I Stand On The Side Of Justice And Liberty With The Democrats. I Will Never Surrender To Evil.

This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell

On the bright side, after the last 8 years of Progressive Bot/SJW/Politically Correct hit squad dystopia that we've been put through, Hell will be an improvement. :)

Trump will only be an improvement for bigots.
Good. I think he will put all the brown and blacks people in ovens, mysoginize all the bitches, kill all the gays, and then marry Putin while two donkeys look on with video.

And that's why you evil racist mother fuckers will never win. Real Americans such as myself will not allow you traitors to ruin this country.

"Real Americans" such as yourself should move to Cuba.
Trump is now my President

It is in my best interest for he and the country to do well. I will hold him to the same standards as I hold any President. Deliver and I will support you. Fail and face the consequences

Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.

Obunglescare is eliminating itself, it's imploding. It's obvious you're not paying attention

It's obvious that you're in for a miserable 4 years, fascist. Let's see you fascist Repug fucks try to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, including millions of Republicans.

You mean unfaffordable health insurance you ignorant slimy piece of owl s**t.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.

I was just kidding. I will never surrender to you evil fascist fucks.

That's OK, we'll never surrender to little lying whiny basement boys either.

I will be more than happy to continue ripping you a new asshole, Limbaugh cartoon boy.

The only thing ripping is my side while I laugh at you as you melt down and throw an electronic temper tantrum.

I am not happy about Trump.

But dicks like you can move to Mexico.
And BTW:

Are you changing your name......?

Looks like it is an incorrect assertion.

Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.

I was just kidding. I will never surrender to you evil fascist fucks.

That's OK, we'll never surrender to little lying whiny basement boys either.
i agree.....and i will give them about a year to see where they are going.....

I supported Bush 43 in his first year as president
I fully supported anything he wanted after 9-11
However, once he invaded Iraq, he lost me for the rest of his presidency
the same here.....he listened to the wrong people,he should have gone after international terrorist no matter where they were,he had the world standing behind him on this willing to even help....if bush would have went the other way instead of to Iraq,he had a chance to be considered one of the better Presidents in history...........

Yeah, because tax cuts for the rich is such a brilliant way to stimulate the economy and the way Bush handled Hurricane Katrina was not a total fucking disaster. Not to mention that Bush was President in 2008 during the worse economic meltdown since the Great Depression.

You pretend you're above the fray, but the reality is you don't know very much and you're simply not very smart.

You dumb son of a bitch, you have no fucking clue what happened during Katrina. Katrina was the disaster it was because of the failed commiecrat government in LA and New Orleans. Instead of using available transportation assets to move people out of harms way, they chose to allow those assets to be destroyed during the floods and people to remain in the city. Disaster preparedness is a fucking State responsibility. LA failed miserably.

Disaster preparedness is actually more of a federal government responsibility. That's why organizations like FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security exist.

The Army Corp of Engineers built the levies in New Orleans and nobody in the Bush Administration was worried about the levies breaking. I guess you forgot all about that.

You don't know shit, Limbaugh boy. On you best day, I'm still 100 times smarter than your dumb ass.

Only in the regressive world. You're one clueless MF
Cheaper for who? My premiums are up dramatically as are my deductibles. Obamacare is just another gov't redistribution of wealth.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare
I won't even take the obvious shot and say that any plan would be better. Here's where I think your vision is too narrow. Ask this question, why do we need a government plan in the first place? There are some steps we can take that will lower costs without expensive new bureaucracies or more government power over our healthcare. These are just a few:

1. Opening up competition across state lines among health insurers.
2. Fewer regulations that force all insurance plans to cover things that patients won't need, ala a 60 year old man that has to pay for maternity coverage while a 30 year old woman that has to pay for Viagra. Sex reassignment treatments should be not be forced on society at large to pay for.
3. Wider adoption of tax free healthcare savings accounts.
4. Tort reform that doesn't require an obstetrician to pay 6 figures every year for malpractice insurance.
5. Allowing highly trained nurses to do more things that currently require an expensive doctor's oversight.

Now, obviously that's not going to make every experience for every person fantastically better. What it would do, though, is help to mitigate some of the astronomical cost increases we see regularly. It's a farce now, any way, because healthcare providers routinely charge massive prices that they know will never be paid, insurers pay a fraction of it, and the difference is wiped out. They do it, obviously, to build in enough overhead to get what they actually want in the first place.

1. There is competition across state lines. Companies like Blue Cross and Aetna sell policies in every state. The reason more companies don't is because of state regulations not federal. Selling health insurance is not as easy as putting up a "Cheap Insurance" website. You have to establish a network of doctors, pharmacies and hospitals in every state and negotiate contracts

2. Tailoring insurance to sex leads to much higher rates for women who actually have to deliver babies, making womens healthcare unobtainable. Very few insurers pay for reassignment surgeryand nobody is forcing them to

3. Nothing stopping Congress from expanding HSA accounts within Obamacare

4. Tort reform is a panacea. States with strict tort rules do not exhibit significant healthcare savings. It does encourage doctors to take more risks though

5. No problem with nurses doing more. That seems to be a state by state restriction not an Obamacare restriction
And like I said, why does it have to be a one size fits all, everyone must participate or else federal government program? Why not let the states try different things for their citizens and see what works the best?
Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.

I was just kidding. I will never surrender to you evil fascist fucks.

That's OK, we'll never surrender to little lying whiny basement boys either.
i agree.....and i will give them about a year to see where they are going.....

I supported Bush 43 in his first year as president
I fully supported anything he wanted after 9-11
However, once he invaded Iraq, he lost me for the rest of his presidency
the same here.....he listened to the wrong people,he should have gone after international terrorist no matter where they were,he had the world standing behind him on this willing to even help....if bush would have went the other way instead of to Iraq,he had a chance to be considered one of the better Presidents in history...........

Yeah, because tax cuts for the rich is such a brilliant way to stimulate the economy and the way Bush handled Hurricane Katrina was not a total fucking disaster. Not to mention that Bush was President in 2008 during the worse economic meltdown since the Great Depression.

You pretend you're above the fray, but the reality is you don't know very much and you're simply not very smart.
im smarter than you,unlike you,i did not fall into the lessor of 2 evil bullshit and support the democrats.....i,unlike you, recognized that evil is still evil and said eat shit to both parties...... so you pretend you're above the fray, but the reality is you don't know very much and you're simply not very smart yourself....and here is some extra underoos dumbass.....put them on and quit your fucking whining and deal with trump like the rest of us have too...fucking baby...

Yeah, Hillary is the equivalent of a racist and misogynist like Trump.

Got it, dumb ass.
you are so fucking brainwashed you dont even understand what i said do ya?...
Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.

I was just kidding. I will never surrender to you evil fascist fucks.

That's OK, we'll never surrender to little lying whiny basement boys either.
i agree.....and i will give them about a year to see where they are going.....

I supported Bush 43 in his first year as president
I fully supported anything he wanted after 9-11
However, once he invaded Iraq, he lost me for the rest of his presidency
the same here.....he listened to the wrong people,he should have gone after international terrorist no matter where they were,he had the world standing behind him on this willing to even help....if bush would have went the other way instead of to Iraq,he had a chance to be considered one of the better Presidents in history...........

Yeah, because tax cuts for the rich is such a brilliant way to stimulate the economy and the way Bush handled Hurricane Katrina was not a total fucking disaster. Not to mention that Bush was President in 2008 during the worse economic meltdown since the Great Depression.

You pretend you're above the fray, but the reality is you don't know very much and you're simply not very smart.

You dumb son of a bitch, you have no fucking clue what happened during Katrina. Katrina was the disaster it was because of the failed commiecrat government in LA and New Orleans. Instead of using available transportation assets to move people out of harms way, they chose to allow those assets to be destroyed during the floods and people to remain in the city. Disaster preparedness is a fucking State responsibility. LA failed miserably.

Disaster preparedness is actually more of a federal government responsibility. That's why organizations like FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security exist.

The Army Corp of Engineers built the levies in New Orleans and nobody in the Bush Administration was worried about the levies breaking. I guess you forgot all about that.

You don't know shit, Limbaugh boy. On you best day, I'm still 100 times smarter than your dumb ass.
Disaster preparedness is actually more of a federal government responsibility
in California it was local....is Louisiana different?....
Yes, you're going to whine about something Obama said as a young man (and I still don't know what that is) and simply ignore all of the horrible shit that Trump has said over the past 18 months.

You're a dishonest, piece of shit Repug racist and that's all there is to it.
Dude, you're being stupid. Obama said those things AFTER he was elected. Now, you might have been a child back then, but he was not. I told you what he said, yet you complain you don't know what he said?

What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

Last edited:
Dude, you're being stupid. Obama said those things AFTER he was elected. Now, you might have been a child back then, but he was not. I told you what he said, yet you complain you don't know what he said?

What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
Easy there tiger. Back in your Safe Space. You losin it. Look, you're just gonna have to accept that us Deplorables are running this shit now. There's gonna be a whole lotta pussy grabbin, and some other ill-type shit like that.

We won son! It's hooker & cocaine time now. Deal with it.

I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

LOSER!!! Literally, you and your side are the losers. Get over it and start making plans for 2020.

Or be a traitor for not recognizing your legitimate govt.
I don't need to impress anybody, fascist. I'm simply letting you fascists know that decent liberal Americans such as myself and the Democratic Senate minority are not going to let Trump and you evil mother fuckers destroy this country.

This is a put-on right? C'mon....you gotta let us off the hook.
What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president
What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
That's not true.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

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