I think it's time for a class action lawsuit against the MSM...

Campaign finance violations...They're in-kind contributors.

I think there's a much better case for that against Google, Twitter and Facebook that use government funded infrastructure to operate and yet are just directly attempting to subvert elections. That they still get immunity as a "platform" is beyond pathetic at this point. I'm not sure how you make that case against the left media though as terrible and corrupt as they are
I think you are right, and wrong. Social media platforms sells your future behaviour. They have no interest in manipulating an election, I think it’s worse than that.
We are slowly adapting to seek confirmation for all aspects of our life in social media.

Tell that to the people in China living under the Social Credit System.
My vote and millions of others like me has been corrupted by the MSM.
I suggest we all file a class action suit that declares because of the the biased news provided to the voting public decisions made by the voting public were swayed and thus not submitted with complete information.
For example, the MSM announced Biden's elected state, without the final states being determined...before the election was completed!
Now for proof that the BIASED MSM influenced these uninformed voters look at the attached and explain how the BIASED MSM can be trusted in the future to deliver the news objectively!
I suggest those of us that have been directly injured by the MSM's biased reporting to calculate our respective losses and sue the major players, i.e. CNN,Fox News, ABC,CBS,etc. for at the minimum of $5,000 times 10 million of us or $50 billion. I'm sure there are some lawyers amongst us that might take this up!
View attachment 413313
.....to hell with that--time to exterminate those bastards with extreme prejudice
Atta boy!

When in doubt, forget the constitution and turn to mob violence!

When are you idiots going to learn?
AND enemies of the state can be destroyed/executed/killed/etc
You have no authority to rely on misinformed hyperbole to name who you consider to be "enemies of the state"!
if you don't know they are enemies, then you don't have a brain
My vote and millions of others like me has been corrupted by the MSM.
I suggest we all file a class action suit that declares because of the the biased news provided to the voting public decisions made by the voting public were swayed and thus not submitted with complete information.
For example, the MSM announced Biden's elected state, without the final states being determined...before the election was completed!
Now for proof that the BIASED MSM influenced these uninformed voters look at the attached and explain how the BIASED MSM can be trusted in the future to deliver the news objectively!
I suggest those of us that have been directly injured by the MSM's biased reporting to calculate our respective losses and sue the major players, i.e. CNN,Fox News, ABC,CBS,etc. for at the minimum of $5,000 times 10 million of us or $50 billion. I'm sure there are some lawyers amongst us that might take this up!
View attachment 413313
.....to hell with that--time to exterminate those bastards with extreme prejudice
Atta boy!

When in doubt, forget the constitution and turn to mob violence!

When are you idiots going to learn?
not mob violence but JUSTICE/freedom fighter/etc
You go ahead and rationalize, Rambo.

Since when has violent action been involved in the American electoral system ever promoted democracy and benefited the union?

Violence, by mob, conspiracy or an individual is criminal at best, treasonous at worst. And may those who opt for either suffer the full consequences under law.
the American Revolution!!!! DUH!!!
Suing the media would be a waste of time & money.

I think that it is obvious what the verdict would be if the jury were in New York City or Washington, D.C., or San Francisco or Atlanta or Minneapolis, etc.

If people really, really, really want to stick it to the media, do not subscribe to the media (I canceled my subscription to the Los Angeles Times more than a year ago. Apparently, a lot of other people have, too. It's now in deep financial doo-doo.)

I have never been to those platforms called Twitter or Facebook. If one thinks that they are unfair, then one should stop visiting them.
At the Battle of Athens.
My vote and millions of others like me has been corrupted by the MSM.
I suggest we all file a class action suit that declares because of the the biased news provided to the voting public decisions made by the voting public were swayed and thus not submitted with complete information.
For example, the MSM announced Biden's elected state, without the final states being determined...before the election was completed!
Now for proof that the BIASED MSM influenced these uninformed voters look at the attached and explain how the BIASED MSM can be trusted in the future to deliver the news objectively!
I suggest those of us that have been directly injured by the MSM's biased reporting to calculate our respective losses and sue the major players, i.e. CNN,Fox News, ABC,CBS,etc. for at the minimum of $5,000 times 10 million of us or $50 billion. I'm sure there are some lawyers amongst us that might take this up!
View attachment 413313
.....to hell with that--time to exterminate those bastards with extreme prejudice
Atta boy!

When in doubt, forget the constitution and turn to mob violence!

When are you idiots going to learn?
not mob violence but JUSTICE/freedom fighter/etc
You go ahead and rationalize, Rambo.

Since when has violent action been involved in the American electoral system ever promoted democracy and benefited the union?

Violence, by mob, conspiracy or an individual is criminal at best, treasonous at worst. And may those who opt for either suffer the full consequences under law.
It is an incorrect myth that the news media is supposed to provide a check on the government.
In that case the news media does not deserve special protection in the 1st Amendment
But they get it. Can you say "Establishment" ?
What special protections do the commercial reporting organizations receive? The "establishment" term is forbidding any special protections to organizations.

Why do you believe that it is the responsibility of commercial reporting to conduct a check on the government??? Do you understand how dangerous investigative reporting is??? Have you ever considered the possibility that such is very limited, because the insurance liability for the reporters, much less slander???
What special protections do the commercial reporting organizations receive? The "establishment" term is forbidding any special protections to organizations.
Are you an American citizen who has ever had a civics class.

the 1st Amendment protects freedom of the press

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
What special protections do the commercial reporting organizations receive? The "establishment" term is forbidding any special protections to organizations.
Are you an American citizen who has ever had a civics class? The 1st Amendment protects freedom of the press.
My fault, I do not associate the term "press," to be specific to the news reporting industry as you do, because it is not specific - it is universal to all organizations and individuals to publish whatever they want.
And you're suggesting that we need to regulate the commercial reporting companies to publish reports about the government that the government approves of as being truthful and accurate, and etc.??? Is that what you are suggesting, or what do I have wrong???
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What special protections do the commercial reporting organizations receive? The "establishment" term is forbidding any special protections to organizations.
Are you an American citizen who has ever had a civics class.

the 1st Amendment protects freedom of the press

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
First of all you need to quote the Constitution accurately and since it is so easy to do so why are you so typically lazy to do what took me
less then two minutes to find and repeat? But see that's the influence of the MSM on people like...people with less than a 30 second attention span!

The freedom to falsify information in order to influence my vote? That's not what the freedom of the press is about. In fact here is the specifics just to be clear:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
NOTE: no law prohibiting free exercise or abridging the press".
But ...we can hold accountable anybody who has communicated the defamatory statement to anybody else. That includes the person who originated the defamatory statement, but under something called the republication rule, it also includes anybody who repeated the defamatory statement.
So what is the defamatory statement made by the MSM that has been proven 100% false and DEFAMATORY...
Biden: "Folks, look, from the day he announced, from the moment he came down that escalator, what did he say in New York?”
“He said, ‘We’re going to go out and get those rapist Mexicans. Rapist Mexicans,'” Biden claimed. “He put a ban on all Muslims coming to the United States. And the way he talked about the African-American community. The way he talked about the Hispanic community.”

TOTAL LIE! This is exactly what Trump said:
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” he continued. “It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you,” he said, pointing to the crowd.
“They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,”
Trump said.
So where did Trump say they are going to get those rapist Mexicans?

To me when CNN/ABC/etc.. repeat Biden's speech they are committing FALE NEWS! Defamatory statement that alters people's perceptions
of Trump. NONE of which Trump ever SAID!
And for that reason we need to sue MSM. The repeat knowingly false statements by Biden..knowingly! Defamation of my character in the process.
What special protections do the commercial reporting organizations receive? The "establishment" term is forbidding any special protections to organizations.
Are you an American citizen who has ever had a civics class? The 1st Amendment protects freedom of the press.
My fault, I do not associate the term "press," to be specific to the news reporting industry as you do, because it is not specific - it is universal to all organizations and individuals to publish whatever they want.
And you're suggesting that we need to regulate the commercial reporting companies to publish reports about the government that the government approves of as being truthful and accurate, and etc.??? Is that what you are suggesting, or what do I have wrong???
Lets back up before you drive both of us nuts

You said:
It is an incorrect myth that the news media is supposed to provide a check on the government.
and I replied:

In that case the news media does not deserve special protection in the 1st Amendment

I dont have any specific remedy in mind for lying lib media.

orther consigning them to Hell when their number is up.

but I do want them held to a higher standard than they are getting away with today
Let the MSM rot away. The best solution is to boycott them and the Surveillance Media who control them. Get your news from independent sources, don't use Google, FB or Twitter, etc.

Let them see how they like it when 50% of the audience deserts them.
I use to check Drudge Report frequently every day....until Drudge Report was taken over by Granite Cubed. Owned by Margaret Otto Granite Cubed changed the name to Voranda Inc


The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Why?​

Yet the controversy over tech companies restricting the spread of a story unflattering to the Democratic presidential contender was nowhere to be seen in the upper half of The Drudge Report—once the most coveted and agenda-setting real estate in right-of-center media.

So today I get me daily news coverage from CITIZEN FREE PRESS which doesn't have the same leanings as Drudge moved towards with the Alphabet Inc., Google subsidiaries, and YouTube all detest President Trump and everything on the Drudge Report has switched from supporting conservative sites and our president to leftwing media who despises President Donald Trump and his supporters. Drudge’s links now go to mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC. Conservative media is rarely seen anymore.
Faux Not News, the largest of cables MSM, should be sued again and again for lies and falsehoods it has spread over the years.

I use to check Drudge Report frequently every day....until Drudge Report was taken over by Granite Cubed. Owned by Margaret Otto Granite Cubed changed the name to Voranda Inc


The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Why?​

Yet the controversy over tech companies restricting the spread of a story unflattering to the Democratic presidential contender was nowhere to be seen in the upper half of The Drudge Report—once the most coveted and agenda-setting real estate in right-of-center media.

So today I get me daily news coverage from CITIZEN FREE PRESS which doesn't have the same leanings as Drudge moved towards with the Alphabet Inc., Google subsidiaries, and YouTube all detest President Trump and everything on the Drudge Report has switched from supporting conservative sites and our president to leftwing media who despises President Donald Trump and his supporters. Drudge’s links now go to mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC. Conservative media is rarely seen anymore.

Just one question for you.
Do you believe the 6,780,000 results on Google that "Trump said drink bleach"?
Just one question for you.
Do you believe the 6,780,000 results on Google that "Trump said drink bleach"?
Now while she searches, here is the answer:
This is the exact statement that Trump made and nowhere was the word "bleach" used!
I am quoting Trump exactly..
During Thursday's White House coronavirus task force briefing,
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting,
" the president continued.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
Now will she be honest and say the word "bleach" was not used and that the person who did say "bleach" was:
Joe Biden said..: "And when it comes to COVID-19, after months of doing nothing, other than predicting the virus would disappear, or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, Trump has simply given up"

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