I really fear for the young today


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(
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I agree. I am afraid for my children and future grandchildren. I dont believe they will have the same freedoms we did growing up..
The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(

What is coming?
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

I think they might be referring to Armageddon.
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

America has plenty of centuries left in its chapter
The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(

What is coming?

Death, not by me but the people planning it who BRAG AND BRAG AND BRAG...about it. Some (stooges) are reading this now...but they don't understand, they are just doing their jobs. ;)
The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(

Someone needs to turn that frown upside down!
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

We the people, have a snake in the grass.
See our history and what has happened of the last 100 plus years.
Q: What is the Federal Reserve? Easy start.... ;)
do not underestimate the intellectual abilities of the young.

and TALK to them.

as equals.
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

totally agree.
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

We the people, have a snake in the grass.
See our history and what has happened of the last 100 plus years.
Q: What is the Federal Reserve? Easy start.... ;)

For god's sake, it's a NWO/Illuminati thread...
Stop it people. America is the greatest Country ever to exist on the globe. People are risking rattlesnakes sun stroke and arrest to get to the US. People arrive in the US (legally) with a couple of bucks in their pockets and become successful with hard work. America was set back temporarily with an ignorant socialist leadership but it's still the best if you want to put down your electronic gizmos, turn off MTV and get a freaking real education.

America has plenty of centuries left in its chapter

Nope. We're getting close to the point where the Roman Empire was in the 5th Century. Our borders are porous, just like the Roman Empire. Our currency is utterly debased, just like the Roman Empire. We can't even fund out military because of all the parasites feeding on the taxpayers, just like the Roman Empire.
We need to fund our military even more than we do now? Our present military budget exceeds the combined budget of the next highest spending nations combined.

Rome died when the citizens were deprived of the ability to move upwards in society. When the wealth became concentrated in just a very small percentage of the population. When the average citizen has no reason to defend a political structure designed solely for the benefit of the wealthy, a nation dies.

That is not the case in this nation. While the wealthy have many times too much of the wealth of this nation, an ambitious citizen can still become wealthy with smart hard work. It is just more difficult than it was 40 years ago.

As far as the young people of today go, I have a view point that most my age do not have. I have returned to college to finish a degree started over 40 years ago. And the young people I see there are first class. Young men and women that I would be proud to call my son or daughter. Of course, I am taking science and math classes, so I am seeing the cream of the crop.
I agree. I am afraid for my children and future grandchildren. I dont believe they will have the same freedoms we did growing up..

What freedoms are those?

The freedom to compel blacks to sit at the back of the bus or go to separate – but ‘equal’ – schools. The freedom to arrest homosexuals on criminal charges – for being homosexual. The freedom to deny immigrants access to education or housing absent due process. The freedom to deny minorities the right to vote, to access public accommodations, or same-sex couples equal protection of the law.

In essence, the freedom that most reactionary conservatives long for: the freedom to codify their hate and ignorance.

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