...I just realized Lincoln was the Hitler of the 19th century.


Do display your lack of reading comprehension again for us

Paperview: True. Read any papers of the day at the time. The secession bubble had been building for a years and years before. Hell, in 1850 SC threatened to seceded and in 1852, a convention was held and secession was laid out.

It was positively inevitable. Lincoln, of the new anti-slavery party being elected, was the final straw.


If the North gave a damned about the *******, why did the North not free their own slaves during the conflict?

Care to back track some more?


I knew you'd do that.

Thanks for displaying your lack of reading comprehension for us again :lol:

The fact is the Northeners didn't care about the ******* any more than America cared about the kikes or people like Jake care about the White Devil.

If you can't accept the truth about the mindset your beloved heroes, that's your problem.

JB has proven his moral illness and inability to rationally discuss. That's a shame, for he has some talent, but so did Goebbels and Streicher.
I dare her to walk up to a group of black folks and call them that.

You & I know she wouldn't. And she knows why she wouldn't.

Are you implying that blacks are a violent and ignorant race?

Syrenn is inferring nothing of the sort. I am afraid you are, though, and that is incredibly disappointing.


Paperview says something and you defend her by saying that Syrenn didn't say it.

You people truly are dimwitted, aren't you?
The only ones trying to revise it are morons like you who claim that Lincoln waged some great moral war against slavery.

You are the only one using moronic assertions, JB. Lincoln waged a war to preserve the union and co-opted emancipation as a moral tool to further his war aim. It also happened to be the right, moral act. If you have trouble with that: no one cares.
Did he now?

So he freed all of the slaves in the Union?

Your theories about the CW are flatly wrong in historical fact and accuracy. Get over it, JB. All racists eventually are hoisted on their own petard, as you have done several times today.
Are you really serious?
So long as some black people call themselves that, it's OK for you or any one else to refer to them that way?
Syrenn, civilized people don't use the word. It doesn't matter what other people do. For example: "Well, Johnny raped her, too!" Excuse the crudity, but your argument does not sit well with me.
I dare her to walk up to a group of black folks and call them that.
You & I know she wouldn't. And she knows why she wouldn't.
How she can possibly justify it and think it is not offensive is beyond my comprehension.

And there in lays my point. I wouldn't. I wouldn't dream if it, its rather rude.

But they on the other had do call each other just that.
Last edited:
This is my day for morons. JB can't stand that his whining and pining are aptly shoved in his face, so he neg reps me. JB, stop whining, son! You are wrong. There is nothing you can do about it. No one is buying your racist tripe.
He neg repped me too.

It's how he handles it when his own words are shoved into his racist face.
The racists always out themselves.


Yes, Jake has.
paperview said:
Hi, you have received -29 reputation points from paperview.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you mr. failure.


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You people can't stand being called out, can you?

'Racial guilt' :lol:

Yes, you have benefited because of your race in America. To believe anything else makes reason stare. Your racism is an awful thing, JB, and it will continue to poison your soul.
The racists always out themselves.


Yes, Jake has.
paperview said:
Hi, you have received -29 reputation points from paperview.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you mr. failure.


Note: This is an automated message.


You people can't stand being called out, can you?

'Racial guilt' :lol:
I give back what I get/

Don;t like being neg repped, don;t neg rep.

Especially after it was YOU that denied you didn't use the racial slur.

Then when I proved you did - Bam.

Consider yourself honored.
Yes, Jake has.
paperview said:
Hi, you have received -29 reputation points from paperview.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you mr. failure.


Note: This is an automated message.


You people can't stand being called out, can you?

'Racial guilt' :lol:
I give back what I get/

Don;t like being neg repped, don;t neg rep.

Especially after it was YOU that denied you didn't use the racial slur.

Then when I proved you did - Bam.

Consider yourself honored.

Well played, paper view!
Yes, you have benefited because of your race in America.

Really? You mean like when I was denied admission to a nearby school because they had too many White people and needed more blacks, even though the 'mix' was proportionate to the general population?

Or when I've been discriminated against for my brown skin town and Hispanic/Mexican features? Or when Border Patrol pulled us over on our way home one day and ran up on us with their hands on their pistols because we were two hispanics driving northbound in Southern Arizona?

To believe anything else makes reason stare. Your racism is an awful thing, JB, and it will continue to poison your soul.


Tell us again how all the White people should be ashamed of their skin tone because they're guilty of some offense committed by another man's great grandfather.
Yes, Jake has.
paperview said:
Hi, you have received -29 reputation points from paperview.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you mr. failure.


Note: This is an automated message.


You people can't stand being called out, can you?

'Racial guilt' :lol:
I give back what I get/

Don;t like being neg repped, don;t neg rep.

Especially after it was YOU that denied you didn't use the racial slur.

Then when I proved you did - Bam.

Consider yourself honored.


you people are pathetic
You are still a racist troll.

Tell us some more about 'racial guilt' and why the White people should be ashamed of their skin colour because the colour of their skin makes them guilty of some offense another man's ancestors committed one-hundred years before they were born.


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