I Just Contacted My Fed. Rep About The Great Falls Incident.

The things Biden is doing is anti constitutional.... how is he getting American's to do these things?... who are these people?...
It may be time ladies and Gentlemen....
Time for what? More posts on an obscure message board?

If you did nothing when the election was supposedly "stolen" from you...you're not going to do jack shit--evah!!!. Stop pretending.
To take our country back.... about 45% of Trump voters made it to the polls in 2020... we need to do better than that... we need to do what dems do... Ballot harvest names and fill in the ballots by the stacks....
If we allow them to steal another election we will get what we deserve....

Oh, okay. 'Cause when you said 'It may be time', seemed like you were suggesting something extraordinary.

Carry on.
E. OR and E. WA should band together with ID.
Wow I had not thought of that one. Yeah, with low population density in Idaho, eastern Oregon & eastern Washington it would give the new state of "Greater Idaho" some clout numerically & like 2 more fed senators & 4 more fed Representatives(not sure on this one)? As a safeguard against losing Greater Idaho's Capital to the statist left we could move the state capital from Boise to Northport! The first time a lefty city slicker seen a porcupine up there all one would hear is an ear piercing shriek "GRIZZLY BEAR RUN"!!!!! Any place north of Spokane the statist left pavement pounders would call the "FORBIDDEN ZONE"!

But yeah I REALLY like your proposal C/A. Below is the population stats for such an ambitious proposal.

Eastern Washington; 1,641,900 (2019)

Idaho; 1,939,033 (2022)

Eastern Oregon; 374,828 (2021)

That's gonna be about 4 million folks give or take a few thousand. The only county in eastern Washington state that is politically blue dominant is Whitman county with it's Pullman based WSU complex. Idaho has two blue spots Couer D' Alene & Moscow. Eastern Oregon looks solid Red & ripe for the taking.

It would be a dream come true for us folks that like a LOT of space with LOW population density. The statist left would fight it to the end as they know cannot make it without us, but we can make it without them. Out here on the plateau we got LIBERTY signs stapled onto the fence posts & hanging from the Barbed wire. It would not take much if anything @ all to convince all of us farmers/ranchers, small town folks & business owners to drop the Liberty project & become Greater Idahoans like we'd jump @ the chance!!! Idaho, ESPECIALLY central Idaho like Idaho county is so much like what you guys have up north in God's country. Is there any current project that would include eastern Washington into the Greater Idaho project? If so let me know for you have sparked a real interest in me.

Hang in there C/A, till next time!
Biden has brought in reinforcements, as among his 6+ million horde of illegals are many military-age men.

And a significant number of CCP agents ready to control them.
Glad that you are on the ball as I missed that one!
To take our country back.... about 45% of Trump voters made it to the polls in 2020... we need to do better than that... we need to do what dems do... Ballot harvest names and fill in the ballots by the stacks....
If we allow them to steal another election we will get what we deserve....
Fight fire with fire like this could get hot!
How long have you been a sodbuster?
I ended up on a small family farm after I graduated from 8th grade(1966). My oldest sis & her hubby landed the 5 acre farmstead with an option to purchase the other 40 acres that was on the other side of the road, which they did a couple months later. The forty acres were all old growth pine with a few spruce trees mingled among the pine. The few firs that were left from a previous logging operation were too tiny to salvage for lumber so they ended up in one of many slash piles.

On top of falling those pines(endless nightmare) & dynamiting the stumps along with my brother in law, I landed a job milking(by hand) a family's Jersey's, sharp looking cows but ornery or maybe more correct 'temperamental'. Buckin bales up through the last cutting for our neighbors brother. At this point it was roughly 4/5 months since I had arrived out there. About this time I was introduced to an old Ford tractor & a spring tooth harrow where I learned to level out the mole hills etc. in the fields. This would put my first 'mechanized' field work about the end of September/middle of October. I was attending Oregon City high school @ that time so yeah, I 'technically' started as a sodbuster since the late summer/early fall of 66'.
I specifically asked her about the 4473 form confiscations as well as the copying of the acquisition & disposition book. I also mentioned that "We need NOTABLE performance out of both our state & federal Representatives ESPECIALLY in eastern Washington for keeping BOTH state & federal government in check from encroaching into our PRIVATE lives." My fed Rep is known as a more lukewarm/mandy Pandy type of Representative. I really can't blame her as she has to keep both sides of her constituency @ least somewhat happy or she will end up rotated out of office. I'll do my best to get her reply posted on our USMB as I know that a couple/three of my fellow USMB members are also living in her area of representation.
/----/ Tell Rev Al that.

He never reported his bribes and big salaries he paid himself on his taxes. He should be in jail, but he brings in votes for a certain ongoing criminal enterprise that needs to be prosecuted under the RICO statutes but they control Congress, the IRS, FBI, and Attorney General's offices now.
Yeah I agree with you C/A. They view us as just sod busters, loggers & backwoods hillbillies. We eastern Washingtonians would do better as an independent state called "Liberty". The problem would be that if the state of Liberty was created the statist left would just overrun us or @ LEAST take over the state capital of Spokane. The statist left is sooooo obsessed with people control that they have literally become paranoid to the point of becoming psychotic.

Take care, till next time!
When trying to run a country on inclusivity and equity without merit, it otherwise is literally placing the bad with the good against the will of the good, and this is when all these things begin to take shape and happen.
Yup. Another day, another whine. When are these idiots going to take responsibility for their actions?

I ended up on a small family farm after I graduated from 8th grade(1966). My oldest sis & her hubby landed the 5 acre farmstead with an option to purchase the other 40 acres that was on the other side of the road, which they did a couple months later. The forty acres were all old growth pine with a few spruce trees mingled among the pine. The few firs that were left from a previous logging operation were too tiny to salvage for lumber so they ended up in one of many slash piles.

On top of falling those pines(endless nightmare) & dynamiting the stumps along with my brother in law, I landed a job milking(by hand) a family's Jersey's, sharp looking cows but ornery or maybe more correct 'temperamental'. Buckin bales up through the last cutting for our neighbors brother. At this point it was roughly 4/5 months since I had arrived out there. About this time I was introduced to an old Ford tractor & a spring tooth harrow where I learned to level out the mole hills etc. in the fields. This would put my first 'mechanized' field work about the end of September/middle of October. I was attending Oregon City high school @ that time so yeah, I 'technically' started as a sodbuster since the late summer/early fall of 66'.
He meant "sodbuster" as an insult. Like he's better and smarter than you. :dunno:
He meant "sodbuster" as an insult. Like he's better and smarter than you. :dunno:

Their limited vocabulary consists almost completely of monosyllabic grunts and a few insults that they think will hurt our feelings thrown in.
























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