I support a tax increase...

We need to raise money for the Treasury Dept....It’s time we lobby to reduce the Child Tax Credit...there’s just no way in hell we good, hard-working, productive folks should be forced to pay / reward bottom feeders for producing more of their dependent same. LETS FIGHT FOR IT!

I'll support nothing but a straight across the board flat tax for everyone, no exclusions, no exemptions, no credits and no write offs. What ever the source of income regardless of how much or how little it's taxed at the same exact rate. Now that's trully a fair share while everything else is just so much bullshit and pandering.
So how are those just making ens meet supposed to pay?
So, the people that cry about freedom want to restrict when people can have kids, when they can't get abortions & how they get birth control.

These assfucks can't get these things are all related.

Haha...you kinda just exposed yourself...See, only a real winner would believe that good Americans should be forced to pay for the children of bad Americans. I’m certain you are super successful.

I asked a question. How much money are you going to require people to hse before they can have a baby?

What happens when they lose their job, get sick, a spouse dies,, do they have to give their kid back?

Poor people are now bad people?

You do realize you people demand that people be paid the minimum wage as it is now & yet these people would have jobs & work & you assfucks wouldn't allow them to have babies?
Wow, you little Nazi fuck.

"I asked a question. How much money are you going to require people to hse before they can have a baby?"
Enough to pay their own way...weird concept huh?

"What happens when they lose their job, get sick, a spouse dies,, do they have to give their kid back?"
I'll cover their filthy asses for a predetermined period of time.

"Poor people are now bad people?"
Bad people have children and then force me to pay for them...weird huh?

"You do realize you people demand that people be paid the minimum wage as it is now & yet these people would have jobs & work & you assfucks wouldn't allow them to have babies?"
Adults should never work minimum wage jobs...if an adult is too ignorant to advance his/her financial status they have no business procreating.

Look bud, its no secret, filth will always side with other filth...you are "them"....Your position on the matter is exactly what it should be. You're doing a great job following programming.
Filth sides with filth as your support for Trump verifies.

I want a dollar figure. $30K a year? 40k? What if they want two kids?

So, if a woman has sex & has an unwanted pregnancy below your income level, then what?
So now a woman who loses her husband to cancer & has a couple hundrdr K of bills is filthy?

I am glad you support the livable wage efforts.
We need to raise money for the Treasury Dept....It’s time we lobby to reduce the Child Tax Credit...there’s just no way in hell we good, hard-working, productive folks should be forced to pay / reward bottom feeders for producing more of their dependent same. LETS FIGHT FOR IT!

I'll support nothing but a straight across the board flat tax for everyone, no exclusions, no exemptions, no credits and no write offs. What ever the source of income regardless of how much or how little it's taxed at the same exact rate. Now that's trully a fair share while everything else is just so much bullshit and pandering.
So how are those just making ens meet supposed to pay?
What's end? Either everyone pays or no one should pay. If everyone pays the same percentage it's fair and equally painful. Well it's not really fair to the rich because they're kicking in more dollars but using the same or less of the resources but I have a way to make it more democratic. Everyone earmarks how the tax dollars they paid in are spent, dollar for dollar. That is if you pay in more, you get more say so but no more than you pay for. It simply couldn't be more fair or more democratic. Super easy to plan for too. All of a sudden the gubberment has to make you happy or you get to cut them off. Everyone is happier because no one is spending your tax dollars on idiotic crap you don't like. If you want to pay some deadbeat to sit on his dead ass and study art, fine it's your money but if you don't like me spending mine on the military and roads, that's just tough titty and is democracy in action, bitch. One thing is for sure, we'd soon see where the bear shits in the buckwheat
We need to raise money for the Treasury Dept....It’s time we lobby to reduce the Child Tax Credit...there’s just no way in hell we good, hard-working, productive folks should be forced to pay / reward bottom feeders for producing more of their dependent same. LETS FIGHT FOR IT!

I'll support nothing but a straight across the board flat tax for everyone, no exclusions, no exemptions, no credits and no write offs. What ever the source of income regardless of how much or how little it's taxed at the same exact rate. Now that's trully a fair share while everything else is just so much bullshit and pandering.
So how are those just making ens meet supposed to pay?

Top Ramen diets?
Fall short of “making ends meet”?
Cut overhead..no big screen TV or weed?
Don’t get that pit bull?
Better yourself and get a better job?
Fuck, the choices are endless.

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