I Stand On The Side Of Justice And Liberty With The Democrats. I Will Never Surrender To Evil.

I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.

I honestly don't give a fuck, racist.

I would rather be a troll any day than a fucking racist Trump voter such as yourself. I'll wear my "troll" label like a badge of honor, Repug pussy.

Well, you've achieved your aspiration. You're a vile little troll, but not too bright. I doubt that the hiLIARy campaign will continue to pay you to spam the interwebs with her talking points.
The fact that you think Congress exercising its Constitutional authority is a violation of the Constitution says everything. Looks like it paid off, too. Must really chap your drawers.

They did not, fuckhole. They are supposed to take a vote, which they did not do. And now you fascist mother fuckers have stolen a Supreme Court seat. Yep, that's OK for a fascist mother fucker such as you, it's not OK with me.

And you still can't explain the Repug Senate's astronomical number of filibusters over the past 8 years because you're a worthless piece of Repug shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect. Now kindly go fuck Trump up the ass, racist bitch.
Show me where in the Constitution is expressed a time limit on the Senate's role to advise and consent. And you're apparently regressing in your maturity level. It's going down, not up, as one would hope would happen to kids who run into real life.

In other words, it's OK to steal a Supreme Court seat. Got it, dickhead.

President Obama is a former Constitutional professor. He has stated repeatedly that the Repug Senate has abdicated their responsibility. I'm going to believe President Obama before I ever listen to an unsophisticated, unremarkable, know-nothing piece of Repug fascist shit such as yourself.

The Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force. I guess the Air Force is also unconstitutional.

You're a fucktard racist Trumpkin and that's all you'll ever be, so quit pretending you know something.
Now you're not only regressing in maturity, but also in intelligence. I'd say you've achieved about a 13 year old level about now and are well on your way to having the thread locked. Then you'll have to spew elsewhere.

Whatever. I'm not morally bankrupt, you are. If you vote for a racist like Trump, prepared to be treated accordingly.
Yet you continue spewing hate speech and vulgarities better suited to an 11 year old's discovery of swearing than an adult forum dedicated to the free flow of thoughts, while I do not.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.

Do you even know what the constitution says? It gives the senate power to advise and consent to all judicial nominations the president makes. The senate has every right to not consent to Obama's judicial appointments. Their right to do so is explicit in the constitution. Not to mention we have the precedent of allowing incoming presidents to appoint vacancies in the court that occur in the last year of a presidency to allow the voice of the people have their say in the appointment.

I understand you don't like the people having a right to say something but just because you oppose Republicanism doesn't mean its unconstitutional
They did not, fuckhole. They are supposed to take a vote, which they did not do. And now you fascist mother fuckers have stolen a Supreme Court seat. Yep, that's OK for a fascist mother fucker such as you, it's not OK with me.

And you still can't explain the Repug Senate's astronomical number of filibusters over the past 8 years because you're a worthless piece of Repug shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect. Now kindly go fuck Trump up the ass, racist bitch.
Show me where in the Constitution is expressed a time limit on the Senate's role to advise and consent. And you're apparently regressing in your maturity level. It's going down, not up, as one would hope would happen to kids who run into real life.

In other words, it's OK to steal a Supreme Court seat. Got it, dickhead.

President Obama is a former Constitutional professor. He has stated repeatedly that the Repug Senate has abdicated their responsibility. I'm going to believe President Obama before I ever listen to an unsophisticated, unremarkable, know-nothing piece of Repug fascist shit such as yourself.

The Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force. I guess the Air Force is also unconstitutional.

You're a fucktard racist Trumpkin and that's all you'll ever be, so quit pretending you know something.
Now you're not only regressing in maturity, but also in intelligence. I'd say you've achieved about a 13 year old level about now and are well on your way to having the thread locked. Then you'll have to spew elsewhere.

Whatever. I'm not morally bankrupt, you are. If you vote for a racist like Trump, prepared to be treated accordingly.
Yet you continue spewing hate speech and vulgarities better suited to an 11 year old's discovery of swearing than an adult forum dedicated to the free flow of thoughts, while I do not.

No, like I said you're just a morally bankrupt piece of shit instead. You're offended by my vulgarity, yet you are the fascist helping destroy this country by supporting a racist and misogynist bully like Trump. How ironic.

Congratulations for being a polite Nazi. It's quite impressive.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.

I honestly don't give a fuck, racist.

I would rather be a troll any day than a fucking racist Trump voter such as yourself. I'll wear my "troll" label like a badge of honor, Repug pussy.

You aren't very smart are you?
Show me where in the Constitution is expressed a time limit on the Senate's role to advise and consent. And you're apparently regressing in your maturity level. It's going down, not up, as one would hope would happen to kids who run into real life.

In other words, it's OK to steal a Supreme Court seat. Got it, dickhead.

President Obama is a former Constitutional professor. He has stated repeatedly that the Repug Senate has abdicated their responsibility. I'm going to believe President Obama before I ever listen to an unsophisticated, unremarkable, know-nothing piece of Repug fascist shit such as yourself.

The Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force. I guess the Air Force is also unconstitutional.

You're a fucktard racist Trumpkin and that's all you'll ever be, so quit pretending you know something.
Now you're not only regressing in maturity, but also in intelligence. I'd say you've achieved about a 13 year old level about now and are well on your way to having the thread locked. Then you'll have to spew elsewhere.

Whatever. I'm not morally bankrupt, you are. If you vote for a racist like Trump, prepared to be treated accordingly.
Yet you continue spewing hate speech and vulgarities better suited to an 11 year old's discovery of swearing than an adult forum dedicated to the free flow of thoughts, while I do not.

No, like I said you're just a morally bankrupt piece of shit instead. You're offended by my vulgarity, yet you are the fascist helping destroy this country by supporting a racist and misogynist bully like Trump. How ironic.

Congratulations for being a polite Nazi. It's quite impressive.
10 years old and falling fast.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Jesus effen Christ are you stupid. Both democrats and republicans are evil. Our whole capitalist system is evil. The plutocratic government we live under is evil. YOU are EVIL!!! Those are the FACTS. Apparently, for you, bending over and taking it up the ass is "good." But you're a brainwashed traitorous doomsday cultist. So who cares about your opinions.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.

Do you even know what the constitution says? It gives the senate power to advise and consent to all judicial nominations the president makes. The senate has every right to not consent to Obama's judicial appointments. Their right to do so is explicit in the constitution. Not to mention we have the precedent of allowing incoming presidents to appoint vacancies in the court that occur in the last year of a presidency to allow the voice of the people have their say in the appointment.

I understand you don't like the people having a right to say something but just because you oppose Republicanism doesn't mean its unconstitutional

They are supposed to at least take a vote. They have abdicated their responsibility. And any constitutional law professor will tell you this. You fascists just make up new rules whenever you see fit because of your 8-year insane hatred for Obama. The level of obstruction of the modern Repug Party is unprecedented and those mother fuckers are dangerous to our democracy.

I'm simply not going to listen to the idiotic pseudo-intellectual musings of you Repug fascists.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Jesus effen Christ are you stupid. Both democrats and republicans are evil. Our whole capitalist system is evil. The plutocratic government we live under is evil. YOU are EVIL!!! Those are the FACTS. Apparently, for you, bending over and taking it up the ass is "good." But you're a brainwashed traitorous doomsday cultist. So who cares about your opinions.

In other words, you know nothing and you're intellectually lazy. So it's just easier to smugly say "both sides are equally bad". No, the Repug Party is actually much worse. And if you can't understand that after witnessing the hatred and obstruction of the Repug Party for the past 8 years, then there is simply no hope for your sorry ass.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
Your problem isn't with Trump, you know. Your real problem is with the American voters, who didn't do what you wanted them to do, and now you're acting like a 5 year old whose friends all decided to play a game she didn't want to play.

I beg to differ. Clinton won the popular vote, just like Gore in 2000. The electoral college is horseshit and we're the only democracy that has it.

Not only that, the biggest states are not fairly represented in the electoral college. California by itself should be worth about 200 electoral votes, not 55. It's a rigged game that allows you Repug losers to feel better about yourself even though you can't win the popular vote.

Electoral votes are apportioned by number of congressional districts + two senate seats. Congressional districts at apportioned every ten years during the census. No census has produced numbers showing California deserves 198 congressional districts.

So EVs are allotted correctly.

Thank God for our republic. Otherwise you would be an oppressive overlord. That would suck.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.
The fact that you think Congress exercising its Constitutional authority is a violation of the Constitution says everything. Looks like it paid off, too. Must really chap your drawers.

They did not, fuckhole. They are supposed to take a vote, which they did not do. And now you fascist mother fuckers have stolen a Supreme Court seat. Yep, that's OK for a fascist mother fucker such as you, it's not OK with me.

And you still can't explain the Repug Senate's astronomical number of filibusters over the past 8 years because you're a worthless piece of Repug shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect. Now kindly go fuck Trump up the ass, racist bitch.

Where does the constitution say anything about them being required to vote on every nominee?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...

No, the protestors don't want the racist, misogynist, corrupt bully Trump as their president. You finally understand, lightweight?

You obviously have no problem with Trump. Obviously, you're a racist or just plain fucking stupid. Which one is it?

The protesters has their chance to keep trump out of office election day. They lost.

Lucky for them because now they get paid. Though I suspect the same protestors would be getting paid to protest no matter who won
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.
The fact that you think Congress exercising its Constitutional authority is a violation of the Constitution says everything. Looks like it paid off, too. Must really chap your drawers.

They did not, fuckhole. They are supposed to take a vote, which they did not do. And now you fascist mother fuckers have stolen a Supreme Court seat. Yep, that's OK for a fascist mother fucker such as you, it's not OK with me.

And you still can't explain the Repug Senate's astronomical number of filibusters over the past 8 years because you're a worthless piece of Repug shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect. Now kindly go fuck Trump up the ass, racist bitch.
Show me where in the Constitution is expressed a time limit on the Senate's role to advise and consent. And you're apparently regressing in your maturity level. It's going down, not up, as one would hope would happen to kids who run into real life.

In other words, it's OK to steal a Supreme Court seat. Got it, dickhead.

President Obama is a former Constitutional professor. He has stated repeatedly that the Repug Senate has abdicated their responsibility. I'm going to believe President Obama before I ever listen to an unsophisticated, unremarkable, know-nothing piece of Repug fascist shit such as yourself.

The Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force. I guess the Air Force is also unconstitutional.

You're a fucktard racist Trumpkin and that's all you'll ever be, so quit pretending you know something.

I'd take your own advice because clearly you don't know a thing. The people had a choice on who they wanted to fill the supreme court seat. They chose trump. Let go of your hate and just deal with it.
Show me where in the Constitution is expressed a time limit on the Senate's role to advise and consent. And you're apparently regressing in your maturity level. It's going down, not up, as one would hope would happen to kids who run into real life.

In other words, it's OK to steal a Supreme Court seat. Got it, dickhead.

President Obama is a former Constitutional professor. He has stated repeatedly that the Repug Senate has abdicated their responsibility. I'm going to believe President Obama before I ever listen to an unsophisticated, unremarkable, know-nothing piece of Repug fascist shit such as yourself.

The Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force. I guess the Air Force is also unconstitutional.

You're a fucktard racist Trumpkin and that's all you'll ever be, so quit pretending you know something.
Now you're not only regressing in maturity, but also in intelligence. I'd say you've achieved about a 13 year old level about now and are well on your way to having the thread locked. Then you'll have to spew elsewhere.

Whatever. I'm not morally bankrupt, you are. If you vote for a racist like Trump, prepared to be treated accordingly.
Yet you continue spewing hate speech and vulgarities better suited to an 11 year old's discovery of swearing than an adult forum dedicated to the free flow of thoughts, while I do not.

No, like I said you're just a morally bankrupt piece of shit instead. You're offended by my vulgarity, yet you are the fascist helping destroy this country by supporting a racist and misogynist bully like Trump. How ironic.

Congratulations for being a polite Nazi. It's quite impressive.

You keep complaining about trumps misogyny, yet you use vulgar language in ways that degrades women and men. Why do you presume to hold trump to a higher standard than you hold yourself?

And lets not forget that Hillary treated women like crap too. How would she have been any better?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.

Do you even know what the constitution says? It gives the senate power to advise and consent to all judicial nominations the president makes. The senate has every right to not consent to Obama's judicial appointments. Their right to do so is explicit in the constitution. Not to mention we have the precedent of allowing incoming presidents to appoint vacancies in the court that occur in the last year of a presidency to allow the voice of the people have their say in the appointment.

I understand you don't like the people having a right to say something but just because you oppose Republicanism doesn't mean its unconstitutional

They are supposed to at least take a vote. They have abdicated their responsibility. And any constitutional law professor will tell you this. You fascists just make up new rules whenever you see fit because of your 8-year insane hatred for Obama. The level of obstruction of the modern Repug Party is unprecedented and those mother fuckers are dangerous to our democracy.

I'm simply not going to listen to the idiotic pseudo-intellectual musings of you Repug fascists.

They aren't requires by the constitution to take a vote.

Not to mention the people clearly approve since Republicans kept the senate.

So why should we ignore the will of the people and what the constitution clearly says to give you what you want? What makes you so special that you think you should be able to overturn the will of the people?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Jesus effen Christ are you stupid. Both democrats and republicans are evil. Our whole capitalist system is evil. The plutocratic government we live under is evil. YOU are EVIL!!! Those are the FACTS. Apparently, for you, bending over and taking it up the ass is "good." But you're a brainwashed traitorous doomsday cultist. So who cares about your opinions.

In other words, you know nothing and you're intellectually lazy. So it's just easier to smugly say "both sides are equally bad". No, the Repug Party is actually much worse. And if you can't understand that after witnessing the hatred and obstruction of the Repug Party for the past 8 years, then there is simply no hope for your sorry ass.

You literally just said you'd take Obama's word on a constitutional issue rather than educate yourself on the matter. Why do you think you are in a position to call anyone else intellectually lazy?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
Your problem isn't with Trump, you know. Your real problem is with the American voters, who didn't do what you wanted them to do, and now you're acting like a 5 year old whose friends all decided to play a game she didn't want to play.

I beg to differ. Clinton won the popular vote, just like Gore in 2000. The electoral college is horseshit and we're the only democracy that has it.

Not only that, the biggest states are not fairly represented in the electoral college. California by itself should be worth about 200 electoral votes, not 55. It's a rigged game that allows you Repug losers to feel better about yourself even though you can't win the popular vote.

Electoral votes are apportioned by number of congressional districts + two senate seats. Congressional districts at apportioned every ten years during the census. No census has produced numbers showing California deserves 198 congressional districts.

So EVs are allotted correctly.

Thank God for our republic. Otherwise you would be an oppressive overlord. That would suck.

California is currently about 30% of the U.S. population. So that's why I said it should have about 200 electoral votes. 200 / 538 electoral votes = 37%, so I'm off by a little. California is currently not fairly represented in Congress, either.

So every Presidential election, the Democrats win California big-time and they get screwed royally by the current electoral college allocation. Of course, you Repugs prefer this, but it's a completely rigged system.
moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.
The fact that you think Congress exercising its Constitutional authority is a violation of the Constitution says everything. Looks like it paid off, too. Must really chap your drawers.

They did not, fuckhole. They are supposed to take a vote, which they did not do. And now you fascist mother fuckers have stolen a Supreme Court seat. Yep, that's OK for a fascist mother fucker such as you, it's not OK with me.

And you still can't explain the Repug Senate's astronomical number of filibusters over the past 8 years because you're a worthless piece of Repug shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect. Now kindly go fuck Trump up the ass, racist bitch.

Where does the constitution say anything about them being required to vote on every nominee?

Where does it say anything about an Air Force, either?

It's a historical precedent that the Senate take a vote, it's always been that way and what the Repug Party has done is petty, unprecedented bullshit. And we both know it. Historical precedent also matters regarding the way Congress operates.

Instead of admitting the obvious that the Repug Party is an evil group of obstructionist assholes, you want to look for ridiculous, lame-ass interpretations of the Constitution...and those interpretations aren't even correct.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
Maybe this woman can help you understand a few things......


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