I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
How will you enforce your tyranny on Texas? Are you going to invade them?

Freaking Left Tard Fascist.
Conservatives want Texas to ‘leave’ the Union to make it even more of a neo-fascist hellhole.

Once no longer subject to that pesky Constitution, conservatives can reinstate segregation, deny persons of color the right to vote (a right that will no longer exist), further relegate women to second-class citizens, expel all immigrants absent due process (another right that will no longer exist), establish Christianity as the official state religion, ban Islam subject to criminal prosecution, and criminalize being gay and transgender.

It's a rightwing dream come true.
If it wasn't for making stuff up, what arguments would you have?
How many are?

Texas grew 1.29% from 2019 to 2020. Its current population is 29,360,759, a growth of 373,965 from 2019. This means that Texas's population grows by over 1,000 people per day. Texas has the fifth-highest birth rate in the U.S. of 13.2 births per 100,000 people. However, only 40% of its population growth is attributed to natural increases, while 60% is due to net migration.

Don't forget the military bases...they remain in U.S. hands OR the land needs to be bought by Texas at market price AFTER all soldiers, equipment, etc. is removed.
If the U.S purchased them, the Texas will consider purchasing them. However, i doubt that's the case.
you haven’t produced the numbers from mexico

no but it did get us some much better deals…record purchases from china

Edited previous post. But we are still increasing deficits with both nations. tRump lost bigley with both. The opposite what was promised.
how did he lose if we got record purchases from china?

and if the deficits in mexico are getting smaller? or for that matter a better deal as promised
Edited previous post. But we are still increasing deficits with both nations. tRump lost bigley with both. The opposite what was promised.
how did he lose if we got record purchases from china?

and if the deficits in mexico are getting smaller? or for that matter a better deal as promised

Both deficits with both countries have only increased. He lied, American lost. The tRump way.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.

Assholes like you are just as bad as the assholes who spew about secession.

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