I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Trump has no presidential qualities , he's the polar opposite of what a US president should be. Untrustworthy , irresponsible , lazy , devious , revengeful , egotistical to the point it adversely affects his thought processes. Which are getting. more and more extreme and unpredictable. In short the man is crazy. And you can't see that. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
You guys are really DESPERATE! You need to go back 30 years to find anything that can be used against Kamala in order to bring her down. She was 29 at the time. Don't 29 years old's still have sex without thinking of the consequences for the future? She was not married and Willie Brown had been divorced for 2 years, so the sex that occurred was consequential all the way. She has also never lied about it.

Evidently, you cannot find anything recent, such as Trump (while married and at age 61) having to pay for sex with Stormy Daniels, just 18 years ago and then paying her to keep quiet in 2016 (he lied about it).

So consensual sex between 2 unattached people is to be a degrading factor for Kamala but paid-for-with-a-prostitute sex while married and then lying about it is uplifting and a positive for Trump?

You are truly in love with Trump and kissing his ass no matter what he does. It is hilarious, and sad at the same time the lows you get to, to keep your incompetent and sick idol on a pedestal. What is worse (for you) is that you do it, again and again, and again, and again, and again, and again and etc. to the nth degree.

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The sexual prowess of each of these individuals has nothing to do with the presidential bid. It's the issue's and how they will manage those issue's for the people that is to be voted on. Everything else is just noise.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

So you're a diehard member of the MAGA cult and you're claiming to be absolutely clueless how anyone could possibly have a different viewpoint from you? Okay then...
If you got to try a person's entire life in hopes to bring the person down, then it proves that you are in great fear of losing something in the agenda, so what exactly is that something ? Is it so important that you all want to see a person killed over it ? Do tell....
A person generally does not change. If he was a criminal 50 years ago, he probably remains a criminal. The Justice system accept this kind of proof when a person's character is being judged
The sexual prowess of each of these individuals has nothing to do with the presidential bid. It's the issue's and how they will manage those issue's for the people that is to be voted on. Everything else is just noise.
So "managing those issues" by having sex with a prostitute while being married, paying her off to keep quiet and lying about it is better than managing the issue by admitting what you did sexually from the very start and not hiding anything? The former is not a reason to disqualify a candidate but the latter is?

We are talking about two "presidential bid" nominees here!
If you got to try a person's entire life in hopes to bring the person down, then it proves that you are in great fear of losing something in the agenda, so what exactly is that something ? Is it so important that you all want to see a person killed over it ? Do tell....
Trump cannot change or doesn't want to. He said it himself , he believes he's perfect. He actually believes he is right and the whole world is wrong.
A person generally does not change. If he was a criminal 50 years ago, he probably remains a criminal. The Justice system accept this kind of proof when a person's character is being judged
Wait a minute now, are you not of the ilk who is against profiling all suspects or suspected criminals in this country, otherwise even when it is warranted ???

And if you are, then are you like this using political purposes mainly ????

I'm trying to understand you people's logic here.

Example: Is it that you are against profiling some people that are being profiled by the proffèsionals when the profiling is being done, and it is that you are against this for some people all because some of the suspects or rather (in these big cities), a lot of the suspects might be black or brown people ??? Sometimes these people are people who fit the criminal profile of a suspect(s) when being profiled for criminal activities because the evidence is usually pointing straight at them, yet you figure because they are maybe black or brown people then hands off eh ???

So let's dig through Trumps past in the biggest profiling of an American in history, and do it for political ŕeasons, but it's ok because he's not a black or a brown person so we can get away with it on Trump right ???

You people are the biggest lop sided idiot hypocrites ever, but everyone knows why.

It's just like our unity with NATO countries, where as we as Americans might not agree with a style of governance or with many of their government platforms or cultural ways (i.e. France during the Olympics opening and closing), but we turn a blind eye for the sake of staying unified in order to fight the mean old devil's that are considered to be the enemies of the world.

Are conservatives who are good patriots (whether they are black, brown or white), your sworn enemies lucky ?????

If so then why ??? What is it that you are protecting that makes you attack Trump or conservatives like you are doing ?
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So "managing those issues" by having sex with a prostitute while being married, paying her off to keep quiet and lying about it is better than managing the issue by admitting what you did sexually from the very start and not hiding anything? The former is not a reason to disqualify a candidate but the latter is?

We are talking about two "presidential bid" nominees here!
Yeah and one you defend, and the other you prosecute although both are alleged to be guilty of sexual permiscuious activities.
Wait a minute now, are you not of the ilk who is against profiling all suspects or suspected criminals in this country, otherwise even when it is warranted ???

And if you are, then are you like this using political purposes mainly ????

I'm trying to understand you people's logic here.

Example: Is it that you are against profiling some people that are being profiled by the proffèsionals when the profiling is being done, and it is that you are against this for some people all because some of the suspects or rather (in these big cities), a lot of the suspects might be black or brown people ??? Sometimes these people are people who fit the criminal profile of a suspect(s) when being profiled for criminal activities because the evidence is usually pointing straight at them, yet you figure because they are maybe black or brown people then hands off eh ???

So let's dig through Trumps past in the biggest profiling of an American in history, and do it for political ŕeasons, but it's ok because he's not a black or a brown person so we can get away with it on Trump right ???

You people are the biggest lop sided idiot hypocrites ever, but everyone knows why.

It's just like our unity with NATO countries, where as we as Americans might not agree with a style of governance or with many of their government platforms or cultural ways (i.e. France during the Olympics opening and closing), but we turn a blind eye for the sake of staying unified in order to fight the mean old devil's that are considered to be the enemies of the world.

Are conservatives who are good patriots (whether they are black, brown or white), your sworn enemies lucky ?????

If so then why ??? What is it that you are protecting that makes you attack Trump or conservatives like you are doing ?
First of all, we (humans) do profile people automatically based on their actions, For example, if a person comes into your life and after beginning a conversation in which a disagreement occurs and says that you are a POS without knowing you, then we automatically profile that person as an angry person, a person that judges without having facts, and a person that does not give people the benefit of doubt.

You say that Trump has been the most profiled person ever, and that is true because he has made himself into one of the most publicly known persons ever. He SEEKS attention and as such, he makes himself and his opinions known to everyone.

Given that he has done this for his entire life, and more so when he got into politics and became president, we now have enough information that the profiling has become fact. If a person does something over again, it no longer is profiling, it is judging the person based on evidence.

I personally try not to profile people as doing so without having enough information about the person is wrong. Nonetheless, once a person has done something on numerous occasions and that person has been given the opportunity to explain himself and his explanation supports what the person has shown himself to be what you thought he was in the first place, then things become clear

One example using Trump. He has lied many times in his lifetime and when given the facts and been given the chance to acknowledge the truth, he calls them fake truths, you KNOW the man is a liar and someone that won't ever .fix what he is doing wrong.

Simply stated, he is no longer being profiled. He is now what he shows himself to be.
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I'm trying to understand you people's logic here.

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon. 240515 {post•224}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Trump used his freedom of speech to tell the world he activated a criminal plan to overturn the election he lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515 Spcotb00224

What is it that you are protecting that makes you attack Trump or conservatives like you are doing ?

It’s not logic. It’s is staring objectively at reality in the face of an evil degenerate human being who wants power over others at any cost.

We are protecting western liberal democracy and I am doing it for my grandchildren and specifically for my granddaughter for whom I have been babysitting full time since she was born 14 months ago.

J621 was an attempt by Don Trump to destroy western liberal democracy and that is not open for debate b cause he said it in his own words. He wanted to make the white Christian political movement’s adherents the “happiest people” by destroying western liberal democracy.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT
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both are alleged to be guilty of sexual permiscuious activities.

“alleged” and “legally and civilly found liable” are two entirely different things.

Your guy is a rapist.
First of all, we (humans) do profile people automatically based on their actions, For example, if a person comes into your life and after beginning a conversation in which a disagreement occurs and says that you are a POS without knowing you, then we automatically profile that person as an angry person, a person that judges without having facts, and a person that does not give people the benefit of doubt.

You say that Trump has been the most profiled person ever, and that is true because he has made himself into one of the most publicly known persons ever. He SEEKS attention and as such, he makes himself and his opinions known to everyone.

Given that he has done this for his entire life, and more so when he got into politics and became president, we now have enough information that the profiling has become fact. If a person does something over again, it no longer is profiling, it is judging the person based on evidence.

I personally try not to profile people as doing so without having enough information about the person is wrong. Nonetheless, once a person has done something on numerous occasions and that person has been given the opportunity to explain himself and his explanation supports what the person has shown himself to be what you thought he was in the first place, then things become clear

One example using Trump. He has lied many times in his lifetime and when given the facts and been given the chance to acknowledge the truth, he calls them fake truths, you KNOW the man is a liar and someone that won't ever .fix what he is doing wrong.

Simply stated, he is no longer being profiled. He is now what he shows himself to be.
And what exactly does your conclusions drawn, therefore figure him to be ????
The demented neo-Bolshevik Marxist retards NEED an oppressor to rail against constantly.
Trump is their Emmanuel Goldstein, and they need their two-minutes hate, but it's not two minutes it's 24/7/365.
The demented neo-Bolshevik Marxist retards NEED an oppressor to rail against constantly.
Trump is their Emmanuel Goldstein, and they need their two-minutes hate, but it's not two minutes it's 24/7/365.
Sometimes you get back what you put out.

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