"I Had an Abortion"

Some abortions are a medical necessity. Try doing some research before spouting your ignorance.

Some are.

Did I argue that? I didn't. I was responding to this lie.

What is ignored is the fact that most abortions are medically necessary.


I'd take back the neg I gave you, if I could. It's too late.

I'm drunk and I judged your statement too quickly without reading through your response to her response.

I thought you were saying no abortions were medically necessary.

I'm just really pissed off that my favorite football team lost today.

I pos-repped her to make up for your neg. ;)
Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.
Yeah, how many have you had?

The procedure is not that easy, or that safe.

And explain to me how it is that child abuse and other crime have increased exponentially since abortion was legalized, if it's a cure-all for those things?

Baby killers. You guys never change. Hitler's abortionists maintained that abortions were necessary to *protect* life as well. They were also liars, and scum.

Easy, it is a statistical fact that abortion and crime rate is in direct correlation. When Row v. Wade was passed, the American crime rate was on a steep rise, and continued to rise over the 80's and early 90's, then what happened? The crime rate drops drastically. Why? Because when all of the crime all of these unwanted children would have committing when they were 18 (prime crime rate) they were never around to commit the crime. Want to know how they found this out? Five states legalized or allowed easier processes for abortion three years earlier than the rest of the nation. Was it a coincidence that their crime rate fell 30 percent more than the way the rest of the country did in fifteen years after it was legalized? Then you look at the states that not only made it easier for abortions to be had, versus the states that just made it "legal", crime rate is shown to be 30% lower in the states that made it easier to get abortions.

Here is the crazziest stat. All of the data points to people under the age of 25 (people young enough to be exposed to legalized abortion) where the crime rate drops. There is no statistical data showing a lower crime rate for people over 25 (people not exposed to abortions) These are numbers, and I know they scare a lot of you, but they don't lie. Abortion has done a greater job at lowering the crime rate than any DARE program, police force, crime legislation etc. period. Funny thing is the precise opposite thing happened in Romania. Romania made abortion illegal, and guess what happened to them? Crime rate shoots up drastically. Why? Because thousands of unwanted, poor, children were being born committing crime like they were going to.


Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide

Lots of information out there, MOST of which flies in the face of the pro-lifers lies and "statistics."

It's made up numbers:

"States are not required to submit abortion data to the CDC."

Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

Or self restraint.
Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

No, that has never been proven.

If it was true, there would have been a decline in abortion the minute free contraceptives and sex ed were available.

That didn't happen. Abortions skyrocketed.

They didn't start to decline until the 90s, on the heels of revised education that again stressed the value of abstinence, in the wake of the AIDS epidemic.
The ones who are in favor of the state forcing women to give birth to unwanted babies are also dead set against helping the poor out of poverty.

In other treads, they want the worst to happen to the children of the poor. They don't want to get decent food at school, they don't want Head Start funded, they don't want the poor to have a bed to sleep in and food to eat.

They want to hurt people. If you can't pay for health care, "let them die". You're a gay man, protecting your country, you're boo'd.

The rw's are not known as "haters" for nuthin'.

Hallelujah, and amen.

And Intense, my point stands. You can hate it, you can disagree with it, you can believe I'm wrong until the cows come home. But you know not a single woman going through an unwanted pregnancy, and you don't get to decide for a complete random stranger how she should live her life.

You can prop your point up with sticks if you want to, doesn't make it right. My grandmother had to console women while working at UGA who were traumatized by having an abortion. She's heard horror stories that I don't think you'd care to hear. It's quite odd, you don't care for "complete strangers" dictating how a woman should live her life, yet you vote for a government who does just that... to everyone. And they happen to be complete strangers. You want government to make abortion legal, yet protest it's intrusion into your sex life. Funny how you folks always want it both ways.
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Remember, all these pro abortionists want non physician abortion legalized. They don't give a damn about the life of the child, nor for the woman's.

Conservatives don't give a damn about the woman either, short of punishing her for having sex.

Exactly. Do you know how many times it has been pointed out that birth control and education are the cheapest, easiest way to end abortion, and nobody will address that fact?

Because you are right. It's not about stopping abortion, it's about controlling women.
I don't understand how abortion is still an issue. It was decided forty years ago, people need to get with the times. Here is the deal with abortions though. Let's just say me and my girlfriend are fornicating and the condom breaks. My swimmers go on up and do what they are supposed to do. Now she is pregnant. So now, I need to leave school, ruining my career and passion for good. She needs to find a few jobs to be able to pay for diapers, medicine, cribs, etc. and now her life is ruined as well. Now, our child is born into two unprepared parents who can barely afford the bills, let alone all of the things that they need. This is a good example, imagine those in the community who are already poor? You are taking away their chance at life for some moral code that was reasoned silly in the 1970's. This isn't murder, or anything close to it. Do you really think that the Supreme Court would say, "ya know what, lets take the most awful law in the land at make it legal, as long as their only killing children", and then in the next forty years, with conservative SC, and Presidents, this law is never overturned. Well, that's because they only let people with actual educations and intelligence in these positions of power.

The bottom line is simple, either we can force these people into having children they don't want, so the children can grow up in a home that is'nt ready to have them, and doesn't want them, so they can get into their teens and go out an d commit crimes and be just as poor as their parents are. Or, we can allow parents to have children when they are ready and those children can have a shot at a real life. A successful life. But, no, this is still an issue for some reason. Some people want children to grow up unwanted in poor homes so they can go out and be part of the problem. Duh, why wouldnt we want that

Yes, exactly.

And, its not just that your lives are changed forever, the child will never have the attention, the education and the future he could have had if his parents had been prepared for him.

In another thread, the very same anti-basic rights posters are screeching about a young girl who had her baby and then killed it.

Not one of them has wondered what would drive her to that act. How desperate would one have to be to do what she did?

I'd bet her own parents were not prepared to have her and same with the parents before them.

Its all well and good to be all holier than thou when you're facing a lifetime of poverty ad no way out. But, until you walk in others' shoes, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

And all of that means absolutely nothing because its no one's business but hers.

No it is our business and we failed this child. This young girl.

We should have been there to have offered prevention. Made sure she had prevention.

Now the poor baby will carry this burden of killing her child forever.
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Remember, all these pro abortionists want non physician abortion legalized. They don't give a damn about the life of the child, nor for the woman's.

Conservatives don't give a damn about the woman either, short of punishing her for having sex.

Exactly. Do you know how many times it has been pointed out that birth control and education are the cheapest, easiest way to end abortion, and nobody will address that fact?

Because you are right. It's not about stopping abortion, it's about controlling women.

Being the hard core feminist that I am and yes a conservative I don't get the controlling women mantra.

Truly. I'm balls to the walls and I would never ever link up with any group that mocked, derided or put down women.

It just not in my dna. And think of who would accept me? Conservatives have.

Not libs. They hate me over at DU. :lol:
So, just for curiosities sake....has anyone had a change of heart about abortion? Step right up and state if you have been swayed the opposite of your original thoughts about it. I'll wait.

As a matter of fact, I did. I was brought up Catholic and got the full 12 years of anti-Abortion indoctrination where the nuns would show us pictures of fetuses and tell us how horrible it was. Keep in mind, this was right around the time that the SCOTUS decided Roe v. Wade and the Church was just beside itself with anger.

And even though I stopped being Catholic or believing in Sky Pixies in the 1980's, I still believed that Abortion was wrong for all the things that folks say about them feeling pain.

So what changed my mind?

The first was the realization that pro-Lifers are the ultimate useful idiots. They've been ranting about this for, what, 40 years now, throwing their support behind Republicans, and what do they have to show for it? I mean besides a busted middle class that the "Reagan Democrats" got for their trouble. The rich got Right to work, Free trade, deregulation of industries, union busting. And those working class christians still had to tolerate their womenfolk going down to the abortion clinic.

The people who run the GOP have nothing but contempt for the "Christian Right". Look how fast they torpedoed guys like Santorum and Huckabee. Useful Idiots, that's what you are.

The second was the realization laws banning abortion don't work. They didn't work in this country before Roe was decided. (Most abortions were quietly performed not in back alleys, but in doctor's offices because the doctors were ignoring the law.) They don't work in countries like the Philippines, where it's illegal, but they have more abortions per capita than we have.

The final straw was the realization that most pro-lifers don't care about children or people in general. Given their druthers, they'd cut medicaid, food stamps, welfare, or anything else to help those kids when they are NOT in Fetus form.

The thing is, fixing the country's real problems won't happen until we get these idiots to stop voting against their own economic interests and ironically, causing a lot of the abortions they hate.
Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

I continue to be amazed that people don't know the Hyde Amendment has made it illegal to use federal money for abortion for something like 30 years.
The ones who are in favor of the state forcing women to give birth to unwanted babies are also dead set against helping the poor out of poverty.

In other treads, they want the worst to happen to the children of the poor. They don't want to get decent food at school, they don't want Head Start funded, they don't want the poor to have a bed to sleep in and food to eat.

They want to hurt people. If you can't pay for health care, "let them die". You're a gay man, protecting your country, you're boo'd.

The rw's are not known as "haters" for nuthin'.

Hallelujah, and amen.

And Intense, my point stands. You can hate it, you can disagree with it, you can believe I'm wrong until the cows come home. But you know not a single woman going through an unwanted pregnancy, and you don't get to decide for a complete random stranger how she should live her life.

You can prop your point up with sticks if you want to, doesn't make it right. My grandmother had to console women while working at UGA who were traumatized by having an abortion. She's heard horror stories that I don't think you'd care to hear. It's quite odd, you don't care for "complete strangers" dictating how a woman should live her life, yet you vote for a government who does just that... to everyone. And they happen to be complete strangers. You want government to make abortion legal, yet protest it's intrusion into your sex life. Funny how you folks always want it both ways.

You're the one who wants it both ways.

First you say that woman don't care, that they use abortion indiscriminately, but here you say that woman are traumatized by abortion.

Abortion is devastating and no one is in favor of it.

That does not mean women should not be in charge of their own bodies and that safe and legal abortion should be readily available.

You're WRONG when you right "... you want government to make abortion legal ...".

Abortion IS legal and it should stay that way.
It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

I continue to be amazed that people don't know the Hyde Amendment has made it illegal to use federal money for abortion for something like 30 years.

That doesn't stop them. PP continues to receive federal funding.
Birth control and education, people. That's all it takes.

Make birth control affordable, free to those who just don't have the money, and watch the abortion rate drop.

It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

Here is some education

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXZCOaRVrbg]Abortion Provider Speaks - YouTube[/ame]
It already is. You are wrong here. Want abortions to slow down, stop throwing Federal money at abortion clinics.

Bullshit. PROVEN FACT: the only thing that slows down abortion is birth control and education.

Here is some education

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXZCOaRVrbg]Abortion Provider Speaks - YouTube[/ame]


My point stands.

Birth control and education.


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