I Stand On The Side Of Justice And Liberty With The Democrats. I Will Never Surrender To Evil.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

Yeah, that's why he told congressional republicans, in one of the earliest meetings with congress "I won, you lost", he sat the tone in that meeting. It happened on his third day in office. So just get over yourself already.
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request

They might have if the regressives didn't load it with pork and political favors.
No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

Yeah, that's why he told congressional republicans, in one of the earliest meetings with congress "I won, you lost", he sat the tone in that meeting. It happened on his third day in office. So just get over yourself already.
In their first meeting with the new president, Republicans chose to make demands rather than offer cooperation. They deserved a slap down
After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request

They might have if the regressives didn't load it with pork and political favors.
Yet they approved the same type of pork laden bill when Bush wanted it
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

No he didn't. He pushed through anything he wanted and told us to go to the back of the bus. He refused to rake any input on Obama are, for example and had to illegally deem it passed.

He still hasn't tried to work with Republicans

Far from it
In the Stimulus bill, Obama included 40 percent tax cuts and delegated disbursement so to the states
Not a single Republican would vote for it
Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP and stimulus money when Bush asked for it. Not a single Republican supported Obamas request
Both Barry and bush were/are progressives. Dip shit
"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

Yeah, that's why he told congressional republicans, in one of the earliest meetings with congress "I won, you lost", he sat the tone in that meeting. It happened on his third day in office. So just get over yourself already.
In their first meeting with the new president, Republicans chose to make demands rather than offer cooperation. They deserved a slap down

In other words, when Republicans offered their ideas and suggestions in good faith the president shot them down because he had absolutely no desire to work with them. He wanted them to screw their constituents and back him because he is an entitled little elite.

Funny. You've been denying all thread that this is what happened. Now suddenly you're willing to admit that Republicans did go to him with conditions they would work with and he is the one who refused to make any effort. You really should make up your mind
Yeah, I saw all those scum bags dims rioting for justice last night.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.


hope you get your way soon

3 hots and a cot for 4 to 6
Dude, you're being stupid. Obama said those things AFTER he was elected. Now, you might have been a child back then, but he was not. I told you what he said, yet you complain you don't know what he said?

What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

That was the tone Obama set from the start. Reality is, he was the leader, started off on the wrong foot, and never changed things. As for being a one term president, please don't embarrass yourself and say that you really believe the opposition EVER thinks anything different. They're never going to say, "Welcome aboard, we're going to do everything we can to give you a second term". IOW, it's a dumb argument.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
Your problem isn't with Trump, you know. Your real problem is with the American voters, who didn't do what you wanted them to do, and now you're acting like a 5 year old whose friends all decided to play a game she didn't want to play.
No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president

Yeah, that's why he told congressional republicans, in one of the earliest meetings with congress "I won, you lost", he sat the tone in that meeting. It happened on his third day in office. So just get over yourself already.
He could easily have changed the tone, met with opposition leaders and demonstrated that he was really willing to work with them, but did not.
Post #97, and Trump has nothing to do with it. We were talking about democrats refusing to compromise, remember? You were demonstrating your inability to discuss things in an adult, civil fashion, so I'm taking you to school and teaching you how it's done.

No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president
The GOP establishment did everything he ordered them to do. Dip shit
They were his lap dogs
No, Obama has never said anything remotely as divisive as Trump has over the past 18 months. And Obama did reach out to Republicans when he became President, Republicans simply had no interest in working with him. Mitch McConnell admitted this to other Republicans right after Obama was elected, for Christ sake. I guess you conveniently forget about this, just like the Repug's record number of filibusters.

The only one being dishonest is you. And if you don't like being called names, then you shouldn't have voted for a racist like Trump. Since you voted for him, you will now have to deal with being called a racist by liberals such as myself. The probability is that you are, indeed, a racist, based on all the polling that has been done of Trump supporters.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"
""elections have consequences"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'

After the GOP started making demands on the new President. They never offered to work with Obama...just started with ultimatums

We want to make you a one term President

The fact is that he did not reach out, he gloated and told them to go to hell.
I'm tired of that lie

Obama wasted two years reaching out thinking he could find middle ground. He was a fool

Republicans vowed to not support Obama on ANYTHING he did. Even issues they formerly supported. That is documented. So is the vow to make him a one term president
The GOP establishment did everything he ordered them to do. Dip shit
They were his lap dogs
In all seriousness, they gave him just about everything he demanded, especially if he was able to threaten a government shutdown if they didn't comply. I guess they could see how the game was played when they sent up bills to fund the entire government except for one program and Reid and Obama refused, yet managed to blame it on them.
It's a difference in understanding. To democrats cooperation means doing everything they say. Not so much with republicans.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.
If you don't get banned, you'll be put on ignore.

Get used to being ignored, Troll.

Why would you want to ignore him? He's hilarious!

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