I read the House memo supporting impeachment

There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.

I seem to remember hillary advising biden to never concede to Trump.

Gee why would anybody say that? Could it be that even at that time we knew that certain states were refusing to allow the mail in ballots to be counted before the polls closed and that Trumpybear would certainly have an early lead in same day voting?
Last edited:
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.

I seem to remember hillary advising biden to never concede to Trump.

Gee why would anybody say that? Could it be that even at that time we knew that certain states were refusing to allow the mail in ballots to be counted before the polls closed and that Trumpybear would certainly have an early lead in same day voting?

There goes your credibility.

(link to the memo is embedded)

And I don't see the direct connection to Trump. I'd agree he encouraged the rioters, but I'd think he had to have some foreknowledge of the attack or proof that he intended to provoke them to attack.

If the dems wanted impeachment …. fine. It's something they can legally do. Maybe they pretty much had to do it to satisfy their base What political ramifications it has … I don't know.

But I'm not sure Trump needs much defense other than "where's the beef." And rather than calling idiot qanon shamans to say "I did what he said" the dems should just get the vote and move on. The Shaman saying Trump incited him sort of proves Trump's defense of "nobody but a freaking idiot could think I told them to kill Pence, sheeesh. I like Mike, until he deserted me." LOL
Congratulations. I didn't realize reading was one of your skillsets.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.


Most people understood that the democrats were in the minoirty in both Chambers of Congress and that motion was about as useless the one just started against Biden.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.

I seem to remember hillary advising biden to never concede to Trump.

Gee why would anybody say that? Could it be that even at that time we knew that certain states were refusing to allow the mail in ballots to be counted before the polls closed and that Trumpybear would certainly have an early lead in same day voting?

There goes your credibility.


LOL, Holy shit! A Trumpphlake gets triggered when someone uses a pet name for the King of pet names. Hahaha. I really love you guys.


But I do love the Trumpybear. Bought one for my mom!

What Trump said, on that stage, on that day, is not what caused this.

What caused this was what he and his media minions had been saying for years and years.

He knew how angry and paranoid these people were when they showed up. All he had to do was point the way, and he did.

Which means any charge of incitement is bullshit, because incitement has to be specific and direct.

"Those guys are assholes and liars" isn't incitement, "go kill those assholes and liars" is incitement.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

the reason for calling for Trump's impeachment at inauguration was violation of emoluments clause.

later. an investigation found this:

Sounds like it's much ado about nothing and definitely has nothing to do with the emolument clause. Sounds like Ignorant commies need to educate themselves on the Constitution generally and emoluments clause specifically.

You guys wouldn't see a connection if trump would have broken into the capital himself. trump incited an insurrection and republicans will let him off the hook.

There is no connection because your fantasy is just that..............fantasy, and you're being called out for your propaganda and lies.
The fact is that trump incited an insurrection.

Yeah, that's what the propagandist are saying.

There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

the reason for calling for Trump's impeachment at inauguration was violation of emoluments clause.

later. an investigation found this:

Yep. Right wing fascists only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

Typical commie, hasn't had an original thought in their life.

There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

the reason for calling for Trump's impeachment at inauguration was violation of emoluments clause.

later. an investigation found this:

Sounds like it's much ado about nothing and definitely has nothing to do with the emolument clause. Sounds like Ignorant commies need to educate themselves on the Constitution generally and emoluments clause specifically.

emoluments clause prohibits taking gift from leader of foreign state

moron. Words actually have meaning,

A censure is an expression of strong disapproval.

In congress it's a formal process, of course you knew that and chose to ignore it for your propaganda purposes.


While the Speaker cannot formally censure a member, the statement she made was a definite rebuke of Rep. Waters call to harass Trumps appointees and officials in the public sphere. As much as I didn't like their policies, I was embarrassed to see them and their families haver to put up with that bullshit.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.


Most people understood that the democrats were in the minoirty in both Chambers of Congress and that motion was about as useless the one just started against Biden.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.

I seem to remember hillary advising biden to never concede to Trump.

Gee why would anybody say that? Could it be that even at that time we knew that certain states were refusing to allow the mail in ballots to be counted before the polls closed and that Trumpybear would certainly have an early lead in same day voting?

There goes your credibility.


LOL, Holy shit! A Trumpphlake gets triggered when someone uses a pet name for the King of pet names. Hahaha. I really love you guys.

View attachment 452903

But I do love the Trumpybear. Bought one for my mom!

Poor illiterate child, there was no motion, it was a WAPO headline 20 minutes into the Trump presidency. I guess they were giving you commies your marching orders.

There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

the reason for calling for Trump's impeachment at inauguration was violation of emoluments clause.

later. an investigation found this:

Sounds like it's much ado about nothing and definitely has nothing to do with the emolument clause. Sounds like Ignorant commies need to educate themselves on the Constitution generally and emoluments clause specifically.

emoluments clause prohibits taking gift from leader of foreign state

You do know the inaugural committee is separate and apart from the republican party and the president, right? Also it was 25,000 out of more than 100 million. Can you quote a law that foreigners can't donate to American nonprofits?

moron. Words actually have meaning,

A censure is an expression of strong disapproval.

In congress it's a formal process, of course you knew that and chose to ignore it for your propaganda purposes.


While the Speaker cannot formally censure a member, the statement she made was a definite rebuke of Rep. Waters call to harass Trumps appointees and officials in the public sphere. As much as I didn't like their policies, I was embarrassed to see them and their families haver to put up with that bullshit.

Yet you chose to use censure. But where was palousey when waters said she was going to "take him out tonight"? As far as I know, palousey said nothing, zip, nada........

Ive been busy with snowstorms and the reality of the real fact based world. Did the hoaxsters Dems run their scam made up impeachment of a president who isn’t a president ?
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.

the reason for calling for Trump's impeachment at inauguration was violation of emoluments clause.

later. an investigation found this:

Sounds like it's much ado about nothing and definitely has nothing to do with the emolument clause. Sounds like Ignorant commies need to educate themselves on the Constitution generally and emoluments clause specifically.

emoluments clause prohibits taking gift from leader of foreign state

You do know the inaugural committee is separate and apart from the republican party and the president, right? Also it was 25,000 out of more than 100 million. Can you quote a law that foreigners can't donate to American nonprofits?

not the way Trump used it.
Ivanka misused funds from it. Funneled money to Trump's businesses.
And grossly overpaid to Trump's hotels.
And then, criminal donors to inauguration.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.
I've wondered for years what Trump's actual goals for being Potus were. One might say he opposed the multinational corporations globalism. Trump Inc aspires to multinationalism, but of course it is single person entity that can't compare in size or efficiency to say an Apple on Amazon or even GM. But his two tax cuts were aimed at helping shareholders of mutlitnationals. That's the sum and substance of his successes in getting shit passed in congress.

I've thought Trump may have had a more limited purpose in being potus. Simply get rid of anything Obama. And he has convinced something like 25% of America that rioting and sacking the capital to overturn a legal election is actually an American thing to do.
I have no respect for those who claim to be non partisan who prove over and over again that they are actually partisan.

For some reason you decided to not mention how the left in congress had the attitude of "simply get rid of anything Trump"

But you are non partisan.

Sure you are.

From day one they were obsessed with getting rid of Trump by any method they could come up with including a coup d' etat.

The astute understand this....they tried to push using the 25th amendment for awhile....but nothing worked for them until they came up with rigging the election...they finally suceeded....but the American People know what happened and in the long run the democrats are going to get hurt big time by their schemes to assume dictatorial powers.

20 minutes after Trumps inauguration the WAPO headline read, "And the Trump impeachment begins". You have to remember, commies only remember the things they chose to, nothing else in the past exist to them.


Most people understood that the democrats were in the minoirty in both Chambers of Congress and that motion was about as useless the one just started against Biden.
There was no inciting of some so called 'insurrection'. Its laughable. But go ahead dems and keep digging.
all the rioters say they were following Trump's orders

And where exactly did they get those orders?

Was it in code?

How did they get the codes?

Did he send out a mass text? A tweet?

Exactly how did he do that with no one but a few people noticing it?

Wow...the man cant get on any social media platform....but somehow he was able to get "code" out to a bunch of people with no one noticing.

DO you really not see how silly that sounds?
He told them to fight like hell and march down Pennsylvania ave.

No different than telling people, as an elected official, to "get in their faces and tell them they are not welcome here anymore"

He did not tell them to storm the Capitol and Waters did not tell her constituants to grab cabinet members and throw them over the border.

You really need to lighten up. You truly are coming across as a snowflake.

Here's the difference.

Nancy Pelosi rebuked fellow Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday for urging her supporters to confront Trump administration officials in their day-to-day lives.

The House Democratic leader’s censure of her colleague highlights the difficult choices Democratic leaders face as they try to leverage energized opposition to the Trump administration and take a House majority in November’s midterm elections.

Censure is a process in congress that requires a floor vote. palousey can't do it alone. So you can stop your gaslighting now.


The article didn't say that she led a Censure motion in the House. She rebuked Waters. Which GOP leader rebuked Trumps comments before the attempted coup?
Trump never said to tell those people to get in their faces and tell them they don't belong here.
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.
Trump never told people to go to the halls of congress and scream out during a hearing for a SCOTUS appointment and call those people "Acting American"
He told them to go to the capitol and have their voices heard.

Yet....Trumps "statements" of peaceful and partiotic actions" was rebuked by Leader McConnell, and a variety of other GOP members.

You just insist on ignoring that because it doesn't meet your narrative.

I understand.

Whiniest speech by a President, ever. Two months after losing the 2020 election.

He achieved his masters goals.

I seem to remember hillary advising biden to never concede to Trump.

Gee why would anybody say that? Could it be that even at that time we knew that certain states were refusing to allow the mail in ballots to be counted before the polls closed and that Trumpybear would certainly have an early lead in same day voting?

There goes your credibility.


LOL, Holy shit! A Trumpphlake gets triggered when someone uses a pet name for the King of pet names. Hahaha. I really love you guys.

View attachment 452903

But I do love the Trumpybear. Bought one for my mom!

Poor illiterate child, there was no motion, it was a WAPO headline 20 minutes into the Trump presidency. I guess they were giving you commies your marching orders.


Only a political illiterate would believe Democrats had the power to that 20 minutes into his term.

But that really is his base.
He encouraged it is enough. He should not have. He should not have brought up Pence, as Pence was only carrying out his constitutional duties. He should not have been supporting a claim of stolen election and massive fraud leading to defeat after his own lawyers refused to say it in court and all courts had ruled against him. This is not a criminal proceeding. It (unfortunately for him) is about right and wrong for a president, at the time. It is not about free speech. Propagating a lie and whipping up a crowd to support your lie is not protected. especially if it leads to violence. If you are burning some of your trash to keep warm, but it gets out of control and you burn down somebody's house. You are responsible.

Where did he encourage violence? Seriously. Use of the word "fight?' Bernie Sanders has "fight" on virtually every single page on his website. This is after one of his supporters tried to murder two dozen Republicans.
Something to watch the emotionally challenged hucksters run their scam
They beat the current champion but being that they far better know how to cry than to savor victory they wish to try and fake it look like the champion they defeated never existed as champion.
Our MSM avoids dealing with it but BBC is so right in the manner in which they deride the childish retaliatory actions.

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