I Stand On The Side Of Justice And Liberty With The Democrats. I Will Never Surrender To Evil.

I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
Trump is now my President

It is in my best interest for he and the country to do well. I will hold him to the same standards as I hold any President. Deliver and I will support you. Fail and face the consequences

Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.

You mean he is going to make healthcare actually work.....and not use it simply as a means to increase democrat power and control.......healthcare that is less expensive, better and more innovative....that is what Trump is going to try to do.....if the left wing totalitarians don't stop him...
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.

Why would you want to ignore him? He's hilarious!
I think the correct word is pathetic.
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

Yeah, that's why he told congressional republicans, in one of the earliest meetings with congress "I won, you lost", he sat the tone in that meeting. It happened on his third day in office. So just get over yourself already.
In their first meeting with the new president, Republicans chose to make demands rather than offer cooperation. They deserved a slap down

They wouldn't just bend over for him, so he displayed his ignorance and arrogance and continued to do so for 8 years. Cost him big in the following midterms.
The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request

They might have if the regressives didn't load it with pork and political favors.
Yet they approved the same type of pork laden bill when Bush wanted it

And which bill would that be?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

^ asshat says what?
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
Give the guy a chance to be evil, racist and fascist before you go off half cocked. My, my.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

You are not a liberal.

That's the first thing you communicated when you came to this board.

You are a left wing asskisser.

Whatever that means, Repug lightweight. I'm deeply offended.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

moron......every day the democrats demonstrate for all to see that they are the fascists, not Trump or his supporters.....organized, coordinated, paid for violence in the streets, directly from the democrat national committee and their left wing totalitarian donors........

The democrat party is the party of fascism, violence, racism and crime....and rape...
NOBODY is being a fascist. The election is over and it is time for people to start behaving and thinking normally again. Hello.

The fact that the Repug fascists in the Senate wouldn't even take a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee for over 300 days says otherwise. That is an obvious violation of the Constitution. The Repug Party has now basically stolen a spot on the Supreme Court. Is that what you call "thinking normally again"?

The Repug Party became a fascist party way before Trump. And that's a fucking fact.
Trump is now my President

It is in my best interest for he and the country to do well. I will hold him to the same standards as I hold any President. Deliver and I will support you. Fail and face the consequences

Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.

Obunglescare is eliminating itself, it's imploding. It's obvious you're not paying attention

It's obvious that you're in for a miserable 4 years, fascist. Let's see you fascist Repug fucks try to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, including millions of Republicans.

You mean unfaffordable health insurance you ignorant slimy piece of owl s**t.

Then come up with a better plan, pussy. Obviously, you worthless Repugs assfucks can't do that.
What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.

Yep, sure he did, goober.

And of course you have evidence of this? Didn't think so.
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request

Yes, the TARP bill had a ton of compromises for Republicans, even though the Democrats had full control of Congress at the time. And the Republicans still treated Obama horribly.
Trump is now my President

It is in my best interest for he and the country to do well. I will hold him to the same standards as I hold any President. Deliver and I will support you. Fail and face the consequences

Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.

Obunglescare is eliminating itself, it's imploding. It's obvious you're not paying attention

It's obvious that you're in for a miserable 4 years, fascist. Let's see you fascist Repug fucks try to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, including millions of Republicans.

You mean unfaffordable health insurance you ignorant slimy piece of owl s**t.

Then come up with a better plan, pussy. Obviously, you worthless Repugs assfucks can't do that.

^^^ Lick-Spittling Obabble Buttswab ^^^
Trump is now my President

It is in my best interest for he and the country to do well. I will hold him to the same standards as I hold any President. Deliver and I will support you. Fail and face the consequences

Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.
You do that for two years and you'll lose all thee seats you are lucky to have now. Learn a lesson here. Your shit idea's were told in no uncertain terms to fuck off. Keep it up and the pain will only get worse.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.

I honestly don't give a fuck, racist.

I would rather be a troll any day than a fucking racist Trump voter such as yourself. I'll wear my "troll" label like a badge of honor, Repug pussy.

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