I like to use the Koran as toilet paper?

But that's what the bible says to do...

Deuteronomy 17:
2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

You would probably be more effective if you could understand what you are posting. You're quoting the old law. Jesus taught love and peace after the old law was purged. Mohammed ruled by the sword which follows the koran's teachings.....to kill infidels and non believers...always.

So? You don't think that there are Christians on the planet that would do just that if they could, stone the unbelievers? Maybe even fewer than 1% that want to do it? 99.9% of Muslims don't believe in "killing non believers" either.

Yeah, I think there are crazy fundamentalists who claim they are christians that would stone someone. However, I don't see that crazy 1 percent sawing off heads, blowing up children etc.

Just because Fox doesn't carry it, doesn't mean it isn't there...

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

UN: Muslims ethnically cleansed in CAR

Fox, msnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc are all propaganda. Surely, you caught the revenge part. How many years have muslims been slaughtering christians en masse over there?

Deflection noted. They're doing it in the name of their religion, just like extremist Muslims. See what painting with a broad brush gets you?
You would probably be more effective if you could understand what you are posting. You're quoting the old law. Jesus taught love and peace after the old law was purged. Mohammed ruled by the sword which follows the koran's teachings.....to kill infidels and non believers...always.

So? You don't think that there are Christians on the planet that would do just that if they could, stone the unbelievers? Maybe even fewer than 1% that want to do it? 99.9% of Muslims don't believe in "killing non believers" either.

Yeah, I think there are crazy fundamentalists who claim they are christians that would stone someone. However, I don't see that crazy 1 percent sawing off heads, blowing up children etc.

Just because Fox doesn't carry it, doesn't mean it isn't there...

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

UN: Muslims ethnically cleansed in CAR

Fox, msnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc are all propaganda. Surely, you caught the revenge part. How many years have muslims been slaughtering christians en masse over there?

Deflection noted. They're doing it in the name of their religion, just like extremist Muslims. See what painting with a broad brush gets you?

Hardly, but I noticed that you had to throw in a christian killing muslim bent to offset the muslim killing christian thing. Neither is right.
As I predicted, liberals came out in swarms to protect Islam. Not so much if you are Christian, Jewish, or some other religion.
Well, that's true, considering the way a part of the Jewish religion ran around in the 30's and 40's slaughtering people, beheading innocents and swearing that they were going to kill anyone who did not submit to their religious demands.


And what percentage of the world's Moooslums are doing that, Mac?

I really would not have pegged you for an Islamaphobe...
I said "a part". I try to choose my words carefully.

Just pointing out facts.


And I want you to have all the facts, Mac so you should go find out which part. Millions and millions and millions of moderate Christians, Jews and Muslims live together just fine here and all over the world, but you make this statement: "slaughtering people, beheading innocents and swearing that they were going to kill anyone who did not submit to their religious demands."...Don't you think you should know how many we're dealing with?

Are you more afraid of Moooslums or lighting?
I don't know how many we're dealing with.

How many would you say? Not by percentage, by actual size.


Working off of these intelligence estimates, if you were to take one percent of the Muslim populations of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, by the most liberal of estimates, less than 125,000 Muslims living in these combined countries would be prone to radicalization. Add that to the possible radical population across the rest of Europe and the sum is approximately 325,000 Muslims are at risk of becoming radical.

How many Muslim extremists are there Just the facts please. - CSMonitor.com

Lightning or Moooooslum, Mac?

Last I heard, there were over 1.5 billion muslims in the world, care.
Care to work on the percentage of THAT number?
I don't know how many we're dealing with.

How many would you say? Not by percentage, by actual size.


Working off of these intelligence estimates, if you were to take one percent of the Muslim populations of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, by the most liberal of estimates, less than 125,000 Muslims living in these combined countries would be prone to radicalization. Add that to the possible radical population across the rest of Europe and the sum is approximately 325,000 Muslims are at risk of becoming radical.

How many Muslim extremists are there Just the facts please. - CSMonitor.com

Lightning or Moooooslum, Mac?
I don't know what you mean by "lightning or Mooooooolsum", but I assume you're trying to paint me as a right wing lunatic.

Okie dokie, whatever works for ya, I know how it is here.

I'm merely pointing out facts. And you're illustrating my point for me.


Sorry Mac, but you're making yourself out to be a "RW loon" with your anti Muslim commentary. You wanted to know how many there were and I told you...fewer than 500,000 out of millions.

So, the question is, Mac, are you more afraid of radical islamists or being struck by lighting? (one is a far greater danger to you than the other)
So they want to enact sharia law in the United states by killing Geller. You okay with that?

"They" who? Who is it that wants to do that? The fewer than 1% of Muslims worldwide? 57% of Republican primary voters would make Christianity our national religion.

Yes, I'm "okay" with fewer than 1% of the worlds Muslims wanting to institute Sharia law in the United States...since I'm more likely to be struck by lighting, bit by a shark, win the lottery and be shot by a toddler (all at the same time)than the United States has of instituting Sharia law. :rolleyes:
Okay, then they might institute sharia law on you and your queer buddies. You really offend muslims. Be careful what you are okay with.
Muslims can live peacefully with others only in very small numbers. Once they get more numerous they turn into France or Sweden. This creates a false narrative that muslims are a peaceful moderate people.
So? You don't think that there are Christians on the planet that would do just that if they could, stone the unbelievers? Maybe even fewer than 1% that want to do it? 99.9% of Muslims don't believe in "killing non believers" either.

Yeah, I think there are crazy fundamentalists who claim they are christians that would stone someone. However, I don't see that crazy 1 percent sawing off heads, blowing up children etc.

Just because Fox doesn't carry it, doesn't mean it isn't there...

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

UN: Muslims ethnically cleansed in CAR

Fox, msnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc are all propaganda. Surely, you caught the revenge part. How many years have muslims been slaughtering christians en masse over there?

Deflection noted. They're doing it in the name of their religion, just like extremist Muslims. See what painting with a broad brush gets you?

Hardly, but I noticed that you had to throw in a christian killing muslim bent to offset the muslim killing christian thing. Neither is right.

No, you ignored Christians killing Muslims because it doesn't fit your narrative of the evil Muslim.

Millions and millions of moderate Christians, Jews and Muslims live together just fine all over the world. Stop painting all religions with an extremist brush. Christians wouldn't want to be painted with a Phelps brush would they?
I see no point in further inflaming violent psychotics who are already hopped up on their religious drug of choice.

They (muslim terrorists) behead non-believers, they (muslim terrorists) burn people alive as a new-found hobby, they (muslim terrorists) slaughter children. And IF they(muslim terrorists) could get their hands on a nuke, they(muslim terrorists) would obliterate Israel and New York City.
I generally feel that crazy Muslim gunmen shouldn't intimidate people so I am going to say that the pages of the Koran make nice tissue for releasing my wod into.
I see. You are going to do something that would offend EVERY Muslim because of the acts of a few.

Of course, the gesture is pointless unless you tell some Muslims what you are doing.

You know what we call people who stereotype an entire group of people based on the actions of a few, don't you?

Just remember that the next time a right wing Republican anywhere on the planet is caught behaving badly, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I generally feel that crazy Muslim gunmen shouldn't intimidate people so I am going to say that the pages of the Koran make nice tissue for releasing my wod into.
The premise of your thread fails as a fallacy, the consequence of your ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

The acts of the few are not representative of the majority.

A crazy Christian gunman murders a doctor and the bible should be used as toilet paper.
Someone throws stones at a hornet's nest. There are three hundred hornets in the nest. Thirty hornets fly out and sting the stone thrower who then exclaims, "it's my right to throw stones at a hornet's nest! All hornets attack without mercy!"

Pro vacating actions, even though they may be speech, carry consequences. This is not to condone the idiots who showed up with guns to wreck havoc at Pam Geller's anti-Islam shinding.

I don't believe that she or the OP are civil libertarians by any stretch. Sure, Ms. Geller's was excerising speech. Much the same as someone who burns a flag excerises speech. But I doubt that the same crew who praise her for her speech, or the OP would leap to the defense of a flag burner and their right to speech.
I will use the bible as toilet paper if need be, not sure what the big deal is about..

Any book as toilet paper would be an unnecessary exercise in pain. Find some leaves or a corn cob.

Yes I see your use of the corn cob coming into play here, but that is you and many like you. I prefer to use paper, you can use the corn cob if that is your thing..

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