"I Had an Abortion"

She can certainly influence others to do so, though.

Meanwhile, Luddly, from your hero Sanger:

"Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."

You know what she's referring to, right?

Abortion and infanticide...the spartans threw imperfect or poorly born babies out for the wolves to eat.

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition
I believe she was pro-nazi

Nah. That claim stems from an article by Nazi Ernst Rudin in a 1933 issue of Birth Control Review, an issue that featured pro and con articles on forced sterilization. However, Sanger had resigned as editor in 1929, and had no affiliation with the magazine at all in 1933. She never had any affiliation or communication with any Nazis.

That won't stop koshr from claiming it, of course. God is on her side, which means any lie she tells is justified in the eyes of God.
She can certainly influence others to do so, though.

Meanwhile, Luddly, from your hero Sanger:

"Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."

You know what she's referring to, right?

Abortion and infanticide...the spartans threw imperfect or poorly born babies out for the wolves to eat.

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition

We do not have to go that far.
There have been the whole classes of people being dehumanized based on their appearance not that long time ago - much less than all the way to ancient Sparta.

The defenders of racism based it also on the laws and were also extremely proud.

Where are they NOW?

But honestly, I can fathom how can anybody be proud of a murder of the innocent baby.
Plus be so stupid to parade around that she is a murderer :rolleyes:
Hey pudly... you did catch that your heroine, the eugenecist Sanger, was staunchly ANTI-abortion, right?

Cuz you haven't commented on it.

Actually, she was more concerned with the welfare of women and children. She was not "staunchly anti-abortion". She was against back alley butchers and believe contraception should be the answer. She said there were times when "abortion is justifiable" but called contraception the "cure for abortions".

Are you aware that she's dead?

Are you aware that abortion is legal in the US and that Margaret Sanger has no say over anything in this age?

Your constant lying does nothing to help your cause. Anyone who read what I wrote knows that Sanger is not "my heroine".
To you, I am a murderer. Ok. Like, ouch. I don't think I will live knowing that. (cough).

I had an abortion long ago. I'd do it again if the same circumstances happened. I don't regret it one iota. So think of me what you will. Women's bodies are theirs to chose what is allowed to grow in it. Nobody else can choose, especially the one that planted it there to begin with without the agreement of the recipient that has to carry it. All the screeching in the world won't stop women from doing what THEY choose to do with their bodies. Period.

one more vagina with vocal cords proud to be a murderer :cuckoo:

Obviously, you have never had to make that decision. You have never been forced to do the one thing you did not want to do.

Attacking someone you know nothing about is nothing more than cyber-bullying. If you met her in real life, you would not say this to her face.

Shut up until you have some frikken clue what you're preaching about.
How many here have offered to pay a woman to carry a baby she does not want...her medical, the delivery, recompensate for loss of a job if she had one, etc...then adopted that baby to raise?


I thought not.
I believe she was pro-nazi

Nah. That claim stems from an article by Nazi Ernst Rudin in a 1933 issue of Birth Control Review, an issue that featured pro and con articles on forced sterilization. However, Sanger had resigned as editor in 1929, and had no affiliation with the magazine at all in 1933. She never had any affiliation or communication with any Nazis.

That won't stop koshr from claiming it, of course. God is on her side, which means any lie she tells is justified in the eyes of God.

Thanks. I read her books many years ago.

I've never been trapped and dirt poor, one room, cold water walk up tenement in NYC but I felt for the women who begged her for help.

At that time, Lysol was used as a douche/contraceptive. There is little doubt that the anti-rights preachers would have poor women right back to that backward, barbaric method of contraception.
To you, I am a murderer. Ok. Like, ouch. I don't think I will live knowing that. (cough).

I had an abortion long ago. I'd do it again if the same circumstances happened. I don't regret it one iota. So think of me what you will. Women's bodies are theirs to chose what is allowed to grow in it. Nobody else can choose, especially the one that planted it there to begin with without the agreement of the recipient that has to carry it. All the screeching in the world won't stop women from doing what THEY choose to do with their bodies. Period.

one more vagina with vocal cords proud to be a murderer :cuckoo:

Obviously, you have never had to make that decision. You have never been forced to do the one thing you did not want to do.

Attacking someone you know nothing about is nothing more than cyber-bullying. If you met her in real life, you would not say this to her face.

Shut up until you have some frikken clue what you're preaching about.

The moron is on ignore but I can see when someone quotes said moron. I don't give a rats ass what he thinks because like you said Luddy...he has no knowlege of who I am.

Meanwhile...I wonder if those acting like screeching harpies would insist their daughters have a child when the daughter does not want to carry it and wants it aborted asap after finding out they were preggers after being raped. Let's say...a 14 year old girl for example. Would those with daughters FORCE them to carry that fetus? Even knowing the daughter is distraught at the thought of the rapists child growing within her?

Do tell.
There's never a word about any specific race in anything Sanger writes. When she mentions "eugenics", she's referring to improving the human race.

Now, Sanger was not keen on poor people. She's very much like modern conservatives, in that she didn't want poor people to breed. But she was always completely color-blind in that regard.

Seemingly every new approach to the great problem of the human race must manifest its vitality by running the gauntlet of prejudice, ridicule and misinterpretation. Eugenists may remember that not many years ago this program for race regeneration was subjected to the cruel ridicule of stupidity and ignorance. Today Eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems. The most intransigent and daring teachers and scientists have lent their support to this great biological interpretation of the human race. The war has emphasized its necessity.
To you, I am a murderer. Ok. Like, ouch. I don't think I will live knowing that. (cough).

I had an abortion long ago. I'd do it again if the same circumstances happened. I don't regret it one iota. So think of me what you will. Women's bodies are theirs to chose what is allowed to grow in it. Nobody else can choose, especially the one that planted it there to begin with without the agreement of the recipient that has to carry it. All the screeching in the world won't stop women from doing what THEY choose to do with their bodies. Period.

one more vagina with vocal cords proud to be a murderer :cuckoo:

Obviously, you have never had to make that decision. You have never been forced to do the one thing you did not want to do.

Attacking someone you know nothing about is nothing more than cyber-bullying. If you met her in real life, you would not say this to her face.

Shut up until you have some frikken clue what you're preaching about.

Nobody is forced to make that decision.

It is not occupied Italy during world war II.
In a nowadays US and even 30 years ago it is done for CONVENIENCE only.
And it is a murder.
I can understand that a woman might have been stupid enough or forced by a boyfriend or whatever - then.
But to be even more stupid to parade it around years after means only one thing - that woman is a screeching vagina with vocal cords, nothing more - there is neither a brain, nor a heart in that creature.
How many here have offered to pay a woman to carry a baby she does not want...her medical, the delivery, recompensate for loss of a job if she had one, etc...then adopted that baby to raise?


I thought not.

Nope. They just want to control women. They really don't give a flip about the baby and wouldn't lift a finger to actually help a real child.

People Who Call Themselves "Pro-Life" Are Lying, Here Are 10 More Accurate Descriptions -

Kinda like some churches I've heard about. It's all "love thy neighbor, be kind, do unto others" on sunday but Monday thru saturday it's "fuck you".
How many here have offered to pay a woman to carry a baby she does not want...her medical, the delivery, recompensate for loss of a job if she had one, etc...then adopted that baby to raise?


I thought not.

Nope. They just want to control women. They really don't give a flip about the baby and wouldn't lift a finger to actually help a real child.

you idiot, if a woman only voices her desire to give the child for adoption she is being pampered and cared and paid because there is a waiting list for adoption of an infant for YEARS in the US - no matter what race and health condition of the infant.

You murderous leftards are blatantly ignorant in your preaching of a slaughter.
"Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."

You know what she's referring to, right?

She's warning of what bad things could happen without contraception and family planning. If you're a crazy and dishonest person, you could claim she's advocating those bad things. Hey, look who's talking.

Abortion and infanticide...the spartans threw imperfect or poorly born babies out for the wolves to eat.

That's your crazy person interpretation, but it only reveals how diseased your mind is.

Anyways, didn't you just tell us Sanger was anti-abortion? Now you claim she's advocating abortion. Could you please settle on a single kook conspiracy theory?
you idiot, if a woman only voices her desire to give the child for adoption she is being pampered and cared and paid because there is a waiting list for adoption of an infant for YEARS in the US - no matter what race and health condition of the infant.

And if abortion was illegal, that adoption backlog would be completely filled within a couple years.

And after that, we'd be like Romania, with the overflowing orphanages.

In any case, no woman is obligated to be a broodmare just because someone else wants a child.
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you idiot, if a woman only voices her desire to give the child for adoption she is being pampered and cared and paid because there is a waiting list for adoption of an infant for YEARS in the US - no matter what race and health condition of the infant.

And if abortion was illegal, that adoption backlog would be completely filled within a couple years.

And after that, we'd be like Romania, with the overflowing orphanages.

In any case, no woman is obligated to be a broodmare just because someone else wants a child.

no it would not.
and you do not know anything about Romania obviously - orphanages there as orphanages anywhere in a socialist heaven were full not because of the abortion bans.
not to even remind you that all your preaching points are at least 24 years too old :lol:

If a woman gets pregnant( with availability of birth control methods like anywhere one looks) - yes, she is obligated to deliver that child and take care of herself during pregnancy. If she is a woman, not vagina with vocal cords without a brain and a heart.
It is a murder and a normal woman would never murder her baby.
It is against the very nature of woman's body and psyche.
you idiot, if a woman only voices her desire to give the child for adoption she is being pampered and cared and paid because there is a waiting list for adoption of an infant for YEARS in the US - no matter what race and health condition of the infant.

And if abortion was illegal, that adoption backlog would be completely filled within a couple years.

And after that, we'd be like Romania, with the overflowing orphanages.

In any case, no woman is obligated to be a broodmare just because someone else wants a child.

I worked my way through college (which would have been damn near impossible if I were also supporting kids). I had a job as a night watchman at a home for unwed mothers. Called Florence Crittendon Home for Unwed Mothers. Those are mostly or all gone now because we have come to accept pregnant teens.

There used to be orphanages in the US as well. Those are gone too.

Fact is, this society just does not care about children. They care about fetuses but not about kids.

Your last line is really the final word on all of this. A woman's body belongs to her and the state should have the power to force her to reproduce.

And, still, not one male has said they would be fine with the state controlling their reproduction. Nor are the fathers of fetuses held responsible.
you idiot, if a woman only voices her desire to give the child for adoption she is being pampered and cared and paid because there is a waiting list for adoption of an infant for YEARS in the US - no matter what race and health condition of the infant.

And if abortion was illegal, that adoption backlog would be completely filled within a couple years.

And after that, we'd be like Romania, with the overflowing orphanages.

In any case, no woman is obligated to be a broodmare just because someone else wants a child.

I worked my way through college (which would have been damn near impossible if I were also supporting kids). I had a job as a night watchman at a home for unwed mothers. Called Florence Crittendon Home for Unwed Mothers. Those are mostly or all gone now because we have come to accept pregnant teens.

There used to be orphanages in the US as well. Those are gone too.

Fact is, this society just does not care about children. They care about fetuses but not about kids.

Your last line is really the final word on all of this. A woman's body belongs to her and the state should have the power to force her to reproduce.

And, still, not one male has said they would be fine with the state controlling their reproduction. Nor are the fathers of fetuses held responsible.

until she gets pregnant.
than it is not her body only anymore.
It belongs to the baby as well.

And it is the state requirement to protect the vulnerable and the weak and the ones who can not protect themselves, even if it poses some temporary discomfort to the woman.
And that will happen as the society which allows murder of the innocents is doomed.
For the last time vox - you are welcome to your opinion but that's all it is. It is not the law.

Abortions have been done since the first woman got pregnant. Keep a stiff upper lip, child and try to be brave. We are not "doomed".

But, hey, if you feel so strongly, how about you adopt a baby and let us know about that "temporary discomfort" that takes over your life and lasts until you shuffle off this mortal coil.

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