I Know When Donald Trump is Mocking Someone

You dont get it do you?
It's his mouth that has dems freaking out and shitting themselves.
Wrong yet again. His mouth entertains and pisses off hacks depending on which side they belong to.

HIS SUCCESS as president is what has the left in a quandary. They use his mouth as the excuse to attack because there is nothing else.


I'll tell ya what.
You show me someone more successful at making liberals shit their pants and I'll coincide.
All of us, everyday.

You seem to be under the illusion that empty rhetoric means something.

We should stop before I piss you off

You don't have the power to piss me off.
Unless of course you're a leftist.
It would be my honesty that would trigger you if you were to get mad. Thus far I have not expressed my personal feelings.

I will just say this with all do respect. ANYONE who thinks Trump doing this is a wise idea is CLEARLY quite stupid.

Again...let me know when Trump stops winning.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

He was mocking a sexual assault victim

Another lie. Man I hope Trump rounds people like you up!

Just like he mocked the women he sexually assaulted

I detect a trend
You have no evidence whatsoever that Trump sexually assaulted any women.

You are very obviously projecting. Accusing another person of doing what you are guilty of doing.

What's wrong with you Muhammed, libstains do not need any proof to destroy someone! ;)
What is a libstain?
He was mocking a sexual assault victim
Another lie. Man I hope Trump rounds people like you up!
Just like he mocked the women he sexually assaulted

I detect a trend
You have no evidence whatsoever that Trump sexually assaulted any women.

You are very obviously projecting. Accusing another person of doing what you are guilty of doing.
What's wrong with you Muhammed, libstains do not need any proof to destroy someone! ;)
What is a libstain?
America hating liberals.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

No, he mocked her. No two ways about it. One of the dumbest things hes done so far. The left is sinking their own ship with this stupidity and what does trump do? One up them with his own stupidity.

Trump knows damn well that the vast majority of independent voters who know the truth are disgusted with Ford.

Trump is informing the electorate, dumbass.

Most people believe Ford over Kavenaugh

Maybe on Venus.
Another lie. Man I hope Trump rounds people like you up!
Just like he mocked the women he sexually assaulted

I detect a trend
You have no evidence whatsoever that Trump sexually assaulted any women.

You are very obviously projecting. Accusing another person of doing what you are guilty of doing.
What's wrong with you Muhammed, libstains do not need any proof to destroy someone! ;)
What is a libstain?
America hating liberals.
Could you give a few examples of these America hating liberals?
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

No, we did not. YOu purposefully misunderstood.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

And when the dust settled, he wasn't mocking the journalist. :eusa_whistle:

Actually, he was

He initially claimed he didn’t know the guy was disabled
A claim that turned out to be a lie

Actually you're wrong, RW. But, you are consistent with that most of the time.

You lose

The disabled reporter Donald Trump mocked says the two were on a "first-name basis for years."

What I'm saying is that Trump didn't mock the journalist and that is your premise that he did.
The details came out after the msm had its day in the sun with it.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

And you lie. Trump did not mock a disabled journalist, he mocked a dishonest journalist. You morons keep lying about that when it has been shown to be a lie..that you keep doing it shows you are an asshole....

A journalist is "dishonest" because he declined to LIE for Rumple and back up a hallucination that Rump spewed about "THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS DANCING ON ROOFTOPS" which never fucking happened, and that's supposed to be 'dishonest'?

Go fuck yourself. :fu:
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

And you lie. Trump did not mock a disabled journalist, he mocked a dishonest journalist. You morons keep lying about that when it has been shown to be a lie..that you keep doing it shows you are an asshole....

A journalist is "dishonest" because he declined to LIE for Rumple and back up a hallucination that Rump spewed about "THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS DANCING ON ROOFTOPS" which never fucking happened, and that's supposed to be 'dishonest'?

Go fuck yourself. :fu:

Are you prepared to admit that Trump did not mock the reporters handicap?

If not, you can shove your pretend outrage over "dishonesty".
And you lie. Trump did not mock a disabled journalist, he mocked a dishonest journalist. You morons keep lying about that when it has been shown to be a lie..that you keep doing it shows you are an asshole....
Like I said, Republicans came in and defended their dear leader for mocking a disabled reoirter,
I had no problem with that. Reporter says stupid shit he deserves to get it right back.

This is different

"Stupid shit"? *WHAT* "stupid shit"? Kovaleski was asked about "thousands dancing on rooftops" and correctly recounted that he hadn't said that or written that. NOBODY ANYWHERE said that or wrote that. Rump PULLED IT OUT OF HIS ASS, along with the claim that he "saw it on television" (he didn't; no such thing ever happened). Rump was just butthurt that Kovaleski's memory was accurate and he wouldn't LIE for him to get Rump off the hook.

Which is pretty fucking ironic considering the present case about what somebody remembers ---- yet here's Rump completely making shit up and taking no responsibility for having fabricated it, whatsoever ---- and then you want to blame THE REPORTER??? For not joining in a blatant LIE?????

Holy SHIT dood. :banghead:
Last edited:
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

Apparently, just repeating what Balsey Ford said is mocking her.
The talking point that he was just laying out the facts is laughable yet I’ve heard several use it today. Come on people!

He was laying out the facts.....he named everything she says she can't remember......

Now it seems that she was getting information on Kavanaugh from feinstein as she questioned Kavanaugh and fed it to Ford's lawyers and team...
What about the things she did remember? If he was laying out facts he would have said it all. Instead he mocked the things she didn’t remember to a laughing crowd. Stop playing games, let be grown ups and speak honestly here.
What did she remember that has been verified?
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

And you lie. Trump did not mock a disabled journalist, he mocked a dishonest journalist. You morons keep lying about that when it has been shown to be a lie..that you keep doing it shows you are an asshole....

A journalist is "dishonest" because he declined to LIE for Rumple and back up a hallucination that Rump spewed about "THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS DANCING ON ROOFTOPS" which never fucking happened, and that's supposed to be 'dishonest'?

Go fuck yourself. :fu:

Are you prepared to admit that Trump did not mock the reporters handicap?

If not, you can shove your pretend outrage over "dishonesty".

FUCK no. He obviously did mock Kovaleski's arthrogryposis and then completely WIMPED OUT :gay: on taking responsibility for having done that --- OR for having made up the bullshit fake news in the first place. He did both because he's a fucking DICK.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

And you lie. Trump did not mock a disabled journalist, he mocked a dishonest journalist. You morons keep lying about that when it has been shown to be a lie..that you keep doing it shows you are an asshole....

A journalist is "dishonest" because he declined to LIE for Rumple and back up a hallucination that Rump spewed about "THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS DANCING ON ROOFTOPS" which never fucking happened, and that's supposed to be 'dishonest'?

Go fuck yourself. :fu:

Are you prepared to admit that Trump did not mock the reporters handicap?

If not, you can shove your pretend outrage over "dishonesty".

FUCK no. He obviously did mock Kovaleski's arthrogryposis and then completely WIMPED OUT :gay: on taking responsibility for having done that --- OR for having made up the bullshit fake news in the first place. He did both because he's a fucking DICK.

If you had a dick, you'd be a man, but since you have a vagina, all you are is a fucking pussy!
Apparently, just repeating what Balsey Ford said is mocking her.
The Right can mock somebody simply by misrepresenting their name. You mindlessly parrot the Russia Limbaugh misrepresentation of her name, and he too lies that he is not mocking her.
The talking point that he was just laying out the facts is laughable yet I’ve heard several use it today. Come on people!

He was laying out the facts.....he named everything she says she can't remember......

Now it seems that she was getting information on Kavanaugh from feinstein as she questioned Kavanaugh and fed it to Ford's lawyers and team...
Bullshit. She remembers it was upstairs. He was mocking her and not laying out the facts.

Nobody cares anymore about any of the he-said/she-said shit anymore....just noise at this point.

Progressives running out of time to get out for some butter before it's gone from the shelves.:113:

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