I just voted

None of your business, you're toast.
My bet you’re voting in some back woods location which will go red regardless. Unless you live in a few places you have nothing to decide. Your vote means nothing.

Me on the other hand. I live in a purple state and a purple county in NC gerrymandered but the minority republicans to carve out a piece of liberal charlotte suburbs with country folk up to 200 miles away. My vote matters. I’ll be driving my wife and I up to early vote today.
The truth is Democrats made the mistake in this election to not lead with Economy and Crime first out...

Basically blow the issue open. The GOP has no solutions to inflation except bitching about Democrats... Democrats have initiatives and can should they are fighting and say the GOP is stopping them fight it.. They should have been on offence...

As for Crime, GOP led cities have less cops per captia than Dem ones... The GOP policy to crime is badly targeted, they want to make felons out of minor drug crime possession while letting white collar crime run rampant. Dems should have been out showing how the middle class is getting robbed by fat cats...

Dem are just avoiding instead of tackling it first and early...
15 days.

Maybe there will be a red wave, maybe not. A blue wave would be surprising.
Early voting started and I took two others with me, a friend who has never voted and his wife. We are sick of the things the democrats are doing and we three voted against every democrat on the ticket! I bet that's being repeated in droves!

Hasta la Vista dems.

If your votes counted they wouldn't let you vote.
The red wave this website warned was coming is a red dribble. The fact that the party out of power won’t pick up the senate and barely sweep by in the house is a disaster for pubs. Shows the shambles they are in.


At this point in 2010, the right track wrong track numbers were -31.6%.


Today they're -40.8%.
So keep telling yourself that Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer are gonna carry the day.
It's amusing.
The truth is Democrats made the mistake in this election to not lead with Economy and Crime first out...

Basically blow the issue open. The GOP has no solutions to inflation except bitching about Democrats... Democrats have initiatives and can should they are fighting and say the GOP is stopping them fight it.. They should have been on offence...

As for Crime, GOP led cities have less cops per captia than Dem ones... The GOP policy to crime is badly targeted, they want to make felons out of minor drug crime possession while letting white collar crime run rampant. Dems should have been out showing how the middle class is getting robbed by fat cats...

Dem are just avoiding instead of tackling it first and early...
Fake news, you're toast!
Early voting started and I took two others with me, a friend who has never voted and his wife. We are sick of the things the democrats are doing and we three voted against every democrat on the ticket! I bet that's being repeated in droves!

Hasta la Vista dems.

thank you for voting for my husband Beto

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