I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

how did he lose if we got record purchases from china?

and if the deficits in mexico are getting smaller? or for that matter a better deal as promised

Both deficits with both countries have only increased. He lied, American lost. The tRump way.
you have no provided proof they increased in mexico

and the deal with china was to get better deals…and we did

we will never have a zero deficit with china and trump never promised that
Both deficits with both countries have only increased. He lied, American lost. The tRump way.
you have no provided proof they increased in mexico

and the deal with china was to get better deals…and we did

we will never have a zero deficit with china and trump never promised that

I did provide the proof on Mexico when I edited my earlier post up thread. Go look at it.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
Let's see them.
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.
I can't imagine many Texans wanting to move to a lesser state just because we cast off the albatross of the US government.

Unless they are welfare dolees fearing a reduction in the freebies. They won't own land or houses unless they are frauds.

I'll happily pay their moving costs to be rid of them. Enjoy!
2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.
Fine. Mexico and Canada will be eager to work with The Republic of Texas.
3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

Won't need it.
4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.
5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.
We have a big coastline. No problem. We'll be in OPEC.
7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
That's up to y'all.

Mexico allows us in with a passport card and doesn't really enforce that. The like our Texas money. You may want to ask Lake Charles, and Kinder, Louisiana if they want it to be difficult for Texans to visit.

Your call, though.

Alright we're good. Just say when.
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Oh and any US companies will be barred from operating out of Texas. If a company wanted to receive tax benefits of being registered with the US, they have to move out of Texas.

If Texas secedes, Texas-based companies won't pay ANY U.S. taxes.

I think you're confused about thst or you just misstated your point.
you have no provided proof they increased in mexico

and the deal with china was to get better deals…and we did

we will never have a zero deficit with china and trump never promised that

I did provide the proof on Mexico when I edited my earlier post up thread. Go look at it.
Please provide it again, so I don't have to hunt through the pages.

If Texas secedes, Texas-based companies won't pay ANY U.S. taxes.

I think you're confused about thst or you just misstated your point.
Texas companies would have to incorporate subsidiaries in the US. Those would be taxed at US rates. The Texas one would be taxed at whatever corporate rate it would have.

Remember, by itself, Texas would have to have an income and other taxes just like the US does. It would not be able to fund its national level operations (military, etc.) without it. Further, without the US there would be no SS, no Medicare, Medicaid or public assistance, no military, no mail, unless legislation were enacted and paid for.

Texas would also be subject to the highest international tariffs from other countries (including the US) as they are no longer under the US agreements. No NAFTA, GATT, or other agreements.

What does Texas do when Louisiana shrimp boats encroach into its waters? How about a Chinese cruiser?

Also what happens with the pipelines? Without agreement the US would shut those down. It might also keep the Permian for giggles.
Please provide it again, so I don't have to hunt through the pages.

Now you are being lazy. It is there, fine it. Or do not.
So you havne't proven any of your claims...

Meanwhile, Trump got a better deal then NAFTA...even according to Xiden

and got record purchases from China, and left Xiden in a great place...what he did after that, was on him

Trump's gift to Biden: Record ag exports to China​

U.S. farm sales and shipments to China have surged since late last year, most notably for corn, the Agriculture Department said.

Trump clearly delivered
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
Makes sense. With them, it's always been Texas first and to hell with the rest of the country.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.

Bye, y'all!


hahaha texas cant even provide electric to their state much less the other services needed...

how much does texas get from federal govt?

your broke asses aint going nowhere

It's easy to scream silly shit like SECEDE! until you're confronted with reality.

Lol, they would find out about Sherman bow ties.

Stop threatening to secede.

Another reason why no state can ‘secede.’

Residents of Texas would remain citizens of the United States – whether they like it or not.

Needless to say, not all residents of Texas would want to ‘secede,’ they’ll want to remain US citizens.

And because no citizen may have his citizenship taken from him against his will, residents of Texas will remain US citizens.

Of course, those who want to ‘secede’ are at liberty to renounce their US citizenship and leave the country to live somewhere else.
Look at these posters….they all bitch about “DIVISION” and divisive rhetoric and here they are.
26.5 million Texans they’re talking shit about while 20-40 million unvetted illegal wetbacks roam our streets, destroy our institutions and and fuck us over and none of these dumbfucks every say anything about them.
I’m telling you folks….we want these leftists in Auschwitz style concentration camps….NOW!
Look at these posters….they all bitch about “DIVISION” and divisive rhetoric and here they are.
26.5 million Texans they’re talking shit about while 20-40 million unvetted illegal wetbacks roam our streets, destroy our institutions and and fuck us over and none of these dumbfucks every say anything about them.
I’m telling you folks….we want these leftists in Auschwitz style concentration camps….NOW!
Typical leftist love of concentration camps ^^^^^^^. :rolleyes:
Texas companies would have to incorporate subsidiaries in the US. Those would be taxed at US rates. The Texas one would be taxed at whatever corporate rate it would have.
If we had a corporate tax rate.
Remember, by itself, Texas would have to have an income and other taxes just like the US does. It would not be able to fund its national level operations (military, etc.) without it. Further, without the US there would be no SS, no Medicare, Medicaid or public assistance, no military, no mail, unless legislation were enacted and paid for.
We'll vote on how much of all that we want and how to pay for it. We don't "have to have" an income tax, social security and medicare, in the United States or in a Republic of Texas 2.0.

The U.S. got along fine without income tax until the explosion of big government inspired by European socialism.
Texas would also be subject to the highest international tariffs from other countries (including the US) as they are no longer under the US agreements. No NAFTA, GATT, or other agreements.
I doubt it, but even if you're right, so, what? We can easily sustain ourselves.
What does Texas do when Louisiana shrimp boats encroach into its waters? How about a Chinese cruiser?
The shrimp boat sounds pretty easy to sink, so it could be warned off with no problem. We'd need coast guard to protect us from illegal aliens from the East Coast.

Since we won't be meddling in China's business, I see no reason they would send a cruiser.
Also what happens with the pipelines? Without agreement the US would shut those down. It might also keep the Permian for giggles.
You must be kidding?

Biden is already shut down pipelines that benefit Texas, in favor of those that enrich Russia. Whether the lesser 49 get Texas oil will depend on whether the U.S. president at any given time wants them to have cheaper gasoline.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.
i thought Trump got rid of NAFTA?

or did you not hear about that bc you were too busy watching fake news?

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