I think it's time for a class action lawsuit against the MSM...

The news media is under no obligation to deliver truth.

It is an incorrect myth that the news media is supposed to provide a check on the government.
It is no myth, it is part of our inception, our founding. It can be read in our Founding Documents in The Federalist Papers.

Is the media under a 'legal' obligation? No, because they can't be compelled to be truthful. Without a delineated punishment, there is no law, only a suggestion.

But, the media being the lying, partisan, complete and total scumbags they are today runs squarely against what out Founding Fathers envisioned.

IMO, Courts could, and SHOULD, find that certain outlets are not part of any media and therefore, 'Freedom of the Press' doesn't apply because they are nothing more than propaganda outlets.

The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to propaganda outlets
It can be read in our Founding Documents in The Federalist Papers.

Please provide the sample quotation about the responsibility of the commercial reporting.

The Federalist Papers are not founding documents. They are political campaign propaganda.

Federalist_51 - C&B.png
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The US Government think they are Founding Documents but who are they compared to your vast knowledge and intellect?

You missed the keyword from the annotation

Screenshot at 2023-12-20 17-16-48.png

Where's the quotation you were fake newsing?
Let the MSM rot away. The best solution is to boycott them and the Surveillance Media who control them. Get your news from independent sources, don't use Google, FB or Twitter, etc.

Let them see how they like it when 50% of the audience deserts them.

The left don't persuade and never negotiate, they bash your head in as the Stalinists they are

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