when a judgement is reached there needs to be justice, or just throw the entire justice system out the window as flawed.
“No system is perfect”….just like birth control isn’t perfect and a lot of other things. But what you are saying
is “I know it isn’t perfect and innocents die but I support it anyway”…rather than find another system. You are willing to accept a flawed system that results in the murder of innocent people. The justice system is not dependent on capital punishment.

If the innocence is what matters it should matter across the board.

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